
Showing posts from August, 2020

What Would Happen If We Were To Cure The Human Race From The Worm? Everything Goes Out Of Business!

Just realized the whole human society runs and thrives on the sickness of the human race! Cops, doctors, lawyers, governors, military, food industry(to feed the worm within) everything disappears the moment we cure the human race and undo its mutation on the genetic level. A human cured from the worm needs no doctors no cops no food! Eating is a big scam and haven't expose this before. We absorb only 5% of the food we eat and herbivores give away how the stomach could easily be like a perpetual machine where food or energy gets recycled over and over again with no need to keep eating. Our cave is a closed system so our bodies can easily become one too. As above so below. The xenomorph's mouth gives away of our intestines to be the worm. And as we see that worm has wormed its way in in all lifeforms and took them from being calm and no need to kill and eat(like in the garden of eden) to a daily hell of always being hungry and always seeking to harm and kill others to f...

Blowing Up The Moons Is Thinking Outside The Box=Earth.

14 years ago a friend presented me with a simple problem i couldn't solve. He told me sometimes you have to think outside the box to solve the problem. The problem was literally the shape of a cube/box and the solution was literally outside the box. I think i had to connect all corners or lines of the cube or something like that. I'm amazed how identical the solution to all our problems is!(war, hate, cancer, diseases, low intelligence, death etc) Scientists try to find solutions by looking down under a microscope(inside the box) where it can only be found by looking up!(outside the box!)

Sciencemag "You’re not completely human"=We're Mutants! They tell it to our face!

Image "Humans may harbor more than 100 genes from other organisms" " You’re not completely human, at least when it comes to the genetic material inside your cells. You—and everyone else—may harbor as many as 145 genes that have jumped from bacteria, other single-celled organisms, and viruses and made themselves at home in the human genome. That’s the conclusion of a new study, which provides some of the broadest evidence yet that, throughout evolutionary history, genes from other branches of life have become part of animal cells. “This means that the tree of life isn’t the stereotypical tree with perfectly branching lineages,” says biologist Alastair Crisp of the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, an author of the new paper. “In reality, it’s more like one of those Amazonian strangler figs where the roots are all tangled and crossing back across each other.”" ...

Clouds Are Fungus!!! UPDATE! Weaponized Cloud Technology Engulfs And Conceals Our World And Keeps The Galactic Police/Space Allies Away!

I was watching a Microsoft Flight Simulator video similar to this and noticed when looking at the clouds fungus patterns and was like "wait this is fungus!" So right next i googled "clouds fungi" and HOLY MOLY! Up in the clouds with the fungi How Fungi May Create the Amazon's Clouds "Plants and fungi can release potassium into the air under certain conditions. Fungi in particular are veritable fountains of the stuff: when they shoot out their spores, they also spray out a potassium-rich fluid. Biologists working with leaf molds and other fungi in the lab had noticed this, and atmospheric chemists had noticed that there seemed to be a lot of potassium floating above the Amazon in the wet season. Pohlker’s adviser, chemist Meinrat Andreae, in fact recently reported that a third of the Earth’s land surfac...

Birds of Prey, Harley Blew Up The Moon! Update!

I just saw this movie, there's one thing here worth mentioning, the devil's toxin Joker baptized harley with in suicide squad was shown to be located inside a giant sphere that was full with that chemical. That giant sphere obviously symbolized our moon and Harley to break free from Joker's mind control and stop being his slave guess what she did? She blew up the freaking moon! Which verifies my decoding that it is also the mind controlling cerebro sphere from x-men and that is spraying our atmosphere like a chemplane which was shown also in dbz in the garlic junior's episodes. Harley said her slavery started in that sphere and ends with the destruction of that sphere. At the end they gave black mask guy lunar boss symbolism with the medusa statues and again he was hiding behind a child to blackmail his enemies. What a coward! In the comics like loki from thor movies killed his parents to inherit their fortune and he is an alternate version of batman as both...

Suicide Squad Decoded! They Blew Up The Moon! UPDATE!

