Our Air Is Contaminated And Is Suppressing Our Analog Powers Intel From Batman Movies. Earth Is A Mutating Machine Like Eggs Are.

Breath it in, that's fear!

It reminded me the fear gas from batman arkham knight i played a month ago and was like no way, he's using the fear gas of scarecrow!
Which fear gas arkham knight showed is full with worms!(see the video i posted in the arkham knight thread with a guy screaming while they were showering him with fear gas "get them off me, dont let them touch me, i've seen what they do")

Breathe david, breathe!

-It wasn't easy to make, Clark.
It took years and cost a fortune.
Luckily, I had both.
-He's down here!
-Eyes downside, spud.
-Hi-ho freaking silver.(they're using metals in our air to suppress our powers like they do to vampires and lycans!!!)
-You're feeling it now, aren't you?
What the rest of us live with every day.

Your own mortality.
Don't worry, you'll survive.
The kryptonite will work its way
out of your lungs soon enough.
-Bruce. Your heart.
-We got them. They got nowhere to go.
-But I didn't have to go easy on you.
A different binding agent, a stronger mix.
I want you to remember that.
I wanted to remind you
to stay out of my way.
In all the years to come,
in your most private moments...
... I want you to remember
the one man who beat you.

The fear gas being green can be subliminal for the shit/spores the plants emit into our air as in the arkham knight thread at the same time scarecrow was showering gotham with his gas from above, poison ivy was showering gotham with her own gas from her plants from below.

In this one the mutant leader the first time he defeated batman easy and here batman whooped his ass.
Covering the mutant leader(who symbolized neo/superman/analog) in mud/digital(which was shown to symbolize also human blood!) was the secret ingredient!

“You don’t get it son. This isn’t a mud hole/mine. This is an operating table, and I’m the surgeon/sculptor”
(this is the intel from james bond die another day movie, they dont mine bottomless hole earth but sculpt it starkiller base style, or starkiller base is the operating table sculpting the sun/analog within into an abomination like eggs do to their sun within! Damnnn what i just decoded! Earth=egg/666=Sculpting machine! In
james bond die another day scene they tried to operate on halle belly like a surgeon with the lasers of the mine/earth!)

The mutant leader symbolizes us and here they had to release him from the sewer/earth as his people had earth surrounded and were about to destroy the place while earth's leaders were trying to make deals with them, so they set him up while releasing him to embarrass him to his people so all of them stop supporting him and lose faith in him.
In the beginning of this clip at 0:06 we have intel that at the same time we get out of this place the lunar boss/batman gets out too and has a plan to steal our place in power in the outside world that is shown right here before our eyes!

In the part 2 of Batman The Dark Knight Returns was said that analog superman apart from pure from worms air needs also real sunlight and was said earth having very little or artificial sunlight serves as means to keep his power on the minimum. See the intel i have decoded of our dome to be a dam controlling the flow of the sunlight that enters in our cave/layer that then is getting filtered/infected and distributed around through the james bond sun mirror icarus.
Also was shown there was a nuclear bomb that was exploded in ancient times that made this place very radioactive like the zone in stalker games that is also suppressing our analog powers.

All this breathing batman and joker were telling to their victims to do reminded me the iceman wim hof that keeps telling us to breath a lot and then there's another famous guy from buteyko breathing that warns us against breathing a lot and how dangerous it actually is!
Seeing the intel in above batman clips i get the memo why breathing is dangerous but i personally noticed before i do my pullups every other day, when i take around 10 deep breaths and then go to do pullups i do a lot more and much easier.
So there's energy in the air but i guess contaminated energy like the dirty electricity.

Wim hof says also and this is very important intel, that the analog sleeping parts within our body wake up after 1 minute and 30 seconds with no air/oxygen(oxy means toxic in greek)=toxicgen=toxic gene in our lungs who then proceed to fix everything that is wrong with our bodies until we take another breath in!

This shows that even in wim hof's method it's the absence of air/joker's/batman's fear gas that is the secret ingredient for miracles to happen.

