There's A Giant Bottomless Pit Hiding Under The Pacific Ocean!


I remembered when i was in usmc friends that were working and swimming with special forces off the coast of japan told me the seabed drops like a cliff and were describing it identical to the trench we see in starkiller base!

Then you have the intel that only 2.5% of ocean's seabed has been mapped and it becomes obvious they are hiding something!

I have come across intel that one of the moons above us came out of the pacific ocean and one of science's theory is that the moon broke off from earth!
I decoded recently the heart/sun/core of our planet has been ripped out and it used to be within a moon above us but video games like dead space 3 and broken moon from star citizen show it has been removed/ripped out of there too, as above so below hahaha holy moly!

And in the pyro map they show a sun used to be inside that moon!(and that whole thing used to be inside earth i suspect)

Below that's our moon in dead space 3

Same exact thing only kudos to star citizen for making it obvious why the moon is broken like an egg.

I googled "pacific ocean bottomless" and the alarms went off with the articles google was showing on top.

The Pacific Ocean’s Bottomless Drain

San Diego taps a bottomless well: the Pacific Ocean

Thor’s Well Looks Like It’s Draining The Pacific Ocean

That well in asgard map looks to connect all layers/rings/planets of hell/helios/solar.
The underwater bottomless pit reminds me the hidden underwater exit from cube zero movie!

Other google sources call it the mariana trench and on top of it there's a crescent moon like in movie lucy in the sky poster that shows the moon right at the exit on top of the bottomless pit!
"The Mariana Trench is a crescent-shaped trench in the Western Pacific, just east of the Mariana Islands near Guam.
The Challenger Deep, in the southern end of the Mariana Trench (sometimes called the Marianas Trench), is the deepest spot in the ocean. Its depth is difficult to measure from the surface
In 2012, film director and deep-sea explorer James Cameron descended to the bottom of Challenger Deep, briefly reaching 35,756 feet (10,898 m) during the 2012 expedition. But he could have gone a little deeper."

Hahaha did james cameron try to get out of here like in cube zero movie hahaha!

The mariana well with crescent moon on top in lucy in the sky movie poster.

They say also all countries dump their trash in the mariana trench which again symbolizes dumpster earth(like in thor ragnarok) and dumpster underworld atlantis where its king in aquaman movie got pissed and threw the trash back to the land on top lol.

I dont trust the mariana trench to be the real bottomless pit as i suspect it to be a distraction of the elite and the real one much bigger like in starkiller base and also a weapon like in star wars and like the eyes of superman.
I brought up the flat earther's intel in previous thread that exposes the similarity between earth and the human eye and all left for me to locate was the bottomless pit. In star wars it was shown to be a weapon and the smaller version of it that's in our eyes is shown through superman, kryptonians and piccolo from dbz to be a weapon too.

The laser eyes were shown also in spiderman homecoming!

they were part of the locked away and hidden abilities of our flesh suit peter had to hack to unlock them.
That one piece spidersuit is the one piece clothing suit lululemon's founder was saying that's how all humans will be dressing in the future and how that suit like black goo venom will be like a chameleon suit too, changing shapes and colors and clothing makers instead of clothes they will be making apps he said.(I was like it has already happened, our flesh is the one piece suit! But here comes the elite and lunar boss/queen that love to repeat history and creating more prison layers onion and russian doll style!)

If as above so below then our soul is outside of our human bodies just like earth's sun/core is outside of it! This confirms the intel that we're located and sleeping nearby and are wireless connected to these bodies here.

What a big joke and a distraction all these prison layers are then man if the prisoner is not even inside!
Is this the lunar boss's biggest joke he plays on us? Have us go through hell to exit the layers of hell only to find out we were already out the entire time!

Like in matrix, you're never really in the digital world but located outside of it sleeping and being fooled thinking you're part of it.
Digital is mirror reality, your mirror has your reflection but it never has the real you! It can only trick you to believe you're in the mirror by mimicry and suppressing your memories through subconscious distraction i suspect.

What an unprecedented scam this digital mixed reality is man.


  1. The mariana trench was shown in aquaman movie too
    "In 3,000 B.C., the city of Atlantis fell into the ocean. The remnants of the city then morphed into the Seven Kingdoms, one of which became the Trench."(7 dragonballs, which are shown also as 9 or 12 symbolizing nasa's planets and the rings/layers of hell in dante's inferno).

    "While Aquaman and Mera were journeying through the Mariana Trench in search of the Trident of Atlan, the Trench(starkiller base laser eye) attacked them and their ship. They escaped them to the Hidden Sea, a realm found in Earth’s core(inner layers/planets/spheres), where they found Aquaman's mother Atlanna and the Trident of Atlan. When Aquaman obtained Atlan's trident and became the true heir of the throne, one controlled the Trench and commanded them to fight alongside him against his half-brother Orm and his forces. "

    That's the intel of fighting our family in the outside world where our true and only enemy is within prison earth and within us.
    Aquaman used the swarm, apophis/kraken/leechmonger, mutants/humanoid crabs etc the whole abomination of earth to fight his family on the outside and steal the throne for the lunar boss that hijacked his body the moment he grabbed his trident.

