Far cry 4 showed to beat the game all you have to do is be patient/do nothing! UPDATE!

                          "FAR CRY 4 Finished in Under 15 Minutes"

Be patient for our good family to arrive and beat the hell out of the lunar scum and their queen.
If you try to play you'll be doing the lunar scum's work!

Took me a while to notice the most important message of this game!
After like a fool in this game you decide to play and get tricked into doing the lunar scum's work and shooting all the way to the top of the mountain to kill your loved ones, you meet your loved one who tells you "all you had to do was be patient for me to come back!"

He also tells us same message from jupiter ascending that earth is our kingdom and working for the lunar scum is to surrender our kingdom to them.

Imagine helping a thief break into your house and steal everything, this is what all the idiots(fragments of sleeping odin's consciousness) on this planet do, helping the lunar scum mine everything from earth, wage wars etc for their entertainment and then they wake up as king odin/zeus and flip out screaming "WTF did i just do?!"

The father from tron legacy said it best!
"It's amazing how productive doing nothing can be"

Just finished the valley of the yetis dlc.
The lunar boss symbolism is strong in this video,
he says
"you cannot hide, you cannot escape, you cannot call for help, the signals are jammed, i own you just as i own every soul in this valley"

And when you go to kill him in the mission "lucy in the sky" where he is located at the highest point on the map(moon symbolism) he says

"you dont know who you deal with, i'm the bringer of death, if you kill me i will stalk you for all of eternity, your torment will become the focus of all my pleasure"

When he said that as i was playing i said "that's why i'm not going to kill you but put you in a museum" hahaha!

He was converting all humans into mutants/monsters/animals by the way, have them drink something(his poison/black goo venom) and they were changing genetically.

At the end of the dlc you destroy a spherical type of tree called the relic that generates the poison lunar boss is using to infect us on the genetic level. That spherical tree symbolizes our moon that contaminates our atmosphere and as a result our water and soil too.

Wow in aeon flux our moon is called relical!
"Æon goes to destroy the Relical, the dirigible that stores the DNA for cloning.(Now you know what the Noah's ark in the bible symbolizes!) There she meets Keeper(lunar boss), the old man who monitors everything. She discovers that he preserved Katherine's DNA for years, although Oren had ordered it to be destroyed so "Katherine" could not influence Trevor in any way. The dirigible crashes into the city wall,(moon falling on earth symbolism) breaking it down to reveal the surrounding land(outside world/real universe and not the planetarium blue screen we see now)for the first time in centuries. It is lush and fertile, not a wasteland as they were taught."(universe full with life, not a wasteland as the planetarium's blue screen shows us).

At 10:04 the moon that contaminates our atmosphere and mutates all lifeforms magneto from x-men 1 style looks like the sun, the burning bush from the bible and the eye of sauron from lord of the rings!

Transforming people into apes is what the moon was doing in dbz and in this video when we destroy the moon we transform into an ape. In reality it's the other way around like dbz correctly depicted.

Maybe the transformation into an ape when the moon(s) are destroyed symbolizes the restoration of our ancient powers the moon took away and is keeping away and created a bottleneck on the genetic level to keep those powers away.

In this case it's the dbz and werewolves movies that twisted the truth. The moon doesnt make us powerful, it made us weak and dumb/mindless like the werewolf and when we destroy it we might return to godhood like before the flood and the arrival of the moon(s) on our kingdom.


  1. I'm also trying to figure out what this monkey business is all about, at first I thought it was just referring to us africans but it seems all humans are monkeys. Or maybe we blacks and the lower apes are remnants of the last time this happened and have undergone near complete transformation. in gorillaz song "Clint eastwood" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V_xRb0x9aw Notice the red eyed apes and lightning/graveyard symbolism and the T virus on the leaders shirt. I'm sure there's alot you can point out in this video that I can't see.
    In Yeshua Ben david's IMPORTANT video he says "We are created monkey bodies, We are the MOON KEYS" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHrVbVP2RFY&t=1280s

    Going back to the Red eyes, Jaydreamerz talks about how after moon fragments and shiva/satans lightning will penetrate this realm and posses people, giving them powers, transformations, and red eyes like these apes. So what if installing and destroying the moon causes the process? It might not be as simple as on/off.

