Everything You Go Through In This Life Is Preparation To Join The Military... In The Afterlife And Be A Servant Of The Lunar Boss/Queen. Fear, Obedience, Love For War Are The Main 3 Lessons/Programs Of Earth School/Boot Camp While You're Here.

 Go back to the beginning of your life and pay attention and you'll notice this same pattern to repeat all the way to now.

The pattern is "Fear, Obedience, Love For War"

The first to program/brainwash us into this are our parents, then the schools and religion, then the military where in most countries it's mandatory for every one to serve at 18, then our employers on our job, our government, police etc.

Fear your parents, teachers, authority, bosses/employers be obedient and love conflict/competition/war/die for your country/god etc.
I found hilarious and frightening the insidious brainwashing to love war(apart from fear god/lunar boss and obedience) religions do to kids when they step foot in a church.

I was like if these religions were created in our time these angels would be holding machine guns like in movie legion.

I took notice earth school is devil's bootcamp/school when i looked back when i was in usmc bootcamp and the drill instructors gave us strict instructions to never look them in the eyes, this is exactly how the devil was expecting his servants to treat him in the 7th son movie and is obvious he loves to be feared, to be called Sir/Lord, worshiped etc and all his subjects to be willing to die in his wars with the outside world.
The "you're fired" employers do also has its roots of how the lunar boss is treating his servants and they program us in identical fear in this earth school, obey, fear, beat your competition or you're fired(which might be a good thing as the lunar boss tricks his servants to fear their cure).

Star wars han solo showed there's a war going on outside our dome and as soon we graduate from here we join that war.
See the scene where as soon han solo exited lunar queen's prison he immediately joined the war that was taking place right outside of it.

In the schools i went to in greece the teachers were grading obedience and discipline too, you could be a bad student but if you were a good boy they would still give you good grades which gives away how obedience, discipline and fear were the actual secret lessons/programs that were getting graded too.

In greek idol there was a singer that could sing awesome but she was rude as a person and the judges were like "we fail you cause as a person you're rude", imagine at school the teachers fail you cause you werent calling them sir, saying good morning every day and fear them a lot. In my school my old fat principal was slapping kids for forgetting to tell her good morning and she had pitch black devil eyes. In the usmc bootcamp same thing the DIs were demanding us to tell them good morning, afternoon etc every time we see them and fear them a lot.

We're like goku in this clip

in a matrix pod(probably in the antarctic circle) getting brainwashed in wireless next door school/dreamworld/zoo earth and as soon we wake up we join the war that takes place just outside or just past the antarctic circle.

Goku is like "i must heal 100% or i will be useless outside", replace heal with " get brainwashed" as we wont fall for the lunar boss scams and tricks if we're not 100% brainwashed let alone be obedient, fear him and call him sir/lord/god and willing to die for him.

Note also outside of that matrix pod on that planet namek lunar boss tricked goku's kids into fight their own father thinking he was the enemy!

No wonder why our training/programming here must be 100% complete!

Oh my goodness identical thing was happening in star wars 80s movies where they were brainwashing luke skywalker to kill his own father hiding the fact he was his father like in movie wanted and when luke decided to leave yoda's cave/earth before his training was complete kenobi and yoda symbolizing the lunar boss were extremely worried that their mission will fail to trick the son into killing his father cause luke's training/brainwashing wasnt complete.

"Luke you must complete your training"

At the end kenobi did a last mind control brainwashing attempt on luke and both kenobi and yoda seemed very worried that they f*cked up royally by allowing luke to leave before his brainwashing was complete thinking of the possibility of joining his father instead of fighting him which would be their nightmare.
In usmc bootcamp first thing they told us when we stepped foot on that demonic island was "the only way out of here is graduation"/when you finish your training/brainwashing.(and then soon after you join the war in iraq, afghanistan while you're programmed to fear and obey like a robot your superiors forever after. I remember myself on graduation day i was behaving literally like a robot and was very embarrassed at what i had become instead of the badass warrior the sales pitch was promising before you join. You cannot experience bait and switch in all of its glory until you join the military, everyone was hating their recruiter for all the lies they were told, then it was "suck it up you signed the contract!").

To sum all this up, Fear, Obedience, Love For War is the name of the program at earth school.

No wonder why they always pit neighbor countries against each other and brainwash their population to love and crave to go to war with each other.

