Everything You Go Through In This Life Is Preparation To Join The Military... In The Afterlife And Be A Servant Of The Lunar Boss/Queen. Fear, Obedience, Love For War Are The Main 3 Lessons/Programs Of Earth School/Boot Camp While You're Here.
Go back to the beginning of your life and pay attention and you'll notice this same pattern to repeat all the way to now. The pattern is "Fear, Obedience, Love For War" The first to program/brainwash us into this are our parents, then the schools and religion, then the military where in most countries it's mandatory for every one to serve at 18, then our employers on our job, our government, police etc. Fear your parents, teachers, authority, bosses/employers be obedient and love conflict/competition/war/die for your country/god etc. I found hilarious and frightening the insidious brainwashing to love war(apart from fear god/lunar boss and obedience) religions do to kids when they step foot in a church. I was like if these religions were created in our time these angels would be holding machine guns like in movie legion. I took notice earth school is devil's bootcamp/school when i looked back when i was in usmc bootcamp and the drill instructors gave us strict in...