Underworld Blood Wars, The Sunlight Kills Only Vampires Not Lycans!

1:23 that's the dardanelles gun hahaha lunar boss goes "holy f*ck" and the lycans used it to breach the dome like the mongols breached the Constantinople wall with the dardanelles gun.
"Hide from the light!" hahaha it reminded me rick simpson exposing the elite saying "they are running from the cure!"
This place/prison looked identical to the prison school of professor x from x-men movies.
(similar dardanelles gun/cannon kylo ren used to breached the wall of the lunar queen in star wars)

Breaching the dome makes real sunlight to enter this cave/layer and purify it from all worms/leechmonger.
Which verifies my suspicion that the sun that was extracted from within the earth is in the layer above us. When david was trying to escape the lunar queen's territory/prison she told him "if you get out of here the sun will kill you" and it was shown to be false as the sun did not kill david as he was kidnapped from the outside world like we are and was not part of the vampire bloodline.(in that scene selene was paralyzed and asleep and they were harvesting her blood maze runner 2 style, david tried to get out carrying selene's paralyzed sleeping frozen body with him, selene symbolized us here/the situation we're in)

It was shown also that we were the rightful heir of earth's throne and the lunar queen stole our place in power. At the end we were locked in a cage with the lunar queen(human body symbolism) and like in batman dark knight returns she had to embarrass us to our people that invaded this place for them to retreat and leave.

It was shown also that we are frozen in ice in greenland or antarctica demolition man style and they say through that(frozen water) we gain access to the sacred land/land of the dead/earth.
In the same scene humans were shown sleeping wrapped in cocoons and hanging from the ceiling.

Anger was shown to wake up the lycan within like in dbz was waking up the super saiyan within!
The lycans were shown naturally to have no leader as they are all supermen/analog/free people compared to the vampires that always have a leader that rules over the rest.

Another interesting thing that caught my attention, selene had to drink her own blood to remember her past and reminded me the intel of our dna and blood that carries millions of years of information and how we could access our past similarly by extracting the data from our blood/dna.

Also anger was shown to help extracting the poisonous metals within as when both marius and david were getting shot with liquid metals/vaccines they would get very angry and loud while they were extracting them from their bodies.

The real sunlight killing only vampires and not lycans reveals lycans like superman are getting their power from the sun not the cold moon while the vampires like the worms thrive in cold environments and under the cold light of the moon.

This verifies my recent decoding that it is at the sight of the real sun our sleeping powers within wake up like they were waking up in monstar in silverhawks where they imprisoned him away from the sun and they had a moon blocking the sun(oculus hole in the ceiling/dome) like it does in eclipses and monstar had to get access to real sunlight(by blowing up the moon blocking the sun/oculus or punching a hole in the dome blood wars dardanelles gun style) to transform into an invincible light being(light=lucy=lycan!) and break free from his prison. Monstar looks like a werewolf/lycan too! I find his lion hairstyle that looks like fire interesting too which reveals we are imprisoned kings like the lions in zoos and our fiery hair that we are of the light/fire!

Similarly viktor when he had tons of lycans imprisoned and was using them as slaves he had taken measures for them to never see the light of the moon(sun) like in this silverhawks clip.
He had also put halos/corona viruses on the lycans as an extra precaution to never return to their ancient powerful forms.

This blood wars movie tried to promote interbreeding(like all its previous counterparts did) and how the more mixed you are genetically the better you are, then an old vampire checkmated the lunar queen/samira who was pro-mixing by telling her selene the most powerful vampire is the purest of them all giving away how the opposite is true, the more pure you are the more powerful you are like father akumo from dbs who was mocking goku being weak and inferior cause of his mixed/diluted genes.

By the way the director of this underworld movie was Anna Foerster an obvious transgender.
No wonder why michael who was supposed to be the centerpiece of the underworld movies was tossed aside and they even removed him from the movies like he doesnt matter anymore, in this one they said he's dead now, he was shown frozen in ice in a previous movie and in this one was shown hanging upside-down like the cocoon men in greenland scene and his blood harvesting from him.

Damn feminists and transgenders ruin everything.


