Far Cry New Dawn Intel, UPDATE!

I visited the father's island and he revealed that sin is in our blood flesh and soul. This verifies my decoding on the sin gene!!!

Then i met his angry son/agent smith that hates him and he marked me with his blood. I knew exactly what he did and then his followers were telling to my face that i got marked hahaha!

This symbolizes how like agent smith he has infected our dna with his genes.
Then there was a big fire/holy flame i had to light up on top of the highest mountain which was burning and spreading the bliss/drug that keeps everyone hallucinating human life.

I suspect that big fire/holy flame symbolizes our sun as also that mountain was getting worshiped like our sun as it has the father statue on top.

There were some paper readings that were saying to stay away from the north(which is also an asylum like from batman arkham asylum/earth symbolism) as it is covered with fog that hurts the mind and body and makes you pass out unless you have drunk a special drink from lunar boss(which is his poison/genes that make us able to live in this contaminated lunatic land.)

Like latest spiderman venom movie revealed we need venom/black goo/sin gene in our blood/dna in order to survive here otherwise we pass out like superman/pureman in man of steel and the aliens from tom cruise movie.

Stay tuned i'm close to finish this game and will update if it provides more good intel.


When you go to the north of the map that symbolizes earth its air is filled with the hallucinogen drug bliss and the path you walk in is identical to the belly of a snake! At the end of the road/head of the snake you end up on a tree the shape of devil's horns and the devil disguised as the father offers you an apple just like eve in the bible!

He has also that tree as tattoo on his chest and its name is eden meaning how this whole place here is a tree or snake tree like dragon shenron and we live in its belly.

The son/lunar boss/lokifer who hates his father and rules earth in his absence, the father said his sin is pride giving away he's lucifer. When the father=us came back(from the dead/resurrected) lucifer didnt want to give up his throne and went as far to team up with an enemy to burn the whole place to the ground, as like in jupiter ascending he said if earth is taken from him he will completely harvest it/destroy it etc.
The father talked also about the beast within/sin gene that feeds on resentment, hate etc, it grows on these and then it consumes us/takes over agent smith style.(sin gene is smart if it manages to consume us before we resurrect it wont lose its throne as we would be it like agent smith clones!)

This whole place/earth was said to be surrounded by outside/galactic forces and we are hiding behind a wall/dome. The fools that will fight the outside forces are shown to be us!

Next i did a mission where the twins had kidnapped all my loved ones and had them next to bombs i had to defuse to save them and they were blackmailing me to do whatever they wanted in order not to kill my friends and like an idiot after i did what they wanted they killed them anyways.
This lunar boss strategy is shown in countless hollywood movies, he blackmails you to do something in order not to hurt your loved ones or something you care and after you finish the job he kills them.

The father when he was talking about god he pointed at the snake tree with the devil's horns giving away that is the god of this place.

Fire was shown to clean/purify the air from the bliss drug/sin gene! And it reminded me ancient doctors like Hippocrates who were advising to raise big bonfires to combat airborne viruses. I remembered also how in the summer time no one gets the flu and everyone gets it in the winter and biased youtube doctors claiming to be because of the vitamin d of the sun where the truth is it's because of the heat!
And this verifies my suspicion on the AC and losing weight thread that our AC(air conditioner) might be creating an environment friendly to viruses and bacteria!

There was also intel that we are the rightful kings/owners of this place like in jupiter ascending!

The fruit from the snake tree was shown to mutate us into beasts like the ember moon tree in far cry 4 valley of the yetis dlc!
The father lighting up the tree on fire at the end is burning bush=ember moon=sun symbolism and how our sun moon like the other 2 moons is the head/root of the beast.(they made it look like he was killing the tree but we know better now, if you want to kill it you have to destroy its roots, burning the top wont cut it).

They showed god/father from the bible didnt want adam and eve in the bible to eat from the snake tree to protect them from getting infected/poisoned by it! Which now makes sense why he kicked them out of his place/heaven as they were infected like vampires and only more harm they could do after that.

