The Starlit Sky Is The Swarm/Leechmonger In Star Trek Beyond And In Ender's Game Earth's Defence Force Towards Aliens/Outsiders!

Skip to 4:09, enjoy the show!(hahaha pause at 4:21 and enjoy our starlit sky in all of its glory hahaha!)
yorktown is deathstar/starkiller base with thor's well/bottomless pit/eye at the center!
and this area is underwater(under pacific ocean i decoded in previous thread)like atlantis, see at 5:20!

Lunar boss here was trying to infect all humans with the same swarm/leechmonger that's in our nightsky!

See at 5:08, he was trying to put it in the machine(moon symbolism) that circulates earth's air to make it airborne which is the intel i have decoded how they are spraying us with this leechmonger virus from ancient times and it's this that suppresses our analog powers like the fear worm gas does to superman.

That virus was located also in a halo, tron legacy disk/corona=corona virus symbolism! We already got it that's why the current one is a joke and its name a subliminal for the real ancient one.

0:12 pay attention at the starlit sky on top right corner, it reacts like the swarm in first video!
It looks also like apophis from gods of egypt!
In the first video at 2:54 the swarm takes the shape of a snake with its mouth open that is about to consume its prey.

So here like in matrix they pit the swarm against the domed earth/zion which i exposed in previous thread they're on the same side and then i remembered ender's game that showed it to our face!

Skip to 1:10!
The swarm/leechmonger/apophis/starlit sky is protecting earth here and the queen of earth and of the swarm was shown to be a mantis at the end.
(at 1:12 pay attention at the yellow hologram screen on the right when ender says go for the center, the swarm is shown in the shape of the chinese dragon/worm/apophis!)
Lunar boss was using kids to fight his battles in this movie and when their job was done he would drug them and put them back to sleep/dreamworld.(like he was doing to vin diesel in bloodshot movie)
Yoda in star wars was using also kids to find solutions to his problems saying their mind is pure(not as infected with worms/words/numbers like adults) and can think clearly and come up with unthinkable solutions.

Ender's game showed also what i decoded how everything we go through here in this life is training for when we wake up and that's why everything from our parents, schools, goverment, military(most countries have draft and all have to join at 18!), religion, entertainment etc is to prepare us to be obedient, fearful and to love war and destruction so when we wake up we fear the lunar boss/queen like god and are obedient to him/her like we are now to authority and growing up to our parents and teachers and be preinclined towards destruction and fighting his/her wars thanks to all these years of violence praising entertainment/brainwashing.

Lunar boss and queen was shown in ender's game to go as far to manipulate the kids' living environment to test them and make them undergo specific training that will be useful when they wake up in the fight/war in the real world. He also tricked them to think that final fight/war was a video game while it was the real thing!

Go to 3:30 in ender's game clip, that's our starlit sky right there, the swarm!
It looks like a gas cloud too and reminds me the cloud that surrounded earth like in jupiter planet in serenity movie the galactic empire was afraid to enter and was stationed outside of it.
Now i know why that jupiter cloud was so scary to the galactic police, it's the swarm!
A bigger version of scarecrow's/batman's fear worm gas.



    1. Philip Schneider is awesome, funny how to some it's hard to believe what he said where reality is way more insane.

      By the way the mantis queen from ender's game reminded me the mantis from guardians of the galaxy 2 who betrayed the father and put him to sleep.

      In aquaman movie they said "the king has risen" and reminded me the marble king of Constantinople where greeks believe will unfreeze/wake up eventually and rise again.
      I hope he doesnt wake up as a puppet through hypnotism of the mantis/ex wife and damn what the hell he was thinking marrying a mantis, probably he got blackmailed, the usual stuff lunar boss/queen does to everyone.

    2. Jordan peterson talks in this video
      about the sleeping father intel and how he wrote in his book about it and how that was the goal of humanity in ancient times to wake up the father(sleeping odin from thor 1 comes to mind) and wim hof tells him "we are the father!" and it blew me away man!
      Also thor in thor 1 movie when living human life on earth sleeping odin was shown to react to thor's pain and suffering on earth giving away that thor and odin was the same person!
      Thor is zeus in greek and zeus has a second name in greece, dias/dion=odin!

      I expressed my suspicion before how we all could be fragments of the consciousness of the sleeping father.
      Me when wake up as the father and the lunar queen expecting me to be her puppet.

      "Freeza i'm going to make you pay" -Bardock
      and put her to sleep or under quarantine initially to get time to investigate if it's a trap so i dont hurt the wrong person.

      In bloodshot movie when in the matrix the lunar boss would have people hurt you and when you wake up have you go kill them in the real world for revenge where those had nothing to do with the ones who hurt you in the dreamworld, lunar boss was setting us up and he loved our thirst for revenge and was using it against us.

      Maybe i'll say this instead when i wake up
      "freeza your days of tyranny are over forever" -Bardock

      Oh and bardock hurt the wrong guy too, it was lord chill he was hurting, not freeza.

  2. Wrestlemania 23 battle of the billionaires/genes/chromossomes
    Trump vs Mcmahon
    Referee Stone Cold shirt reads: Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave,1200&w=1800

    Vatican statue of La Resurrezione inaugurated in 1977 depicts Satan rising from a nuclear blast.
    Just like 77 sleepy Joe Bi-den = Bi-23 = 23 pairs of chromossomes.
    It kinda looks like the swam of worms too.

