And the Trash in the Sky fell to Earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. -Revelation 6:13


I was wondering where are all the trash thor ragnarok and alita were showing that keep falling on our planet from the layers above, then i took notice star/shtar(like in ishtar)=trash!
And our good friends scientists that tell us our planet is surrounded with trash came to memory!

I decoded recently these trash are also the swarm/leechmonger and how can both coexist or be both i was wondering, then the reavers(trash recycled space force) from serenity came to mind that were hiding and lurking in between the trash in orbit and the answer is all of the above as usual.

The lunar boss/queen is turning the trash above us into a fleet/space force!

Weaponized space trash hahaha they're going to fight the aliens/galactic empire with trash just like in this video at 1:28 hahaha omg this is so hilarious, they have no chance man, no chance in hell that's why the lunar queen like in suicide squad will be packing to haul ass out of here when the shit hit the fan.

Google "trash orbit" for more official pictures and most of them look highly suspicious to be not just trash but a secret fleet/swarm/earth's first line of defense against alien threats.
(wow the wall/dome made of ships from ancient greek literature came to mind which was athen's solution towards her outside enemies! they built a wall all around that city from ships! Another fractal written by the lunar boss himself that reveals a bigger picture!)

Spider planet from star citizen just came to mind!

Spider is a pirate-controlled mobile cluster of ships, similar to a Banu Flotilla. Spider is a trading post for various illegal goods, including slaves.
"A man-made structure built from a half-finished habitable platform and countless ship hulls. As a center of pirate activity, various gangs use it as their base of operations and frequently fight for control of certain sectors. Spider is also home to an extensive black market and every form of illegal activity imaginable."

A docking approach is, again, tricky. In short, the process changes constantly: the most recent docking protocol (which we warn you may be obsolete by the time this article is published!) is that you need to signal a tower(lighthouse moon symbolism) four times for an approach vector. Any other number of signals will immediately designate you a target. 

Once you're in, though, you're in! Culture aboard Spider is deceptively pleasant: everyone knows themselves to be in the company of thieves and any business done is no more or less honest than you would find in a public square on Terra.

"What can you sell on Spider? Basically, anything… with a clear preference for luxury goods. Those trying to build a life on the artificial world crave anything from the homeworlds — high quality foods, games, books, electronics and the like — and will always pay a premium for them. Illegal resources are not in demand because they are usually in surplus: go to Spider if you need to buy drugs, bootlegged products, slaves, cybots, human organs or stolen goods of any sort. You will probably find what you're looking for; if not today, then within a week. Owing to its origin as a junkyard, Cathcart is also a great place to pick up ship upgrades… if you don't have a problem with technology that may be a century or two out of date!"

Here's another good one, here the trash look just like stars!

All comes together now, black goo is also sewer material and a nano swarm,
earth sewer from matrix, dumpster earth from alita and thor ragnarok, swarm protected earth from ender's game and star trek beyond, i can finally connect all these dots.
(the athens ships intel and star citizen spider intel i updated this thread with is also mind blowing!)

I guess it's when the glass dome above us breaks all these trash will fall to earth like in thor ragnarok, alita and bible.

I love the name spider star citizen gave to earth, so accurate man and it had crossed my mind of gravity to be some advanced form of spiderweb keeping us stuck here so we dont get away like superman until the hobbit spiders/leechmonger fully consume/digest us and turn us into them.


  1. Funny how the floaters in my eyes some times look like trash too, hahaha as above so below indeed, and it's more than just trash in both above and below.

    Wow google calls the floaters trash too hahaha!
    "Floating debris in eye"
    (caused by aging and deterioration google says)

    1. Just noticed debris and spider to be anagram.

  2. "Speaking of Benoit, apparently this is the true story of what had happened to him."

    Didnt knew that there was an insane clowns song about Chris Benoit, they used to call him Mr Roboto too along with the crippler which is probably a subliminal about crippling brain functions with brain chips and mercury poisoning.