-That can change with a phone call.(call our space allies) I have friends, too, you know. -There you go. Call. But without you minding her, your lady friend stays here strapped to a board in a drug-induced coma. (devil blackmails as always and is talking about us being drugged in a coma) -They warned me about you. My dumb ass didn't believe the stories.(myth, religion etc) -Nobody does. -One day, somehow, some way, I'm gonna get outta here. And I'm gonna rain down on you like the Holy Ghost.(jesus/god is imprisoned symbolism but eventually will break free and punish the bad guys, that is if the bad guys dont outsmart him again. The imprisoned spanish guy that transformed into a fiery demon symbolizes also the holy/fiery ghost and they had him in a prison pod full with water so he cant use his powers. Like kratos, hercules and chris benoit killed his own family under the influence of  devil's toxin=testosterone=roid rage and gave up on life).  -Where...

Testosterone Is The Devil's Fruit/Toxin New intel!

I exposed in previous thread the crap out of the Testosterone being the devil's fruit and just today remembered more biblical intel that verifies this! In the garden of Eden all lifeforms were calm=not aggressive=no testosterone=no roid rage! And the snake/worm with legs introduced that toxin and mutated us all into dumb beasts and made us lose our heaven. Testosterone literally transforms/mutates the ones who take it! And just decoded what really happened to medusa! Matrix with agent smith revealed that the devil/worm is a rapist, he literally was raping his victims forcing his toxin into them. Many have exposed Poseidon from mythology to be the devil(holding the devil's trident) and medusa was raped by him before she was transformed into the ugliest monster ever. In short it was poseidon's toxin that mutated medusa! Mythology hiding this intel in plain sight and throw t...

Humans Have 3 Eyes They Say, AND OUR SKY HAS 3 MOONS=EYES IN THE SKY! COINCIDENCE??? How To Fully Deworm A Human Body Decoded! Testosterone Is The Devil's Fruit/Toxin Exposed! UPDATE! The Human Body Is The Biblical Snake/Worm With Legs!

HOLY MOLY, SIT TIGHT AND PREPARE FOR A WILD RIDE! I was thinking today, ok to purify our atmosphere, water and soil we need to destroy the 3 moons/eyes in the sky that are spraying us like chemplanes and then realized how they say we humans have 3 eyes too and how great to be to open our 3rd eye etc and then it hit me! AS ABOVE SO BELOW! To purify our body we have to destroy the 3 eyes in it too! NEO'S HUMAN FORM IN MATRIX GAINED SUPER VISION AND SUPERPOWERS WHEN HE LOST HIS EYES WHICH EYES ARE FILLED WITH BLACK GOO AND THERE'S A FREAKING WORM ATTACHED TO THEM AND HIDING BEHIND THEM WHICH GIVES AWAY OF SIMILAR WORM TO BE HIDING BEHIND OUR MOONS! Eyes=moons=spider subliminal we have in this pic! And there's no escape for our soul through that window as it's booby-trapped with spiderweb. Here's a more horrifying picture with a spider or fungus shit blocking the exit! This looks like the face on our moon! For the bastard scientists that deceive u...

In Greek Vote Literally Means Die!

I had made this thread not long ago And cant believe how i forgot to post the most important evidence that in greek language vote literally means die! Hahahaha it's unbelievable how bad the elite and lunar scum are playing the masses and hiding their secrets in plain sight! Vote=Join The Hive/Matreex=Give Your Power To Goku=Lunar Boss/Queen=Die! I dont believe this! After editing this picture i noticed the November 2nd on top and this is my birthday=deathday! The day i voted(signed the contract) and died/joined the hive/matreex. I dont believe this! The lunar boss/queen is messing with me.

Ringworm Fractal! What does it remind you??? UPDATE! Our world has been ringwormed! UPDATE 5! We are infected with worm dna on the genetic level!

Hahahaha i just got it just by touching my dog and right on my left hand where the mark of the beast goes according to religion! I saw everything in it! The halo/mark of the dead from dbz, the corona virus, the snake/worm=uroboros and how the halo virus/mark of the dead is actually a clone of the snake/worm/uroboros and was blown away! You see how it rides shotgun with us and everywhere we go it goes? And it's a fucking worm man oh my goodness! Like dr sebi said "there's only one disease" and according to google ringworm=halo worm is a fungal infection and everything you touch with it you infect like agent smith, azazel from fallen omg the intel on the ringworm is so heavy! It's all there, everything we need to know about the mark of the dead it's in the ringworm! Look at this nasty shit It so looks like the religious halo and it's the fucking worm/snake with legs from the bible hahaha terrifying shit for the religious ignorants when they fin...

