How Humanity Could Blackmail The Evil Genes Not To Kill Us! UPDATE 2!

I'm watching this video right now
and this dr just said what king kai from dbz said
"for the young ones to live the old must die!"

He said "when you have kids your job is done and now you ought to get out of the way for your children to take over"

BBC article about genes(i posted recently) gave away how scared shitless our genes are if we dont reproduce as then when we die they die with us so they manipulate us to reproduce so they keep on living through our children.

When we learn that it is also our genes(or some of them) that kill us slowly through age especially after we have kids as they dont need us anymore and that they want to live very badly then we can blackmail them by not having kids!

I had thought of that before how if all humans stopped having kids all of a sudden everyone stops aging, stops getting sick, stop dying and now i have intel of how likely this is to happen!

Our genes fear death but after we have kids they dont need us anymore and they backstab us.

Since also the kids are the old people that died reincarnated when you have kids you pretty much make this statement.

"I wanna give away everything i worked hard to accomplish and learn and start over. I wanna kick the bucket and start filling it up again fresh. I dont wanna grow up(live for thousands of years like humanity before the biblical flood) but remain a naive kid by dying early and reborn all the time.

I'm jealous of the punishment zeus/lunar boss gave to sisyphus in hades and want to suffer the same fate of working hard to accomplish something and then start over, rinse and repeat for ever!"

If humans were aware of what they are signing up for when they have kids no one would have kids!

Especially if they were to find out we die/lose our memories when we are born in the flesh, so when we give birth to humans we are murdering ancient beings dollhouse and men in black style!

Ultron from avengers movie said
"Why humans have kids?
Then he proceeds to answer his own question
-To end them!"

And they are going to end us as they're going to have kids too and our ass will be back starting from scratch all over again!

About murdering ancient beings when we have kids, check this legendary thread i had made in glp over 2 years ago(damn time flies).

Birth, The Most Cruel & Painful Way To Die!

Hahahaha if humans knew what's happening when they have kids they would throw to jail and sterilize anyone who would attempt such crime!

Killing, burning and torturing ancient beings in unimaginable ways through birth!

Military's crucible in bootcamp gives this away too, how in order to reborn anew you have to burn first!

Just like when you wanna give metal things new form, first you have to melt them down/burn them.

Everything is a fractal!

The brazen bull oven opened my eyes to the crime that is committed right before our eyes and stupid women smiling when see pregnant women and say happily "the baby is baking(burning)".

"Well the baby bakes now you will bake next when it gives birth to kids too and your number is up while waiting on/in the moon."

Is what i would love to say to these women that laugh and say "the baby is baking" when they see pregnant women, then they get jealous and go have more kids.

"Our genes fear death but after we have kids they dont need us anymore and they backstab us."

To get a better picture of this the evil genes within are/is black goo venom/mark of the beast
and just like in the movie he needs hosts/humans and while inside of us he manipulates us to do and eat whatever he likes. When we have kids he doesnt need us anymore as he will keep on living through our kids so he starts consuming us from within and killing us softly like in the movie.

Now imagine if no new humans were available for him to jump ship and screw us, in that case he would stop killing us as then he dies too like azazel from fallen movie.

-So like I said at the start...
...I was beaten, outsmarted, poisoned... Detective John Hobbes.
Can you imagine what it feels like
to be alive for thousands of years...
...and realize
you're actually going to die...
...because some self-righteous cop decided
he was going to save the fucking world?
Yes, a demon(genie=gene) can die...
...and Hobbes figured out
how to beat me at my own game.(by making sure no new humans are available for the demon/genie/gene to jump ship!)
So what?
The war isn't over, I promise you.(as there're many copies of him like agent smith)
Not by a long shot.
(Last intel is goldmine! we're at war with the evil genes and humanity is clueless!)

Scientists like dr steven gundry have no idea how evil/devil/lunar boss operates and even worse they dont believe he/it exists!
And humanity relies on blind to evil science to save them from evil!
Of course there's another bullshit doctor on the other side of the spectrum called religion.

The savior of humanity is humanity itself and we beat the lunar boss or his evil genes/demons/matrix programs at their own game like denzel washington by not reproducing and sterilize all lifeforms on earth.

Blowing up 3 moons/deathstars sounds easier all of a sudden.

DBZ showed that it's the moon that activates the evil genes/ape/beast within and how without the moons the evil genes within have no power over us.


