Matter Means Fear In Greek next to many other things.

Heard the greek word "tromos" today and omg i was shocked! Tromos means fear/terror in greek

First i saw the word mother in it which is mitera in greek, i have decoded before mother=mather=therma/derma=flesh, derma=dream!

In shutter island movie was said dream is trauma in german which is wound/trama in greek!


Amazing how all connect!

A greek teacher in greece had told me word matrix(matter x subliminal) is from the greek word mitera/mother! Womb in greek is mitra which is also synonym to matter and mitera/mother!

Matter is also cold/frozen/dead analog like james bond die another day and snowhite movies showed and cold is also associated with fear!

So matter=fear checks out in many different ways, i was just blown away that greek word for terror=tromos is matter synonym.

I just noticed matter/tromos is also synonym to mortal!

I have decoded also before matter=terma which means end/death in greek too.

Matter is also watter and terras/monster in greek as M/W is S in greek when rotated to the left or right.
Just noticed street is dromos in greek synonym to dream and tromos and street=teres/teras is monster in greek. It reminded me the street/tetris dotted snake way from dbz that was shenron/digital chinese mixed worm itself!

Unbelievable, looks like tetris too! Tetris/tetres=street indeed! Tet was our moon in oblivion movie and the lunar year in vietnam. I see the word trees in street too and shenron with tree branches as horns symbolizes also a tree like in far cry new dawn snake way to the biblical tree.
I see now why in fast and furious they kept saying "the street always win and is the only one who wins"
Street/tree is also synonym to the number 3 in greek and english and to earth=threa=tree!
I decoded in recent threads 3 is bad luck/bad news number and lunar boss's favorite number.
666, 777, 888, 33 all based on 3!

When you burn matter it becomes water, when you burn water it becomes air, i suspect analog is a step above air and it could be the aether ancients were talking about.(oh my goodness aether=threa/earth/three!)

"According to ancient and medieval science, aether (/ˈθər/), also spelled æther, aither, or ether and also called quintessence(quintessa lunar queen from transformers comes to mind), is the material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial(terra/matter) sphere.[1] The concept of aether was used in several theories to explain several natural phenomena, such as the traveling of light and gravity. In the late 19th century, physicists postulated that aether permeated all throughout space, providing a medium through which light could travel in a vacuum, but evidence for the presence of such a medium was not found in the Michelson–Morley experiment, and this result has been interpreted as meaning that no such luminiferous aether exists"

Michelson–Morley experiment not being able to locate aether is because they were looking for matter while if aether is analog then it's not matter/digital and easy for a fool to think it doesnt exist as it's above the material/digital world/terra/water sphere and superior to it as the material world is a dead/cold version of it.

I suspect our imagination is analog and it helps me understand how it is to live in analog reality, total freedom man and like apocalypse from x-men if you can imagine it you can build it instantly.
Also it's amazing how everything you imagine no matter how great it looks and feels in your imagination when you try to bring it into the digital/material world it's always a disappointment as the material/digital world is finite and flawed and can never capture the analog/infinite picture precisely.
Similar to video game developers trying to build a universe in a video game and no matter how perfect they imagine it in their analog minds, in the digital computer appears as a buggy, laggy, breaking, dead, soulless disappointing mess.

Also there's no pain and suffering in imagination/analog only if you allow it and if you do is cause you get pleasure out of it like the lunar queen.

So the intel/info sources like ghrees , westworld and cube movies mention that we're here to pay for our sins is bullshit and a deception as in the analog/imaginative reality there's no sin!

So if someone trapped us here to punish us for sins/crimes he's from a similar material reality and not analog as only in material worlds you have this sick game of baiting people to sin so you can force them into slavery/prison after.

F*ck everything that's material man, f*ck this bs and all the scumbags who support such realities!


Who started/invented this digital mess/trend would love to find out, what an idiot or sick bastard he was!
I suspect it started by accident and went downhill from there.

In underworld 1 was shown to our face that satan was born through mixing!
And then viktor tried to kill him but was betrayed by the lunar queen who was his daughter, ally or servant i think the last minute.

"Half lycan, half vampire but stronger(scratch stronger put weaker and dumber) than both"(proof viktor kicks his ass immediately after and i was like when i saw this movie stronger my ass! Father akumo should show up in this scene saying "i see my god genes have been diluted/weakened and dumbed down!")
Soft metals is shown also in this scene to be the binding agent that holds together such mixings as michael was infected with soft metals before lunar queen mixed him into satan.

Viktor says in this clip that everything he did was to protect the species, which gives away he was preserving the purity of both/all the ancient races and knew very well the kind of abomination mixing gives birth too.