    1. The evolution from monkeys intel is twisted truth of how we devolved(by forced mutation) from powerful and super intelligent beings like superman and lex luthor to stupid animals/monkeys.
      In the video you posted the guy with the upside down cross and different color eyes symbolizes the lunar boss. The resurrection of the powerful blue apes that go after him symbolize the resurrection of the ancient pure races(and this video verifies what i suspected of the black race to be descendants of the ancient pure blue race) and a stupid brainwashed kid comes to the rescue of the lunar boss and goes to fight the powerful apes thinking they are the enemy and save the lunar boss.
      The T virus is symbolism for the cross+ virus. Cross in greek math is called Sin! I realized the past couple days that the cross symbol symbolizes mixing as when you mix genes from different species you say "you cross them", and cross is also a symbol of death as we also put that symbol on graves/dead people which verifies that the moment you mix/cross a lifeform on the genetic level you are killing it and how we all died the moment we got mixed/crossed/bastardized/mutated.

      Funny how christians who worship the Cross they literally worship Evil/Sin which is mixing/crossing of genes and creating beasts/chimeras/dumb animals/mutants.

      About shiva/satan giving humanity powers, he's the one who took our powers away and he will only give them back if he can fool us into fighting his enemies/our saviors. It makes sense if he plans for us to fight our saviors to make us powerful(powerful and more stupid/mindless like a dbz ape or werewolf i suspect) as in the current state we have no chance at even holding them off to buy lunar boss's time so he can escape earth.

      In a dbz movie(the tree/moon of might i think) the lunar boss turned goku's son(who was coming to save him) into a powerful mindless ape and had him fight his own father!

      The moon fragments penetrating this realm is exactly what the tmnt 2016 showed of the moon entering earth's dome as fragments and then rebuilding itself but i see it also to symbolize crashing on earth's dome cracking it open and revealing the outside world/real hidden universe like in aeon flux movie.

    2. Wow the cross intel verifies also what i decoded of how you kill god/a pure race and that is by mixing it/crossing it/bastardize it on the genetic level!

      JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS!!! It symbolizes he got mixed/crossed on the genetic level, that's how he died and that's how you kill god=purity!
      3 days/thousand years in the underworld i see it more now the time it takes for evil/mixing/poison to expire or wear off and jesus/god/purity resurrects/comes back.

    3. In greek cross is called "stavros" which is anagram of "stravos" which means blind and retard!
      In short you go crossed/mixed you go blind and dumb!

  2. As for the waiting and doing nothing part, Aren't those basically the instructions of jesus were he tells us to wait, do nothing, and follow his COMMANDments. deny yourself and this world until the father returns home and beats the shit out of the devil?

    I mean, At first you'd think we aren't supposed to do anything period, but isn't that basically what buddhism is, just sit on a rock all day meditating (focusing on nothingness until you reach the void?) Which we know is basically just hooking yourself up to the saturnian system. Also, Athiest and normies aren't doing jack shit either.

    There's this guy on Youtube called "Truthor" who figured out that television is watching us and reacts based on our actions, and he says that to beat the system you simply cannot feed into, and i've read his advice but it's so bland he says to stop watching tv, stop feeling or being attached to people, etc let go let go. It's even buddhism, it's just doing nothing.

    1. Meditating is doing something, plus V tv series showed Buddhist monks connecting with the lunar hive mind during meditation. Doing nothing for me is doing the bare minimum that is required to live a peaceful life away from danger until our allies arrive or if they have already arrived and infiltrated this kingdom(like in star wars clone wars) wait until they get the job done. Just like in star wars clone wars their mission could be "kill the lunar boss/queen/dooku, end the war".

      My rule of thumb is this "if you dont know, dont play", imagine going to a casino and play all your money on poker without even knowing how to play. The best move is not to play, and us here without our ancient memories we dont really know, all we know is what they tell us, scientists, priests, books, movies, cartoons etc and the best we can do is examine and dissect/purify the crap out of them before consumption.

      At the end of the day we're like a criminal investigator chasing a serial killer and following the clues he leaves behind. The clues can be useful or can be a trap and the serial killer leaves those clues so we play his game.

      It requires intelligence and patience not to play and knowing how not to play.
      Some people have kids and think they're not playing the game.

      The reason i keep saying the winning move is not to play is so i dont fall into the trap of getting tricked into fight and kill the wrong people who could be someone very close to me. It's a special kind of hell i try to avoid and the best way to avoid it is to keep reminding yourself "the winning move is not to play".

      You cant f*ck up if you dont play, just like you cant get into a car accident if you dont drive or get into a car etc.

      Oh then there's the legendary saying from Frank Castle

      "Doing nothing it's better than doing something stupid!"

      I could go on write an entire encyclopedia why the winning move is not to play and here comes frank castle with this one line that KOs any debate and sums up my entire encyclopedia.

