What Would Happen If We Were To Cure The Human Race From The Worm? Everything Goes Out Of Business!
Just realized the whole human society runs and thrives on the sickness of the human race! Cops, doctors, lawyers, governors, military, food industry(to feed the worm within) everything disappears the moment we cure the human race and undo its mutation on the genetic level. A human cured from the worm needs no doctors no cops no food! Eating is a big scam and haven't expose this before. We absorb only 5% of the food we eat and herbivores give away how the stomach could easily be like a perpetual machine where food or energy gets recycled over and over again with no need to keep eating. Our cave is a closed system so our bodies can easily become one too. As above so below. The xenomorph's mouth gives away of our intestines to be the worm. And as we see that worm has wormed its way in in all lifeforms and took them from being calm and no need to kill and eat(like in the garden of eden) to a daily hell of always being hungry and always seeking to harm and kill others to f...