
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Cross Is the Icon Of Sin!

Thanks to your precious comments guys(like the T/Cross virus) you brought to my attention the best hidden in plain sight secret! From the comments of this thread. Kaboom The Moons June 30, 2020 at 10:30 AM The evolution from monkeys intel is twisted truth of how we devolved(by forced mutation) from powerful and super intelligent beings like superman and lex luthor to stupid animals/monkeys. In the video you posted the guy with the upside down cross and different color eyes symbolizes the lunar boss. The resurrection of the powerful blue apes that go after him symbolize the resurrection of the ancient pure races(and this video verifies what i suspected of the black race to be descendants of the ancient pure blue race) and a stupid brainwashed kid comes to the rescue of the lunar boss and goes to fight the powerful apes thinking they are the enemy and save the lunar boss. The...

Far cry 4 showed to beat the game all you have to do is be patient/do nothing! UPDATE!

                          "FAR CRY 4 Finished in Under 15 Minutes" Be patient for our good family to arrive and beat the hell out of the lunar scum and their queen. If you try to play you'll be doing the lunar scum's work! Took me a while to notice the most important message of this game! After like a fool in this game you decide to play and get tricked into doing the lunar scum's work and shooting all the way to the top of the mountain to kill your loved ones, you meet your loved one who tells you "all you had to do was be patient for me to come back!" He also tells us same message from jupiter ascending that earth is our kingdom and working for the lunar scum is to surrender our kingdom to them. Imagine helping a thief break into your house and steal everything, this is what all the idiots(fragments of sleeping odin's consciousness) on this plane...

Lunar Boss/Queen Shows Us In This Music Video That We Wake Up/Ressurect At 2033! UPDATE!

This below quote gives away that the lunar boss is behind this song like under the silver lake and thor ragnarok movies showed to our face that he's running the entire entertainment industry. "I'm a lot smarter than you think, everything I did was planned To get you to listen, to get your attention You post an opinion and it gets me bigger Are you triggered?" At 3:55 -Dad, dad, dad, wake up -Ah, oh, fuck, what the-? -You were having a bad dream -Where am I? Turn the fucking music off, who the fuck are you? -I'm your daughter(the one who put us to sleep) -Oh, no, no, you're too old to be my daughter, what year is it? -It's 2033, dad -Oh, no, no, no, it's not, no, no, no, no -You've been asleep for a very long time(just 3 days, but it's 3000 years in the dreamworld) And on the money again!!! We are the father! Father Odin/Zeus/King Philip/Old King of earth that was betrayed by his very family altered carbon season 2 style!...

Earth Is Rigged To Explode! (Far Cry 4 Intel!) UPDATE!

At 0:11 pay attention what is being said. Earth or the moon is loaded with stolen valuable resources(like in hobbit 2 movie) and the moment the galactic forces show up they have the whole place rigged to explode star trek first contact cube planet style so the lunar queen can escape through the chaos like in dragon ball super. The moment i realized that temple symbolizes earth i was like "there's must be a second hidden entrance/exit" and guess what there is one underwater just like in cube zero movie! The intel "dont allow anyone to escape" in this mission is because anyone who escapes might be the lunar boss/queen himself so that's why in this mission is very important not to allow anyone to escape. Having to enter that kingdom in secret and if you get spotted the lunar scum start the timer on the bombs makes me suspect if that's how the galactic forces plan to reclaim earth. Infiltrate it secretly, disable the explosives, capture the lunar ...

Kill The Lunar Queen Save Earth!

I saw this video few days ago and it is so heavy in subliminals and fractals. First the cube hive reminded me Plato who said earth is a cube and the cube movies.  So this guy tried to save his hive by tracking down the queen who was hiding deep inside the hive and replace it with a benevolent queen. He said the reason the whole hive is so aggressive and evil is because of the queen(and her genes) and by replacing the queen in time you change the behavior of the entire hive.(Because her genes is not going to be dominant anymore with her gone and the newborn bees will be carying the genes of the new queen and the reason why the behavior of the hive changes. By changing the queen you literally change the gene pool of the hive.) It's all about genes guys, i told you! So this guy at the end decided to kill the entire hive as it didnt worth to him to wait for the evil genes to die/expire and get replaced by the good ones of the new queen. He killed the hive by flooding it and ...

The Evil Wife! /Lunar Queen, UPDATE 2!