    2. Lol This literally sounds like waiting for christ and his angelic forces to fight with us.

    3. Those who wait for christ and his angelic forces reproduce and are feeding the beast so they're not being patient and doing nothing but playing the game to the bone like stupid william from westworld.

      I'm open minded so if you have any better ideas than patience let me know.
      When i realized the kind of mastermind, deceiver and trickster the lunar boss is i'm afraid to take any action as i might be doing the lunar boss's doing.

      So what better ideas you have that you went ahead and mocked patience? Please share.

    4. Those are mainstream christians and catholics, but Jesus himself never had sex or reproduced, he said that some even chop their balls off for the sake of the kingdom, and that if he absolutely must have sex then get a wife. I thought christianity was a meme too but when I actually observe Jesus himself and how he lived and what he taught it seems he had it completely right. He completely separated himself from society and the affairs of the world, didn't even fight anyone, he whipped bankers but that's about it. He was also pure in the sense that he was directly conceived by gods essence. And it's not like you have to go to church or synagouge to worship god and if you do, it's because the spirit within called you to do it. He didn't pray to statues or anything, he just prayed to god. I feel like if you followed emulated jesus, it'd probably heal leukemia because of the spiritual power youd accumulate and the naturally bodily cleansing that happens when you live spiritually. Ocs101 also says we're not supposed to be doing anything, sure we're free intellectually but our spiritual bodies degrade and we're still vulnerable to demons. Only the meek and pure will inherit the earth, but are we currently pure in the state we're in? When these forces come and the apocalypse happens, they might come after us if we're stilled tied to the system and in a carnal wordly vibration.

    5. Be aware the bible if not written by the lunar boss like he writes most songs, cartoons and movies has been contaminated to extreme levels. Jesus at times symbolizes our savior and our ancient family(that will come here and resurrect us/get us out of the underworld=earth like moses did in exodus) and at other times the lunar boss himself. The lunar boss gives mixed symbolism at everything like he mixes everything he comes across on the genetic level.

      Jesus's virgin birth symbolizes purity as he was born without sex which is the mixing of genes. And dying on the cross gives away how you kill a god(which is anything that is pure) and that is by crossing it/mixing it/mutate it on the genetic level.

      The bible has amazing intel but we have to be careful of the traps and contaminants the lunar boss has loaded it with.

      I have decoded exodus to symbolize also one of lunar boss's master plans which was shown in tmnt 2014 or 2016 and that is eventually get us out of the cave or underground sewer not to set us free but use us to wage war to the outside world and conquer new land for him like the slave hebrews did when they got out of egypt. They killed and stole land from other people and then solomon marrying the daughter of the egyptian king and building his temple which was a replica to the illuminati temple in egypt gave away the whole plan.

      The egyptian kings/elite played the hebrews like idiots the entire way, made their lives miserable like hitler did to force them leave egypt and conquer new land for them.

      History almost precisely repeated with hitler, which is mind blowing.

  3. Yep bro you were right about them mutating us! Watch this video at 1:40 Saruman tells how the Orcs/Monsters first came into being and they were once Pure, Beautiful elves. Same story!

    1. And after they got mutated now they are working for the lunar boss. This gives away how the lunar boss creates his pawns and how mutation/infecting lifeforms with his genes/black goo venom agent smith style is the most important recipe.
      I suspect saruman to be sauron as the names are similar and both were located on top of a tower(moon symbolism).
      The rocky wall that is very hard to breach symbolizes earth cave's dome. The drains at the base give away sewer symbolism.
      They say the moment the wall is breached earth falls like troy(or blows up if the explosives dont get disabled).

    2. Interesting, I think we blacks are the orc race. In ready player one, the black chick is portrayed as one. Also, Jaydreamerz says the Blue gods, That KTMoons talks, about were the ELVES.
      So it's possible that we blacks are the descendants of the corrupted blue gods/elven people as a result of spending to much too time in this sin system and perhaps whites are descendants of the Elves that haven't spent as much time here as us or simply didn't fuck up as badly.

    3. Yes, true. And even more specifically the American blacks as they were MIXED the most. Notice most africans blacks aren't Big and Robust like the american blacks that's because they weren't bred to be slaves/beast of the fields where the biggest and dumbest were chose to mates like the the orcs. In same parts of africa people are the small and petite like the elfs lol

    4. Actually, . The elves were pretty tall and powerful. American blacks are bigger and stronger most likely because white genes/higher elven concentration and nutrition whereas the pygmies became small because they have more corrupted orc genes and no elven admixture.

  4. Elves is an anagram of Elevs and in greek means "greek", also greece's color that represents her is blue. Elevs in greek is also written as elenas or elinas and elinas is an anagram of aliens!