  1. In greece the last 3 grades/layers of school 10,11,12 are called lyceio from lycans!
    And i exposed before the 12 grades of school symbolize the 12 planets/layers of earth and now i suspect i know why for so long nasa and scientists only acknowledged 9 planets/layers in this solar system.

    Because the other 3 belong to the lycans/light/sun beings!
    Now nasa and scientists starting to acknowledge 12 planets/layers makes me suspect if the vampires managed to recapture them.
    I keep an open mind to the possibility of the vampires to be a serious force.
    Not long ago the outsiders lost america, australia and now are about to lose antarctica, if they were superior they wouldnt have lost those lands unless they get a shit ton of blackmailing or they're another vampire competing clan and not lycans who might be located further out at layers/planets 10,11,12 like greek schools intel reveals.

  2. At the first clip above marius is surprised how the sunlight doesnt kill the new leader of the vampires david and this is the intel i have decoded of turning us against our family from the outside world.
    David is lycan like marius that's why the sunlight doesnt burn him and the vampires gave him back his throne so he fights for them and protect them from his lycan kind/family.

    Similarly to how they plan to wake us up to use us and they would go as far to give us back the throne of earth make us feel like this is our kingdom that is under serious threat so we fight to protect it.
    And when the dust settles and we figure out we fought our allies and family from the outside, like in enders game and bloodshot with vin diesel they'll drug us and put us back in the ice.

  3. This underworld movie had also the intel of parents looking for their kidnapped kids that are hidden away in hades earth and only the lunar queen selene knew the location of hidden earth like dolores from westworld was the only one also who knew the location of the hidden land of the dead/dreamworld where maeve's daughter was trapped in.

    Marius like maeve in westworld was hunting down the lunar queen selene/dolores to get the info of the location of his daughter/family.
    He found the lunar queen and fought her in antarctica or greenland.

  4. Damn i just remembered in the vampires training area it was filled up with countless chinese wooden dummy devices giving away those vampires in underworld movies symbolize the chinese!
    Weak like cats but crafty and cunning! Also the chinese eyes are slanted to reduce the amount of sunlight that enters their eyes which is another give away they are vampires and hate the sunlight.

  5. Just remembered the lycans won the war in antarctica against the vampires in blood wars movie!
    And then they moved in to the heart of the vampires' kingdom which is earth.
    The lunar queen was shown not to worry at all and how she led/lured them here in the first place.
    I have decoded cause like in tron legacy and matrix she's trapped here and is expecting the outsiders to be fool enough to open the door for her.

    Holy moly in the end david opened the door/sungate for her but he killed her before she got out, he opened the sungate to distract her as she was whooping his ass being an expert with swords like hela, wife of odin and frost from die another day movie.

    The dream that kills she talks about before 3:18 reminded me the dream that killed hela in thor ragnarok deleted scene where odin told her "you lost everything cause of that dream you had",
    which dream of course symbolizes our time here.
    Also dream is traum in german which is the greek word for wound, dreams kill indeed!(as only dead sleep and dream in the first place anyways)

  6. Damn i have to see the older underworld movies again
    lunar queen is asking the father to kill his own son!!! that's her plan for us to kill our family in the outside world!
    Also the son was looking to save and liberate his family the entire time and to find his family he has to find selene first like marius had to find selene in order to find his daughter in blood wars movie.

    Identical scene we have in gods of egypt movie where horus asked father ra for help to kill his son set and father ra told him identical thing the father told selene in this clip, "you are no better than my son if not worse".

  7. Unbelievable!
    Selene escapes cryo in "awakening!" which movie title literally means waking up from our frozen prison just like selene did here.
    The mind blowing part is in blood wars selene put herself in identical ice prison in north or south pole and the movie was promoting it as a great thing and the path to the sacred land/matrix/dreamworld/land of the dead.

    The creators of these movies sure insult our intelligence and in this clip i bet they woke up selene like robocop to trick her into killing her saviors.
    They showed also they control us by putting stuff in our air/atmosphere which reminded me the fear gas from batman and lunar boss from dollhouse series who put everyone to sleep by manipulating the oxygen in the air. Identical way the lunar boss tried in this clip to put selene back to sleep.