Decoding the hell out of the evil wife/lunar queen recently, altered carbon came to mind where it had identical intel and it shocked me how i didnt notice when i first saw that 1st season. "Miriam(virgin/whore mary subliminal) coat her lips in Stallion drug, which heightens aggression, and infects her husband when she kisses him after his return from Osaka, unknown to him." She poisoned her husband/king of earth which forced him into killing an innocent(loved one) and then feeling unbearable guilt like kratos from gow suicide! Then he reborns with no memory of his past and trying to solve his murder like robocop when he found out he was murdered. Cant believe how much spot on i was in this thread! "Maybe that's the whole point of everything the lunar queen does to us, since revenge and hate towards us is her primary motive,...

Hercules The Legendary Journeys, UPDATE!

I was eating some food and had youtube on autoplay, this video came along. 1:56 Zeus/Odin(=Dion, 2nd name of zeus in greek) has been poisoned by his wicked wife Hera In zeus's weakened state loki i mean ares(son of hera) decides to seize zeus's throne, this causes an imbalance in the godly plains and forces all gods to leave the human world to investigate, this left earth unprotected and became hercule's playground. hercules means "hera's strength" in greek, so ex wife hera/olympias and her son alexander/ares are ruling earth while zeus is sleeping from the poison. This strategy to lure all earth's gods/protectors away so it becomes defenseless and ripe for the taking has been shown in many movies like mad max fury road, cartoons and videogames. UPDATE!  Christianity is spamming this picture to our face in every church they build. Mother and Son, what is missing from this picture? The father!, where's the father??? Now you know where...

Watchmen 2009, Staged Alien Invasion Incoming To Demonize The Real Aliens/Space Saviors/Old Friends/God! UPDATE! Purity is God! UPDATE 3! The Dream Lasts 3000 Years!

I'm watching this movie right now and it just said that earth is a sewer, what i decoded in star war movies. -This city's afraid of me.(camera shows the moon) I've seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters... ...and the gutters are full of blood. And when the drains finally scab over... ...all the vermin will drown.(repeating history is all the y do, i have exposed their pattern) The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder...(sex=mixing of genes=filthy act indeed!) ...will foam up around their waists... ...and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout, "Save us." And I'll whisper, "No." He continues to call earth a bloody hell and an abattoir(slaughterhouse) of retarded children.(mixing of genes does that) The prison that was shown symbolizes earth and a mafia boss there said "this place is going to explode!" They showed that alternative free energy exists and that if it ever makes it to the m...

Bacteria Prove My Thesis That When An Organism Is Genetically Pure It Doesnt Age!

I went to google if bacteria have genes and found this. "What are the basic properties of the genomes of bacteria ? Most bacteria have a genome that consists of a single DNA molecule (i.e., one chromosome ) ( one color!!! ) that is several million base pairs in size and is " circular " (doesn't have ends like chromosomes of eukaryotic organisms)." The moment i saw single dna molecule i was like "wait that means it's pure!", then i was like "does it age???" AND HOLY MOLY!  " Bacteria , in other words, don't age -- at least not in the same way all other organisms do . ... When a bacterial cell divides into two daughter cells and those two cells divide into four more daughters, then 8, then 16 and so on, the result, biologists have long assumed, is an eternally youthful population of bacteria." And in 2005 they did studies to disprove this as i suspect out of fear the secret gets out that immortality is in t...

Gemini Man, genetic perfection/purity=GOD! UPDATE! (The ugly truth of families and parents and how the vitctim becomes the criminal!)

This poster is what got me to go see this movie. Do you see rgb? red vs blue and it verified what i decoded of the holy trinity father son and holy spirit to be rgb as in this poster the blue is the father and the red is the son. This movie had same intel with movie wanted and bad boys for life of the lunar scum sending the son to kill his powerful father as that's the only person the powerful father cant kill and it's his achilles heel/only weakness. -And look what we created. He's got both of us in him.(we're a mix of 2 different beings intel) Don't you think your country deserves a perfect version of you? -There is no perfect version of me. Or him. Or anybody. (We're all impure/contaminated intel) And they made it look like to be impure and a broken pathetic human being is normal and good but being perfect/god a no no and very evil. They showed also our birthdate is our deathdate and how when this cheap westworld imitation clone/mutant we call...

How Humanity Could Blackmail The Evil Genes Not To Kill Us! UPDATE 2!

I'm watching this video right now and this dr just said what king kai from dbz said "for the young ones to live the old must die!" He said "when you have kids your job is done and now you ought to get out of the way for your children to take over" BBC article about genes(i posted recently) gave away how scared shitless our genes are if we dont reproduce as then when we die they die with us so they manipulate us to reproduce so they keep on living through our children. When we learn that it is also our genes(or some of them) that kill us slowly through age especially after we have kids as they dont need us anymore and that they want to live very badly then we can blackmail them by not having kids! I had thought of that before how if all humans stopped having kids all of a sudden everyone stops aging, stops getting sick, stop dying and now i have intel of how likely this is to happen! Our genes fear death but after we have kids they dont need us anym...

