Gemini Man, genetic perfection/purity=GOD! UPDATE! (The ugly truth of families and parents and how the vitctim becomes the criminal!)

This poster is what got me to go see this movie. Do you see rgb? red vs blue and it verified what i decoded of the holy trinity father son and holy spirit to be rgb as in this poster the blue is the father and the red is the son.

This movie had same intel with movie wanted and bad boys for life of the lunar scum sending the son to kill his powerful father as that's the only person the powerful father cant kill and it's his achilles heel/only weakness.

-And look what we created.
He's got both of us in him.(we're a mix of 2 different beings intel)
Don't you think your country deserves
a perfect version of you?
-There is no perfect version of me.
Or him. Or anybody.
(We're all impure/contaminated intel)

And they made it look like to be impure and a broken pathetic human being is normal and good but being perfect/god a no no and very evil.

They showed also our birthdate is our deathdate and how when this cheap westworld imitation clone/mutant we call human is born the ancient original of us dies. They sent the clone on his birthday to kill the ancient original version of him giving away how when the clone is born the original version of him dies and gets replaced by it.

They showed our ancient powerful form dies only through fire as no other weapon could hurt it and i see it as symbolism of how they burn us first in order to reborn us as human mutants.(same in military bootcamp with the crucible, they burn you to kill the civilian in you so you reborn as an obedient robot and a weapon, human robocop was burned too before he became robocop).
Similar ritual was shown with will smith in gemini man where his boss drowned him/killed him like in the baptism ritual and then told him "now you're ready to serve under my command."
In christian church after baptism the priest says "now you're a slave of god/lunar boss/satan".

This movie touched on a very important subject no one dares to talk about it.

-Tell me about my mother.
-Helen Jackson Brogan.
Worked two jobs for 40 years.
That woman used to whup my ass.
- Did you deserve it?
- Usually.
Does being angry and stupid
and never really trying at anything
mean you deserve it?
Our father wasn't around much.
He left when I was five.
And I think every time she looked at me,
she just saw him, so...
I had to get the hell out of there.
Joined the corps.

I used to think i was the only one who joined the corps when i became 18 to get the hell away from my nasty family and in bootcamp i was stunned to see many many more people were joining the military to escape their nasty parents!

And even more f*cked up i heard in boot camp in america parents kick their children out of their house when they become 18 and their children not knowing what to do they join the military.
Then found out the reason most parents in america have kids is to get government money and support and when that support stops at age 18 they kick their children out as they cant profit from them anymore.

So most parents are evil as hell yet society views them as role models of human beings!
In boot camp my drill instructor opened my eyes to the parents when he said to all of us
"it's not your fault it's your parents' fault".

Denzel washington said similar thing in an interview how all criminals and murderers are the way they are because of their parents.

Dollhouse tv series said "if a human being is not being raised with love it becomes a psychopath".

And most horror and villain movies of hollywood show the bad guy always has an evil mother or father.

So that's another reason why all humans should get sterilized, they dont know how to raise kids, they take advantage and abuse their kids and they create monsters. And the most f*d up thing of all is the victim turns around and becomes the criminal.

Kids that were treated horrible by their parents, become parents and do the same things to their children!

The victim becomes the criminal! Saw movies showed similar thing how the victims of jigsaw later went on to become just like jigsaw!
This is the broken/contaminated human race in all of its glory where in this case both victims and criminals should be thrown to jail as the victims are the future criminals!

It sounds crazy to throw victims to jail but when you understand the evil pattern of how the victims have tendency to become criminals like they got some type of infection by the criminals it looks more like a good precaution than crazy.

When i was in bootcamp and then in the military i've met many thieves and caught people who stole things from me and their excuse was always the same.

"Someone stole my shit so i went on and stole somebody's else's shit!"
They justify their crime because it was done also to them!
The victim becomes the criminal!

In short if i was to become a judge i would be like "lets create a jail for the criminals and another one for the victims (hahahaha!)"

The victims need saving from the criminals and from themselves, then when we investigate the criminals we find out they used to be victims too(most of them to their parents, and their parents to their parents and so on.)

Welcome to the evil vicious f*cked up cycle the human race is caught in no one dares to talk about it.
And evil started with mixing and it snowballed from there.
When evil hurts someone it contaminates him like agent smith and makes him a copy of itself!

Oh my goodness this intel is also encoded in vampires!
They steal the blood and soul from their victims and on their way out the victim becomes a copy of them and heading on to do the same thing to others.

Vampires show us precisely the nastiness of evil and how it operates.


  1. lol A LOT of intel in this one. Spot on! They're goal is 2 FRAME the real PURE, innocent victim and make him seem like the criminal just like Christ! I can go on and on about this subject as I'm experiencing it firsthand. They can also kill the ancient form through water too btw like the god of the bible did to the nephilim of the bible and Noah's arc. They also like to fake the victims death by drowning and other means etc. and then wake him up somewhere like robocop! Omg. I know so much about this subject. The aliens even did it to their own at roswell! They sabotaged them through great trauma and then how them wakeup in a lab only 2 be experimented on and tampered with! There's so many ways the evil elite will try to get the Pure like us. That is why I also want to be cremated and die in the fire like terminator dies in this scene here because the elite want to capture us alive so they can transform us and turn us into what they want to be!

    1. The powerful father was afraid of water or dying from it and that it was his weakness. And water/great flood or black goo/black water was used to contaminate and kill the ancients of earth. So water and fire looks to be what kills or contaminates an ancient pure form. In noah movie when noah told his grandfather water will kill all lifeforms on earth his grandfather said "i thought it was fire", giving away how the great flood or water can be symbolism for fire. I was thinking too when my time comes to burn my body like hercules did in mythology and also i'm afraid of hospitals stealing my organs and brain and trapping me in a computerworld within the computerworld. Then again i'm not sure about it as the lunar scum burn us too and dont wanna be like them.

    2. Oh shit the terminator clip you posted is an eye opener! They steal our brains at death intel and the only way to prevent them from stealing our soul at death is to burn ourselves like terminator!
      Recently friends told me funeral places that got caught stealing the organs of the dead and selling them to doctors, black market etc and even having sex with the bodies of dead people while they had them in their morgue.
      I thought only hospitals steal organs but looks funeral places are even worse and in cahoots with the hospitals so no human brain/consciousness/soul or organ is left behind/escapes, lol!

    3. Dude they even did it here again 2 Mecha Frieza lol Same message over and over again lmao

    4. Just like robocop they trap our consciousness in machines after death. It's a fractal that repeats on many levels. We die as souls/spirits we wake up humans, we die humans we wake up machines.
      By the way just came across this video
      where lunar queen plans to kill all humans on earth before our powerful space father/god/goku arrives at earth!
      Couldnt believe ny eyes!


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