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySqT_cilQw4
      "let her go"
      hahaha right on point again that they woke her up on purpose so they can use her.

    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgH5pJuAeO8
      she's sleeping frozen upside down just like the human cocoons in blood wars movie!
      I'm blown away how identical the scenes are and how stupid they must think of the audience to not notice!

      Sacred land is also subliminal for land of the flesh as sacred/sacre is anagram of creas which means flesh in greek. Also sacre=ceras which is the devil's horn in greek.
      Sacred=demonic land indeed.

    3. sacred=dracos too, sacred land=land of the dragon/worm.

    4. In sacred places people light wax candles/velas de ceras in portuguese.
      Also sacred = sacre = creas = crias means babies in portuguese.

    5. Ceras = Wax = Beeswax

      "Beeswax (cera alba) is a natural wax produced by honey bees of the genus Apis. The wax is formed into scales by eight wax-producing glands in the abdominal segments of worker bees, which discard it in or at the hive."




    6. Ceras = Wax = Semen


      Our Children Are Sacred

      Sacre = Creas = Crias = Cubs = Babies = Children

      Every Sperm is Sacred - Complete

      Isis - Hive Destruction

    7. From the comments of Every Sperm is sacred video above:
      " The Chinese dragon gets me every time, hahahah "

  8. ��☯️ “Here is the natural instinct, and here is control. You are to combine the two in harmony.” - Bruce Lee

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR14eAVgMHsvyL8suMWflHXC9FmheLtlLf7S1Pm0F4kF40TOtsSRr7yogpY&v=zK7yZPusyXQ&feature=youtu.be

    2. https://donaldmarshall.proboards.com/thread/674/eminem

    3. Airs of Amnesia are the perfect coverscreen for evil to run amok, hence why that Colombian drug is named the Devils Breath.

      "The most dangerous drug in the world: 'Devil's Breath' chemical from Colombia can block free will, wipe memory and even kill
      Scopolamine often blown into faces of victims or added to drinks
      Within minutes, victims are like 'zombies' - coherent, but with no free will"

      I bet this drug is being used world-wide..

  9. Blue = Cold = Night
    Red = Hot = Day

    Today is winter solstice, shortest day of the year = winter blues = worm day

    Acid Witch - Worship The Worm

  10. This is the kind of propaganda they push selling the idea that you can go from zero to hero thanks to their embryonic cell steroids;

    Anderson Ramos - Capa da gaita (CLIPE OFICIAL e ORIGINAL KKK)

    Heres Vitor Pereira on his way to making his oath with the mother goddess at Fatima back in 2012 which he claimed as being the source for his victories:

    Similar thing my mother did in the late 80s which resulted in an opportunity for her to undergo an illegal gift procedure from which i was born.
    This mother goddess is all about fertility rituals.
    Thats why the current portuguese champion sitted on the dragon stadium is named Sergio Conceição (meaning protector of the conception/pregnancy/birth).

    Declarações do Sérgio Conceição - FC PORTO CAMPEÃO NACIONAL 2019/20

    No embryonic steroids and there would be no dragon champions, no mr willy and his bud albert grimaldi the wily casino owner and there would be no mourinho special one and no european champions.

    Malizia symbolises the Grimaldi family’s deep attachment to the sea in this tribute to "Francesco Grimaldi, a Genovese who arrived by sea in 1297 and founded the Grimaldi family dynasty. He was nicknamed La Malizia in the Monegasque language, meaning “the wily one”. For the Monegasque skipper the name has a special meaning: “Given what Malizia represents for us in the Principality of Monaco, I’ve always wanted to give this name to a race boat.”

    Even though i was born thanks to this mother goddess and ive actually dreamt with her too, i want nothing to do with her and especially nothing to do with these ones that are her associates, so you people can take me to the ovens or to the stake burnings or whatever, i dont care.

    In the US the capitol dome represents her dome/womb/moon, the immaculate conception, and there she stands on top of it as Persephone the queen of dead.
    Inside of this dome is a fresco painting of the apotheosis of George Washington.
    I would bet that theres also a painting of the apotheosis of Mr Willy placed somewhere.