At 2:02 when michael transforms into lycan is shown how mixing is also a bottleneck holding him back and not allow him to transform to his pure lycan form.


  1. Batman comes to mind who told superman "what you breath is fear" and how funny it is that i decoded air and all matter to be exactly that.
    "what we breath is fear"
    "what we eat is fear"
    "what we drink is fear"
    "our very reality is fear!"

  2. "So the intel/info sources like ghrees , westworld and cube movies mention that we're here to pay for our sins is bullshit and a deception as in the analog/imaginative reality there's no sin!"

    The only sin actually is the creation of digital/material realms/prisons and is infuriating how in cube zero movie the creators of the cube prison were accusing their prisoners as criminals while the only criminals were the creators and those who were running the cube prison.

    In analog everyone is superman/god so no one can harm each other with the exception of creating digital and trapping analog in it. It shouldn't be possible in the first place and i suspect the digital/material realms to be a cheap trick like the smokes and mirrors trick like in hellraiser movies where they were trapping light between mirrors the shape of a cube.

    Matter is also mirror reality like watter is also a mirror and i see a synonym between matter and mirror.

    Lunar queen saying in huntsman movies "after i died i was trapped in the mirror" i see now that she meant she was trapped in water.
    I find interesting also in my place insects seek water to die into at their last moment and reminded me also lunar agent john lear that was recommending to die in water like sailors do.
    Yea screw that!
    No wonder why the aliens in dark city 1998 and dogs and cats and many babies too fear the water like the plague!

    1. Remembering also the intel that we're underwater like atlantis and there's water above our dome/dam we are literally trapped in water too!

    2. Under the silver lake movie poster and many movies and games show our air is water and we are living literally within an ocean of water.

    3. I was actually thinking about this last night. How when sailors die at sea they are considered lost souls. Then I started thinking about the hidden warp zone in original super mario that takes you to world -1. It's just an underwater world with no exit, so all you can do is keep swimming until you die.

      I feel that this is possibly the trap I was being lead into by attempting to become a marine engineer.

    4. Growing up in the analog world, I felt alive and bristled with imagination.
      Now that we are in a digital world I feel dead, like my former natural powers were sucked out of me. I just exist in a hell realm now.

      Your fascinating discussions on analog vs digital have given me new insights into possible paths back to a more analog existence.


    5. Thank you for the kind words! Thanks to analog i got a good insight how amazing a pure analog reality is! I'm afraid the good aliens/relatives/friends are coming from a neighbor material/digital realm too which might be much better than here like america is to north korea but still in its core the same shit like america and all other countries at their core are not different than north korea and use identical system, schools, military, media, books etc to brainwash and control their people like pawns, oh and soldiers at the border/antarctic circle to shoot or prevent anyone trying to escape just like in north korea!

      Anyways breaking free from here is a first step and i hope it's not like in schools where we leave/finish one class/grade only to join another one and at the end graduate as a robot/obedient mutated puppet as that would mean getting out of earth is part of the planned script like in schools.

  3. The lycans vs vampires in underworld movies remind me of cats vs dogs.
    In greek lycan is lycos and is anagram of scylo that means dog and dog is anagram of god.

    The cat symbolizes the devil like catwoman selene=lunar queen.

    Also dogs are friendly and loving while cats even google says they are haters, pretenders, parasitic, they kill all birds(souls symbolism) and even infect humans with mind control parasites agent smith style!

    Cats also have devil eyes compared to the big cats tigers, lions, cougars who have human/dog eyes.

    Ricky and morty showed blatantly that cats are devilish and their inner world literal hell.

    1. since the big cats/cougars have different eyes it becomes obvious the small cats are a genetic mutation/bastardization, i suspect the lunar boss himself was the designer of the small cats we have today and many experts have said that cats were modified to that size in old times to become human pets like the dogs.
      most women i've met love cats and hate dogs while most men love dogs.


      i'm aware how both men and women on the inside are a mix of both god/dog and devil/cat and i suspect men are heavier towards their dog/lycan side while women are heavier towards their cat/vampire side.

      lululemon's founder saying men and women are completely different like creative people are to metric people and recommending marriage between them is like recommending marriage and breeding between cats and dogs like in underworld movies and viktor/father will wake up angry from his grave.

      if women symbolize cats/vampires and men dogs/lycans then we are committing identical sin to the underworld movies by mixing our genes.

      No wonder why now both men and women are like michael a mix of both cat and dog/lycan.
      Adam and eve, the first sin now i suspect to be their sex and mixing their genes under the blessing of the worm/snake/satan.

  4. "Matter Means Fear In Greek next to many other things."

