Jesus Transformed Into A Super Saiyan On Top Of A Mountain!

 The majority of the masses are religious then they turn around and mock anyone who might attempt to even suspect the things they show us in cartoons and movies to be possible.
I assume they would come with this excuse "yeah but jesus is god or the son of the father(where cough we are too according to religion)"
and i would reply to them "religion says god made us in his image and likeness" so if human jesus can transform to super saiyan then we too can.

And here's where things go haywire.

I noticed this important detail that jesus achieved his super saiyan transformation on top of a mountain where air is much different than on sea level and i suspect with much less worms in it!

So i googled "is mountain air good for you" and couldnt believe my eyes!

"We've known since the 1920s (that) if you go to really high altitudes you will lose weight," Robert Roach, director of the Altitude Research Center, told The Chicago Tribune."

That reminded me dr bob beck who lost 200 pounds after killing the parasites within him with his electrical device and i suspect high altitudes are killing the worms within and the reason people lose a lot of weight when at high altitudes.
Similar to how a fighter pilot in a news story killed a rat in his plane afraid it will chew on cables by flying at very high altitudes.
So i suspect worms dont like high altitudes!

"Indeed, recent research has also confirmed a link between altitude and weight loss. For instance: One 2013 study showed that living at sea level is associated with a four to five times higher risk of obesity, compared with people living at the highest altitudes in Colorado. Another study showed that even visiting the mountains for as short as one week can spur weight loss. With these findings, it's no surprise that mountain states -- like Colorado, Utah and Vermont -- hold some of the lowest obesity rates in the country."


"It also lowers the risk of heart disease.
Those who live at higher altitudes also have a lower risk of dying from ischemic heart disease, according to research published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. "Lower oxygen levels turn on certain genes and we think those genes may change the way heart muscles function. They may also produce new blood vessels that create new highways for blood flow into the heart," study researcher Benjamin Honigman, M.D., director of the Altitude Medicine Clinic, said in a statement."

Wim Hof
-When you can keep your lungs empty of oxygen for more than 1.5 minutes certain genes wake up in you and fix any problem, mental and physical in your body!!!!!!

And his opposition buteyko breathing says the many breaths wim hof has you take before go for holding your breath with no air/oxygen in your lungs it doesnt charge your body with oxygen but it simply tricks the brain mechanism that you dont need to breath and the reason you can go for so long without breathing saying also of that to be very dangerous as you deprive your brain and body from oxygen.

Now thanks to the mountain intel from the news articles of google, the fear gas/air/oxygen=(means toxic gene in greek, also air=ira=hera/satan in greek, ari=god of war/hate in greek) of batman/scarecrow, the miracles that happen according to wim hof with the absence of oxygen/air in the lungs and why jesus had to be on top of a mountain in order to transform to his god/super saiyan/superman form, i connected all the dots guys!

The air or whatever is in it is the major bottleneck!

-Breath it in, that's fear!


The news article says
"they can produce new blood vessels that create new highways for blood flow into the heart"
That's transforming the human body!

 "Not only does the fresh air on mountaintops mean less pollution, fewer cases of acute respiratory symptoms and easier breathing for those with asthma, but one of the more prevalent scents at high altitudes -- pine --also has its perks. One study, for instance, showed that walking through pine decreases hostility(god of war), depression and stress(fear!)."

"Research shows mountains may even help you live longer.
Yes, living on or among mountains could actually have an impact on life span. We certainly have anecdotal evidence, such as 132-year-old Hafeezullah and his fellow centenarians who live in a remote part of the Lower Himalayan Range's Kashmir. Data also points to an association between longevity and mountain living: Of the top 10 U.S. counties for longevity, seven were high-altitude ones in Colorado, according to The Chicago Tribune."

My grandma in greece is about to hit 100 and she lives on a mountain, until 70 she was living on sea level and was always in physical pain, when she moved to the mountain all pain went away!

No wonder why so many humans have a drive to climb mountains like in the subconscious level they are aware how important and healthy that is.

Then the russian researcher comes to mind with his video "there are no forests on earth" that proves the lunar scum in old times butchered all mountains/ancient giant trees and now i know why, cause they dont want us to reach high altitudes that can transform us to super saiyan jesus/goku style.

A cartoon came to mind i was watching when kid where the super heroes one time lost all their powers when fell into a crater and had to climb out of it for their powers to come back and their magical weapons to come back online.


That's the antarctic circle.

Sun extracted from within earth intel!

Hahaha that's the dardanelles gun!
Damn i need to play this game again!

I was practicing the wim hof method when i had leukemia and was never able to break the 1.5 minute barrier.
I became a non believer after but now i suspect if i manage to reach 3 minutes that's a whole 1.5 minutes for the sleeping genes within to wake up and do shit.(they must be really badass if they manage to accomplish anything in such short time frame)
Wim hof said you can command them with thoughts, whatever problem you have think of it and command them to fix it.

I'm still hard to believe but now i have data that backs up his claims and can understand the science/magic behind it.

I'd rather build some giant bonefires and have heat purify the air around me than climbing a cold ass mountain. I used to love cold and cold showers, now i love fire, especially liquid fire/cayenne extract, cold let me down when i had leukemia while fire/heat helped me a lot after chemo.

I read medical articles yesterday that inflammation/heat stimulates regeneration and repair in the human body as it kills all nasty stuff, melts debris and creates a friendly environment for repair and regeneration.
Wim hof bashes inflammation as the cause for all disease where in reality is the body's defense mechanism against diseases that love cold(what he promotes) and that's why we get sick easier in winter than summer as diseases and worms/parasites thrive in cold environments.

Criminal hospitals when you get fevers above 103f they put you on ice blankets which is counterproductive to what the human body tries to accomplish.

I remember when i had leukemia i got a big pain in my elbow, could barely lift that thing, and when was taking a cold shower the water that was falling from my elbow was super hot!
I was amazed at my human body how it can raise the heat at insane levels on topical parts of the body while the rest of the body keeps a regular temperature.