    Guess i could follow the foot steps of Sylvester Stallone and Sean Lawless and help the mother goddess out and her never ending need for abortions to supply embryonic cells to all of her lovers that need to keep up their athletic and eexual performances but im not interested, and no ive no interest to follow any of the alternative off grid scripts or farmers life or any other moronic script that this dreamworld virtual reality comes up with.

    Alphaville - Forever Young ~Official Video



    1. Women used to stare at me
      They'd make their intentions strong
      Yeah, this woman used to stare at me and make their intentions strong
      But now they're looking pity on me
      'Cause all my manhood's gone

      Can take it away, i dont care.

      Donald Trump bodyslams, beats and shaves Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania XXIII

      And that wrestlemania was when they started to tame the show down and then eventually went with a womens revolution, that must have been a coincidence too.

      WWE Women's Evolution

      Wrestlemania 20 when i started watching = XX = female, its all scripted

      Oh but the jayishes are so meanie and the moslems are evil, suuuuuuuure, and mr Trump is such a boogerman and Bolsonaro hes a monster and yadda yadda derp derp im not buying anything of this moronic bullcrap.

      Then the pink pussy haters take to the street and chant down with the patriarchy, meanwhile her directors the ones writing these marches are all high priestesses of the eastern star involved in regual orgies with their 33rd freemasonic lovers, not a single obelisk or christmas tree will any of these actresses take down, its all as fake as Santa CLaus/Satan Lucas/Lucy/Lucifer.


      8 year old Lucy from California says:
      "Will Santa get the vaccine and is it safe around to go in the house?"

      Can take me out of this script any day, i repent, i give up, im a coward, a loser, a bum whatever you people want to call me, a trannie, a whore, i dont care about any of it.

    2. Im a sinner and i am sorry Jesus Christ.


      Shouldnt have come here to the land of the embryonic alpha naturals.

      Crowd and Dana White Laughs about Brock Lesnar on Steroids

      Brock Lesnar Gets Angry After Steroids Question

      Like Mr Willy says all of his conquests are clean, clean, clean, suuuuuuuuuuuuure.

      Pinto da Costa ao ataque da arbitragem e do limpinho limpinho | Canto e Golo

      UFC vs Crossfit - Battle of the naturals

    3. This thing has sex, kills the babies and then farms the embryos to enhance its performance, its a cain and abel cannibalistic party, its crazy.

      Bram Stoker's Dracula

    4. In that apotheosis of George Washington fresco is all surrounded by women forming a circle like in a coven, that must be a coincidence too.

      WWE divas Candice Michelle on Godaddy


    5. Sun Tzu proved himself by training the wives of the chinese emperor to fight like his male warriors, yeah its all rigged.

      Mulan | I'll Make A Man Out Of You | Disney Sing-Along

      And the most successful portuguese folk singer has a song about him becoming a women, what a surprise.

      Zeca Afonso - Tenho Barcos Tenho Remos

    6. Sean Hross is alive.

      Ode to Swissy by Derek Gambino

    7. They keep mentioning to the harlot as wearing scarlet red but in Scarface she was appears wearing a turquoise dress.

      Elvira introduction

      And in WIcker Man she is wearing turquoise too.

      Willow : What's the matter? Aren't you hungry?

      Sergeant Howie : Oh, aye, it's just that most of the food I've had, the farmhouse soup, the potatoes, broad beans, all come out of a can. Broad beans in their natural state aren't usually turquoise, are they?

      The Wicker Man (1973) - The Landlord's daughter Scene [Spanish Subs]

      Man ive watched this WIcker Man movie countless of times and couldve sworn that Willows dress was fully turquoise and not striped like im seeing it now.

    8. So when Albert Grimaldi the wily casino owner shipped Greta Thunberg to the United States to cry about global warming he was not a patriarch but was instead an environmentalist and a women protector, fine im the women hater ill take it.
      You can keep all of your willys swissy.