Kadafi had said "they make us hate our neighbors and love someone who's way far away and dont give a damn about us", that's when i saw this pattern as they do the same to greece, turkey, kurdistan, albania, serbia etc turning them against each other and all are blood related like brothers!

This has to do with the "love for war" programming so they pit neighbor countries against each other to program their people to love war.


  1. Just noticed fire=free/freedom!
    i is pronounced also as e so i=e

    You're fired!=You're freed!
    Brainwashed slaves
    -Please dont fire me, that's the worst thing ever!

    I noticed also how most men are programmed to hate their fathers and i see it as preconditioning to hate the father of the outside world.
    I used to always wonder why most fathers treat their sons like slaves and force them into hating them?
    Now it's obvious what the lunar boss/agent smith has in the works.

    Most girls i've met it's the opposite though, they hate their mothers and love their fathers and fathers treat their daughters like queens while their sons like slaves.
    I guess the lunar boss has no use making women hate their father as they wont be the ones to fight him anyways instead they'll be worshiping himself as the father in his xerxes/riddick's harem.

    1. This makes a lot of sense. I grew up most of my life hating my father until I also had kids and found myself in a similar situation as he was when my mother left him. At that point I found a new respect for him and it brought us closer and back together after almost 20 years apart. After my self inflicted od, that go me fired from my job of almost 10 years I felt as if I had failed. Once some time I realized I had actually succeeded in breaking free of that layer but only to find myself now back in the re-education camp of college. The instructors and staff didn't like it when I almost walked away just before the end of the term last month.

  2. I'd love more on Lucifer as it is a real core concept in all of this. The black magicians worship Lucifer and then you have the 'Luciferianism' religion. Yet others like Jay Essex say Lucifer is being misrepresented and that he is a Good Angel that keeps the 2 frequencies separated on the other side.

    1. Lucifer is the opposite/mirror image/inversion of Jesus Christ.
      Lucifer brings analog beings into digital worlds.
      Jesus brings analog beings out of digital worlds.

      Lucifer = Light bringer
      To where does he bring this light into, to the hive.


      Lucifer takes Chi from the individual to charge the hive.
      Jesus takes Chi from the hive to charge the individual.

      Trump vs. The Establishment

      Lucifer builds hives, Jesus builds individuals.

    2. "I noticed also how most men are programmed to hate their fathers and i see it as preconditioning to hate the father of the outside world."

      According to the Vatican, Jesus is Lucifers son.

      Pope Francis worships Lucifer through his Canter and calls Jesus Son of Lucifer

      Since these guys invert everything all that means is that Lucifer is Jesus's son turning other sons against their father.

    3. Jesus and Lucifer are both like those sites that convert youtube videos to mp3 and mp4.

      Lucifer converts light beings into flesh beings.
      Jesus converts flesh beings into light beings.

      Ghost - Monstrance Clock

      Jesus is resurrection.
      Lucifer is insurrection.

      Jesus converts humans to angels.
      Lucifer converts humans to locusts.

      Revelation 9:10
      And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.

      The war in heaven is angels vs locusts though i dont get is how is that a contest, seems to me like bug pokemon fighting fire pokemon, a no contest.

      Pokemon Stadium 2 Walkthrough Part 1 Bug vs Fire

    4. Every individual is destined to become either an angel on Jesus's army or locust on Lucifers army.

      Matthew 25:46
      And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.


      I was born on the cemetery
      Under the sign of the moon
      Raised from my grave by the dead
      And I was made a mercenary
      In the legions of Hell
      Now I'm king of pain, I'm insane

      Mercyful Fate - Evil

      The consolation prize for joining Lucifer's legions of locusts from hell is that you get tons of pussy.

      And well listening to Mercyful Fate is way more entertaining than listening to U2, i could listen to Mercyful Fate all day but cant stomach more than 10 minutes of U2.

      U2 Grace

    5. Lucifer will give you everything that this world has to offer.

      Matthew 4:9
      and said unto Him, “All these things will I give Thee if Thou wilt fall down and worship me.”

      This is the reason why that Mr- Willy wins at everything and why the serfs drool all over themselves every time that they see him.
      The pope must be proud.

  3. QI = Analog = Breath of life
    IQ = Digital = Knowledge of Words & Numbers

    Thats as obvious as it gets

    1. John 3:16
      For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish (lose its breath) but have eternal life/infinite Ki.