This showed to me our human bodies have amazing intelligence and abilities and like gerson said "a healthy human body cannot get sick as it has godlike defenses!", that's why they poison us with toxic food, water and air to weaken us before sending their man made viruses to cause havoc or the nasty opportunist genes within cause cancer and all kind of other problems.

I personally poisoned myself with toxic amazon supplements especially zinc 50mg(which zinc is a metal what vampires were using to kill the lycans in underworld movies or prevent them from transforming) and i was losing a fountain of blood(like Talos of crete) from taking serrapeptase(every time i had a bowel movement) as i have a hemorrhoid that bleeds sometimes and when taking serrapeptase it was bleeding every time and a hell lot.

It was a recipe for disaster and straight death, i'm super lucky i survived it.

By the way my dentist told me every time she took zinc she became anemic and in amazon one star reviews countless others get anemic too after taking zinc.
Ted from earthclinic site said many people during winter overdose on zinc so they dont get the flu and they get leukemia instead!

The zinc i was taking after 3 months of taking it every day it started making me sick in my stomach, puking after taking it and lying on bed all day, then soon after i got leukemia.

Also anemia is the road to leukemia as is exactly what it did to me and medical articles at google say anemia is related to bone marrow cancers.(holy damn in greek anemia means air! now i dont trust air at all!)
I dont understand how zinc supplements are allowed on the market especially the 50mg ones after so many people get anemic soon after taking them.

I got into zinc cause i was always low on energy from being vegan for 10 years and dr berg on youtube was recommending zinc supplements and how we're all deficient and other doctors were saying it cures diabetes, herpes etc, it looked like a miracle supplement that's why i took it. Turns out it was dbz metal cooler/devil and no different than the soft metal vaccines of hospitals and the soft metals we breath in the air thanks to the chemtrails.

It's mind blowing how the fact they are spraying us with soft metals says it to our face that we are the lycans/super saiyans and they fear of our return and go overboard with the soft metals spraying batman/scarecrow style.


  1. I recently discovered the wim hof stuff as well. I wonder if there is a trick to what he promotes. It seems pretty straightforward but as we know it’s hard to get a true and pure teaching in this realm without some kind of poison involved.

    1. wim hof practices his breathing technique every day so i suspect he must have woken some sleeping genes for good that help him fight diseases, withstand cold etc.
      The secret and where all the money are in his technique is holding your breath with no air in the lungs for more than 2 minutes and practicing it daily.
      one guy in his video got paralyzed while doing it so i recommend not to do it alone.
      another guy was started seeing hallucinations/got augmented vision while holding his breath with no air in his lungs and wim hof told him "he/wim hof has seen all the lights" implying all the invisible world that surrounds us.

      also wim hof claims he has made guys and women that couldn't do 1 pushup to do 70 with no air in the lungs, again we see super saiyan abilities are waking up when we have no air in the lungs. i'm going to try do pullups with no air in the lungs and see how it goes.

    2. in short wim hof's abilities have nothing to do with cold, he woke up some sleeping genes and since he climbs mountains all the time those genes helped him a lot there and the cold/satan/freeza deceived him into thinking it was the cold that unlock his abilities where cold had nothing to do with it other than providing an obstacle for his awaken genes from his breathing technique to dominate.

      it's sad that he distracts the masses with the cold and little attention he gives to the breathing technique which technique deserves all the attention.
      As he said himself you can withstand extreme heat too after doing his technique and do a shit ton of push-ups.

      To clear things up and make things simple for the masses to understand he should have said.

      "Here do this breathing technique, it wakes up sleeping genes that will help you with any obstacle you have in your life be it diseases, climbing mountains,, extreme cold, heat, push ups, running marathons etc"


    3. Dude, Don't hold your breath while exerting yourself, that's how I almost got an anyuerysm. Sure, you could probably work your way up to it but that shit could be dangerous if you hyper-exert yourself. Like start with walking first.

      Interestingly enough, I had a friend who practiced something called "Cobra breathing, where he'd train himself to only breath once ever 10 minutes or an hour. Another phenomena one experiences during deep meditation is longer deeper breaths. Another interesting phenomena about holding breath is that it can lead to higher intelligence and even lucid dreaming because of higher oxygenation to the blood. In the IQ building and lucid dream communities I hung out in, it was a common technique told your breath in the pool to stimulate lucid dreams.

      Another thing to consider is that professional divers hold their breath for massively long periods of time under great pressure but they don't get super powers. So rather than the cold it must have something to do with elevation and the energy around you com ined with the oxygen deprivation, you also might have to experience INTENSE trauma in tandem for abilities to finally come out. Hence why the plasma apocalypse could very well be the event to awaken people's abilities because itd combine so many factors at once.

    4. Thank you for the advice, i was thinking not to play anyways as we are being watched and if the lunar scum see me getting close to awaken something they dont want, all hell will break lose like it did with jesus in the bible.

      By the way in the wim hof method you hold your breath with no air/fear gas in your lungs, i think the divers hold their breath with air in their lungs which is not the same.

      In batman cartoon thread i made recently when batman infected superman's lungs with his gas/air he said "eventually it will come out of your lungs but it will take time", so i see it as a very important detail the holding breath with all air out of the lungs.

      In man of steel they showed to our face that is the air that makes us mortal in the scene where superman entered zod's atmosphere and it made superman mortal like batman's fear gas did.
      In that scene superman went to sleep and woke up as a human on earth which in this case if we are wireless connected cant trust this human body at all no matter what powers awaken in it.

  2. Another thing about mountains is that certain mystics believe that mountains are areas where there's alot of energy build-up which is why jesus spent so much time praying there, that combined with an oxygen deprivated environment leads to spiritual things happening. You're not the first one to make air deprivation = power connection, Jaydreamerz says in his videos that when the dome breaks, all the oxygen will get sucked out and this world will become depressurized and airless for a possibly hours. That combined with the influx of aether/satan/god/demons from the outside world will lead to the awakening of people's powers. In Kingdom hearts/Yuyu hakusho, They have their both respective plasma apcalypses that lead to certain characters suddenly getting superpowers.
    Also, Checkout Thundarr the barbarian which takes place after the moon is destroyed and a "meteor" hits earth causing the "magic" to return to the world. Leading to a conan the barbarian/madmax world

    Yes, The bible says that after Jesus returns and lifts his followers into the SKY will be changed in the twinkling in the sky. It says that we will be like the angels, and angels are described in the bible like super saiyans, jesus also described in a similar way in book of revelations.