At the end the father says release me from this vicious cycle(human reincarnations and earth's/tree's f*ckery that keeps repeating over and over again) and symbolizes the lunar boss who is a prisoner too in this tree like smith in matreex and is seeking a way out.

Lunar boss escaping this place i suspect the snake tree is using him to escape too knowing its ending is near here.
As i have decoded our real enemy is the sin gene and lunar boss/lucifer being good guy and going evil is give away he got infected by it and is being controlled by the sin gene like a puppet.

So if the lunar boss escapes the sin gene/fruit of the snake tree escapes too!
The pipe dream of the snake tree is for its whole moon heart/root to escape like in star trek first contact!

The heart/root of the snake tree=snake cross=cube escapes!


  1. Testing if comments can be posted here.

  2. Yep it works now, i dont know i havent figured out why sometimes it blocks the comment, as before it was blocking not only replies to other comments but also new coments, but then again everything worked later.
    And also with GLP from which i get banned and unbanned randomly, i dont know whats going on with the commentary restricions but thanks anyway.

    1. Thank you for letting me know, i wish i could do something from my side, it's sad to see blogger behaving like glp, then again it's owned by goggle who censors everyone on youtube.

  3. Cant post this to GLP but i found another knights of Hubert/911/covid connection.

    Its covid 19 for 19 years since 911, 19 which is greek word ibchah which means slaughter in the strongs concordance, and i found a sacrifice of the knights of hubertus connected to it as Anthoine Hubert a 22 year old French professional racing driver died due to an accident at the feature race of the 2019 Spa-Francorchamps FIA Formula 2 round at the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps.

    He was buried on September 10, 2019 but might as well be september 11 elsewhere in the world at the same time and they retired car number 19 for Formula 2 in his honor.


    1. When i was banned in glp i could access and post in the godlike.com
      so try that until you get unbanned in glp.
      i got banned in godlike.com too and gave up on that forum, i'm currently unbanned but dont wanna go back to glp anymore.

    2. Im banned on both platforms but sometimes im unbanned and then i get banned again, i just bounce in and out but cant figure out the criteria.

      What could be the symbolism behin Huberts #19 formula 2 car being pink, pink moon/womb/maleficient/babalon strikes again.


      Nick Drake - Pink Moon

    3. I saw it written and I saw it say
      A pink moon is on its way
      And none of you stand so tall
      Pink moon gonna get ye all

      19 slaughter ibchah which is hebrew not greek made a mistake above

      It's a pink moon
      Yes, a pink moon


    4. אִבְחָה ibchah 19 pink moon slaughterhouse slaughtered meat google translates hebrew to english as i will cry
      Cry baby

      Melanie Martinez - Teddy Bear (Official Audio)

      Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear
      You were comforting and quiet
      How did love become so violent?
      Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear
      Everything was so sweet until you tried to kill me

      Melanie Martinez = EMinEM = Marilyn Manson = Master Mason = MM = 33

      I saw it written and I saw it say
      A pink moon is on its way
      And none of you stand so tall
      Pink moon gonna get ye all

    5. Interesting Google also translates as slaughter by the sword as in the obelisk of osiris entering into the womb/dome/moon of Virginia/Maryland/Isis

      And there she stands as the statue of freedom standing over the capitol dome/womb/moon and staring at the obelisk of Washington7Sun

      Statue of Freedom

      The Statue of Freedom, also known as Armed Freedom or simply Freedom, is a bronze statue designed by Thomas Crawford (1814–1857) that, since 1863, has crowned the dome of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C.

      Satan watches all of us
      Smiles as some do his bidding
      Try to escape the grasp of my hand
      And your life will no longer exist
      Hear our cry, save us from
      The Hell in which we live
      We turn our heads toward the sky
      And listen for the steel

      Die by the sword

      They say the pen is mightier than the sword, i say fuck the pen cause you can die by the sword.

      Slayer - Die by the Sword (Live on April 3, 1985)

      It's a pink moon
      Yes, a pink moon

    6. The obelisk entering the womb/dome is also symbolic for how the sun touches the moon with its sunrays, lighten the moon up and as you have decoded the sun is the ember moon as all of this seemless randomness connects all to the same root/tree/moon/womb/fountain at the end of the day.