      Team Malizia & Greta Thunberg - Plymouth to New York

      The Wicker Man (1973) - Maypole Song

    9. In the video promoting the power of embryonic steroids:

      Anderson Ramos - Capa da gaita (CLIPE OFICIAL e ORIGINAL KKK)

      Roided hunky is dancing accompanied by 3 hoes same thing as Dracula that is always portrayed with 3 wives.
      They are dancing on top of a road composed of hexagons = beehive symbolism which is the star of Remphan that the conspiracy theorists rant on and on and on and on and on about.
      The red car im guessing represents the sacrifice/soul that had to die to give life to the hive like this wax candle that can be seen to represent a penis in which the flame is the life that its been given and the wax is the sperm coming down the phallus.


    10. https://snipboard.io/JksCIL.jpg

      Thats the beeswax/Ceras/Sacre/Via sacra/yellow brick road

      The Via Sacra (Latin: Sacra Via, "Sacred Street") was the main street of ancient Rome, leading from the top of the Capitoline Hill, through some of the most important religious sites of the Forum (where it is the widest street), to the Colosseum.

      Wizard of oz we're off to see the wizard.

      And this wizard wears turquoise too just like Adam Green, how convenient.


    11. Mr Osiris and his bee hive can burnd down as far as i am concerned.


      Portugal - LIVE - Conan Osiris - Telemóveis - First Semi-Final - Eurovision 2019

    12. Green is for go and red for stop because this moronic simulation turns everything upside down.


      Chris De Burgh - Lady in Red (music video HD)

      She's On Fire Scarface Soundtrack

      Same duality i see on the portuguese flag:

      Mr Adam Green and his master Osiris can fuck off.

    13. Rothschild = red shield the bad guys boogermen right

      "Bad jedi got red sabers, evil,... Good jedi have blue green yellow purple... They make reference to it all the time... My light saber stays blue... I will never go dark side.,... Metaphor."

      Im with the red color i dont care about any of your other colors blue, green, yellow, you can come all out with your bee hive.

      red Ribbon Army Lyrics

      The red carnation was the color for freedom in my coutry of Portugal and it represents the gene of Eve as far as i am concerned.

      The Matrix-Woman In The Red Dress-Why The Agents Are So Dangerous (HD)

      Darkness's laugh (Legend 1985)

      If you people see red as Satan i am satanic too, i dont care, theres a reason why bullfighters use red to fight the bulls-


      Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace - Darth Maul VS Obi Wan & Qui Gon (1999)

      Evanescence - Call Me When You're Sober (Official Music Video)

    14. The japanese flag has a red dot for the sun.


      Now you people gonna go blue or yellow for the new world order like in the Mastercard logo.


      Why we need a One World Flag and what it could look like | Thomas Mandl | TEDxMünchen

      Good luck with that.

    15. In Fearless Vampire Killers they used both the yellow dress girl and the red dress girl as the sacrifices.
      Thats the same as the master card logo.
      And in this simulation this moronic hive had to sacrifice Sharon Tate the red haired girl on the Manson satanic ritual.
      Manson = Son of Man who in Jungle Book also wears (his underpants) red.

      Jungle Book: Trust in Me

      Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats - Down to the Fire (HQ)



    16. I cant trust colors anyway as you people change them like a chameleon does.


      Light is like a rainbow has all colors in it.
      Better to be blind but even daredevil was blind but still red.


  11. Mr Willy says that hell is red and whatever heaven that Mr Willy is a part of i dont want to be there.

    I remembered when i was in elementary school and my scissors were stolen the teacher gave me a turquoise colored scissors with the letter K carved on it.
    When my purple color pencil was stolen she gave ma a turquoise color pencil.
    I never thought anything of it but now im seeing that there was some meaning to it.

    1. Im very thankful to you for this blog because if this was GLP or LOP i would have been banned 20 threads ago.

    2. Cain in the bible comes from the hebrew qayin which means lance or spear.
      This is the same as a phallus spearing a woman, the same as the needle of an injection shot and the same as Vlad the impaler also known as Dracula.
      It reminds me of Britney Spears but also of the move in pro wrestling named spear which was how Donald Trump the maga mage won against Umaga in the battle of the billionaires.
      Also reminds me of Lance Armstrong the greatest athlete of all time who of course had no need of embryonic steroids to secure his victories.