  2. Finally i understood exactly what the lunar boss meant in altered carbon s1 ep5

    -For power, true power, is... is hidden.
    Like a mammoth sea creature
    just beneath the surface of the ocean.
    Nothing but the faintest of ripples.

    Yeap he's talking about the starkiller base cannon which was shown also in aquaman movie firing at the kraken which was a subliminal that the kraken was actually the BFC(Big Freaking Cannon)
    It has made appearance also in Constatinople war(see Dardanelles Gun) where the greeks/romans didnt have the money to buy it and the mongol muslims with kidnapped brainwashed kids on their front lines bought it instead.
    It exploded like the deathstar in star wars(history unlike star wars doesnt reveal the greek/roman guys sabotaged it) and the muslims rebuilt it just like in star wars and then were able to win the war with it.

    Yeah that's the lunar boss writing the script of how wars play in this zoo that get to symbolize bigger events like the movies, it's the same strategy only in wars people die for real compared to the movies, and the for real is subjective when we consider we're wireless connected.


  4. i didnt mentioned on the previous thread but i found your decoding that the starlit sky is the same swarm of worms that we see with your eyes closed mind blowing, its a crazy construct, thank you for that.
    Even in STar Wars they gave this intel in which they say that the force is measured by Midi-chlorians/worms.

    Back on the numbers/worms of the rigged script:

    Masonic Hall (Manhattan)
    The current building was designed by Harry P. Knowles, one of the architects of the New York City Center.
    It actually consists of two interconnected buildings, one (constructed in 1913) on the corner of 23rd St and 6th Avenue, and the other (constructed in 1907) facing 24th St.
    The 23rd St. building is primarily a commercial office building, with rents generating funds for the Grand Lodge's charitable activities and the upkeep of the 24th Street building.

    23rd street huh, no surprise there.,1200&w=1800

    The Resurrection (Fazzini)
    The Resurrection (La Resurrezione) is an 800-quintal (80 metric ton) bronze/copper-alloy sculpture by Pericle Fazzini in the Paul VI Audience Hall in Rome.
    Intended to capture the anguish of 20th century mankind living under the threat of nuclear war, La Resurrezione depicts Jesus rising from a nuclear crater in the Garden of Gethsemane.
    The commission for the work was ordered by Count Galeassi in 1965; casting began at the Michelucci Art Foundry in Pistoia in 1972; the final sketch was produced in 1975; and the work was completed and inaugurated on September 28, 1977.

    Statue of Satan rising from a nuclear blast inaugurated in 1977 just liked 77 old sleepy Joe, yeah nothing to see here.

    23 + 77 = 100 they certainly love these two numbers

    1. Trump vs Vince/Trump vs Joe, rigged script is rigged.,1200&w=1800

      Bald Headed Blues (Battle of the Billionaires)

      Alphaville - Forever Young ~Official Video

    2. Alphaville lol women certainly love their alpha trillionaire 33rd freemasons.

      St. John Divine NYC - The Devil Is In The Details!

    3. "In bioshock 1 the elite was angry at why humans are taking so long to grow and were doing experiments to accelerate growth, so i wont be surprised when 33 is the new max age limit if they have humanity growing into full adults in 1 year like in island 2005 and like dogs do."

      You just reminded me of the KFC lab grown chickens that grow to full adulthood in 30 days and then have to get slaughtered or else they start to become sick and deformed.

      RAISING chickens in 30 days ? you must SEE THIS VIDEO

    4. 33 days chickens

      GTA SA Cluckin' Bell TV Commercial #2

    5. "Aquaman used the swarm, apophis/kraken/leechmonger, mutants/humanoid crabs etc the whole abomination of earth to fight his family on the outside and steal the throne for the lunar boss that hijacked his body the moment he grabbed his trident."

      Why is there a trident right next to Sandy Hook?

    6. In One Piece after they escaped the underwater prison then they had to open the gates of heaven.

      Buggy the Chosen One Opens the Gates of Justice - One Piece English Dub - HD 720p

    7. Amazing intel with the kfc 30 days chickens which makes me suspect and the same reason they'll be killing us at 33 in the future as after all the genetic manipulation they would have done to humanity we will be no different than those chickens.
      There's a lighthouse at sandyhook next to that trident which usually symbolizes the moon/medusa head/satan's head.

      You did amazing job exposing the Midi-chlorians/worms of star wars!
      You reminded me also the star trek beyond movie and its intel about the swarm which was shown to be our night sky and had to make a new thread about it.

  5. Replies
    1. in lifeforce 1985 and avatar 2009 was shown that we are sleeping in the moon but in avatar was shown later they transferred us to earth expecting the moon to be destroyed so i suspect we might be sleeping frozen in ice like in demolition man movie in greenland or antarctica.

    2. Interesting. I've spotted many clues about bodies in stasis in antarctica. Aug Tellez hints at it. Lauda Leon has said 100% that these are not our 'real' bodies and that we are within an artificial quantum reality computer construct that has superimposed itself over earth. I've been trying to figure out where the real bodies are. Some of the US supersoldiers have hinted they are underground somewhere on earth. Something major is definitely up in antarctica.


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