    Since both white and black gets created by the same mixing of colors makes me suspect if both are descendants of the elves!

    Heraclitus said "the opposites are the same" and all lunar boss movies are based around a character fighting his reflection that looks opposite and different but it's actually him.

    In star wars dressed in white skywalker kills dressed in black vader in the cave only to realize he was tricked into killing himself!
    See at 1:00!

    This video at 1:00 is exactly why i say dont play do nothing, in westworld william was tricked by the lunar boss into killing his own daughter who came to get him out of the zoo and back home with her.

    After that william like kratos from gow suffered a special kind of hell!
    If this is how far lunar boss/queen plans to go to hurt us what better way to avoid it by remembering this advice "do nothing"?

    Tom cruise in mission impossible was doing the same thing, dressing people close to you(family members, friends etc) as the enemy and trick you into killing them and even torture them before killing them ,then flip out and lose your mind when realized how bad you were played.

    1:34 he thought he killed the lunar boss only to find out he killed his friend and lose his mind, the lunar boss was right next to him the entire time dressed as his friend.

    1. Yeah, lol. It also reminds of the plot of Lion king 2, were right before simba''s pride and nala's outcast pride kill each other, they their children both jump between them and say "STOP, they ARE us!!"

      I dunno about this one, I thought it was leftist programming to convince europeans to stop being anti-semetic but it might actually be referring to blacks and whites, actually being the same people somehow. What if, outside the simulation, in our real bodies we're the same race, or rather...there are players (possibly us) controlling blacks, asian, white, arab avatars and we're here amongst npcs and antagonist pitting us against each other based on our differences in this simulation (race, IQ, culture, genetics,) but outside we're actually family or something? I also have this theory that the israelties are multiple races, which is pretty crazy and irrational but there's this whole jacob and esau thing that implies a connection between dark haired and red haired individuals.

    2. Umm, yeah we all share a SOUL. That's our commonality!

    3. The evil mother from lion king 2 video is the lunar queen! She uses our loved ones against us or us against our loved ones. She's a family member of us too like hera, olympias, hela etc.
      The father asking her "let it go lets put the past behind us" damn i wish it was that easy!
      The solution is purification/undoing the cross/mixing like i decoded in the latest thread as only forgiving and letting the contaminants remain contaminants they will always have tendencies and urges towards evil.

      "outside we're actually family or something", you nailed it here but be aware family members make the best friends or the worst enemies! Lunar boss/queen is proof of that.

      About the hebrews billy cooper said it best "it's not just the jews", the elite consists members from all races and right below the lunar boss/queen is the leadership of china.
      Israel selling all america's secrets to china and their secret service going as far blowing up u.s. intelligence airplanes above china gives away the hebrews are working for the chinese and are also working around the clock for china to become the new global superpower.

      Also antisemitism helps mongols and china to remain hidden from the radar of the masses. The real jews are mongols and have exposed it in glp. There are youtube videos with jewish rabbis going to japan and proving to them they are related!
      Search on youtube "japan jewish roots".

      After you learn about the mongols your research will lead you to the chinese and from there you'll end up to the moon and lunar boss/queen.

      Antisemites are stuck and think they have figured out everything yet the pyramid goes way higher than that.

      I go as far to say above the lunar boss/queen is the evil genes=Sin gene=Cross as all starts from the microcosm, macrocosm is a projection of the microcosm.

    4. "Umm, yeah we all share a SOUL. That's our commonality!"

      I suspect the soul we all share is betrayed sleeping odin/zeus/jesus etc and all of us could be fragments of his consciousness. Alex jones surprised me in the joe rogan video when he said he had an experience where he connected to the ancient form of him and it was like all of humanity was part/fragments of it.

      Jet li/lunar boss wanting to become the one i see it now as rearranging the fragments of the god body/consciousness with him on top, like with sid from virtuosity.

    5. Lunar queen from elysium just came to mind where her plan to become queen was shut down the matrix/big consciousness/god and reboot it reprogrammed with her on top as president/queen etc.

      So i suspect that was the reason she put odin/jesus/zeus/god to sleep so when he wakes up she's in control of the god consciousness/body etc.

      Lunar boss from body snatcher in dbz is about to become god snatcher! Now i know exactly what Jet li meant when he said "i will be the one", no you're not asshole and if you do i'll put god to sleep too and kick you off the top, you showed us how. All that is done can be undone and i'll take pleasure undoing/purifying the Cross/Mix/Sin/Evil.

    6. "You're like me"


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