Also air=ira=hera in greek=lunar queen!
In ww1/ww2 greeks were yelling to the germans and italians "air" to cause fear in them, another give away that air(or the worms in it) is indeed fear what batman was telling to superman's face.

I came across this wim hof picture that gave me the chills!

If by soul he means our sleeping forms that are frozen in ice demolition man style in antarctica or greenland then indeed the cold is the doorway in between!

I wonder if by experiencing extreme cold wim hof managed to connect to his frozen sleeping form and the reason he found out and became aware of the cold to be the doorway to the soul.


  1. In Batman The Dark Knight Returns part 2 we have intel that they plan to upgrade us to robocop to face the return of neo/superman!(see batman getting a robotic body to face superman/analog)

    In the tunnel of love=evil/earth bottomless pit scene a kid told joker/lunar boss "batman is going to kick your ass" and joker hiding behind the kid told him "He's gonna have to go through you first."
    Which is the intel i have decoded of lunar boss using us as human shields to fight his enemies who are also related to us as otherwise why bother come to this shithole, it's not even a mine, it's an operating table. If it wasnt for us trapped here they would have blown up this place freeza style long ago!

    1. In the luna park scene batman came to earth from the moongate/oculus above and joker lunar boss was expecting him and had kids ready to face him which were also suicide bombers.

      -Boss, something's coming.
      -It's big(camera shows a moon size planet/asteroid symbolism approaching earth). It's...
      - Him.
      -He's there. Hold tight.
      -Children, do you know
      why all these people are so upset?
      That bad man/superman/god/neo up there.(brainwashes the kids/us to hate our savior coming from above)
      Bobby, you know what to do.
      - Incoming.
      - Wait, let it get closer.
      -Don't worry, Mary dear.
      You two distract the little one,
      and I'll handle the bad man.(we distract the aliens/saviors while the lunar boss escapes intel!)
      -Are you out of your mind?(lunar boss uses humans as a shield to blackmail our allies/saviors etc)
      -I'm through playing, Joker.(allies are not playing his game which is great news!)
      They showed next joker started killing everyone in the tunnel of love/evil/earth which looked also like the belly of a worm!
      Joker at the end burned on fire!

  2. Just noticed in the Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 they had the intel of the lunar scum nuking earth if they lose it to the outsiders, similar to the nazi germans that were burning and destroying all land they had occupied after they lost ww2.(that was a good sign how those nazis were possessed by the lunar boss consciousness as they behaved just like him).

    I found hilarious when the president of usa said this in batman part 2.
    "So don't you fret.
    We've got God on our side.
    Or the next best thing, anyway."
    implying satan and right next the camera shows S man, S for satan hahaha!

    One nation under satan, but bible reveals all nations are under satan, maybe the one nation is subliminal for the upcoming globalization and the creation of one global nation under satan.

    Lunar queen catwoman/selene was shown as an old hag in these batman movies and both joker and batman kissed her giving away they are the same person.
    They had also lunar queen/boss=transgender intel in the scene where batman was disguised as an old hag and was after joker's right hand man/woman that was a transgender too.
    Joker wearing lipstick called batman darling too.

    No wonder why the transgenders get the elevator to the top everywhere they go and act like their kind rules earth.

  3. About our contaminated air i thought of the use of gas masks but remembered lunar boss Ares from wonder woman movie that revealed his airborne toxin goes through gas masks too.
    Batman arkham knight game showed similar thing.

    Also there's intel that the filters gas masks use are toxic too.
    Wow google says many of them have asbestos and when expired are dangerous hahaha, bastards!

    1. Worms hate heat, so there's always the Hippocrates solution for purifying the air through the use of giant bonfires!

  4. Just came across intel on google that GP 5 gas mask filters' case is made with a percentage of lead which slowly degrades into the filter, along with many other chemicals used in the manufacturing process.

    Hahaha, i decoded in this thread how part of the contaminants in our air are metals like mercury, what a convenient coincidence for gas masks to have similar metals in them for us to breath too.

    Many people have exposed chemplanes are spraying us mainly with metals!
    Others say it's to reflect sunlight away from earth for global warming prevention purposes and funny how no one disagrees that they are spraying metals in our atmosphere, which also reduces the minimum sunlight we get even further, so the elite hits 2 birds with one stone with the chemplanes.

