The Cross Is the Icon Of Sin!

Thanks to your precious comments guys(like the T/Cross virus) you brought to my attention the best hidden in plain sight secret!

From the comments of this thread.

  1. The evolution from monkeys intel is twisted truth of how we devolved(by forced mutation) from powerful and super intelligent beings like superman and lex luthor to stupid animals/monkeys.
    In the video you posted the guy with the upside down cross and different color eyes symbolizes the lunar boss. The resurrection of the powerful blue apes that go after him symbolize the resurrection of the ancient pure races(and this video verifies what i suspected of the black race to be descendants of the ancient pure blue race) and a stupid brainwashed kid comes to the rescue of the lunar boss and goes to fight the powerful apes thinking they are the enemy and save the lunar boss.
    The T virus is symbolism for the cross+ virus. Cross in greek math is called Sin! I realized the past couple days that the cross symbol symbolizes mixing as when you mix genes from different species you say "you cross them", and cross is also a symbol of death as we also put that symbol on graves/dead people which verifies that the moment you mix/cross a lifeform on the genetic level you are killing it and how we all died the moment we got mixed/crossed/bastardized/mutated.

    Funny how christians who worship the Cross they literally worship Evil/Sin which is mixing/crossing of genes and creating beasts/chimeras/dumb animals/mutants.

    About shiva/satan giving humanity powers, he's the one who took our powers away and he will only give them back if he can fool us into fighting his enemies/our saviors. It makes sense if he plans for us to fight our saviors to make us powerful(powerful and more stupid/mindless like a dbz ape or werewolf i suspect) as in the current state we have no chance at even holding them off to buy lunar boss's time so he can escape earth.

    In a dbz movie(the tree/moon of might i think) the lunar boss turned goku's son(who was coming to save him) into a powerful mindless ape and had him fight his own father!

    The moon fragments penetrating this realm is exactly what the tmnt 2016 showed of the moon entering earth's dome as fragments and then rebuilding itself but i see it also to symbolize crashing on earth's dome cracking it open and revealing the outside world/real hidden universe like in aeon flux movie.
  2. Wow the cross intel verifies also what i decoded of how you kill god/a pure race and that is by mixing it/crossing it/bastardize it on the genetic level!

    JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS!!! It symbolizes he got mixed/crossed on the genetic level, that's how he died and that's how you kill god=purity!
    3 days/thousand years in the underworld i see it more now the time it takes for evil/mixing/poison to expire or wear off and jesus/god/purity resurrects/comes back.
  3. In greek cross is called "stavros" which is anagram of "stravos" which means blind and retard!
    In short you go crossed/mixed you go blind and dumb!

    And then i remembered the icon of sin from the doom games and was like the icon of sin is the cross as also in greek math the cross is called literally Sin!

    So i went on to see the icon of sin from doom again to see if there's a cross hidden there in plain sight. Guess what, it freaking is!

    The T is the cross! As i correctly exposed with the T virus in the comments of previous thread the T symbolizes the cross too!
    And more proof for that here!
    The serpent on the cross symbol a lot of times is using the letter T as a cross!
    So damn, i just decoded the crap out of the cross/icon of sin hiding also in the doom games in plain sight! The snake on the cross is mind blowing intel and reminds me black goo venom, both revealing that crossing/mixing apart that creates evil it creates also poison/venom!
    Wow man the most evil symbol in existence and the masses dont have a clue and are worshiping it like they were worshiping shao khan/devil/lunar boss in mortal kombat 90s tv series!
    After i decoded evil is always mixed 
    i guess it was a matter of time to notice and decode the symbol of evil, the icon of sin! 

    Also it's very interesting in math the symbol for the solution of problems is the undoing of the cross! 
    The problem
                    The solution
                    Living parallel in harmony and parallel lines never cross/mix!

    It's mind blowing how the solution of every problem is the undoing of the cross, which reveals cross/mixing is the root of every problem!!!


  1. Aba = YHVH = El = God
    Bab = HVHY = LE = Satan
    One is the inversion of the other
    Have to turn the world rightside up(since it is upside down) to be released from Sin(Satan)
    Thats the symbolism of the two crosses Jesus/Peter
    Bab-El = Satan genes (pharaoh) mixed with Gods genes (Eve)
    Babel = land of crossbreeding, miscegenation, mixed races and confusion
    Temple of Bab in Israel:
    Secret Bahai New World Order Revealed! (R$E)
    Two become one = 2001/11/9
    Star of Babel/Babalon/the witch mixes the genes inside of her cauldron/womb/moon
    Two at the end of the 7 pointed star (Goku+Vegeta) become one at the other end of the star(Vegito) = Babel the strongest fusion
    Dragon Ball Z - Saikyo wa no fusion

    1. 2001 2 become 1 WWE champion Vengeance 2001
      vengeance 2001 the first wwe undisputed champion promo
      September 11 2001 two become one
      XX/Female rival/Babalon/20/T-rump
      Mixing inside the womb/moon/cauldron cave
      Flag of the one world order apparently it is a closed blue circle, thought it was going to be closed yellow for the sun god
      Why we need a One World Flag and what it could look like | Thomas Mandl | TEDxMünchen
      The pharaoh is always depicted as gold over blue anyway:,413