  1. What are the odds of us being the creators of our very own mutations? In other words if we consider ourselves as light beings/fractals we now can analyze the natural colors of ordinance. Red, green, yellow and blue. Much like if we view the prism/prison cube example of light. If we are in fact a 1 consciousness contemplating itself, this allows us to be the very thots of contemplation. Much like the interstellar message. So in Peter pan, the chief had a song asking what made the red man red. In Purity form, the red man was perhaps red because that color is the shadow frequency of 405-480hz. We see in nature, with rainbows the given colors of purity that create this light matrix. Perhaps our dome is the lense of our prism/prison? If one contemplates thyself unto a void, then can they realeyes we don't exist amongst others without contimplations. By mixing said colors RGB or RYB, we now see we can create black through gene mixing, and as you mentioned before, white with a photon example of the same colors. It seems to me, it's very plausible we look to return to our void, only to contemplate our Exit-stance again. We are all that is, down to the very psyops we create against ourselves. If viewed as an unconditional standard of light being's we may then ponder if all that we take serious, may be just examples of our polarity.

    1. Nicely said, since evil is a construct/mix(like baphomet) and not always existed it was created by the ones who always existed. I suspect it was created/mixed accidentally like a clueless scientist that does experiments until he f*s up royally and realize it was better not to play, things are perfect as they are, trying to change them/mix them we create evil/baphomet.

      Now if we live in a world that is already mixed/evil we might have a tendency to do something about it and then we find out all we were doing was updating/refreshing/extending the life of evil that was doomed to expire as it's unnatural and we could let it die/expire by doing nothing/not playing its game.

    2. true, I also add that as long as we're Trapped in a human body(even if immortal) we're still slaves imprisoned here cuz our spirit can't leave at will and we couldn't die at will. Similar to a ghost in a machine. I believe we're supposed to live as free spirits in spirit form and/or be able to leave our bodies at will.....

    3. I agree the spirit is our true form, it has no needs, it is pure and eternal, i just i suspect the lunar scum have it captured and dying and reborn/reconnect into a new human body is part of their game that's why i'm against death but i'm all about having no kids as without new bodies/humans they cannot send me back to a new prison=person/human and i have more chances waking up in my true form from where i can sit back relax and watch the lunar scum get beaten without me helping them (like stupid robocop in 2014 movie) fight their wars and enemies who could be my old buddies/friends that came to my rescue.

  2. Right they also maximize the Torture/drainage that they inflict on our souls by killing us as then having us being reborn again and IGNORANT of our past lives(who we really are) just like in Robocop. It's a perfect way of draining a neverending battery(our soul). And even with immortality or living to a very OLD age they make sure your loved ones will all DIE so that you will eventually want 2 die too. Cuz nobody wants to be on this hellish planet alone as that would be the ultimate form of torture! I already knew when I lost my first loved one that I wanted 2 die too eventially and that this is indeed hell. This design is evil period. I agree that they whole thing needs to be destroyed/reset in order 4 us to start a utopia on this world or another world. I look foward to being raptured. There's nothing but trouble here......and the moon just recycles our souls when we think we escaped through death lol So very Wicked....

    1. They let us experience love, they even push us towards that path as love makes us vulnerable and easy to manipulate and control. It's better not to play, i view love as something that makes you weak/vulnerable and hate as something that makes you dumb and nasty.
      In fact both hate and love makes us dumb as we dont think with our brain but with our emotions. In V tv series was shown how the lunar scum control us through our emotions.
      I suspect emotions to be the invisible language of the puppet master he uses to order his pawns around.

      I suspect the best way to go about it is like the father from tron legacy, sit back relax and dont play by being patient.
      Aliens show up, we sit back relax.
      Women show up, we sit back relax.
      Anything the lunar boss sends our way to trick us into playing, we sit back relax.
      Beating the lunar boss and his genes at their own game by sitting back relax and not playing.

      Azazel from fallen by the way gave it away at the scene with the woman and foreplay that it's sex that gives him the ability to jump from human to human and live for thousands of years which give's away he's actually a gene or genetic parasite like venom.

      Not having kids is our greatest weapon against the evil in this world, i wish more humans were aware about it.

      There's the legendary saying
      "To kill a beast you cut its food source", yet most humans still dont get it.

    2. I agree. They also use FEAR which is the most Powerful tool/weapon of them all. I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to battling these fuckers. I noticed they're starting to play Dirty too by trying to frame/LIE on me when I keep sit back and relax though. They'll also exclude you from society too and make it damn near impossible for you to make Money here while in their domain. That's why I said rapture and we should be taken too a new world/utopia because here they will eventually crucify you like Jesus or set you up as you will have no choice/nowhere to go when your back is against the wall with no options. That is why they're trying to make everyone desolate and Homeless with this agenda 21 shit so that we have absolutely NOWHERE 2 go but them or be slaughtered. Just like what they doing to the Whites in South Africa. It's right in front of us. Soon race won't even matter because they eventually plan to come for ALL of us

  3. lol What you say about "signing" up when having kids is so true. I NEVER liked the fact that most men have to be the predator and pursue the woman to have kids either! That alone shows that's it's a sting operation set in place by the lunar elite because a man must pursue a woman HARD and make her give up her give up her consent to have sex in order to have kids. Also women are kinda like machines hence the name baby making machines which makes you even more guilty for using them for sex and having kids with them. It's the PERFECT trap like just like you said!


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