    1. Magneto in x-men days of future past was infecting plastic/organic robots with metals when they were sleeping so he could control them robocop/electro style when they wake up.
      Yeap those sleeping robots were us and could kick x-mens' asses with ease when pure from metals!

      Unbelievable! They are drilling our ceiling/dome to come here like in matrix 3 underground cave!

    2. 1:30 that's us frozen in ice and he breaks free by firing up!
      What i recommended as the solution to freedom in a previous thread.

      They did an amazing job demonizing our allies=aliens here as when i watched this movie few years ago never crossed my mind they symbolized the good guys.

    3. In that scene at 1:30 we have intel that cold/blue and fire/red are similar forces and lunar boss is controlling both by turning the one against the other. Divide and conquer.

  5. I remembered growing up in greece some kids loved wearing spike collars(viktor in underworld movie had his slaves/lycans wear them with the spikes on the inside) and were getting skin infections on their necks from the metals!
    This really puts the metals on negative light to me, then you have gold and silver that corrupt human minds like demons as many hollywood movies show to our face too.

    In greek metal is "sidero" and sid/dis means evil in latin like disaster=evil star/moon.

    metal money/coins in greek are called kerma=karma/crime subliminal!
    i find hilarious how in greek the definition of criminal/kreminal is someone who deals with money/kerma what the bible with the solomon temple, sundays/god's days=no work/money days and x-men apocalypse showed that god hates money=numbers=digital like the plague!

  6. Wow i just remembered vaccines have metals in them! Mercury and aluminum are the most common in them!
    Chemplanes are spraying us also with aluminum and mercury among other metals!

    Holy moly! They are spraying us and injecting us with metals like the vampires were doing to lycans in underworld movies with those special bullets that were injecting soft metals in them they couldnt expel from the bodies easily like they were doing to silver bullets.

    Holy moly man we are the lycans! And they are depriving us also from real sunlight so it doesnt wake up our powers within like viktor was depriving his lycan slaves from seeing the light of their moon and silverhawks were denying monstar from seeing the light of the real sun!
    In this clip is shown a moon is blocking the sun like our moon does to eclipses and it has also intel of a sun imprisoned within the moon that gets liberated with the moon's destruction.

  7. This herbalist just came to mind
    that's exposing nano metallic particles that behave like black goo in our food, air, water etc.

    I'm kinda disappointed at him as when i had leukemia i contacted him and he didnt recommend me or mentioned garlic or cayenne at all as i would expect a herbalist expert like him to be aware how useful they are.
    But his intel on nano is very interesting nonetheless.

  8. Venus = Morning star/Dawn = Evening star/Dusk
    Dawn = Early age
    Dusk = Old age

    You are insane?

    Don't you realize that you get uglier
    each time you get old?

    And you can't go on
    killing forever?

    Why not, with you
    and Julie to help me?

    Countess Dracula / Original Theatrical Trailer (1971)

    Hold me.



    - Whose blood?
    - No matter.

    I did it for you, my darling.

    To please you!

    Alphaville - Forever Young ~Official Video


    un = ea = 69 = WM = IXXI = pd = mirror

    S mirror = SS = iSiS

    The house that dripped blood - final

    1. Let us die young or let us live forever
      We don't have the power but we never say never
      Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
      The music's for the sad men
      Can you imagine when this race is won?
      Turn our golden faces into the sun
      Praising our leaders, we're getting in tune
      The music's played by the, the mad man
      Forever young, I want to be forever young
      Do you really want to live forever?
      Forever, and ever

      Orange man bad


      Happy birthday, Joe: 78-year-old Biden to be oldest US president to take office

      Biden will surpass Trump and Reagan’s previously set presidential age records, in ‘vigorous’ health according to his physician


    2. "So don't you fret.
      We've got God on our side.
      Or the next best thing, anyway."
      implying satan and right next the camera shows S man, S for satan hahaha!

      un ea 69 pd WM IXXI mirror
      S mirror
      Satan's mirror

      Ghost - Here Comes The Sun


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