Our Father Fights The Lunar Queen While We're Asleep And Trapped In The Dreamworld Or Wireless Connected NextDoorWorld/Zoo.

Father and Son united!

Selene paralyzed and asleep and having her blood drained maze runner 2 style symbolizes us.

They showed also this dreamworld is a prison for criminals(see superman's phantom zone) and selene was framed for crimes she didnt do prior to this.


Our father fighting the lunar queen while we're asleep reminds me the ongoing war from the 40s in antarctica where all military from all nations is stationed there and i have decoded we are sleeping frozen in ice in antarctica!(selene was also shown going to sleep under ice in an antarctica like place in this movie)

Lunar queen was no match for our father in first clip but managed to defeat him by distracting him with us.

Selene symbolizes also the lunar queen and her escaping in that scene is her plan while we distract and fight the father for her, buy her time and create opportunity for her to escape.
In other movies she wake us up prior the father's arrival and frame him responsible for our fate here to turn us against him.

 In Thumbnail, we're sleeping hanging from the ceiling like in majin buu's body.
they poison us prior to putting as to sleep just like vargas did to selene in above clip!

I have decoded before we spend 3 days/thousand years in the dreamworld cause that's how long it takes for the drug/poison to wear off.

It was shown also the lunar queen cant drink our blood immediately after extraction as it's contaminated by the poison and has to wait till the poison wears off.

2:03 we go to sleep in antarctica or greenland while the lunar queen drinks our blood at 1:20.
(amazing how they put these scenes side by side(see 0:48) and even i didnt notice the connection first time i saw this movie)
There's bottomless pit symbolism in that scene too.

At the end of this movie the lightcans/super saiyans storm this place and the sleeper selene that symbolizes us shows up awaken from her slumber fighting them and defending this place that was milking her maze runner 2 style.

Remember this when they wake you up.

"Sit back relax and enjoy the show"

Underworld Blood Wars, The Sunlight Kills Only Vampires Not Lycans! 

 Judging from this clip it's going to be a hell of a show, i loved the appearance of the dardanelles gun punching holes on our dome and how the super saiyans at 2:37 were dragging vampires/chinese to the real light to burn.(see the training area of the vampires i decoded in above linked thread to be full with chinese wooden dummies giving away those vampires to symbolize the chinese and the mongols.
In Independence Day Resurgence earth was united under china and chinese were leading earth's forces against the aliens/lycans in that movie too!(in thor ragnarok too, a chinese/mongol general was leading asgard's forces against hela)

Chinese/mongols having slanted eyes that reduces greatly the amount of light that enters them is another give away they are genetically enemies of the light/aka vampires!

 Unlike the rest of us lycans who they tried with the mongol invasions and rapes of the past to dilute/mix our genes and make us like them our eyes still holding up... kinda.

From my research africa was raped the hardest by the chinese and mongols in the ancient past and blacks have no idea.
The chinese like xerxes from 300 did an amazing job wiping every record and killing every historian that was recording their ancient genetic crimes towards humanity/lightcans/super saiyans!

They couldnt erase our eyes though so their ancient genetic crimes are still recorded and hidden in plain sight.
No historian or written records needed for anyone to take notice, only a mirror or just looking at others' eyes. 

I remember when first arrived at america and knowing what the mongols did to europe while having no idea they did the same thing to all continents i was baffled how all blacks i was coming across had chinese/mongol eyes. I was like "there's no way, schools and historians would have told us about it if africa was raped by the mongols too."

Some historians reveal that africa was occupied by muslims from the east in the past(without mentioning they were asians at all) while in greece we all knew those eastern muslims were mongols as they had occupied and enslaved greece too for 400 years.

I have decoded these global genetic rapes by the asians have repeated many times in the past and will repeat soon again by the chinese.


  1. Another great post. I really needed this reminder that we are asleep and everything happening here is scripted to our detriment. I’m suffering due to a failed relationship and after taking the red pill I’m realizing each and every time it’s been a built to fail situation!! It’s amazing how naive we can be here due to our programming and brainwashing.

    Even this last time I knew it was “too good to be true”. Well there is a reason there is that saying. I even said to the matrix...” so what is your game with this one?” Well it revealed itself, and perhaps better now then years from now.

    At least now I can go forward without this hope and focus on my own power and mental state moving forward. Thanks again.

    1. Thank you for the kind words!
      I have an old friend from back in usmc and every time i talk to him he persuades me to find a girl while he also told me his life was miserable with his first wife that was cheating on him, took his kids and wont sign the papers for divorce, all kind of drama that still affects him today even though he's with a new girl now, then he tells me the good excuse everyone is making "all this made me stronger, the person i am today etc".

      Imagine someone rich going to the casino and losing everything, comes out smiling saying
      "i regret nothing, all this made me stronger, the person i am today etc".

      The winning move is not to play, similar to ufc with fighters like Fedor, Chuck Liddell etc, they win some like in the casino but at the end they end up like broken dolls in the attic while the only true end winner was the house.
      The house always win, it loses and goes bankrupt when no one plays!

      Talk to any broken fighter and ask him
      "if you could go back in time and could choose a different path where you would be strong and healthy today and not broken like you are now(where your baby daughter if she touches your jaw you get knocked out) would you take it?"

      i bet everyone would say yes!
      my friend sounded really beaten up with all that he went through and i remember him in usmc when single and drama free was always happy.
      Sad thing most losers never learn saying "i regret nothing" and repeat history just like the casino addicts.

