When I Close My Eyes I See The Leechmonger! The NightSky Is Leechmonger! Those are not stars! UPDATE! Venom 2018!

 It's easier to see him at night when lying on the bed with my eyes closed and little or no light at all in the room.
Once you see him/it you can concentrate and see him in broad daylight with your eyes closed.

It's a swarm of red worms/larva what i see that move or shake very rapidly like in this video.
Flat earthers have decoded of our eyes to be a fractal that symbolize the whole earth, they sure have the glass dome, the bottomless pit in the center, the antarctic white circle and the freaking leechmonger from demon souls!

"A predatory mass of blood-sucking leeches brought together in a writhing, sentient blob by the power of a demon's soul. The Leechmonger hides in wait, submerged in a pool of scum until the player enters its midst, at which point it will burst from the foul depths and begin its attack. The Leechmonger never moves from the pit of muck that it dwells in, and instead lashes out with its two "arms" to hurl chunks of leeches at its victims."

mass of blood-sucking leeches=red worms exactly what i see when i close my eyes which worms are massive in numbers and identical in size to the leeches of leechmonger.
Remind me the nano worms of vindiesel from bloodshot and how vindiesel being made entirely of them to be a humanoid version of leechmonger.
Note in demon souls leechmonger heals just like vin diesel from bloodshot and his weakness is fire!
Worms hate fire!

Dreaming human life and they wake him up when they need him to go kill people, then they erase his memories and put him back to sleep/dreamworld until they need him again.
He is literally kidnapped from the living world and all his loved ones think of him as dead. His wife married another man and has kids with him, cheating whore lunar queen symbolism.
At 0:15 they even have a halo/corona on his chest.

Scientist dr kaku/evil/nova Lunar boss is missing one arm in this movie.
(dr nova from alita looks just like dr kaku(evil in greek) which gives me the chills especially after having watched the video "the world in 2030" by dr kaku)

You have an army of worms/leechmonger inside you.

They shut him down wirelessly like they did to robocop in the 2014 movie.

that's leechmonger/swarm of worms in his eyes!

leechmonger from demon's souls!

At 2:12-2:13 they zoom in in his eyes to show the leechmonger within!

I recommend you guys to try it and see if you can see too the leechmonger within.
Close your eyes and concentrate for movement of tiny little things, they usually hide behind the blue light people see when they close their eyes so dont get distracted by the blue light and try to see behind it, you'll see tiny little things moving very fast and are all over the place like a swarm, they look red in color too which makes the entire place red and the blue light as a cheap disguise for the worms to hide behind.

Damn the blue light reminds me of our blue sky/dome and i'll be damned if identical scene takes place behind the blue fog we call sky.
Now the trillions of stars we see at night i suspect to be the swarm/leechmonger hiding in plain sight!

HOLY MOLY! I just googled "blue fog" and look at this!

This is the leechmonger body of vin diesel from bloodshot and our night sky!

Damn you've got to be kidding me, i had come across intel that we live in the belly of the beast but the intel that the beast is a swarm of worms always eluded me!

Do you remember big boss leachmonger from matrix 3?


4:19 and thumbnail, our sky is leachmonger/swarm of worms subliminal!

Just like with the swarm of leeches in my eyes i feel the same way now when i look at this night sky, once you see it, you cant unsee it no matter how much the dumb and ignorants try to sugarcoat this abomination with beautiful music etc like putting lipstick on a snake or mantis.
(funny how sometimes i could see the night sky when closing my eyes, that was before i took notice of leechmonger within, as above so below, it's frightening how literal this is)

Ignorance is bliss with an expiration date and then you come face to face with reality and at that moment you would wish you were better prepared and not having wasted your past in ignorance!
In short you have to be very ignorant or dumb to believe ignorance is bliss.


Went to find the movie poster or trailer from venom movie that showed of our sky to be venom/leechmonger and had an unexpected surprise!

-Look into my eyes eddie and you may see it!(leechmonger/venom shows up!)

our nightsky is venom/leechmonger!

-Do we have a deal?
(yeap that's the shady dealer lunar boss alright! shows also the intel of agreeing or signing contracts before going into symbiosis with his digital flesh like dollhouse series showed too, i have decoded and exposed he blackmails and forces us into contract/marriage. In trailer 1 he crucifies eddie like jesus on the cross while asking him "do we have a deal" as cross symbolizes mixing/symbiosis and how we might be like john romero in doom 2 nailed on a stick inside his flesh or where we sleep frozen in ice)

0:31 hahaha!