      Its Over 9000!!! [Original Video and Audio]

    2. Breathless = Stone Cold = Low Ki

      "Stone Cold" gives his iconic "Austin 3:16" speech: King of the Ring 1996, only on WWE Network

    3. Psa_18:15  Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils.

      Psa_33:6  By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.

      Psa_104:29  Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust.

      Psa_135:17  They have ears, but they hear not; neither is there any breath in their mouths.

      Psa_146:4  His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.

      Psa_150:6  Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.


    4. "I think ive watched a movie where the vampires sucked Chi instead of blood, maybe it was the Vampire Lovers, im not sure."

      Yep wrong movie, it was Captain Kronos not Vampire Lovers, sorry.
      The turquoise schissors that my elementary school teacher gave me even had a carved K on it just like Captain Kronos, weird.

      Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (1974) - Official Trailer

    5. Like ive said, you can come all out as a bee hive, i dont care.

      Mat_3:11  I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost (G4151), and with fire:


      From G4154; a current of air, that is, breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively a spirit, that is, (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, daemon, or (divine) God, Christ’s spirit, the Holy spirit: - ghost, life, spirit (-ual, -ually), mind. Compare G5590.

      If You Have Ghosts/Pneuma/Breath/Ki

      If you have Chi, you have everything
      If you have Chi, you have everything
      You can say anything you want
      And you can do anything you want to do
      If you have Chi, you have everything

      Ghost - If You Have Ghosts (Live at Music Feeds Studio)

      Chi-Na-Na-Na = No-Chi-Chi-Chi

      Donald Trump - China (Na Na Na) - Parody of Havana by Camila Cabello

      Goku becomes young again||chi chi cry out due to goku's age||dragon ball gt

    6. Oh bohoohoohoohoo

      The Wicker Man torture scene

    7. Swans - Oxygen

      I'll steal all the oxygen!

      Hey there Dog Man, now I drink from your bowl
      Hey there Mr Skull, I'm not scared of your cull
      Oxygen! Amen! Oxygen! Amen!
      Breathe in! Breathe in!

      "I confess that I failed to be suspicious of oxygen therapy for premature infants, even though the best equipped and most advanced premature nurseries had an incidence of partial or total blindness of around ninety percent of all low birth weight infants. A few miles away in a large, less "advanced" hospital, the incidence of this condition -- retrolental fibroplasia -- was less than ten percent. I asked my professors in medical school to explain the difference. And I believed them when they said the doctors in the poorer hospital just didn't know how to make the correct diagnosis.

      A year or two later it was proved that the cause of retrolental fibroplasia was the high concentrations of oxygen administered to the premies. The affluent medical centers had higher rates of blinding simply because they could afford the very best nursery equipment: the most expensive and modern plastic incubators which guaranteed that all the oxygen pumped in reached the infant. At the poorer nurseries, however, old-fashioned incubalors were used. They looked like bathtubs with very loose metal lids. They were so leaky that it made very little difference how much oxygen was pumped in: not enough reached the infant to blind it."

    8. "One definition of religion identifies it as any organized effort to deal with puzzling or mysterious things we see going on in and around us. The Church of Modern Medicine deals with the most puzzling phenomena: birth, death, and all the tricks our bodies play on us -- and we on them -- in between. In "The Golden Bough," religion is defined as the attempt to gain the favor of "powers superior to man which are believed io direct and control the course of nature and of human life."

      If people don't spend billions of dollars on the Church of Modern Medicine in order to gain favor with the powers that direct and control human life, what do they spend it on?"

      Modern Medicine = MM = 33 = Master Mason = eMineM

      When the doctor says confinement, you will shut your door,
      Shut your door! Shut your door! Shut your door! Shut your door!
      And when the doctor says mask, you will put one on, and go breathless
      Go breathless! Go breathless! Go breathless! Go breathless!

      Eminem- Encore

      I wear my face mask in my car

    9. Chi Com = Shared Chi = Gokus Spirit Bomb

      Mr. Satan helps Goku with his spirit bomb (English Dub Broadcast)

    10. "Star wars han solo showed there's a war going on outside our dome and as soon we graduate from here we join that war."

      Reminds me of the end to Evil Dead 2. Ash endures torture inside the cabin of horrors, then at the end goes through the wormhole and is delivered into the middle of a war.