      Lance Armstrong: 'I'd probably cheat again'

    3. Lance took doping.
      From where does the doping comes from Lance.
      He doesnt know.
      Oh well.

    4. What You Don't Know (Sure Can Hurt You)

      I was watching this video montage about masks related to covidiocy:
      The Truth Unmasked In This Mad World!

      It includes Jim Carreys the mask and it reminded me that i actually predicted the covidiocy masked hysteria on GLP back in 2015:

      To quote myself back in 2015:
      "To be able to take on THE world...
      I would picture it like THE mask...
      By making a fool out of everything THE world holds on to..."

      "Anonymous Coward
      User ID: 69408770
      6/3/2015 12:04 PM"

      I was talking with Lil Red there.
      Not Lil Green, Lil Yellow or Lil Blue.
      He had some great threads, im thankful to have readen those.

    5. Mr "You Can Live Forever" told me then:
      "Anonymous Coward
      User ID: 69415794
      United States
      6/3/2015 11:52 PM"




      AND BY DOING SO...


      THIS IS ...




      THAT IS NOT 'LOVE'...



      Too late too late mate.

      Too Late Too Late

    6. The devil took one look
      Could see it in his eyes
      The burning fire and sulphur smoke
      Reveals him from disguise
      The curtain fell at once
      A man behind the wall
      Smiling through the broken glass
      His hand had cursed them all

      The tricksters wicked ways
      Deceived them all through time
      Tormenting each and everyone
      Too slow to the see the signs
      His angel boils inside
      A beast without a cage
      He smashes through the world around him
      Blinded by this rage

      "Too late, too late" will be the cry when the man with the bargains has passed you by. If you got no money on you now, you'll be crying tears as big as October cabbages. Bacon: Squeeze in if you can."

      Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats - Withered Hand of Evil

    7. CCP = Chinese communist party

      But for Mr Willy thats crime, corrupção e putas

      Carolina Salgado arrasa FC Porto ao confirmar Crime, Corrupção e Putas

    8. Or am i to believe that Mr Willy is a victim of blackmail by the chicoms and the evil jays, could be i dont know, i dont like these people anyway.

    9. I believe this whore Carolinas word over the word of Mr WIlly.
      Thats why im going to hell.

    10. 30 years and nothing has happened within all the judicial courts, its all a big joke.

    11. Just like with all the children from Casa Pia, nothing happens inside this moronic hive thingy judical justice mockery.
      But but but but but the chinks and the moslems and the jayishes, yeah yeah...

    12. How could it anyway, it has been more than 150 years since Lincoln was assassinated and you people still havent figured it out.

    13. This place is all an illusion anyway, its just a big mantis trying to eat my head off.


    14. But you people work a lot, all day, everyday, at least thats what you tell me.

  12. Found this in a 4chan thread,:

    >Some links between Masons, MKUltra and Occultism (the whole thing I believe to be just ancient satanic brainwashing techniques refined with modern psychology and drugs)
    In anime "Wolf Rain" what is basically werewolf accompany last true "human" attempting to escape from their adversary. You've guessed it: a vampire noble flying on a hyper-advanced aircraft.

    There was war between werewolves and humans (led by vampires) and werewolves lost because some of them were captured, tortured, brainwashed and then sent back into the wild to seek out hidden lairs of werewolves and sabotage.

    If jewpires are indeed ancient carnivorous murder-raping cave apes, at some point when they started to seriously lose battle against cro-mango humans, they might have considered alternative methods of fighting back.

    Being psychopathic cannibals devoid of empathy (99% carnivores, makes sense), they should have rich experience in torturing human slaves and must have noticed the effects of prolonged stress and torture.

    Perhaps that's how foundations of satanic rituals and MKUltra were laid.

    I'm pretty sure this is a plot point in a isekai novel Destroyermen where 20th century battleships teleport onto alt Earth where primates war with sentient dinosaurs: captured primates were tortured into obedient slaves to infiltrate primates.



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