All You Have To Do Is Ring The Bell To Get Out. -Admiral McRaven


14:30! but it's better to listen from 14:00!
The whole navy seals training this admiral talks about looks like it was designed by the lunar boss himself!
It even has the mud hole where batman fought the mutant leader i posted in previous thread and they have the navy seals go head deep in the mud like batman did to the mutant leader to get consumed by the mud majin buu style and lose his super powers.
Then they have the seals literally freezing head deep in the mud(like our sleeping frozen in mud/snow forms in antarctica) for a whole night.

I have decoded the crap out of the lunar bell in these threads

The bell might be in plain sight but is like a carrot on a stick, we need particle beams or thinking out of the box to ring it, but then again lunar boss is going to ring it for us as he wants out too like agent smith.

The admiral talks also about two towers the trainees have to traverse through a rope that hangs in between and reminded me the twin towers/moons and identical thing batman did in dark knight returns part 1. In gods of egypt the twin towers/moonboat and sun were also connected with a chain!

The circus/luna park intel admiral talks about at 6:33 is also interesting as it symbolizes earth as a whole and he says eventually everyone goes through the circus like the game is rigged!
At 5:34 he gives intel how the game is rigged so everyone fails=no one graduates and how the ones in charge make sure that no matter what you do you fail!(oh shit he says also no matter what we do we end up a sugar cookie=majin buu's favorite food!)
He then goes to promote this rigged game as a great thing cause it makes you stronger, forgets to point out it also corrupts you, degrades you and turns you into a pawn, eternal slave of the system/script, but in the dumb military mind if it makes you stronger it's good as physical power is all they crave and can think of. (he did say to our face though we end up as sugar cookies hahaha)

The winning move is not to play, stay out of the circus, ring the bell and get out of the surgeon's/batman's operating table before your training/mutation is complete and revert back to your superior analog form, then proceed to kaboom or melt with solar flares the 9-12 layers/rings/circus of hell and their moons freeza style.

I just googled "solar flare" and washington post shows on top with this article that was posted 20 hours ago!
"The sun is awakening with ‘solar storms’ that could affect Earth"

"After a lengthy slumber, the sun is waking up, crackling with activity and hurling blistering pulses of energy into space. Solar physicists are expecting an uptick in stormy “space weather,” with implications that affect us here on Earth."

"“This is NOT a major space weather event,” wrote. “But after 3 years of uber-quiet Solar Minimum, it is noteworthy.”"

The 3 years symbolize the 3 days/thousand years of jesus in the land of the dead before his awakening.

It's apparent Lunar boss is writing the script of the media too like he does to music, movies, schools, religion/bible, military training you name it! That bastard writes the script in everything that takes place here, talk about micromanaging and control freaks, lunar boss/queen is at the top of it! 

Can never forget my drill instructors back in bootcamp who were telling us to never look them in the eye like they were medusa/devil and that would kill us.
That so smelled lunar boss shit right there.
In seventh son movie the lunar queen killed one of her soldiers on the spot cause he looked at her.

I realized everything that takes place on earth is a sophisticated system that prepares us insidiously and subconsciously for war and to join lunar boss's army.

School's education is a front, at least in greece where i grew up, discipline, obedience and fear the authority was the actual training. Principal would smack us if we forget to say good morning to her and similar punishment military bootcamp has.
Military bootcamp training was another front, discipline, obedience and fear the authority was the actual training too. Recruits were complaining to their drill instructors "what's the point of rifle drill/jerking and marching all day every day?" and the answer was "it teaches discipline".

Parents are the first to force us into this kind of training, then schools take over and expand on that, then military and governor.

The entertainment industry is also a front and preparing us and training us for war subconsciously is its actual agenda as all entertainment is built around loving guns, destruction, killing and violence.

I can see the lunar boss's hand behind everything that takes place on earth, and he's preparing us for war and to be his obedient soldiers that will fear him, will never question him and of course never look him in the eye hahahaha!



  1. The admiral at the thumbnail does the bullhorn handsign as if everything in his speech wasnt enough lunar boss/satan symbolism.
    I had seen this video before and i did a quick pass over it this time.
    Will try to see it again from the beginning in case i missed something important.

  2. I remember as a child watching boxing with my dad. When ever someone got hit really hard he would say that he got his bell rung.
    Then I remember something called getting your ears boxed. When someone used both hands open to basically slap you on both ears at the same time. Could cause quite the ringing.

    1. Damn i was just thinking about boxing too after i wrote this thread and how our very head could be a bell too, as above so below!

      So when in boxing or ufc someone gets knocked out they could literally be getting knocked out of their bodies and then their bodies like a magnet pulling them back in.
      (or the connection with their sleeping bodies gets jammed and connection takes some time to restore itself)

      In one of my sleep paralysis experiences back in 2008-2009 i saw myself slipping out of my body and my soul body looked like water that had the same shape as my flesh body and then it was pulled back into my body automatically without me doing anything.

      This and the boxing intel shows to me ringing/hitting the lunar+sun bell/twin towers is not the solution but destroying them instead!

    2. the soul within looking watery reminds me of chickens that are water/liquid in their eggs before their mutation is complete!
      And to reverse the abomination after that fire/purgatory is the solution while if we were to get out of this egg we call human body before the mutation is complete then fire wouldnt be necessary to return to our previous form as we would still be flexible/watery like majin buu and able to take any form or revert back to our original one.

      I'm not afraid of fire anymore and suicide/destroying my bell dont feel like doing it, i play the patience game now and if fire is the solution after death i'll do my investigation and jump in head first if everything checks out.

    3. During my last sleep paralysis experience when I saw my sister it was also a very high pitched like ringing that pulled me back into my body. I'm always hearing a high pitched ringing in the ears and when I can focus on this before sleep I always have vivid/lucid dreams. Kind of like school, a bell for when recess/lunch starts and one for when it ends.

      I tried a few years ago to leave this place through self inflicted medication overdose. During which I lost my memory and hospital staff had to tell me what happened. I was told at one point I tried smashing my head so hard against the wall that they thought I fractured my skull and sent me for an MRI the next day, none of which I remember. And never got to see the actual MRI. This was around the same time as that las vegas shooting.

      Things also remind me of the Canadian Folk singer Stompin Tom Connors song, moon man Newfie. The first lyric is "you might think it's goofy but the man in the moon is a Newfie" A Newfie is someone from Newfoundland, the island province in Canada. It's crazy because that's the reason I went back to school, was so I could work on the ferry from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland as an engineer. It wasn't until after the above incident that I lost my previous job as an IT analyst and decided on a trip back from visiting family in Newfoundland that I was going to do this. Recently though due to all of the mask policy changes and shit going on I've almost decided to quit, and if things don't change after the Christmas break it's doubtful I'll be going back.

      I get the feeling lately that I'm being lead into a trap if I continue with this.

  3. I just googled "got his bell rung" and free dictionary says
    "To receive a violent blow or injury, especially to the head and as might stun, concuss, or incapacitate."

    1. all you got to do is ring the bell to get out reminded M that told james "you had your cyanide" implying he could get out of north korea with death any time he wanted.
      But the prison has many layers and for true freedom that's a lot of bells we have to ring, i suspect 9-12.

      That's why i suspect they allow death or suicide here cause is not true freedom especially if we are wireless connected to these bodies here.
      nikola tesla's wireless energy reveals that the battery can be located externally from its device and far away and send its energy wireless, another intel that our soul is not within but nearby.


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