Demon’s Souls PS5 Reveal Showed To Our Face The Evil Nature Of Our Moon!

See at 2:00 what's lurking behind the dragon's head!
The moon is the beast!
(I have decoded by the way the beast has 3 heads/moons)


  1. Portugals most successful band is Moonspell.
    Moon for the womb as once you enter you get to be put under a spell and come here to live a zombie trance.
    The price to pay for your body is your soul, as in kabalah.
    Ka/ki/life lorce that is slowly drained from your Ba/soul to feed the moon god Alah.

    1. Konami means energy wave like Ka me ha me is incantation to feed the life force to the pyramid.

    2. I was thinking about it yesterday how we lose our memories when we are born which is similar to losing your spirit/soul and how the lunar boss/devil has already robbed us from our soul and turned us into soulless vessels full of bacteria.

    3. This scene from hellraiser comes to mind
      see at 0:45 "get them off me!"
      (our body full with bacteria/worms and parasites)
      Seeing how dead bodies in graves are full with worms and bacteria gives away how we're dead too as these things go after dead things and how when we get our soul back they'll go away or get destroyed.

    4. Yep the price for gaining the world has always been your SOUL lol No more, no less. That is why us "woke" people are made 2 SUFFER cuz we didn't take the blue pill of ignorance and chose not 2 remain forever in la la land. I'm currently watching strange events occur in front of me as I've been leaving comments on the thread. That means that the agents of evil are indeed Aware that we're on to them! That also means that we're doing our job at EXPOSING them and their Beast system haha

    5. Just 2 days ago they visited me during sleep, i woke up in paralysis and with headaches and wondering what these bastards did to me. Later the day i got shingles for the first time in my life and i'm not seeing any women. They clearly did something to me or put my body under a lot of stress as i learned people get shingles after stressful events.

    6. yep they also use/work through people too to undermine you or try to get to do something stupid so be aware of that. I've been attacked by family, friends and even random people on the street 4 NO reason at all simply because they can sense that I'm more spiritual and woke and than they are and see that as a THREAT to them and the system. Like in the movie the matrix where the agents go through different people and morpheus says anybody who is not awake is part of them! That's how they KNOW us so well because they know that we are not sleep so they will keep attacking us relentlessly until the end.

    7. All my life a lot of people were being very nasty to me even family members for no reason and was always wondering like scott adkins in avengement movie why is that.
      Turns out just like in avengement and thor movie i have an evil ancient brother who hates me a lot and is turning my fellow prisoners against me.
      All made perfect sense the moment i figured it out and all these nasty assholes that tried to make my life miserable for no reason.

    8. That part about the ancient evil brother is deep. My guess is that he hates you because he's so close to you genetically and that if he were to get rid of you then he would take on all your powers plus his own by universal law! The phrase there can only be one king comes to mind! It also kind of reminds me of doppelgangers. I believe by them being in such close proximity to you causes them to drain your energy and you drain theirs hence the constant conflict/power struggle.

    9. This intel about lunar boss our most evil enemy to be an ancient family member makes me realize how only family members and ex wives become our most vicious enemies. For someone to hates us so much it must be very personal and nothing is more personal than someone who was very close to us like an ex wife, brother, son etc.
      The intel about there can be only one king you hit the nail on the head there, as the fractal of family member lunar boss betraying us like judas and loki to steal our throne is shown in all king families throughout history! Read history of any ancient kingdom and you'll find it was perfectly normal for brothers and sons killing their family members to get the throne. And greeks then praise them as great kings like alexander the great who murdered his father. When i tell them how can you praise someone who betrayed and kill his own father even his best friend for questioning him, they turn around and look at me like i am crazy. This makes me wonder if many humans we come across are like westworld's npcs!
      In gemini man i post about recently was shown also the intel how the lunar boss killed his father and took his throne, in the scene where the father tells his son "Just fire that.(kill me) Take command."(of my kingdom).

    10. Yep spot on! Check this scene out from Gladiator when commodus kills his father in a jealous rage to steal the throne from Maximus, Same ol' story bro.

    11. "Your flaws as a son, is my failure as a father"
      Same thing people said about odin that the reason loki and hela were evil was because of his bad parenting. If lunar boss was our son adopted or not i blame my evil ex wife for the way he turned out to be as it's mostly up to the mother to raise the kids while the father works to provide for the family. Maybe i was at fault for marrying an evil woman. They say the devil/medusa was the most beautiful woman so if we are fragments of the father's consciousness then most likely we were seduced or married that evil woman for peace between kingdoms like in witcher netflix series. I keep an open mind. We definitely f*d up in the ancient past and i agree with billy bob from "faster" movie that we create our own hell. The genes dont mix themselves either, it takes 2 fools for that job to be done.

  2. Just fire that.(kill me) Take command."(of my kingdom).

    Thats something like Captain Ginyu from Dragon Ball, kill me so that i can take command of your body/mind/soul

    Dragon Ball Z Kai Captain Ginyu Changes Bodies With Goku

    The old switcheroo

    1. Wow i had the same exact suspicion! Same thing was shown in star wars rise of a skywalker, lunar boss asking a woman to kill him so he takes over her body and get a new body. Same thing was shown with ra's al ghul in batman arkham city trying to trick batman into killing him so he takes his body.

    2. In the animated altered carbon movie was shown too, lunar boss is a body snatcher!


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