Hercules The Legendary Journeys, UPDATE!

I was eating some food and had youtube on autoplay, this video came along.

Zeus/Odin(=Dion, 2nd name of zeus in greek) has been poisoned by his wicked wife Hera
In zeus's weakened state loki i mean ares(son of hera) decides to seize zeus's throne,
this causes an imbalance in the godly plains and forces all gods
to leave the human world to investigate,
this left earth unprotected and became hercule's playground.
hercules means "hera's strength" in greek, so ex wife hera/olympias and her son alexander/ares are ruling earth while zeus is sleeping from the poison.

This strategy to lure all earth's gods/protectors away so it becomes defenseless and ripe for the taking has been shown in many movies like mad max fury road, cartoons and videogames.

Christianity is spamming this picture to our face in every church they build.
Mother and Son, what is missing from this picture?
The father!, where's the father??? Now you know where's the father and why he's missing from this picture.

The father has been poisoned, put to sleep/matrix and locked away by these 2 filthy beings!
YOU ARE LOOKING AT OUR EX EVIL WIFE and evil step son or real son that she raised alone and brainwashed to hate us like in bad boys for life movie.

I suspect both of them to be our enemy but i'm open minded to the bad boys for life intel that her son is also our son that she brainwashed and turned him against us.

Holy moly, this ex wicked wife and son intel is being spammed everywhere we look and only recently i took notice!

Also they call the mother "virgin", which makes me suspect she might not even be the real mother of our son she brainwashed to hate us.
This is the strategy also from movie wanted and star wars of turning the son against his father!
I'll be damn if that's our real son she got her hands on, plays his mother and plans to use him into killing us or force us into killing him like in gemini man etc when we wake up.

There's some f*cked up shit going on here and i'm sure as hell i'll try my best not fall into the trap kratos, hercules and the pirate from watchmen did, getting tricked into killing our own family so we can experience that special kind of hell only people that kill their own families do especially families they love and kill by mistake.

Maybe that's the whole point of everything the lunar queen does to us, since revenge and hate towards us is her primary motive, she will want us to experience that special hell kratos did and all roads she paved for us lead to this moment, us killing someone we love very much and then falling into a depressive state of unbearable guilt, hating ourselves, wanting to die, erase our memories etc.

Why she hates us so much? Did we cheat on her like seth from gods of egypt where she screamed to him "i should be enough to fulfill you", or cause we dumped her for a younger one and better looking like the blue god from watchmen movie?

Penelope myth from odyssey reveals that she's f*cking hundreds of men while we're sleeping and away, so she's not faithful and i suspect she never was.

Reminds me of these kind of married women that sleep around with many men but god forbid if their husband or lover sleeps with another woman for a night and they become demons when they find out.


  1. The main question should be WHY are Bitches so EVIL?? lol

    1. I have more intel now that the devil is a woman and this verifies what i decoded why muslim and christian religions despise women so much, they know the devil is a woman and the reason we're all in this mess it's because of a woman, similar to the trojan war mess that happened because of a woman which symbolized the devil also.

      Similar script was shown in witcher 3 dlc where an evil woman put an entire country(earth) through hell like helen from troy.

      More reason now to stay away from women, i view them as hell bait. There's jailbait and then there's hellbait!

    2. Let's not forget eve/devel and her apple, the first hellbait!

  2. Eve/what comes before as in dawn of enlightenment/light comes via the iris of the eye, and her apple/the apple of the eye is the pupil, its all about the reptilians being manifested from within the host body as in infected inherited genes.
    "Draculas curse" comes to mind.
    Russian woman shows her Reptilian Eyes on different videos


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