      Evil Dead 2 1987 Ending Scene

    11. Here are more quotes on the subject of fear:

      "No wonder children are afraid of doctors. They know! Their instincts for real danger are uncorrupted. Fear seldom actually disappears. Adults are afraid, too. But they don't admit it, even to themselves. What happens is we become afraid of something else. We learn to fear not the doctor but what brings us to the doctor in the first place: our body and its natural processes.

      When you fear something, you avoid it. You ignore it. You shy away from it. You pretend it doesn't exist. You let someone else worry about it This is how the doctor takes over. We let him. We say: I don't want to have anything to do with this, my body and its problems, doc. You take care of it, doc. Do what you have to do.

      So the doctor does."

  4. Shoenice is the real Goku, just watch him.

  5. https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3912520/pg1

    Metro 2033, and then there's this song..


    1. "
      I have decoded also many hollywood movies like in snowpiercer where the elite revealed the population control/genocide of humanity agenda starts after 2018!
      Thread: Snowpiercer 2013 Decoded! 74% Of Earth's Population Will Get Genocided After 2018! China The Puppet Master Exposed Again!"

      It's 2013 on the Ethiopian Calendar, which is one to keep an eye on. Gregorian was made for slaves.

      The seven years of tribulations have just begun.

  6. Yeah dude, I actually talked to the recruiter about re-enlisting the other day because I've been fantasizing about the new Special Recon job in the air force. Man, I'm just kinda depressed because I want to live a warrior's lifestyle like Goku, luffy, Cloud Strife, Jak and Daxter, Lance Lunis, etc. and have an exciting life full of adventure. But I know too fucking much to EVER re-enlist. Nah, instead I'm just using my fucking gi bill to do college and work security on the side.

    But then I think back to what could be beyond the dome/crater earth and I wish I could see what was out there but its probably just more bullshit. What is truly worth fighting for? What is a true warrior?

    Perhaps, Jesus was the ultimate warrior and through him I can ascend and join his army.

    1. Jesus literally showed the way on how to ascend/transform into a god, we have to reach the top of the canopy like in hobbit 2 or go past the antarctic circle.
      I realized lately the solution to all our problems is releasing the lycan/super saiyan within which the elite/vampires with the constant metal poisoning keep the fire within cool or frozen.

      When i get in the mood to attempt transformation like jesus, i'll climb the top of a mountain and get furious like goku. I suspect clean/pure air and anger that kills fear/cold might be what it takes to ignite the sun within or nearby!

      Also if we sleep nearby reaching the top of a mountain we have a higher chance to connect to it like antennas that the higher they are the stronger the signal!

    2. https://youtu.be/3o5bRCZJENg
      That's basically the ending of gurren lagann which is all about using masculinity, manhood, and our innate warrior spirit to overcome the enemy. However, It seems like jesus wants you to do the exact opposite of becoming angry so that you he can transform you into a perfect being, THEN that's when you get angry.

  7. It sucks man it's like we have this innate desire for adventure. Like as a boy, Me and bro always carried sticks around apartment complexes and we'd fight each other with them. And it just felt so right, so natural. To be a Man is to be a warrior, To have a will to power. But what is the peak of power and how do you attain it? I fantasize about this all the time. Being so physically and spiritually powerful that I dont have to worry about Bill's and retarded bs. Being free to create, Build, and explore.


    We all want to be the One.

    1. If i was to reenlist i would choose a path that would take me to antarctica as all military of countries have bases there. Then once there gather as much intel i can and haul ass out of this westworld zoo.

      Then use a dardanelles gun to bring down the dome/wall underworld blood wars style.

    2. Also your aititude training kind of reminds of goku training at Kami's Lookout which must've been miles into the sky, theoretically it'd be impossible for the average human to survive and train then but i wonder if there was a significance to that. But you gotta think that if you can't handle the faintest of air hair then what chance do you have outside of the dome? In the bible it says jesus will rise up his sheep into the sky and they will be transformd in the twinkling of an eye like at 51:55 So I wonder if it'll have anything to do with the deoxygenated enviroment https://youtu.be/0eOlF1A4s9w (Love this web series)

      But also consider that if there's a worldwide vaccuum event followed by an influx of plasma, you could end up with people having powers all around in the world and even all sorts of trasnformations.

  8. Hey Kaboom, there`s a new movie out with a lot of intel on the Mongoloid Lunar Boss, and his plan of escaping with our help, called: "Outside the Wire". Same actor as in Altered Carbon season 2.


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