    23 +77 = 100 = C in roman numerals

    Caesar = C God = God 3
    Thats the supreme bridgebuilder connecting different worlds/genomes under a single authority

    1. September 11 attacks = 7/11

      Statue of liberty 7 pointed crown on its head while standing on top of 11 pointed base

      And i found the same 7/11 symbolism relating to Lincolns assassination:

      "Booth had associated with seven people who were brought to
      trial less than a month following the assassination.
      It was not a civilian trial but a special eleven-man military tribunal appointed
      by President Andrew Johnson called “The Hunter Commission.”

      Within seven weeks, the Commission (a two-thirds majority, not the unanimity required of a civilian jury) found four of the conspirators guilty.
      On July 7, 1865 they were hanged."

      4 hanged and 3 escaped thats the freemasonic square and compass totalling 7 = G

      And it also accuentuated the opposition between the military and civilians that you mentioned here on your blog before:

      "Shortly thereafter, the Supreme Court rendered a landmark decision that would have won all the conspirators a jury trial.
      Ex parte Milligan held that military courts have no jurisdiction over civilians."

      July 7 execution = 77

    2. "They say also all countries dump their trash in the mariana trench which again symbolizes dumpster earth(like in thor ragnarok) and dumpster underworld atlantis where its king in aquaman movie got pissed and threw the trash back to the land on top lol."

      Similar thing Duterte did with all the trash he was getting from the old queen of England.

      "We will declare war" Philippines' Duterte threatens Canada over garbage disposal dispute

      Old queen and her Rothschild cronies must be rolliing down in laughter, theyll just find a different third world garbage disposal destination like the Mariana trench.

    3. "The laser eyes were shown also in spiderman homecoming!"

      Same power from Cylops in X-Men, he was Jean grey/Grey gene/phoenix husband and the leader of the X-Men = shepherd symbolism.

      Cyclops unleashes his powers in a NEW clip from X-Men Apocalypse [HD]

    4. Scott Summers = SS = iSiS

  3. On a more lighthearted note, do you remember where you were during 2006? The question popped up after visiting this time capsule.

    What an awesome year for the arts though.

    1. Makes you wonder what's in store for the year 2026.. Guess there's only 1 way to find out.

      Will we still be in our current bodies ?

    2. 2006 was the last time that i spent money on a videogame, i bought Pro Evolution Soccer 6 for Christmas.

      PES 6 - Pro Evolution Soccer (Intro)

      That was my last console playstation 2, joined the track running team, got a big injury, been a couch potato since.
      Placed a bet on Germany to win the world cup, lost.

    3. I just been downloading old games for free online hosted by the evil moslems and demonic chicoms since then.
      I prefer 2d to 3d anyway.
      I dont have much decodings to contribute related to science fiction because other than alien, predator, star wars and futurama i havent watched much else.

    4. I dont know what you call the top view modeling of the 90s pc games like Rage of Mages, Fallout or Planescape, but i like that too better than 3d.

    5. 2006 i got a perfect score in a math test, 100%, it was a 90 minutes test and i completed it in 30.
      That was my last above average score in math, 9th grade.
      Wow 9th grade = pro evolution soccer 6 = 69 just noticed it even though i entered tenth grade that year.
      Ive first watched WWE around Wrestlemania 20 in 2004, the weekly shows were very entertaining, 2006 was when Kurt Angle left and the show started being fully centered around John Cena, i even got the John Cena only hair on top hairstyle that everybody and their grandpa have nowadays.

      WWE Champion John Cena gets drafted to Raw

      Then Chris Benoit was ritualistic murdered the following year and the show just sucked balls ever since.

      Kurt Angle's Epic Debut in IMPACT Wrestling (Oct 19, 2006) | Classic IMPACT Moments

      Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit are the best matches that WWE will ever produce.

    6. 2006 i was listening to John Cenas album and watching Rocky all the time.

      John Cena and tha Trademarc - Just Another Day

      In Lincolns assassination there were 7 conspirators on trial judged by a 11 man military tribunal.
      7/11 = 77

      In 1977 Rocky got that rigged oscar award victory.
      Apollo Creed wins the boxing match at the end.
      Apollo = Satan
      Creed = Seed

      Acid Witch - Satanic Faith

      Rocky 4 - Living In America

    7. John Cena = JC = Jesus Christ = 13


    8. So Pro Evolution Soccer 6 was called internationally Winning Eleven 10, nice got it on 10th grade last game i got.

    9. Got Fifa Street 2 too in the summer, was playing a lot of soccer on the street, other people were breaking my house windows with the ball and my mother was pissed all the time.

      Fifa Street 2 Intro

    10. I sucked at it anyway.

    11. 2006 Rob Van Dam won his only wwe championship on the same week of my birthday, that was cool-

      Paul Heyman counts the pinfall for RVD in his WWE Title

    12. Speaking of Benoit, apparently this is the true story of what had happened to him.


    If you haven’t checked out the oaths of the Jesuits it’s a REAL eye opener; BRUTAL is the final oath.

    Oh, this is so true. Their evil plans are written out very clearly and nothing is more serious to them then this oath they take/pledge.

    MsCool Gematria
    5 hours ago
    Yes they want extermination if anyone dare interfere.


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