The Evil Wife! /Lunar Queen, UPDATE 2!

Decoding the hell out of the evil wife/lunar queen recently, altered carbon came to mind where it had identical intel and it shocked me how i didnt notice when i first saw that 1st season.
"Miriam(virgin/whore mary subliminal) coat her lips in Stallion drug, which heightens aggression, and infects her husband when she kisses him after his return from Osaka, unknown to him."

She poisoned her husband/king of earth which forced him into killing an innocent(loved one) and then feeling unbearable guilt like kratos from gow suicide! Then he reborns with no memory of his past and trying to solve his murder like robocop when he found out he was murdered.

Cant believe how much spot on i was in this thread!
"Maybe that's the whole point of everything the lunar queen does to us, since revenge and hate towards us is her primary motive, she will want us to experience that special hell kratos did and all roads she paved for us lead to this moment, us killing someone we love very much and then falling into a depressive state of unbearable guilt, hating ourselves, wanting to die, erase our memories etc."

Hellraiser Hellworld showed the kind of master at poisoning the lunar boss/queen is and in that movie we get a very good idea of the various methods he uses to poison his victims.
It's better to stay away from his territories as he rigs everything, from air to water and things(decorations etc(earth/soil infected too symbolism) where the poison gets transferred just by touching them.

This kissing the evil wife did reminds me the kiss of judas which verified when i decoded him to be the traitor lunar boss and now i have intel that it's a she and the wife of jesus/zeus/odin/king of earth.
She betrayed her god husband with a kiss just like judas.

And i have suspicion of us to be fragments of the consciousness of god/king philip/odin/zeus that sleeps and dreams human lives.

In that case the evil wife lunar queen is all of us's wife.

What should we do with her if we ever recover from this?
At least in mythology zeus recovered(with some help from old allies/friends) and punished his wife Hera for what she did to him.

In alexander story she's our ex wife and killed us so her kid becomes the new king and not our new son from our new wife.
In short we have to be careful which wife we punish when we wake up. Since the lunar boss/queen is master at deception, i'll detain first who i think to be the lunar boss/queen(put her/him in a dreamworld) and after 1000 or 3000 years(about 3 days my time) where i should be sure i dont have the wrong person then i might deliver some retribution.

There's a possibility this has already happened as in westworld season 3 god of earth was keeping a close eye on everyone until he found out who's to blame(who's the real lunar boss/dolores/original agent smith).

-Of course you understand
we must keep our friends close
until we know who's to blame.

So i wonder what time it is?(from law abiding citizen, "prisoners dont know what time it is, we tell 'em what time it is!)
Is it the time where lunar boss rules earth or defeated and hiding in earth and behind humans so the wrong person gets identified as him and punished.

The gospel of thomas or barnabas and 2 potc movies reveal lunar boss will escape justice and punishment by having another person take the blame.

The intel from Hellraiser Hellworld where lunar boss/queen rigs everything with his poison(air, water, earth) and transmits it also through kissing(sex symbolism) made me suspect of his poison to symbolize his very genes where like in matrix when he infects people with it he makes them copies of himself, like vampires do.

Then it hit me! Black goo Spiderman freaking Venom! He symbolizes the evil genes of the lunar boss and he calls himself venom which gives away he is the very poison lunar boss uses to infect everyone all the way to air, water and earth!

So now we know what kind of poison lunar boss is using, the worst of the kind that destroy us on the genetic level!


  1. Somebody is going to have 2 PAY and it's essential we know exactly who it is this time around! I say let's get the Bitch! Most women have been a bad influence in my life too so there's my hint. Always wanting something or some other ulterior motive. NEVER anything for free. Not even a smile. Making women/females the ultimate parasites!

    1. One more thing the lunar boss/queen shows us in many movies and mythology like man of steel, law abiding citizen, the one with jet li, perseus etc that at his court/judgment day he will blow it up and kill everyone. Which makes me think if it's better to attend it through some form like skype lol!
      Holy moly he talks about the unprecedented unification plan of the world watchmen and westworld s3 talked about it(and matrix showed to our face) which is unite all lifeforms under his genes!
      Got to see this movie again!

    2. Damn that's so true bro. I always thought/knew if I were to ever take revenge on my worst enemy to never get to CLOSE to them because that would be the perfect time for him/it to entrap me lol I guess that's what the bible meant when it said vengeance belongs to the lord

      1:54 split personality lunar boss lex luthor/superman blows up his court law abiding citizen style. And lux luthor missing from the court is symbolism that someone else will get judged in place of the lunar boss. Is the mastermind lunar boss/lex luthor so smart to pull this off? Only if corruption runs deep through the galactic empire and in that case i'll just find me a place as far away from everybody and enjoy some peaceful time alone.

    4. "vengeance belongs to the lord" i see it as meaning "only the lunar boss will have vengeance" and the rest of us dont have a chance at it. the lord in the bible symbolizes mostly the lunar boss. In every movie the lunar boss shows up he always talks about revenge and how revenge is his main motive.

      Me personally i don't play revenge, i like to identify problems and solve them. I used to be good in geometry back in school finding unique ways to solve problems.
      Lunar boss/queen and his genes to me is a problem waiting to be solved.

    5. True, to me it's more so a means of cleaning up the TRASH as some things/people/organizations are too corrupt to go on like the Chinese government and our likewise pro communist/socialist globalist government for example. But I guess that's the reason why the bible teaches us to be submissive like Jesus so evil can LIVE on and we be the sacrafices...

    6. In a world where lunar boss/agent smith rules expect everything to be contaminated, from lifeforms all the way to all sources of information, religion, science, entertainment and books. When we process the contaminants through purification/critical thinking and examination it's when we get to see some gold/truth.


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