    Mercury in mythology as the psychopomp and the trickster had the role to trick gullible souls into following him to Hades.
    And i just found that mercury poisoning has the same symptoms as autism.
    With an autistic person being someone with reduced mental capacities like those of a very gullible individual, certainly seems to me that all the austim being brought to children via the administration of vaccines is a direct ritual for the roman pagan diety Mercury.
    Same with all the old folks being killed in old folks homes which looks to me like a roman pagan ritual for Venus.

    1. Donald Trump being vengeful with all his followers believing that his enemies get "the Trump curse" along with all the 77s related to blood sacrifice i also have found to come straight from the book of Genesis.

      Cain and Abel is all about a set of 23 chromossomes cannibalizing a different set of 23 chromossomes = DNA

      "Early on, Cain saw there was great profit in provoking assailants.
      The more enemies, the more spectacular the displays of vengeance.
      The more vengeance, the more justice; the more justice, the more power to Cain; a more powerful Cain could do more excellent public works.
      Thus, it became essential to the self-interest of the bearer of the mark – which remains to this day a first. principle of ordered government – to provoke and encourage evildoing, particularly the form that manifests itself in rebellion.
      Cain terrorized evil with awesome dependability.
      His faith that God would avenge his enemies made him a highly reliable public protector.
      Down through the ages, righteous people could live secure in the knowledge that the mark-bearer would stop at nothing to persecute evildoers."

      Back to the Future Trump 2016

    2. Genesis 4:15
      But the Lord said to him, “Not so; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him."

      Genesis 4:17-18
      Cain made love to his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch.
      Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch.
      To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech.

      Genesis 4:23-24
      Lamech said to his wives,
      “Adah and Zillah, listen to me;
      wives of Lamech, hear my words.
      I have killed a man for wounding me,
      a young man for injuring me.

      If Cain is avenged seven times,
      then Lamech seventy-seven times.”

      77 huh wow

      King Diamond - The 7th Day of July 1777

      "On July 7, 1865, four convicted conspirators — including boarding house owner Mary E. Surratt — were hanged in the courtyard of what is now Fort Lesley J. McNair for their roles in the assassination of President Lincoln."

    3. 23 + 77 = 100 = C = C aesar = Apollo

      Rocky Balboa Vs Apollo Creed

      Rocky Wins Best Picture: 1977 Oscars

    4. Talk about rigged.

    5. 2007 Wrestlemania 23 Trumps battle of the billionaires/chromossomes
      2007 = 27 = 77
      2007 Chris Benoit suicided

      "If you haven’t checked out the oaths of the Jesuits it’s a REAL eye opener; BRUTAL is the final oath.

      Oh, this is so true. Their evil plans are written out very clearly and nothing is more serious to them then this oath they take/pledge."

      "Receiving authority to govern requires taking an oath which binds the initiate to a code of rights and responsibilities.
      Interestingly, our word “oath” is cognate with the Hebrew אוֹת(pronounced
      “oath”), which is the word translated “mark” at Genesis 4 : 15 , “the Lord set a mark upon Cain.”
      Knowing this, we may accurately say “the Lord put Cain under oath,” an oath visibly represented by the various insignia governments display."

      Mercyful Fate - The Oath

    6. Under oath = Trumps 23 battle of the billionaires = Born to Rule = Mark of Cain

      Donald Trump was Born to Rule

      "There are a number of remarkable 'number' coincidences relating to Donald Trump, Israel and the number 7.
      Could this be by design, or is it mere 'coincidence'? Here are some of the key points:

      Donald Trump was born exactly 700 days before the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, and on his first full day in office he was exactly 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old..

    7. In america uncovered youtube channel was said we might end up with 2 presidents as trump uses a system that will approve him as president too.
      This 2 presidents plan might be also and the beginning of the civil war.
      I find interesting how i decoded recently twin towers symbolism in year 20 20 and it will be funny as hell if we get 2 presidents before the year is over and 1861 all over again with only difference after the dust settles X kingpin is sitting on the white house.

    8. When i first started watching WWE around Wrestlemania 20 both Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit were champions, 4 years later they were both dead.
      Chris Benoit was even inserted in a storyline involving a mentally retarded autistic Eugene at that time.