    "6 His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude."

    However, I do not think that this is a form we're going to achieve through our own power or forced oxygen deprivation. Unless you subscribe to gnostic/yogic views of self-ascension where you strive to attain an immortal body through years/decades/centuries of meditation/energy work, which i consider blasphemy that will damn you to hell/reincarnation/matrix imprisonmnent. Wim-hof is joke though, If you just do basic samatha meditation diligently then you will naturally develop the ability to will yourself warmer without relying on the technique, just will.

    Yeah, I stopped taking zinc after what happened to you. Honestly, If you want healthy zinc levels then just stop masturbating (Once a month at most). Your body will naturally reabsorb the zinc from your semen, a much stronger immune system.

    1. I just remembered in hobbit 2 forest scene the air was contaminated and was putting everyone in a dream/hallucinating state and spiders were picking up the human bodies, wrap them in cocoons and hang them from the trees like fruits/food.
      The main character to survive the forest and its spiders climbed a giant tree like a mountain to reach the canopy/dome and breath fresh air which took him out of his weak sleeping state.
      0:20 he is asleep and blind/eyes closed, the minute he breaths fresh air from above the dome/tree canopy and sees the light of the real sun bam he awakens! which symbolizes lycan/super saiyan/superman awakening and all that great stuff! His hair at 1:12 shine like a super saiyan too.

      i wonder if there's any mountain/tree stump left tall enough to achieve similar thing, or try to cross the "north korean military border"/antarctic circle would be another option, then shoot the dome with the dardanelles gun so we all breath fresh air and see the real light.

      In db gt when gohan transformed into a super saiyan his girlfriend was calling him a bright angel so indeed the angels of religion are super saiyans.

      Wim hof disappointed me a lot when i had leukemia but now i have data that the absence of oxygen awakens sleeping genes so i'm tempted to try his technique again as i never broke the 1.5 minute barrier before.

      After watching the underworld movies i'm against all metals especially zinc, iron that they say is important for our blood they also say it accumulates and our body cant get rid of it and in high concentrations can cause serious problems.

      I have a friend that had too much iron in his blood and he told me he felt like dying until he went to a mobile clinic and donated a shit ton of blood which lowered the iron concentration in him and felt so much better immediately after.

      I suspect they have modified our genes so we cant live without metals in our blood, iron, zinc etc and i suspect if we were to awaken sleeping genes within us they could modify us again to be able to live without metals in our bloodstream.

      I'm so done with metals, zinc screwed me, iron screwed my friend, mercury in tdp vaccine messed up my speech at 13 years old and my brain was getting blackouts all the time after the vaccine.

      Metals are also matter in its coldest form and the reason they do devastated damage to the sun/super saiyan/superman/fire within. They pretty much keep the fire within us weak and cool from the cold metals.

    2. Agreed about wim! It’s the breathing, not the cold. That is the misdirection! Why? Because most people are not going to force cold on themselves to develop a breathing technique, and it misses the point of the fact that we’ve already known forever that control of breath is beneficial.


    3. Lol, you came to the same conclusion that i have about Saiyans being Angel's. DBZ is the story of goku transforming from an ape to an angel dragon/serpent. He is the same species as battle angel alita and vash the stampede.

    4. wim hof trained alistair overeem and he got ko by his opponent and wim told joe rogan "he wasnt breathing a lot and deep during the fight"
      If you pay attention in the videos where they test wim hof inside a pod filled with ice to see how long he can last he doesnt look breathing deep at any time and sometimes he even looks not breathing at all!
      Cold makes you breath deeply he says to promote deep breaths to the masses yet in the above youtube video he never takes deep breaths!
      He never opens his mouth in both videos while in his breathing technique claims breathing deeply from the mouth and nose is important and how cold forces you to breath deeply that's why it's so good he says yet in these videos he never breaths deeply!
      This proves he distracts the masses and is holding back vital intel which i suspect what i took notice of waking up sleeping genes within and the importance of low or no oxygen concentration in the lungs(that helps the sleeping genes to awaken) which is what buteyko breathing teaches but i like wim's method too for tricking the brain not to force us to breath and stay for much longer periods with no air in the lungs.
      Guy from buteyko breathing even said "the only beneficial part of wim hof's method is the holding your breath with no air in the lungs".

    5. holy moly what i just remembered! in my hospital battling with leukemia i would get horrible fevers many times that would make my body shake so rapidly my teeth were going to break if i didnt wear a mouthguard.(hospital's ice blanket was making the shaking even worse)
      i was able to calm my body down and stop it from shaking by practicing buteyko breathing which is very short tiny breaths instead of breathing deeply!
      i had learned the buteyko/oxygen advantage technique by then as wim hof had let me down but i didnt have the time to master it so i couldnt keep it going for long time "the breathing very little" and was forced to take deep breaths and then the shaking would return.
      I was amazed though how i could control my body's reaction and calm it down instantly with the buteyko breathing technique.

      i remember back in school when i was getting stressed i would always take deep breaths which only made things worse!

  3. @Omax

    Look into Systema and systema breathing techniques some consider it the ultimate martial art and it relies alot on breathing.

    1. i will look it up too, i was just talking in above posts about the long forgotten buteyko breathing/oxygen advantage technique i learned when i got leukemia and how it helped me a lot in the hospital with the high fevers and it's ironic as it's the exact opposite of wim hof's method! in buteyko the breathing air is treated like the fear gas of batman and it trains you to breath a lot less and as little as possible avoiding air like it's the plague!

      could never understand back then why buteyko/oxygen advantage treats the air like the enemy and now with all the recent things i decoded all make sense!