A great scientist once said "EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED!"

And just realized how true this is. Cancer, diseases, aging, mark of the beast, original sin, apple, snake with legs, tree etc etc it's all connected and to defeat one of the above is to defeat them all! When you cure cancer you cure all diseases, you stop or reverse aging, you remove the mark of the beast, you undo the original sin, you kill the snake with legs and its freaking tree. It's all connected and to fix one problem you have to fix them all. They say this scientist invented the particle beams with which we can destroy the heart/root of the snake tree. I suspect the lunar scum gave us this technology through him to use it against our saviors as he went on record to say he got help from aliens on his inventions. Nevertheless if we get our hands on those we know how to put them to good use now. The snake with legs from dbz offering super powers like the tree from far cry new dawn and the mighty tree from a dbz movie is another give away that both are t...

Far Cry New Dawn Intel, UPDATE!

I visited the father's island and he revealed that sin is in our blood flesh and soul. This verifies my decoding on the sin gene!!! Then i met his angry son/agent smith that hates him and he marked me with his blood. I knew exactly what he did and then his followers were telling to my face that i got marked hahaha! This symbolizes how like agent smith he has infected our dna with his genes. Then there was a big fire/holy flame i had to light up on top of the highest mountain which was burning and spreading the bliss/drug that keeps everyone hallucinating human life. I suspect that big fire/holy flame symbolizes our sun as also that mountain was getting worshiped like our sun as it has the father statue on top. There were some paper readings that were saying to stay away from the north(which is also an asylum like from batman arkham asylum/earth symbolism) as it is covered with fog that hurts the mind and body and makes you pass out unless you have drunk a special drink fro...

Creation Decoded! It's Crossing=Mixing! And it's The Same Word!

Creation=Creasion=Crossion=Crossing=Cross! And this verifies all those who expose creation, creators/demiurges as evil and now i can understand them completely! In fact now i understand even better than them how evil creation/creators are! OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS! The one who crossed/mutated/bastardized all lifeforms across the universe(in this cave at least) is worshiped as a loving creator and all are brainwashed to think creating/crossing to be a great thing which in fact is the most evil thing to do! Oh my and i grew up loving and worshiping the cross too and have many people in my environment that still do! Oh my what have they done to us! Sick bastards, mutating/bastardizing/crossing us on the genetic level wasnt enough we had to love and worship the symbol of creation=icon of sin too! Which cross by the way is cube/prison subliminal too! And toxic=poison=spiderman black goo venom sublimin...

Vote Or Die Subliminal Decoded! When You Vote You Die! Also How We Relate To Trees New Intel!

What happens when you vote? You give your power to someone else like in dbz with goku's/devil's spirit bomb/moon sphere. Giving away your power means you no longer have power and are good as dead! Vote=Die! Similar subliminal we have in Freedom or Death which is Death=Freedom True Death is freedom but you have to kill the root to break free from the dreamworld/land of the dead. People kill their avatar above ground and think they're free but the avatar below ground/root regrows a new body for their soul/spirit and they never break free. I noticed recently how we relate to trees and plants and that there's a reflection of us sleeping below ground and because that never dies we can never break free from this world no matter how many times the reflection above ground dies. Every time you see the elite promoting propaganda This Or This You can safely suspect This=This! Similar to live free or die hard(to live free you have to die(destroy your cage) b...

The Tree Cave We Live In!

I mentioned "tree cave" in my previous thread and the world map from thor universe came to mind where i could barely remember a giant tree shown there. So i googled it to refresh my memory and holy moly! The serpent around earth is subliminal that our world is consumed by a snake or that we live in the belly of a snake like in dbz. I'm open minded to the idea the tree wasnt always evil until the serpent showed up. The serpent can be subliminal that the very tree is the serpent like dragon shenron from dbz symbolizes too. I remember my great grandpa was trying to grow a tree that wasnt growing up no matter how much he would water it and cater it. Then he cut it down and found a giant worm inside it that was drinking all of its water and energy and not allow it to grow. I see it as a subliminal/fractal for the sin gene within us and what the giant snake/world serpent from god of war might be doing to our world tree. In dbz tree of might was told that the wo...