    2. Cross is definitely for crosbreeding of the two pillars in freemasonry/two seeds/Adam and Satan
      As in the Swiss cross or the Vatican crossed keys/two seeds
      Yellow for the sun god pharaoh/red for Eve
      Octogon in swiss flag for resurrection and new beginnings, same thing as Osiris green skin
      Osiris, lord of the dead and rebirth. His green skin symbolizes rebirth.
      UFC/30/XXX octogon with all the green monster energy flashing representing the resurrection of the dead waiting in the well of souls below the dome of the rock on the temple mount
      The name "Well of Souls" derives from a medieval Islamic legend that at this place the spirits of the dead can be heard awaiting Judgment Day
      Awaiting on the sun God pharaoh green monster energy for resurrection
      Octogon...The Neutral Base of the Master Race
      The monogenes of the sun god/money/cum shot:

    3. T = 20 = XX = Female Chromossomes = Moon = Cauldron Cave
      Matrix woman in red dress 720p full
      Chris DeBurgh - Lady In Red

  2. Undo the multiplier/plus/x/+ into separation of the two/wheat and tares/sheep and goats/=
    Nice one, thanks Kaboom.

    1. Problems are always the result of mixing/crossing and solutions/solvents like the name says what's solves/separates/purifies.

  3. 46 chromossomes in the body
    46 presidents to complete the one world government
    46 years to build the second Solomons temple in Jerusalem
    Pillars of St John the divine, sheeps legs tied together into a X
    Hex the witches spell:
    Crowning birth of the one world government = Corona Virus = T Virus

    Yeah Genesis 3
    Genesis 1 Satans creation
    Genesis 2 Adam/Eve Gods creation
    Genesis 3 the fall the two creations crossbred together
    Back to the future movie 1985 (1+9+8+5=23), 23 pairs of chromossomes
    Back to the future/Garden of Eden
    Two become one Babel Back to the future:
    Genesis 1+2 = Genesis 3 the fall cross

  5. what is the most pure symbol, letter, number then?

    1. Zero right like King Arthurs round table, the one world government closed circle of life from the lion king, no beginning and ending
      Ghost B.C. - Year Zero (Censored)
      Like a human cell
      Carmen Twillie, Lebo M. - Circle Of Life (Official Video from "The Lion King")
      Dawning of the sun god = awakening of the dormant cells

    2. To me the symbol that represents purity is the = anything that is unmixed/uncrossed is pure. Parallel lines never cross so to me there's no better symbol for purity than =

  6. Bible itself means bi-blend as in mixing two seeds/cross/X
    Genesis 1(Goku) + Genesis 2(Vegeta) = Genesis 3(Vegito) the crossbreed
    In the Union Jack Great Britain flag they did exactly the opposite of what youve mentioned, they doubled down on the cross, to the blue cross of St Andrew from Scotland they have mixed it with the red cross of St George from England, making it a double XX as in being doublecrossed as the scottish were.
    Thr V hand gesture that all of these hot shot celebrities and politicians keep on throwing around also represents the mixing of the two, as in the forked tongue of the pharaonic horned viper, and here is the palazzo del governatorato on the Vatican on which the truth is mixed with the lie:
    The Isreali flag itself represents the mixage of the two as in the marriage of heaven and hell:
    Baphomet pose is showing the exact same thing, one hand pointing up one pointing down mixing the two as above so below black and white:
    And of course the fasees represent the enforced unity of all parts/tutti frutti/total blending under the authority of a supreme totalitarian ruler.

    1. Thank you for this intel! V is indeed a cross symbol as in math lines that are not parallel always cross and V are too lines that cross on the bottom. In short most if not all symbols are crosses except this =

    2. V is also for fifth column tactics/enemy within the gates/defective genes/trojan horse:
      A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organised actions by military personnel. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, or espionage executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.
      Just like a foreign vaccine within your own body bypassing its external defenses.
      Apparently the DNA vaccines are close to become a reality:

  7. This is all Babalon is about, miscegenations and transmutations.

    1. Yes, just like in the days of Atlantis. Atlantis became corrupt and failed when they started creating mutants/monsters 4 their own sadistic pleasures. We're headed towards that direction again. Btw, placing our pure soul into a human/apelike body is already a form of mixing so in the sense we're already fucked BIG time lol I want 2 be FREE in spirit with NO/Zero constraints. No one should be forced 2 be weighted down. That only creates monsters lolz

  8. Heres the union jack flag:
    Interesting that ST George died on April 23, 23 representing the 23 chromossomes that were mixed with the other 23 at the fall:
    St George's Day in England remembers St George, England's patron saint. The anniversary of his death, which is on April 23, is seen as England's national day. According to legend, he was a soldier in the Roman army who killed a dragon and saved a princess.
    Killed the dragon = the 23 corrupted genomes

    1. Movies bewolf and seventh son showed the princess/lunar queen is the dragon, like witcher 3 showed the little red riding hood is the werewolf.
      In bewolf she loved mixing her genes with humans and creating more dragons/mixed beasts/mutants and then like in bad boys for life brainwashing them and send them to kill their own father.

    2. what do you think is going 2 happen to the bitch once we catch her? LOL And is she also the whore of babylon?? I wonder if she's a white, blonde, aryan woman since they are consider the most beautiful in this world....

    3. if i'm right on my latest thread that evil is in the genes then we should purify her genetically and keep an eye on her in case that's not enough. if it's not enough to fix the problem, museum, zoo or dreamworld forever.


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