    2. wim hof in the videos i posted above where they test him how long he can last in ice he is practicing buteyko breathing by the looks of it and in the mountains he climbs is also forced into buteyko breathing as high altitudes have much lower oxygen concentrations and buteyko breathing simulates that while on sea level.

  4. Educated in greek means also formed!
    And uneducated in greek means formless!

    Aristotle had said
    "the difference between the educated and uneducated is the same as the living from the dead"

    So losing our memories=education=form is another death too which can happen with alzheimers many years before our body dies.

    there's Gematria cypher overlaps for the following words:
    Amnezija, amnesia, uneducated, educated, education.

    1. "Thalidomide" and "Birth Defect", perfect match.

    2. Your bite of reality has to contain one of the worst examples of math that ive ever seen, you assume that the average life span of a human is 70 years ok, you figured the number of weeks contained within those 70 years fine, but then you divide the number of living humans by the number of weeks that a human lives on average to figure out how many die per week?
      That makes no sense.

    3. Not that much makes sense here anyway.

  5. I showed a friend of mine your post and here was his response, I had to post it for him because blogger issues:

    "That reminded me dr bob beck who lost 200 pounds after killing the parasites within him with his electrical device and i suspect high altitudes are killing the worms within and the reason people lose a lot of weight when at high altitudes. Similar to how a fighter pilot in a news story killed a rat in his plane afraid it will chew on cables by flying at very high altitudes."
    Are you referring to the same Dr Bob Beck who partnered with Eric Dollard and Tom Brown to create a electrical device that cures all ailments? Dollard was the dude who designed and created the device. He used 2 lakovsky multiwave oscillator coils and a tesla transformer(NOT a tesla coil, this is key. A tesla transformer is a completely different thing than a tesla coil). The tesla transformer is the secret behind all of the myths that surround nikola tesla. Tesla noticed that when you initially turn on an electrical device, there is a massive voltage spike for a split second. Its kinda like how you can cause a fire or cause your lightbulbs to shortcircuit by very rapidly turning your light switch on and off. Its the electricity of life(not the electricity we use which is the electricity of destruction). To capture this electricity of life, Tesla created a device that rapidly turned on and off, and it allowed him to generate millions of volts with extremely low amperage. Amperage is what kills you, volts do not. Modern electrical systems increase in amps as the volts increase, meaning they become much more dangerous. Touching a live wire with millions of volts using modern electricity would likely vaporize you, but with a tesla transformer it causes zero harm and at most will make your skin seem as if it was glowing in the dark. Dollard combined the tesla transformer with the lakovsky multiwave oscillating coils(LMOC). The LMOC works like old school television antennas. Remember when people used to have tv antennas on their roof, they would have a bunch of rods sticking out at various lengths in in various spacing in order to recieve the different tv channels. As number of tv channels increased, the antennas would become very complicated trying to recieve tv channel frequencies without any noise from other channels. So a guy invented a way to bypass the complicated rod lengths and spacing by setting the rod lengths according to the golden ratio and it allowed for perfect tv channel frequency transmission. Dollard applied that golden ratio principle to the LVOC's and this is what allows the device to perfectly tune itself with the frequencies of every cell in the human body. Check out the video called "1986 USPA Tom Brown and Eric Dollard Beck | Psychotronics | Annual Conference" on youtube for more.

    "Not only does the fresh air on mountaintops mean less pollution, fewer cases of acute respiratory symptoms and easier breathing for those with asthma, but one of the more prevalent scents at high altitudes -- pine --also has its perks. One study, for instance, showed that walking through pine decreases hostility(god of war), depression and stress(fear!)."


    1. Thank you for reminding me eric dollard, i've seen few videos of him on youtube, got disappointed one time when he was claiming crater earth is the full globe and was making fun of flat earthers then he said "you cant see the sun from space" which confirmed the james bond intel that our sun is a mirror and very close to earth. I'm not a flat earther as they got 1 thing right 10 things wrong saying there's no life or more world outside the dome etc where earth is a freaking zoo a drop in the ocean, the wonder woman's tiny invisible island!

  6. When a pine trees bark is exposed it releases sap to fend off pests, kill bacteria, and keep the bare skin of the tree sterile. Distilled pine sap is called turpentine. 100% pine gum Turpentine is one of the most healthy substances in existence. Simply smelling it will help remove parasites in your body. See Dr Jennifer Daniels for more.

    A cartoon came to mind i was watching when kid where the super heroes one time lost all their powers when fell into a crater and had to climb out of it for their powers to come back and their magical weapons to come back online. THAT CRATER SYMBOLIZES EARTH LIKE IN FF7! AND THE DOME AROUND IT IS TO PREVENT US FROM BREATHING THE AIR AND SEEING THE LIGHT OF THE OUTSIDE WORLD!
    I've never played ff7, my first ff was ff8 but there is an intriguing truth channel who claims earth is a crater on the sky map called the moon. I take his videos with a grain of salt but he can think like you and I, he learns from what he researches, he doesn't get stuck on topics. Perhaps ff7 and him are on to somethin.

    This showed to me our human bodies have amazing intelligence and abilities and like gerson said "a healthy human body cannot get sick as it has godlike defenses!", that's why they poison us with toxic food, water and air to weaken us before sending their man made viruses to cause havoc or the nasty opportunist genes within cause cancer and all kind of other problems.
    The "placebo effect" is the worlds strongest drug. It is proof that we can heal ourselves from all ailments/illnesses when we cultivate the correct positive mindset. When positive thinking is not cutting it, the next best thing is to provide the body with the nutrients it needs to repair itself. Our bodies are perfect, when we break a bone, the body assesses the materials it has to work with and it utilizes them to repair the bone. If the body has no surplus

    1. i just mentioned crater earth in above post then go to check godgevlamste's channel and come across this video "Crater Earth and The Galactic Scam", i was so amazed! He also mentions what i had suspected long ago of the moon above with its many craters is showing us the picture of the bigger earth and the earth we live in to be in one of its craters.