    7. That statue of freedom is medusa/athena! And it's the opposite of freedom, do you see the corona/halo/mark of the dead she's holding? Anyone who lets her/him put it to his head is finished and becomes her slave and pawn like the lycans to viktor in underworld.

      Similar intel we have in religion with the 40 martyrs that as soon they were dying lunar sirens/angels were putting coronas/halos on their head like to goku in dbz.

      Riddick 2013
      "some want to put a crown on my head, some a noose around my neck"
      crown/corona/halo=noose=leash intel!

      Legion movie with angel michael showed to our face the halo is a noose/leash around our necks!

    8. Trump is 74 years old and yesterday Pakistan celebrated 74 years of independence amongst heated verbal exchanges with Indias prime minister over territoy.

      74 in the strongs concordance is greek word agónia as in calm before the storm, (properly the feeling of the athlete before a contest), great fear, terror, of death; anxiety, agony

      India/China/Pakistan have also been at each others throats over Kashmir which is where they have the plantations of poppy fields amongst other plants that are the principal root source for all the pharmaceuticals and drugs that flood the world and one of the biggest sources of revenue for the principal family of central bankers the Rothschilds and for the NWO.

      Which again ties into the tree of death and on how the plants run the show, which the show Messiah on Netflix actually ended after a plane crash with the crew awakening without injuries in the midst of a poppy field/dreamworld symbolism/the plants create reality.


      Messiah Finale | Ending Scene | Christ or Anti-Christ

    9. Sorry ive rewatched it its not the crew just the Messiah and his friends, which i guess comes from islam where only the prophet and his friends are real moslems the rest are infidels/walking dead and thats why they have the internal war between shia moslems and sunni moslems which is just the right vs left paradigm that the west has, shia is run by the clegy, sunni is run by the aristocracy, just like the left is run by the clergy and the right by the aristocracy.

  4. For clarification i meant that only the Messiah and his friends survive uninjured the plane crash at the end of the show Messiah, which is also symbolism for how only those that receive the mark/crown/halo from Athena will enter into the NWO which was what Madonna was singing at Isreal.

    Not everyone is coming to the future
    Not everyone is learning from the past
    Not everyone can come into the future
    Not everyone that's here is gonna last, gonna last

    Madonna, Quavo - Eurovision Song Contest 2019

    1. And she as the statue of Freedom/Medusa is showing exactly that, crown on one hand, sword on the other, ready to crown some/those that take the vaccine and cut down the rest.

      Guess that if you take their death sentence/lethal injection/DNA vaccine theyll assimilate you into the tree of death, if not theyll cut you off/end your existence in the dreamworld.

      I want you, and I need you, and I'll bleed you
      It's all true, I've been told to, and I'll cut you down

      I'll burn you down
      To save this town

      Lady in gentle slumber
      Wary you're not alone
      Maybe, I'm torn asunder
      Lady, you're not on your own
      You're not on your own

      Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats - I'll Cut You Down (OFFICIAL)

      Guess shes coming with a vengeance just like when queen Bloody Mary went after the protestants.

      Queen Mary I and the burning of protestants

    2. The statue of freedom is holding a wreath which is the christmas wreath/ouroboros/reincarnation/trapped into the matrix/dreamworld, as the christmas tree is the obelisk.

      Also ties into Lord of the rings/halos as he was enslaving those that took the rings during and after death, and i have also decoded before the ring to symbolize the iris of the eye as in rainbow or monarc/sovereign/my arch/bow/gateway that manifests the world that you see/dreamworld via the eyes/fountain of light to the body.

      LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring - Extended Edition - The Council of Elrond Part 2

    3. They alos always throwing the number 9, as the fellowship of the ring had 9 members, the nazgul dead kings were 9, the original knights templar were 9 men, beatles revolution 9.

      The knights templar still run Portugal via the Military Order of Christ anyway, and i have noticed that they just as the mainstream media or the aristocracy really dislike Trump and the russkie bolshevik communists but im not sure what their schism is yet or if is all just a show more than likely as both sides came and are after the temple of Solomon and work for the same lunar boss.
      Probably just playing fifth column on each other on and off to pass the time, oh Bolsonaro and Trump are such meanis, oh the sultan of Marooco and the king of Spain are such noble men, booohooohoo oh no Trumpo is going to anex Palestine maybe that will give the Marooco sultan permission to cut off a few more tourists heads.