      Triple H vs Chris Benoit Vengeance 2004 promo

    9. Number 46 is also being plugged everywhere.

      Trump releases 46-minute video on election fraud | 9 News Australia

      In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46.

      Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946)
      illiam Jefferson Clinton (born August 19, 1946)
      George Walker Bush (born July 6, 1946)

      All born 1946 nothing to see here.

      Today is Freedom Day in Portugal. What will another 46 years bring?

      John 2:20-21
      They replied, “It has taken 46 years to build this temple. Are you going to raise it up in three days?”
      But the temple Jesus had spoken about was his body.

    10. "Bad jedi got red sabers, evil,... Good jedi have blue green yellow purple... They make reference to it all the time... My light saber stays blue... I will never go dark side.,... Metaphor."

      Thats all the blue blooded dragon stadium fanatics ive grown around all my life, the ones that say you will suffer like a dog while they take their own dog to the doggie spa, no thank you, you can keep your blue to yourself and enjoy your time in your knees on Mr Willys bed.

    11. Today i was listening to the radio and some portuguese scientist was talking about portugals involvement with Antarctica.
      The guy was saying that all they do is go to an island off south from New Zealand and join some british settlement there to collect data on penguins and sea life.
      This guy was selling the idea that the actual continental territory of Antarctica is just an inhostible land where not even animals like polar bears can survive and thats why they dont actually go there.
      Talk about a cover up, this guy wants me to believe that polar bears can live on the Arctic which is actually just frozen water but cant live on the Antarctic where theres actual land beneath the ice.

      Saw Cion written on a street wall.

      Remembered when kids started getting cellphones around 2000 and instead of calling each other morons and retards then they started calling each other tecla 3/3 button because on the cellphone the 3 button had the letters "DEF" on it which are the initals for deficient which is the same as lame or moron.

    12. "They all do steroids...almost all. You have no idea how evil that Chris Benoit song is. That Insane Clown Posse sings... It's Chris's death song.."

      The steroids that these guys do come from embryonic stem cells taken from aborted fetuses that come from the planned parenthood clinics.
      This is why the conspiracy theorists rant on and on and on and on about Zionist Bolsonaro, because hes going after the illegal abortion clinics in Brazil, which just ends up strengthening the hold that China has on the global market for these embryonic steroids.

      Bolsonaro - Tropa de elite

      Sepultura - Dead Embryonic Cells [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

      Another character that would go from hero to villain over night if his chinese sources suffered a setback would be Mr Willy, oh boy i wonder what he would do without his chinese billions $$$$$.
      And without these chinese embryonic cells there would be no Vitor Pereira as chinese champion (even though he claims his victories are thanks to a blessing he received from our lady at Fatima lolololololol) and neither there would be mr Hulk the 100 million man soccer player.

      Exclusive interview with SIPG head coach Vítor Pereira | Chinese Super League

      Hulk ● Shanghai SIPG | Goals And skills ● 2020

    13. "In america uncovered youtube channel was said we might end up with 2 presidents as trump uses a system that will approve him as president too."

      Same deal hes getting in the the middle east between Israel and Palestine, the two state solution which will be the start of world war 3.

      Jared Kushner: Trump's two-state solution recognises Israel's security threats

      Matthew 6:24
      “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

    14. Vitor Pereira was the greek champion before becoming the chinese champion Lol.

      Olympiakos Coach Vítor Pereira is Fearless

    15. Vitor Pereira is fearless lolololol, he says i have absolutely no fear of anything whatsoever in that interview, good, sign me in with the cowards, no way i would like to spend eternity with these morons eithere in heaven or hell.

    16. "Matthew 6:24
      “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

      Damn thank you for this biblical quote, didnt know that the bible was so blatant that money/numbers/digital is the devil, holy moly i'm impressed!


    yo Kaboom, check this out. seems that you're right that Chinese are the tip of the spear. Them and the Jesuits.

    1. damn youtube removed it, is there another link?


      this is the channel where it was uploaded onto.

      From all of my research, the New World Order is a global conspiracy centralized around the Black Nobility, Vatican Jesuits and Chinese Communist Party.



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