Watchmen 2009, Staged Alien Invasion Incoming To Demonize The Real Aliens/Space Saviors/Old Friends/God! UPDATE! Purity is God! UPDATE 3! The Dream Lasts 3000 Years!

I'm watching this movie right now and it just said that earth is a sewer, what i decoded in star war movies.

-This city's afraid of me.(camera shows the moon)
I've seen its true face.
The streets are extended gutters...
...and the gutters are full of blood.
And when the drains finally scab over...
...all the vermin will drown.(repeating history is all the y do, i have exposed their pattern)
The accumulated filth of all their sex
and murder...(sex=mixing of genes=filthy act indeed!)
...will foam up around their waists...
...and all the whores and politicians
will look up and shout, "Save us."
And I'll whisper, "No."

He continues to call earth a bloody hell and an abattoir(slaughterhouse) of retarded children.(mixing of genes does that)

The prison that was shown symbolizes earth and a mafia boss there said "this place is going to explode!"

They showed that alternative free energy exists and that if it ever makes it to the masses there will be no more war and they even tried to kill a scientist who invented such energy. This was taken straight out from real life events as there's countless reports of inventors of alternative sources of energy getting killed all the time.

-Fossil fuels, oil, nuclear power...
...are like a drug, and you,
along with foreign interests......are the pushers.
-Now, listen.
You listen.
The world will survive...
...and it deserves more
than you've been able to provide.
(they dont provide, they suppress abundance, immortality etc so they torture and play god on the human race.
Why they hate us so much? i smell ex evil wife/hera/olympias like the one from bad boys for life and evil step brother/sister or step son from thor, rambo last blood and altered carbon movies).

Maybe we should choose our family more careful going forward.

Man what i just remembered, there was a guy on youtube exposing trillions of dollars america and its states make through taxes and they disappear/hide most of that money through some methods they have invented to create artificial scarcity and debt.

Same thing a guy in greece was exposing how much money that country collects through the taxation of gas, alcohol and tobacco and then turns around and plays broke.

This strategy of artificial scarcity was first mentioned to me by a historian in america where i finished high school there where he was praising it as a great thing for our economy and was making me sick.

He said back in the day america was producing too much food and prices went dirt cheap and economy was really bad, then a savior president showed up who decided to destroy and bury most food and saved the economy! He was praising him as a genius and savior.
Same thing economists say in greece that when everyone is in debt it's great for the economy as it keeps everyone working, grinding and struggling and money moving.

So as you see it's the same fractal, they create scarcity in life/immortality then to energy, then to food and to everything else, where the natural way of the universe is immortality/eternity and abundance!

In this next part they reveal earth is hades/land of the dead and the shadows of hades its very people.

-It's like this world, this real world... him,
it's like walking through mist.
And people are just shadows.
Shadows in a fog.
God, how did everything
get so tangled up?=-mixed up!(hahaha tell me about it, how did everything got so mixed up)

I realized how without our ancient memories we're like a shadow of our former self, like watching an image of a person but the actual person is not there.

Next we have intel of the lunar scum hiding in earth cave from the galactic police.

-I hate this.
Cowering in cave,
hiding from authorities.
-Cops are out there hunting us.
Unless you wanna go back to prison...
...we'd be stupid to expose ourselves
without a plan.
-And what would that be?
-Once we've established a pattern...
...we can break into(out of) Pyramid,(cave earth)
see what we find.
-Did that. Dead end.(aka and why hades and lunar boss says "there's no escape", as if there was one he would be gone by now like agent smith, odysseus etc).

The owl spaceship symbolizes our moon and it was shown in front of our moon and coming from the moon and going to it many times, they showed it can spit fire like a sun or a dragon and blackbeard's pirateship and how heavy armored it is when the police were shooting at it and not a single dent they did to it.
Russian academics have informed us of our moon to have a titanium hull 26 miles deep. Not counting the special soil/sandbags that cover it and provide further protection.
Oh and they showed of that owl spaceship to be hiding in a cave! hahaha!


 -Told by whom?
- My contact, Miss Slater.
-Janey Slater works for Pyramid too?
-Yeah, she was real nice. She said hiring
ex-cons was part of the company program.
Give people a second chance.
God, please let go! I'm telling the truth!
-Janey Slater, Manhattan's old girlfriend.(EX EVIL WIFE INTEL!)

Hahaha on the money again! holy moly our evil ex wife is running the show here on earth and damn she's mad at us like in bad boys for life and here was shown mad at us too.

Next they tell us we're all puppets.

-We are all puppets, Laurie.
I'm just a puppet
who can see the strings.