      So it looks we have 2 mirrors above us, the one reflects analog/light the other digital/matter!

  7. If the body has no surplus bone materials it will ration materials from the rest of the bones. This has the effect of making the other bones weaker but it at least heals the original bone break. This is why old people are constantly breaking their hips and their other bones. Instead we could provide the body with bone materials by eating animal bones. The body will use the materials to heal our own bones automatically. In other words, to heal bones, eat bones, to heal heart eat heart, to heal ligaments eat ligaments, to heal liver eat liver, to heal stomach eat stomach etc. After which, there is a tier list of nutritional food that loosely goes, homegrown picked, freshly picked, freshly bought, fresh but stored in freezer or in can for long period, nutritional pills, packaged foods, frozen foods. Nutritional pills are good for you if the only nutrition you get is from packaged and frozen foods, but if you are eating homegrown food(homegrown veggies, milk, chicken, eggs, and steak) then nutritional pills are detrimental to your health.

    I got into zinc cause i was always low on energy from being vegan for 10 years and dr berg on youtube was recommending zinc supplements and how we're all deficient and other doctors were saying it cures diabetes, herpes etc, it looked like a miracle supplement that's why i took it. Turns out it was dbz metal cooler/devil and no different than the soft metal vaccines of hospitals and the soft metals we breath in the air thanks to the chemtrails.
    Almost all doctors are retards, so its best to avoid all doctors, but especially avoid doctors with 'berg', 'stein', 'stine', 'gold', 'silver', 'ruby' etc in their name...LOL

    -- END

    1. the berg name reminds me the House of Glücksburg who were providing europe with 2nd generation mongol kings back in the day.
      "The House of Glücksburg (also spelled Glücksborg), shortened from House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, is a Dano-German branch of the House of Oldenburg, members of which have reigned at various times in Denmark, Norway, Greece and several northern German states."

      Wow there's a stein name in that house too.
      I think they go as hebrew names now to hide their mongol origin but they cant hide their eyes or bother to do surgery cause no one pays attention.
      eyelids are hidden in his wife too.

  8. Your thread reminded me of the big loss that Cain Velasquez had to FAbricio Werdum that was blamed on altitude.

    7,000 feet
    Some of that can be attributed to the steady diet of clean punches Fabricio Werdum kept landing and Velasquez' 600-day layoff certainly didn't help things, but neither did fighting at an elevation of greater than 7,000 feet above sea level.

    UFC 188: Werdum Wins And Velasquez Gasps For Air

    "Boxers like Oscar De La Hoya, Sugar Shane Mosley and now Gennady Golovkin make their fight camps near Big Bear Lake because the altitude does wonders for increasing stamina, forcing the body to do more with the precious little oxygen available from the thin mountain air."

    It also reminds me of the current covidiot hysteria because i was watching a recent Jonathan Klecks video and he was saying how the mask represents how the cannibalistic flesh system is running out of breath as in its finishing its cainnibal proccess, its running out of breath = the spirit is leaving.

    Berlin - Take My Breathe Away theme from Top Gun with Lyrics

    It used to be dog chained outside and you could smoke inside, now it is dog can come inside and you can only smoke outside, its all spirit cooking.
    Spirit is a current of air = breath.
    Reminds me of Soul Reaver, thats how Raziel sucked souls in, its like a sucking breath under the scarf/mask.

    Polymega™ - Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - PS1 Gameplay

    8 minutes in

    1. I got into zinc cause i was always low on energy from being vegan for 10 years and dr berg on youtube was recommending zinc supplements and how we're all deficient and other doctors were saying it cures diabetes, herpes etc, it looked like a miracle supplement that's why i took it. "

      Im sorry to hear that veganism didnt worked out for you, hopefully you will figure something out, maybe you werent eating enough starches.
      Ive been doing a vegan diet for the past 5 years and am amazed at the results that have exceeded my expectations.
      I looked and felt like a ghoul, people used to tell me that i should wear a mask to school because they were disgusted of my face, now i just look like a scarred average joe, i also have now lots of energy, the only thing running me down is my neuropathic pain.

    2. Random people stop me a lot to ask me for a smoke, now i see that they are asking for breath = spirit.

      The Breath Sucking Vampire: Jiangshi

      "China is an old, fascinating nation, with a cultural legacy that stretches back thousands of years, trailing an equally large and wondrous pantheon of gods and monsters in it’s wake. With so many options to choose from, settling on one amongst the many proved to be quite a challenge. I ultimately chose the jiangshi for two reasons: it’s discrepancy in popularity, being very well known in it’s country of origin but relatively obscure elsewhere, and, perhaps more importantly, it’s utterly unique blend of shambling corpse and voracious, life sucking vampire.

      The aspect ultimately responsible for the creation of jiangshi, the po is strongly connected with the moon, a note which may at least partly explain the reason for the jiangshi’s distinctly nocturnal nature. Representing the baser, more yin aspects of humanity, po is associated with the ghosts/demons, the lungs, and, rather ironically, breath.

      A jiangshi’s feeding habits vary depending on the story they inhabit, either by dismembering their victims in a shark-like feeding frenzy, killing the men and raping the women as they’re torn to shreds, or, more traditionally, sucking out the victims ‘qi’, or life essence from the victim. It is this last power, interestingly, that explains why holding one’s breath was thought to remove the jiangshi’s ability to detect it’s intended target. For the Chinese, breathing was synonymous with life and living, and so long as the target was able to avoid expelling that life essence, then the mindless jiangshi, no longer able to sense it’s food source, will simply treat it’s target as if invisible."

      Low Ki = Loki
      So Loki can remain invisible by holding its breath in, interesting.

    3. Gen_2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

      Gen_6:17  And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.

      Gen_7:15  And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.

      Gen_7:22  All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.

      2Sa_22:16  And the channels of the sea appeared, the foundations of the world were discovered, at the rebuking of the LORD, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils.