    The think of the children blackmail fear tactic is being employed fully for the covidiocy.


    "Jonah wants nothing from Santa this year except for a cure for covidiocy.
    Anthony told Santa he wnats a magical button he could press to transport him away from the weary reality of the pandemic.
    Jasmynes chrismtas list is short and to the point, this year i would like end of covidiocy, world peace, climate control and new Xbox."

    1. "I suspect our imagination is analog and it helps me understand how it is to live in analog reality, total freedom man and like apocalypse from x-men if you can imagine it you can build it instantly."

      They're Here To STEAL, KILL, & DESTROY (2020)

      "Design a cell to literally do anything.
      Inject it.
      Activate it remotely.
      And it can literally change who you are.
      And the technology currently exists.
      You can have things activated in other peoples brains."

      The full lecture is here, i havent watched it:

      Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War

      "This MK ULTRA on a whole new level. My best guess is these people are lokking to make the perfect soldier. God made man, now man believes their god."

      "So they can erase memory can they erase what makes us human? Fear,love, compassion? If thats the case they'll create lifeless killing machines. With good comes bad "

      Steve Rogers Wakes Up 70 Years Later "I Had A Date" Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

    2. "Ancient Israel spent a total number of 70 years in captivity in Babylon (Jeremiah 29:10). Seventy is also specially connected with Jerusalem. The city kept 70 years of Sabbaths while Judah was in Babylonian captivity (Jeremiah 25:11). Seventy sevens (490 years) were determined upon Jerusalem for it to complete its transgressions, to make an end for sins and for everlasting righteousness to enter into it (Daniel 9:24)."

      Babylon = land of confusion = amnesia = erased memories = dream world = living death = mixed races and hybridization

    3. "Damn i was just thinking about boxing too after i wrote this thread and how our very head could be a bell too, as above so below!"

      Related to covidiocy, the media is constantly repeating now how people in the UK received their first jab!

    4. Shes not there giving the serfs their first jab!

      Coco Mademoiselle, the film with Keira Knightley and Danila Kozlovski – CHANEL Fragrance

    5. "I remember as a child watching boxing with my dad. When ever someone got hit really hard he would say that he got his bell rung. "

      I get a lot of pain from my peripheral nerve damage in both of my feet, but on the opposite extremity of the body which is my head i actually been getting small orgasms without any friction or any hard on down stairs.
      Feels messed up.

    6. captain frozen in ice for 70 years(1 human life) symbolizes us frozen in ice like in demolition man and dreaming human life or wireless connected to one in a zoo away from the real world.
      And like in demolition man with stallone they got him out of the ice cause they needed him, if they didnt need us they would have left us in the ice.
      May blade/wesley snipes give them hell, i aint helping them like stallone if they get me out of the ice/antarctica/greenland.

    7. i saw the world in 2030/2033 video of dr michio kaku=dr evil(kaku means evil in greek)
      and it was so disgusting, he was telling to our face that we're dumb robots and that they'll put a chip in our heads so they can kill us whenever they want, that in the near future there will be no intelligence!=no old men/wise people that i decoded recently.
      I plan to see that video again and make a thread too as it's full with intel.

    8. "I get a lot of pain from my peripheral nerve damage in both of my feet, but on the opposite extremity of the body which is my head i actually been getting small orgasms without any friction or any hard on down stairs."

      I mention this because what in english you call going balls deep during the sex act ive heard mentioned many times in portuguese as ringing the bells because the motion of the balls is the same as the ball clapper inside a bell.

      And apparently a testicular disease even has the name of bell clapper.

    9. "all you got to do is ring the bell to get out reminded M that told james "you had your cyanide" implying he could get out of north korea with death any time he wanted.
      But the prison has many layers and for true freedom that's a lot of bells we have to ring, i suspect 9-12."

      Yeah thats very sexual, ring the bell to get out = impregnating a women to get out of the testicles, for true freedom thats a lot of bells/balls we have to rung = lots of sperm to impregnate the womb/moon

    10. "And like in demolition man with stallone they got him out of the ice(ballsack) cause they needed him, if they didnt need us they would have left us in the ice(ballsack)."

      yeah they even forced my birth into this sheit hole through an illegal gift procedure thats how bad they need me, then they proceed the rest of my life to tell me that i should have been aborted, talk about a land of morons.

      Its also funny because i was watching this recovery tips video on a vasectomy and the advice that durianrider keeps giving is do not apply any ice to your balls.

      Vasectomy RECOVERY Tips

    11. Smart Mark Zombie 2018 Netflix Cartoon “Mark Of The Beast"

      From 50 seconds forward:
      "And the best part, its absolutely free!
      A gift of thanks to our city from rook unlimited.
      23% of the population has been given the smart mark number one.
      Time to test our system number six."