Wow they just revealed an agenda of  infecting people with cancer which makes me suspect even more now the cancer i went through.

They called earth a blue planet and mars a red planet.
Ghrees had revealed of the original inhabitants of earth were the black people which i decoded of them to be descendants of the ancient blue race.

So i get the intel here that the ancient pure races had their own planet which serves also and as a good precaution to prevent themselves getting mixed up.

Red planets for the red race, blue planets for the blue and green planets for the greens.

So ancient red race coming to blue earth was a mistake and then the green reptilians showing up was a disaster of epic proportions waiting to happen.

Makes me wonder if earth was used as a sandbox/test ground for the ancient pure races to see what would happen if they get mixed up.

Well i hope they learned a lot and end this shit asap, there's nothing more to learn, mixing is evil. Period.

Next they showed the intel of tricking us into killing our ancient family thinking they are our worst enemy/lunar scum.

A guy like odysseus escaped pirate lunar scum and when he made it back to his ancient home he thought the lunar scum had taken over it and went to his old house to kill the new evil inhabitants only to realize it was his very family after he killed them.

They said next "everyone on earth will die"
and lunar boss said "and the universe will not even notice"(what happens in vegas/hidden from the universe earth stays in vegas).

Classic evil lunar scum scaring the children/us with bullshit as they have already killed us and the worst has already happened.
They love repeating history but you can only beat a dead horse so much until you realize you're an idiot wasting your time with nothing better to do.
(or maybe like in maze runner 2 is important to them to keep scaring us so our sleeping bodies keep producing the fluids they need and harvest).

Next they revealed planets are live mega organisms!(beasts? hahaha)

-Mars gets along perfectly well
without so much as a microorganism.
Here, it's a constantly changing
topographical map...
...flowing and shifting around the pole
in ripples 10,000 years wide.

Next they showed pirate moonship collecting the souls of humans from earth and preferably the souls of bad guys.(tricking them do evil things then show up to claim their souls).
Reminds me the strategy the elite used in america to make the prison business booming.
Manipulate, brainwash and trick people through music, cartoons and movies how awesome violence is and the rest is history. In short violence in entertainment industry is jailbait and i wouldnt be surprised if entertainment industry receives funding from the prison industry, hahaha that is so messed up!(movie, cartoon or song ends, and now our sponsors, prison, prison, prison)

I laughed so hard when they said tv/media propaganda is an ultimate weapon.

-Another ultimate weapon?
You could say that.

Next they revealed the new world(chinese empire) they plan to create on earth will be built with our corpses as foundations to it.

-Of course
you must protect Veidt's new utopia.
What's one more body
amongst foundations?

Dr manhatan coming from space to save earth(which was also his original home) and then getting demonized by earth's ultimate weapon/tv propaganda reminds me of the lunar scum strategy to demonize our space saviors and turn us against them.

Here they went as far as killing 100s of millions of humans to demonize our space saviors, make it look like they did it(see fake/staged alien invasion) and turn us against them.

-Millions of lives were suddenly ended... an act of evil
perpetrated by Dr. Manhattan himself.
Since the attacks,
I have been in constant contact...
...with the premier of the U.S.S.R.
Putting aside our past differences...
...we have both pledged to unite...
...against this common(space) enemy.
With the rest of the world...
...we will prevail.
This is a day we shall never forget.
And yet we go forward
to defend the human race...
...and all that is good
and just in our world.
Thank you. God bless us all.

Lunar boss/devil here was shown to be a human and the smartest man on earth(see lex luthor) and at one point he called himself to be like alexander the great verifying my decoding of alexander the great and his evil mother to be the lunar boss and lunar queen and an old family of us that got us into this mess and hate us a lot.

Wow they just told lunar boss's legacy to our face!

...a world united and at peace.
There had to be sacrifice.
-No! You haven't idealized mankind,
you've deformed it.(mutated/bastardized it)
You've mutilated it.(lobotomized/dumbed it down)
That's your legacy.

In the end they told us there's no end! the end.
I know what Jon would say:
Nothing ends.
Nothing ever ends.

Yet earth's ultimate weapon have us all fear it.

Forgot to talk about the elephant in the room dr manhattan!
That went from human to god!
When he became god he was pure energy and color blue/cyan! (which is one of the 3 prime pure colors RGB/MYC).

Couple more things worth mentioning, lunar boss was shown to be fast like superman and smart like lex luthor which gives away in superman movies lunar boss shows up as a split personality between superman and lex luthor.