      Job_4:9  By the blast of God they perish, and by the breath of his nostrils are they consumed.

      Job_9:18  He will not suffer me to take my breath, but filleth me with bitterness.

      Job_12:10  In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.

      Job_15:30  He shall not depart out of darkness; the flame shall dry up his branches, and by the breath of his mouth shall he go away.

      Job_17:1  My breath is corrupt, my days are extinct, the graves are ready for me.

      Job_19:17  My breath is strange to my wife, though I intreated for the children's sake of mine own body.

      Job_27:3  All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils;

      Job_33:4  The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

      Job_34:14  If he set his heart upon man, if he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath;

      Job_37:10  By the breath of God frost is given: and the breadth of the waters is straitened.

      Job_41:21  His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth.

      Breath (H539)

      From H5395; a puff, that is, wind, angry or vital breath, divine inspiration, intellect or (concretely) an animal: - blast, (that) breath (-eth), inspiration, soul, spirit.

      Breath of life = Spirit = Ki = Chi = Ka
      Like in Chi-Na.
      I wonder what the Na could mean.

      Doctor And The Medics - Spirit In The Sky

    4. Green Jelly - Three Little Pigs (Official Video)

      Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in
      Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin!!
      Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in
      Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin!!
      Well I'm huffin, I'm puffin, I'll blow your house in
      Huffin, puffin, blow your house in
      Huffin, puffin, blow your house in
      Huffin and a puffin and I'll blow your house in!!!

      " And the moral of the story is, ' A band with no talent can easily amuse
      Idiots, with a stupid, puppet show. "

      How are the puppets animated, through the breath of life = Ki = Ka.

      Ephesians 2:2
      Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

      Satan = Prince of the power of the air = Respiratory power

    5. Cain in the bible is the son of the worm/Satan also known as Dracula.
      And how does Dracula feeds, he sucks out the breath of life/Ki/Ka/Chi from his victims.

      Through the hourglass I saw you
      In time you slipped away
      When the mirror crashed I called you
      And turned to hear you say
      If only for today
      I am unafraid

      Take my breath away
      Take my breath away

      Jessica Simpson - Take My Breath Away

      The Story of Cain Velasquez: Has ‘Sea Level Cain’ been stunted by greatness?

      The son of an illegal immigrant, Velasquez was born to succeed with the struggles his family had to go through to survive.

      Without even knowing it, the pitfalls for an upset were already put in place as Velasquez and his camp were unaware of the effects Mexico City’s elevation would have on his cardiovascular system.

      The spectacle at UFC 188 was a back-and-forth affair, but there’s no doubting Cain Velasquez was affected by the elevation in negative ways. Joe Rogan kept remarking at how winded Velasquez looked in between rounds as he kept gulping for air in uncharacteristic manners. Even while standing, Velasquez couldn’t impose his textbook smothering style, and Werdum kept finding holes in his opponent’s guard.

      After the loss, many die-hard Cain fans argued over the unfortunate setting of Velasquez and Werdum’s fight, and the excuses soon found their home in the MMA meme multiverse as ‘Sea Level Cain’ was born.

    6. "Boxers like Oscar De La Hoya, Sugar Shane Mosley and now Gennady Golovkin make their fight camps near Big Bear Lake because the altitude does wonders for increasing stamina, forcing the body to do more with the precious little oxygen available from the thin mountain air."

      I wouldnt need the altitude training for this effect because my inherited thalassemia anemia does wonders for increasing stamina, forcing my body to do more with the precious little oxygen available in my blood.

      I breath heavily due to this disease.

    7. . "Lower oxygen levels turn on certain genes and we think those genes may change the way heart muscles function. They may also produce new blood vessels that create new highways for blood flow into the heart," study researcher Benjamin Honigman, M.D., director of the Altitude Medicine Clinic, said in a statement."

      Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder in which the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen. The disorder results in excessive destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia.

      This disease produced new highways alright, it burned down the peripheral nerves on my feet from lack of oxygen in the blood stream which forces my body to now regrow new neurological pathways and gives me a lot of pain and inflammation.
      Maybe ill end up losing my feet if they get to this point:

      Also this condition mutates genes alrigh since it produces malformed red blood cells:

    8. "The "placebo effect" is the worlds strongest drug. It is proof that we can heal ourselves from all ailments/illnesses when we cultivate the correct positive mindset."

      This is complete hypocrisy as that is exactly what i have been told all my life about my health problems, just think positive, thoughts create reality, the mind heals the body.
      Now when i say the exact same thing back at the people that always used against me this rhetoric about covidiocy they just hiss back at me.
      This hive thing even goes as far as to mandate that i wear a mask just to ride the bus or enter a coffee shop, decides at what hours i have to be confine inside the house or in what days i can travel between boroughs, this place is a total fraud.

    9. "The body will use the materials to heal our own bones automatically. In other words, to heal bones, eat bones, to heal heart eat heart, to heal ligaments eat ligaments, to heal liver eat liver, to heal stomach eat stomach etc."

      When i went to the neurologist because of my neuropathy she panicked because i said that i was eating vegan and started ranting that i had to get back on eggs at every meal and clean meats at lunch and dinner immediately.
      She also said that i had to eat cow liver and pigs heart multiple times a week to regrow my nerves back.
      She had me do an electromiography test:

      That test hurted too.
      Then i followed her advice and not only did it nothing for me, but it also brought back my severe acne and inflammatory bowel condition together with bloody diarrhea coupled with hemorrhoids.

      I went back to my vegan diet and tried another neurologist.
      First thing he told me was that he wouldnt accept the previous electromiography and that he would need me to take another one.
      All the time i was paying for all of this.
      And there was no way that i was going through all that stupid test again just to prove the obvious.
      I havent went back to a neurologist since.

    10. Freaking thing always puncturing me with needles like im some voodoo doll or needle pillow.

      And to top it all this thing wants to stick a needle up my right eye to perform surgery on it, no way-

    11. Breath of life = Current of air = Ki Control = High energy

      Dragon Ball Z Kai The Final Chapters Gohan Teaching Videl About Ki Control

      Donald Trump on SC debate: "High energy"


    12. Rachel Corrie Tribute

      "Rachel Corre passed away on March 16th at th eyoung age of 23."