POTC had similar scene

marriage by force(and trickery here) in the belly of a beast which marriage/going into symbiosis with digital is also the death of us and the reason jack has a noose around his neck at the same time along with a gun next to his head ready to go off as soon the marriage contract is sealed, like in jupiter ascending lunar boss would kill his bride as soon he married her inheriting all she had in the process.
(in dbz the sleepers inside buu's/leechmonger's body were hanging by a string/rope too)


  1. No wonder why our eyes hate onions and similarly cayenne and garlic too.
    Dr christopher had put cayenne extract in his eyes and said it was good for him, i used to buy his cayenne on amazon before i found the better one of dr schulze.
    And no wonder also why those with no vision or even better with no eyeballs get to unlock other powers like daredevil.

    Now i'm more appalled at the balls of our bottom, genitals which is more obvious and well known that are completely filled with worms compared to the balls/eyes on top who no one has a clue.

    Daredevil, blind people with amazing hearing and blind neo from matrix are the smoking gun that the leechmonger within is the bottleneck and the less leeches within translates to more power!

    Hahaha i decoded before how these leeches/worms are in our air, water, food, our human bodies and freaking holy moly i'm in awe having just decoded our sky is swarmed with them!

    -Breath, that's fear!

    -Look up, that's fear!

    1. Reminds me of floaters and how they are also worms. My eyes are so full of floaters it really disgusts me. Maybe I should give this cayenne a try and see if I can burn them out. I also read somewhere a while ago that onions can help pull toxins out of the body when eaten and out of the air if you cut one open and leave it. Distilled water may also be helpful.

      Amazing intel, keep up the good work.

    2. Thank you! In the matrix video i posted it showed our sky/dome is covered with worms so they can rush out of here and swarm the outside world as soon an outside fool opens the gate or drills a hole to this place. It's frightening how they're all swarmed above us to rush out of here, damn i hope the outside world is aware of it!

      Oh that matrix video with the light/icarus sun laser beam above a tower/crane symbolizes our moon or sun and it shows it is drilling our dome to open a hole for the swarm to exit!
      See at 4:19 that's the tower of sauron/moon/sun and its swarm, they pit them against each other here while in reality they are on the same side!
      That scene looks similar to ra vs apophis in gods of egypt and same thing there both are on the same side which was shown later with Set who was controlling apophis with ra's scepter like a puppet!

  2. 4 Stabbed, 23 Arrested as Trump Supporters, Counterprotesters Clash in Downtown DC

    23 rigged script is still rigged

    1. This video, its everything that you talk about:


      Cyberpunk 2077
      Again with the 77 like sleepy Joe or the rigged 1977 liberty bell Rocky win.

      "Mind uploading is the hypothetical concept of making a copy of this inner world and transfering it into a computer to run a simulation of your consciousness.
      The copy:
      Successful mind uploading is functional immortality, unless damaged or deleted, you will continue to exist as long as a copy is stored somewhere.
      Of course if the scan is corrupted in any of a myriad of ways, your mind might get corrupted too.
      You might be in an eternity of pain or paranoia, or having an endless psychotic breakdown.
      The question if this digital mind is you opens another whole can of worms."

    2. "I also read somewhere a while ago that onions can help pull toxins out of the body when eaten and out of the air if you cut one open and leave it."

      In this Shakira video she is shown cutting onions and after she appears covered in black venom goo:

      Shakira - La Tortura (Official Music Video) ft. Alejandro Sanz

    3. "That scene looks similar to ra vs apophis in gods of egypt and same thing there both are on the same side which was shown later with Set who was controlling apophis with ra's scepter like a puppet!"

      Thats the supposed 13th constellation

      Ophiuchus, 13th constellation of Zodiac

    4. The name Ophiuchus comes from two Greek words meaning serpent and holding

      ❤️ Britney Spears - I'm A Slave 4 U Live / 2001 MTV VMAs

      Finish line at the race of ...altrimenti ci arrabbiamo! (1974) the twins finish together = 13.


    5. dr kaku in the video "the world in 2030" was promoting the technology will be available to connect brains directly with computers and later said "ok lets put a chip in the brains of the future robots(robocops) so we can kill them if they get evil", he just gave away there why they plan to put chips in us, i suspect whatever is killing us now through aging wont be good enough in the near future or because it doesnt kill us sooner so they will put these chips in us where apart from mind control they will be able to kill us whenever they want and set also a new global max age limit for all humanity.
      Starting with a 65 max age limit and slow reducing it to 33 as dr kaku said "in the future there wont be any intelligence/wise people" only young and dumb ones!

      Meanwhile billy cooper in his 90s videos was exposing those brain chips were invented and were available from the 70s!

    6. When they make 33 the new max age limit they most likely will bring back child labour at full force not that it doesnt already happen in most houses and countries where greedy parents send their kids to work at jobs from 8 years old or sooner.
      In bioshock 1 the elite was angry at why humans are taking so long to grow and were doing experiments to accelerate growth, so i wont be surprised when 33 is the new max age limit if they have humanity growing into full adults in 1 year like in island 2005 and like dogs do.


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