    4. Why do people like the knights templar so much or why do they keep using the reference to friday the 13th as in the horror movies with Jason/son of Ja7lunar boss which his hockey mask looks just like the moon all in white and full of holes.

      Friday the 13th VII: The New Blood (1988) - Jason vs. Psychic Scene (7/10) | Movieclips

  5. "Legion movie with angel michael showed to our face the halo is a noose/leash around our necks!"

    Yep just like the iris of your eye is the halo/ring that manifests the world that you see/keeps you trapped in dreamworld/virtual reality.

    Ive also decoded from the book of revelation:
    White horse is the sclera
    Rider is the pupil of the eye
    Bow is the iris
    Crown is the eye leashes

    Being enslaved by the halo is symbolic for yourself being dependent on your iris to manifest the world that you see, also the iris being the bow reflects the wild hunt of hunting down souls but also more physical goals like hunting beautiful women or prey or choosing clothes or stuff like that as the hunt is operated via the eye, everything is visuals/appearances.

  6. Never seen anyone making the connection that you did between fat and heat/air conditioner, if anything ive always heard that people in colder regions were fatter because of their lack of carbs and because they consumed more fats to keep their body warm.
    Now that i think about it, that doesnt make much sense because the body fat is not raising their body temperature is it.

    Which again is just like with beans were they blame farting on eating beans when in reality the fact that the beans are a high fiber food drastically reduces flatulence in the gut, in fact beans are the best thing that you can eat to stop farting.

    As far as the connection between the cold temperatures, ACs and viruses, flus goes:
    all my life ive had strong flus and fevers every 4 months or so, which only stopped over the last 8 years after i quitted college and started caring about what i ate, stopped following peoples advice of eating everything in moderation and started choosing my food.
    Ive been vegan for around 4 years of that time and im currently vegetarian with some occasions where ill make an exception because the situation requires me to, which is the opposite to the first 20 years of my life when i was eating eggs, meat, fish and their fats like butter and yolks at every meal.
    That cleared a lot of my issues, including flus which i havent had for 5 or 6 years now.

    My mothers choice of culprits (besides my inherited thalassemia anemia) always were temperature fluctuations between hot/cold, allergies and stress.
    Me personally now that i think and act for myself, i dont see any of those as an issue at all, my culprit is the fat as i believe that the fat you eat is the fat you wear, and body acidity as amino acids and fatty acids contribute to internal acidosis which creates all kinds of internal issues and problems like atherosclerosis and diabetes, that acts just like the enemy within causing all kinds of traffic congestions with the blood and oxygen transit, and burns down peripheral nerves as i get a lot of pain from peripheral neuropathy.

    Anyway when it comes to the allergies department, my mother always made that same connection you did to the ACs, which she has always claimed that ACs propagate all kinds of bacterias and viruses into close environments.
    Like i said i still believe that all of that is irrelevant as the body can withstand it all as long as its not being poisoned by vaccines, pharmaceuticals, overt fats and acidosis.
    My mother is also much of a clean freak with the whole bacterial mentality, but now that ive lived into this covid hysteria its been revealed to me that shes very tame when compared to the kind of clean sterilization freaks out there.

  7. That Star Trek explosion is just like the explosion on Game of Thrones, they really like their green dont they, green, green and more greenery.

    Game of Thrones | Explosion of the Great Sept of Baelor

    1. Interesting that they show the 7 pointed star of Babalon thats on Jordans flag there in the sanctuary before the big green explosion, which reminds me also of all the flashing green monster energy lights all over the UFC octogon which is just a mirror of the dome of the rock octogon that takes over the well of souls on the temple mount.

  8. Im already unbanned from GLP, it used to last around 2 months now it lasted 2 days.

    1. Not been able to figure out what the criteria/videos/trigger words are though.
      Its just random from what i can tell.


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