      Lucky number 23 for the pairs of chromossomes in the body.
      March 16th is Jonathan Klecks birthday as in John 3:16 eternal life = breath of life

      Reminds me of the George Floyd ritual that was 46 years old (total of chromossomes in the body) and died after the cop kneeled on top of him for 8:46 minutes.

      "The number eight in the Bible signifies Resurrection and Regeneration. ... It is said in The Bible that Jesus rose on the first day of the next week from the day he was crucified. Thus again it was Eighth day which was chosen by God. The eighth day marked the beginning of new life form."

      8_46 is regeneration of the chromossomes of the body
      Thats the time in which the twin towers that represent the two DNA strands were hit.

      Timeline for the day of the September 11 attacks

      8:46:40:[15] Flight 11 crashes at roughly 466 mph (790 km/h or 219 m/s or 425 knots) into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99.

      8:46 Official Trailer

    13. From the Kurt Angle X Chris Benoit InsurreXtion 2000 match i noticed:

      4:55 minutes in:
      Jerry the King Lawler: Hey Crash did you see the Kat out here earlier?
      Crash Holly: Yeah i saw the Kat.
      Jerry Lawler: Did you see her Bruce Lees? Oh baby.
      Jim Ross: Bruce Lees?!
      Jerry Lawler: Yeah, unbelievable.


      Kurt name meaning:
      It is also a Turkish word, meaning either wolf or worm.

      Kurt Angle = Angel Worm
      Kurt Angles motto is Intensity, Integrity and intelligence
      The 3 I's = 3 eyes
      I = 9
      3 I's = 999 = 666

    14. A common link that i found between the pizzagate scandal, portugals Mr Willy the dragon president and the movie the Wicker Man is that they all use a food menu as code to refer to various sexual practices.

      - What's the matter, aren't you hungry?
      - Aye, it's just that most of the food I've had, the farmhouse soup, the potatoes, broad beans- all come out of a can.
      Broad beans, in their natural state, aren't usually turquoise, are they?
      - Hmm.
      Some things in their natural state have the most vivid colors.
      - I just wanted to know why, that's all.
      - Now, I wonder what you'll be wanting for afters?
      - Hmm, I'll have an apple.
      - No apples.
      - No apples? On Summerisle?
      - I expect they've all been exported.
      You can have peaches and cream, if you like.
      - Aye, from a can, I suppose.
      All right.
      - Cheer up. Food isn't everything in life, you know.


    16. "
      When i went to the neurologist because of my neuropathy she panicked because i said that i was eating vegan and started ranting that i had to get back on eggs at every meal and clean meats at lunch and dinner immediately.
      She also said that i had to eat cow liver and pigs heart multiple times a week to regrow my nerves back.
      She had me do an electromiography test:"

      Wow what an idiot, a long time vegan doesn't have the correct biome to properly digest any of the above except for maybe eggs. Cow liver is nasty stuff even from the best farms I don't like the taste.

      Good intentions although she's clearly a retard. Pork is a forbidden unclean meat for plenty of sound reasons. Furthermore, the modern-day cow isn't as natural as a buffalo or lamb so either of these two would've been much better choices for organs.

    17. Have you tried going the Dr. Sebi route for treating your anemia?

      Carao, sarsaparilla, and lamb/buffalo liver could possibly help

    18. "Wow what an idiot, a long time vegan doesn't have the correct biome to properly digest any of the above except for maybe eggs. Cow liver is nasty stuff even from the best farms I don't like the taste."

      I wasnt a long time vegan, i went to her in 2015 and i started trying veganism in 2014.
      Ive eaten similar to what she recommended during all the other 23 years of my life as thats the traditional portuguese diet, lots of pig meats, lots of pig fat, eggs, cheeses, roasted chicken, chicken heart, cow liver, pigs heart, pigs intestines, whole fat milk, and ive been sick throughout all of those years.
      The point is that i had no neurological issues, those only developed late during 2014 when i was trying veganism and thats why i seeked her in 2015.
      My thalassemia is at the center of it but not solely to blame, as i also have high cholesterol and high triglycerides from the traditional portuguese diet, which means that i have atherosclerosis blocking my bloodstream and nerve canals together with my malformed red blood cells which is a recipe for disaster.
      Ive always been underweight or low weight but with a high % body fat.
      You think that any doctor told me to stray from the portuguese traditional eating, no, they all told me that its healthy to eat from everything and that portugal has one of the best diets in the world.
      I havent had blood work done in years, im not sure when, 2 years or 3 years ago, and at that time i had very high triglycerides but my cholesterol had went way down which shows that my body is melting the fat deposits and releasing them into the blood stream.
      I dont trust the doctor anyway as they have never been helpful to anyone that i know, people just got worse or died, and i trust the doctor even less now during this covidiot scam.
      I should check my b12 levels as the law doesnt let me buy b12 shots without a doctors prescription, but like i said i dont trust him at all and i believe that hes just going to use the opportunity to try and get me to be a first taker of those covidiot vaccines.

    19. "Have you tried going the Dr. Sebi route for treating your anemia?

