Bacteria Prove My Thesis That When An Organism Is Genetically Pure It Doesnt Age!

I went to google if bacteria have genes and found this.

"What are the basic properties of the genomes of bacteria? Most bacteria have a genome that consists of a single DNA molecule (i.e., one chromosome) (one color!!!) that is several million base pairs in size and is "circular" (doesn't have ends like chromosomes of eukaryotic organisms)."

The moment i saw single dna molecule i was like "wait that means it's pure!", then i was like "does it age???"


 "Bacteria, in other words, don't age -- at least not in the same way all other organisms do. ... When a bacterial cell divides into two daughter cells and those two cells divide into four more daughters, then 8, then 16 and so on, the result, biologists have long assumed, is an eternally youthful population of bacteria."

And in 2005 they did studies to disprove this as i suspect out of fear the secret gets out that immortality is in the purity of the genes or dna and in 2010 they did another study that threw to the trash the 2005 study and verified what scientists knew all along that bacteria dont age.
"While the 2005 study showed evidence of aging in bacteria, the 2010 study, which used a more sophisticated experimental apparatus and acquired more data than the previous one, suggested that they did not age."

Chroma means color in greek and bacteria having one chromosome means they only have one color aka they are pure and not mixed/a bag of multiple colors that all humans are.

So the ancient pure red green and blue races were immortal until they got genetically bastardized!


  1. Keep on spreading that truth man! I KNOW they must HATE us now after all this exposing LOL Yeah, noticed they never really talk about the ancient races either cuz they don't want 2 amdit that they were PURE and didn't believe in race mixing. That is why they try 2 demonize Hitler and the Nazis because they believe/knew about the ancient, Noble supermen and godlike humans.

    1. Thank you! Hitler was part of the elite and lunar scum, dont trust him. His right hand man was mongol himmler and he went on record to say he idolized turkish mongol Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Google "hitler Mustafa Kemal Atatürk" to see for yourself.
      He helped in the creation of israel by scaring the jews and sending them there with ships, he was killing only fake jews/askhenazi that were getting betrayed by mongol jews/sephardim like george soros.
      Raymond drake exposed that it was the mongols from tibet that relocated to germany before the world wars that were indoctrinating and brainwashing the german population with the superior aryan race doctrine and all that. In short mongols were behind the world wars and hitler who also idolized them a lot, he probably got his training from them.
      The nazis burned the whole greece when ww2 ended which shows they hate greece as mush as the turkish mongols(long enemies of greece).
      The reason the germans have so much hate/evil in them compared to other countries was because they were raped by the mongols the most. 1st time was during the mongol invasion of europe around 1200ad and a 2nd time by the russian mongol red army after ww2 ended.
      News sites wrote that the red army mongols raped all german women from 8-80.
      In short they are heavier on the mongolic/dragonian genes compared to other european countries.
      Freaking blogger didnt post my comment and had to write it all over, from a moment i worried if the word "jews" is banned in blogger like in glp and comments get autocensored. Have to remember to copy my comments now before posting them as blogger pulls a fast one like glp.

    2. What about the thirty/XXX years war Kaboom, XXX is common terminology for the human host body and it was the biggest procedure in eugenics performed on Europeans in modern history.
      Thirty Years' War
      That picture of bodies dangling from the tree branches is basically the image conjured up when one thinks of eugenics.

    3. When that war happened the turkish mongol ottoman empire was ruling europe and the mongolic houses of Oldenburg and Glücksburg were providing the kings and popes to all european countries. In short the mongols were behind that too.
      Another thing about hitler and nazis bragging about the superior aryan race is that during their time germany was doing a lot of human genetic experiments like the mongols in japan(unit 731) and many people who were born during their time were born with genetic mutations.
      In short bragging about a pure race while further mutating and hybridize/bastardize the human genome in your basement/lab reminds me of president's nixon strategy declaring the war on drugs while flooding america with drugs. In short i suspect the mongols in germany had in the works some new type of mutants and were preparing the masses to welcome them through the aryan race doctrine.


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