      Again 23, like the 23 pairs of chromossomes in the body, 23 from the father, 23 from the mother, they are constantly pluggin in this number on the rigged script.

    12. The Number 23 - Original Theatrical Trailer

      "Agatha knew nothing about my past."
      Oh, you owe me a cake.
      "That made two of us.
      I was free for now,
      But the number found a new victim.
      The number left me alone for 13 years...
      until the night she found my book,
      Or the book found her."
      This is where I wrote it all.
      It was me.
      I'm a murderer.
      I don't know what happened to you, but I do know this:
      You weren't a bad person who got better;
      You were a sick person who became well.
      I killed laura tollins.
      There's an innocent man in prison because of me.
      You're a wonderful husband,
      And you're the best father a son could ever have.
      And what would Robin do without you?
      You know I can't let an innocent man go on suffering
      For my horrible sin.
      We're all broken, Walter.
      Remember, you told me your life started
      When you met me?
      Well, my life
      Began that day, too.
      -You didn't know who I was.
      I didn't know who I was."

    13. "i'm aware how both men and women on the inside are a mix of both god/dog and devil/cat and i suspect men are heavier towards their dog/lycan side while women are heavier towards their cat/vampire side."

      At the time that cartoons on tv were playing Goku and Vegeta being fused into one, they were also playing another cartoon with the same theme named Catdog.

      Dragon Ball Z - Saikyo wa no fusion

      Full CatDog theme song music video 1998

      Thats the pontifex maximus supreme bridge builder on display, connecting opposites together, Venus the star of the dawn/dusk, both hybrid, and thats what the catholic chirch is about, mixing different cultures, missionary adaptation, the popes 3 crowns thats the two becoming one or the 3 colors in traffic lights, hot, cold, lukewarm.

    14. "and it was so disgusting, he was telling to our face that we're dumb robots and that they'll put a chip in our heads so they can kill us whenever they want, that in the near future there will be no intelligence!=no old men/wise people that i decoded recently."

      You need to be careful with this line of thought as they have shown they can edit genes, which means they can cause an old person to appear youthful like they show in all the vampire movies, or a young person to appear very old like they shown in the Brad Pitt movie the Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

      Countess Dracula / Original Theatrical Trailer (1971)

      Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Just the Five of Us

      Just the Five of Us

      Father : Jimmy, tidy your room and go to bed.

      Jimmy : I'm so sick of this. I keep telling you I'm not what I seem, I look 12, but I'm a 42 year old Investment Banker. I wanna go out and get laid.

      Just the Five of Us Father : Yeah, and I'm Santa Claus, now tidy your room.

      Jimmy : Asshole.

    15. This lecture shows that they can bend reality whichever way they choose!
      Any kind of gene editing and memory replacing.

      Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War

    16. Im not surprised that this dr Charles Morgan would choose an example using a pedo Mickey and a molester Pluto on how memory replacing can be applied as they desperately need to cover up all of their perversions, especially those inside the catholic church, and have been going all out trying to escape their own dangerous game which they have laid for children and that they have trying to cover with all the satanic panic bull crap.


    17. I must be part of this memory replacing program somewhat because i remember the track song number 11 from Nirvanas Nevermind album was called On a Plane, i had the physical cd and listened to it through all my teenage years, i dont have the cd anymore but everywjere now that track appears listed as named On a Plain.

      Nirvana-On A Plain

    18. "And people are worried about robots taking over... lol this is 100 scarier than that!"

      What do with DNA?
      Hiding data in DNA of living organisms
      Image encryption using DNA addition combing with chaotic maps
      A new field of cryptography: DNA cryptography
      An encryption scheme using DNA technology
      Asymmetric encryption and signature method with DNA technology
      DNA PKC is immune from known attacks, especially the quantum computing based attacks.

    19. "People have figured out how to hide imagery in the DNA of bacteria and when you bust open the bacteria you can discover the information, or you can have the information reproduced in a string form as a form of a protein.
      You can store a lot of information in one gram of DNA.
      Its essentially yeah that many Ipads in one gram at room temperature.
      No super cooling required.
      DNA is highly stable, been around on the planet a very long time so between CRISPR, the storage capacity and programming cells, the new way to hide information is going to be in DNA.
      Why would you have a digital system when you can have a DNA sytem.
      Can store all the information youd ever need, records, photos, anything."

    20. I wonder what kind of DNA are they awakening with all the ice baths being promoted.

      Why do footballers take ice baths? | Oh My Goal


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