Pragmata Xbox's Announcement Trailer Showed We Live Inside Earth And The Moon Is Blocking/Hiding The Exit On Our Dome!

It has intel also of the moon falling on earth, what ff7 revealed too. At 1:44 right where the fake moon/satellite fell from is the exit/oculus from hollow earth. In star wars movies i decoded how the moon acts like the cyclops stone that seals earth's exit. An intel that is encoded in all eclipses!

Demon’s Souls PS5 Reveal Showed To Our Face The Evil Nature Of Our Moon!

See at 2:00 what's lurking behind the dragon's head! The moon is the beast! (I have decoded by the way the beast has 3 heads/moons)

How Evil Came To Be, Underworld Movies Gave It Away! UPDATE!

In the beginning everything was pure good and divine, so how evil came to be? Since evil didnt always existed i can assume the ancients had no knowledge of it until they created it by mistake. Underworld movies showed to our face how two idiots/ignorants from 2 ancient different races fell in love and thought it was a good idea to mix their genes. Little did they know didnt they? Viktor being aware what such unholy union would bring makes me suspect that this had happened before and at the end the problem was fixed/purified until 2 ignorants repeat it. And Viktor could be a survivor that lived through that hell of a mixed/evil world and that's why he was so terrified at the birth of a mixed baby. Now the opposite is happening and the lunar boss is terrified at the birth of a pure baby! How things have changed hahaha! Ignorance creates evil and evil is a hell of a teacher, it cures ignorance at a bloody price! UPDATE! Just noticed the elite/lunar scum through the en...

The ancient pure races that got wiped out by genocide and bastardization. UPDATE 3! (RGB=HOLY TRINITY!) UPDATE 6 MYC/FUNGUS GENE!!! HOLY MOLY!!! UPDATE 7!!!

I left this reply to a comment in the previous thread. "I keep an open mind, but i suspect the original races were like the 3 main colors RGB/red green blue and from the mixing of those 3 we got the diversity of races we have today. I've seen videos on youtube where red blue and green light create white light and red blue and green paint create black paint. I used to think black and white were pure colors and now i have intel that they are the result of mixing. In short i suspect the ancient pure races were the red blue and green and got completely wiped out or bastardized and demonized. The ancient pure red race shows up today as demons devil samael etc. The ancient pure green race shows up today as evil reptilians. The ancient pure blue race shows up today as evil apocalypse from x-men, mystique etc." I find interesting also how both black and white get created by the mixing of the same colors which reminds me heraclitus who said "the opposites are the sam...

Majin Buu All Forms And Transformations/Mutations/Bastardizations, Guess Which One Is The Most Powerful!

While the elite through the mainstream media promote how great diversity/mutation/bastardization of the genes is and how it gives us better survival and abilities they give us a different picture through the entertainment industry when we pay attention. Majin buu verifies my decoding that the bastardization of the genes made us retards and the further our genes get mixed the more stupid we become. Intelligence is the only true power, when you're intelligent you're above survival, you change the game, you're above the game, you write the game! Intelligence=game developer Beast/mutant=zoo animal/pawn for entertainment in developer's game. Like majin buu when we undo the genetic bastardization that was forced upon us we return to godhood. "A Terrifying Transformation! Buu Reverts to His Ancient/Original Pure Form" At 3:05 that's the lunar boss there scared shitless!

Did the lunar scum conquered earth or took the bait and got lured and trapped in earth instead? New intel! UPDATE!

In mad max fury road, star wars return of the jedi, star citizen invictus week with the drake etc the lunar scum brag how when earth's space fleet launched in ancient times it left earth unprotected and they came here and took over. I wondered if the ancients were smarter than the lunar scum and had the last laugh instead! Thanks to pearl harbor attack where i learned usa sent its fleet away from that port to lure the japanese there by making them think "what a great opportunity to conquer usa, their port/gate is defenseless" and get an excuse to enter ww2 i wondered if there's a fractal here like in the trojan war, 300 spartan war etc where the lunar scum encoded a piece of earth's history here too. Then i remembered the countless movies and video games that show lunar boss to be trapped here on earth and is seeking badly a way out like agent smith. Virtuosity movie showed how the lunar boss was tricked in the end and got trapped in the dreamworld/matrix/ear...