      Carao, sarsaparilla, and lamb/buffalo liver could possibly help"

      I dont have the money to try that exotic stuff.
      Im hoping that once my body fat comes fully down that that will settle my high triglycerides which will improve my blood flow and help repair my feet.
      I dont think that my anemia can be adressed straighforwardly as my red blood cells are malformed genetically.
      Ive always eaten the stuff that they recommend, bloody steaks and pigs heart, cow liver, i mean yeah in the blood work the hemoglobin counts come closer to a normal range but then the cholesterol comes out high which means lots of atherosclerosis that still cause the same blood flow restriction and i still feel like the dead.
      In terms of energy its a no contest, ive never had so much energy before as i do now with veganism.
      In monetary terms its a no constest too, ive never spent so little money to eat.
      It cleared my severe acne and my bowel pain which i thought was impossible to achieve, and it cleared me from all of my seasonal high fevers that i experienced all of my life.
      This thing is too confusing, doctors are no help and covidiocy just makes it worse.
      I think that i should just stick with it and stray as little as possible from it as that was the first thing that turned out well for me in my life.
      For instance when i used to get painful thigh muscle strains all the time during gym class i would go to the physical therapist that would apply to my thighs massages, electrotherapy, light exercises and some ointment, but i stopped going once i noticed that i healed in the same way by just staying home, as then i would get injured again and ti never was a fix to go there anyway.
      When i went to the dermatologist for the severe acne i went into 6 months of accutane, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, other pills and ointments that did just jack squat nothing.
      I would get the same acne by simply not spending any time or money and doing nothing.
      Thats why its very hard for me to trust anything at this point.
      Not to mention that im circumcised and had my tonsils and wisdom teeth removed for no good reason too, thats the conclusion that i have come to.
      My father didnt trusted doctors either and placed all his trust on the booze, my grandfather trusted the doctors fully and i watched him get operated on a hernia that lefted him completely dependent on crutches, then got an eye surgery that greatly reduced his sight and got a pacemaker for his heart that would make him lie down all the time and meant that he was forced to be scheduled for regular check ups because of it, its a never ending pitfall.
      I wont even go into my grandmas as they removed their colons and eventually went fully senile.
      The doctors wanted to remove my mothers fallopian tubes because she was infertile and would lose lots of blood during her menstruation, but according to her that would have been a mistake as she eventually had two children.
      Yeah this stuff is too messed up.

    20. "Have you tried going the Dr. Sebi route for treating your anemia?

      Carao, sarsaparilla, and lamb/buffalo liver could possibly help"

      You gave me an idea that maybe i could get b12 shots online since i can only get them through a physical pharmacy store with a prescription but im getting the impression that even b12 is a scam, its getting harder for me to trust any products at all.

      The Cirucci team mentioned a book about the fraud that is medicine called "Confessions of a medical heretic", maybe ill look into that instead:

      Also on the topic of old folks nursing homes, of my grandparents the only to be placed in one was my grandmother on my mothers side, she was senile and did not recognize who i was so she just called me her buddy, everybody would say how happy she was there but everytime that she was alone with me in the room she would beg me to take her home.

    21. "Wow what an idiot, a long time vegan doesn't have the correct biome to properly digest any of the above except for maybe eggs. Cow liver is nasty stuff even from the best farms I don't like the taste."

      These are very common meals in Portugal that ive eaten countless of times:

      Rice, chicken blood, chicken heart, chicken liver, chicken feet

      Rice, fried potatoes, pork, pigs blood, flour filled pigs intestines, pigs heart, blood sausage

      After a life time of eating this stuff you end up looking like these guys:

      Antonio Guterres:

      Antonio Costa:

      Ferro Rodrigues:

      Too bad that ive only figured this out in my 20s, but even if i had figured it out sooner i wouldnt have had the will power to go against my famiiy's dietary habits.

    22. The funny part is that blood of the animals is typically found in many meals yet a lot of the people are anemic.
      But then you go to the doctor and he'll tell you that the bloodier the steak is the better it is for your fatigue.

    23. Buffalo i think that you can only find those in North America.
      Another one that ive seen before is bear's bile, but i think that all those are just scams that the hunters come up with to maintain their hobby and make money off of it at the same time.

    24. Pig was clearly not made to be eaten by humans just by looking at those chonky guys.

  9. The best sleep I've ever had was up in the mountains. Air is definitely cleaner amongst most of them. Oh, and btw Shoenice is the real Goku.

    1. there's a channel on youtube named oxygen advantage and is based on buteyko breathing, the guy there does amazing job explaining the benefits of slow breathing and how the less oxygen you inhale the more C02 your body makes which helps in oxygen deliverance to your cells, he says without C02 you cant get any or enough oxygen in your cells so C02 build up by lowering your breathing is what he promotes which trains you body to live with less oxygen and have more stamina.
      His claims are backed by scientific data from way back in the day, around 1910 that is still valid today.

      I liked when he said when we get stressed we breath more and deeper and to calm your body down you have to do the opposite as this is exactly how i calmed my body down in the hospital when it was shaking uncontrollably from the fevers and ice blanket and my teeth were about to break.

      There's definitely some hardcore secrets in the breathing.

  10. Chi-Na = No Chi = No Ki = No Breath of life = Breathless = Cold = Dead
    Chi-Com = Shared Chi = Shared Ki = Shared breath of life = Hive Mind

    Western and Asian habits still differ, but the coronavirus pandemic is normalising mask-wearing

    The world is running out of breath/Chi/Ki, where is it going

    Evanescence - Bring Me To Life (Official Music Video)

    KoNami = Ki Nami = Chi Wave = Breath wave

    Motorbreath, it's how I live my life
    I can't take it any other way
    Motorbreath, the sign of living fast
    It is going to take your breath away

    Metallica - Motorbreath [HD]

    1. Why is Floyd Mayeather the greatest boxer of all time = breath control

      Larry Merchant Tells Floyd Mayweather 'If I Was 50 Years Younger I'd Kick Your Ass' Angry Interview

      Forever young i want to be forever young
      In one piece they call this the breath of all things.

      One Piece - Zoro is The First Mate Who Use Haki Not Luffy !!

    2. Raziel was a Chi vampire:

      "Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver" HD Intro

      I think ive watched a movie where the vampires sucked Chi instead of blood, maybe it was the Vampire Lovers, im not sure.

      The Vampire Lovers (1970) HD

      Low Ki: Adrenaline

    3. Covidiot mask symbolizes holding the breath in like in the Jiangshi story in which the vampire can only detect those that release their breath,
      It also symbolizes the breath/Ki being entrapped in this layer instead of returning to source.

  11. A good song to close out the year, this and Persona 3 "Memories of the City".


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