Majin Buu All Forms And Transformations/Mutations/Bastardizations, Guess Which One Is The Most Powerful!

While the elite through the mainstream media promote how great diversity/mutation/bastardization of the genes is and how it gives us better survival and abilities they give us a different picture through the entertainment industry when we pay attention.

Majin buu verifies my decoding that the bastardization of the genes made us retards and the further our genes get mixed the more stupid we become.

Intelligence is the only true power, when you're intelligent you're above survival, you change the game, you're above the game, you write the game!

Intelligence=game developer
Beast/mutant=zoo animal/pawn for entertainment in developer's game.

Like majin buu when we undo the genetic bastardization that was forced upon us we return to godhood.

"A Terrifying Transformation! Buu Reverts to His Ancient/Original Pure Form"
At 3:05 that's the lunar boss there scared shitless!


  1. lol true that. Do you think the original humans were tall white blondes? And that everything else is a mutation from their group/genes? Noticed even Hitler dreampt of Pure tall, blond blue eyes humans even though he was obviously mongoloid himself lol He obviously knew the Dark truth about mixing genes!

    1. I keep an open mind, but i suspect the original races were like the 3 main colors RGB/red green blue and from the mixing of those 3 we got the diversity of races we have today.
      I've seen videos on youtube where red blue and green light create white light and red blue and green paint create black paint. I used to think black and white were pure colors and now i have intel that they are the result of mixing.
      In short i suspect the ancient pure races were the red blue and green and got completely wiped out or bastardized and demonized.
      The ancient pure red race shows up today as demons devil samael etc.
      The ancient pure green race shows up today as evil reptilians.
      The ancient pure blue race shows up today as evil apocalypse from x-men, mystique etc.

    2. Well, Jaydreamerz does talk about a race of blue gods/EL but he also connects them to the reptillians/fallen angels/ angels.

      Also, What do you think the connection between the ape and serpent/dragon is? I've noticed in Harry potter, Karate kid, and rocky that the white blonde characters are are named drago, draco, and cobra kai (serpent gods) and they both fight jew/Mediterranean rivals. It's weird because jews are usually associated with the serpent.satan/fallen angels. But it seems like even the seraphim/good angels are implied to be dragons and even alot of these ancient indo aryan cultures that whites claim descent from had dragon serpent worship, but then in that same breath they'll reference european cultures that talked about snake slaying to show they aren't serpents.

      But who are the apes? Goku and the saiyans transform into white aryan demigods (dragons) but they started out in ape form. I've also heard theories that apes are actually devolved angels/whites.


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