    2. Absolutely! Lots of men are learning not to play the game. It’s kind of funny that I discovered every imaginable conspiracy in 15 years but the entire time I as wasting my life away on the one game you cannot win! Love Relationships!

      I had a dream one time that felt more like a vision. I was shot by a “love gun” by some goddess looking entity. It filled my body up with that blissful feeling and I feel like it was a program. It lured me into these toxic and poisonous women that only know deception, lies and selfishness. My eyes are wide open finally.

    3. i used to come across "alpha male strategies" youtube channel and that guy pretty much was saying "stay on your purpose, ignore women" and how women love turmoil and drama and will drive you off course. He was like when you get your shit together women will come to you but still i prefer alone as i cant be on my purpose with a drama magnet next to me.

      I remember my last date 10 years ago the very next day she was texting me and crying with about all kinds of drama with her ex, her family, her job etc, texting me also all day to see what i'm doing, pretty annoying and cant excel at anything in this life if you have these kind of beings in your circle.

    4. These days women play the male role, so it is even worse! They are so self centered they expect you to adapt your entire life around them. They don’t have a capacity to offer anything of actual value. They are amazing actors and can keep a facade until you make one mistake and then you’re done. Gender roles are so messed up there is no reason to get involved. The simplicity of going alone makes so much sense and solves a million issues that only exist when you bring them into your life.

    5. women are more digitally driven than men, digital=materialistic, all about control and cold like ice or metals.
      It's funny when i see this happening all the time, couples get married and the wife goes to war with the mother of her husband for control, who's going to be in charge, the mother and wife are mirrors, spiders competing for their territory.

      The mother had enjoyed decades being the man in the house and wont surrender her throne to anyone.
      Most wives eventually get the throne and become the new mother and rinse and repeat.
      This behavior comes from their genes like all dogs are jealous cause of certain genes within them.

      I have a cousin that he married a japanese woman and life is hell, she even blackmailed and threatened him to marry her as my cousin had found a better woman.
      This is common behavior especially in china(advchina reports countless similar instances) and Asia in general, you cant bail out unless you give tons of money to the woman's family or they'll go as far to kill you.

      I suspect odysseus symbolizes us trapped in circe's/lunar queen's island and having a super hot and faithful woman awaiting our return or like in westworld with the daughter and altered carbon with the sister is looking for us and trying to get us out of here.

      In that case we wouldnt want to offend our ancient faithful women by cheating on them with the dead/digital of this cave who like in gamer movie could be operated by dudes wireless connected to them.

      I calculate all possible scenarios and always the best global solution comes to be not to play as everything could be a well disguised trap like in the cazino.
      No game, no pay, no shame which means "we dont play we dont pay we dont get humiliated"

    6. "wife going to war with the mother of her husband for control" made me aware of a new possible scenario, of the war between earth and the outside world to be operated by 2 identical people, one is our wife and another our mother fighting for the throne of this kingdom(9 layers of hell)

      in maleficent 2 we were the wife the mother locked and hid away to rule our kingdom with her son/our husband in our absence who had no clue what his mother did to us.

      damn this scenario takes the freaking cake man! unbelievable stuff and hilarious as hell!
      i could never have suspected or imagined the war between the wife and mother of her husband that happens in every house to be a fractal of a much bigger picture hidden in plain sight and every freaking where!

      Damn maybe all husbands need to start putting their women/mother and wife to their place and take back their rightful throne/head of the house which could create a new fractal if all men started doing it the bigger picture will be forced to adapt along.

    7. I was wondering between those 2 women wife and mother who's the lunar queen?
      my cousin's fractal comes to the rescue.
      His mother loves him to death while his evil asian/mongol wife treats him like shit, she's the type "what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine", my cousin's mother is always in pain for what my cousin's wife does to him and would help him if she could.
      One time she said my cousin is taking the same medicine with his wife and one day my cousin's medicine run out and it was dark and all pharmacies were closed.
      He wouldnt dare to ask from his wife to take some from her medicine that's how afraid he is of her.
      And he had a son with her which he named hercules hahahaha holy moly!
      Hercules had a good loving father/zeus and an evil mother hera/devil and my cousin's wife she even treats her son badly with the excuse that will make him stronger.
      In mythology they said hera was treating hercules badly to make him stronger too, but she went overboard with having him kill his own family so that excuse doesnt fly.

      The fractals are everywhere man in our very daily lives i'm blown away!
      Now where do we fit in that fractal i need to figure out, are we the betrayed father/zeus/odin, are we the son, are we the wife like in maleficent 2 or the good mother of my cousin?

      Screw it it's a trap i'm not playing, they can figure it out while i work towards unlocking analog which is where the value is at unlike the dead cold worthless digital shit and the families of drama which could easily be distractions of the digital world to keep us busy and trapped in it.

      Ego from gog vol 2 comes to mind "my wife is the sea/analog!"
      I decoded before water is smooth, constant and one and symbolizes analog while dust/sand is dotted, not smooth, not constant/one and symbolizes digital.

      I have also suspected of true analog or analog in its purest form to be beyond water and air what was called aether in ancient times.


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