-Veidt's behind everything.
What's his endgame?
I cannot imagine
a more dangerous opponent.
Used to joke he was fast enough
to catch a bullet.
He could kill us both alone in the snow.
That's where we're going now:

Is this why antarctica is off limits, cause lunar boss has setup his shop there?
It was shown there the technology from boiling point game final mission that in antarctica close to lunar boss's territory no plane can fly as it emits some kind of radiation that shuts down all electronics.

Next lunar boss revealed his plan was to unite humanity in an unprecedented way.

-The only person
with whom I felt kinship...
...died 300 years
before the birth of Christ.
Alexander of Macedonia,
or Alexander the Great, as you know him.
His vision of a united world was...
Well, it was unprecedented.
I wanted...
...needed to match
his accomplishments...

 Can you guess how he did it? Next part gives us a hint.

-I've made myself feel every death...
...see every innocent face
I've murdered to save humanity.

Feel every death, you can only achieve this by copying yourself on everyone like agent smith!
In short like in westworld season 3 his plan to unite the world is simply to replace everyone with copies of him or contaminate everyone with his genes and turn them into a version of him like agent smith.

That way if our saviors dare to show up here like Neo they'll have to kill their very loved ones in order to get to the lunar boss.

In potc dead men tell no tales he said to our savior
"Remember if you cut me you cut the boy!"

And our savior will say like master roshi

"The boy is not the target of my kamehameha wave, this is!"


Worth mentioning lunar boss's favorite weapon which is poison was shown also here and killing with it his servants/supporters as soon their job was done. This shows all those who serve him are idiots or under some form of mind control.                                                                                                            
 -This is the new Karnak.(kraken/mixed beast?)
This represents the culmination of(bastardization in) a dream
more than 2000 years old...(holy moly the dream lasts 3000 years intel we have here!)
...a dream now assured
because of your unquestioning assistance.
And for this...
...I am ashamed...
...ashamed that you must now share
such inadequate a reward.
To the pharaohs...
...their greatest secrets
entrusted to their servants...
...buried alive with them
in sand-floored chambers.
Sleep well, gentlemen.
Our new, peaceful world
will be indebted... your great sacrifice.
(this makes me suspect, the dead bodies being the foundation of his new world makes me realize to symbolize our sleeping forms who are the servers/batteries that keep this world/matrix going! holy moly this means dead/sleeping bodies is important for the lunar boss's new world/dream, we're dead/sleeping bodies amongst foundations indeed!)


  1. Spot on dude. "camera shows the moon" I quoted that because the moon is also a satellite/camera and also an eye. The eye/observation also creates/manipulates reality so that further shows the moons purpose. It's also funny how women are naturally closer to the moon because of their menstrual cycles and how today's society HATES Men and makes us looks like Monster despite most of us having rougher than most women and makes women look like Angels LOL It's all one Big setup I tell you!

    1. Giving the moon also owl symbolism through the owl spaceship is a blatant give away that our moon is the watchman that watches and manipulates us like pawns 24/7.

  2. They definitely learned their lesson about mixing as even today's races of earth can't and don't want to mix! The only thing that this I'm left 2 believe is that they're keeping us here as prisoners/hostages and/or for experimentation/exploiting. I know I learned my lesson while down here. It's natural for us to seek the likewise. I hope we get FREE before they make us fight space brothers/kin. Evil LOVES it when kill/attack and blame our on kind. It's like killing 2 birds with one stone 4 them lol I've seen them even try to do it with me. Like when you lose a Love one and blame them or yourself 4 it

    1. They did this to the cartoon pirate character in watchmen, tricked him into killing his own family like hera did to hercules and Ares to kratos then have the killer/pawn feel unbearable guilt like it was all his fault.
      Which reminds me many movies that show prisoners in prisons call themselves innocent and how it wasnt them that did the crime.
      Hellraiser hellseeker showed that is the genes/personality/consciousness of the lunar boss/azazel within us the one responsible for all evil humans commit.

      Which in that case there's only one evil in this world lunar boss or his genes, what religion calls devil then turns around/makes a 360 and puts the guilt on us/his victims and hostages.

    2. Yes, this is OBVIOUSLY a frame job. I knew this this all my life that everything here is a trap for them 2 set you up. A Real life Truman show! We're simply just rats in lost in a maze to the lunar boss hence the term "rat race." damn if you do damn if you don't

  3. There will always be manufactured scarcity because necessity is the mother of invention, and they always want to create self autonomy from their rigged schemes or some other paradoxical situation like those poor jazz musicians or poor boxing fighters or poor olympic runners because greatness is only achieved under duress or some other such philiosophy straight out from a Rocky underdog movie.


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