Clouds Are Fungus!!! UPDATE! Weaponized Cloud Technology Engulfs And Conceals Our World And Keeps The Galactic Police/Space Allies Away!

I was watching a Microsoft Flight Simulator video similar to this and noticed when looking at the clouds fungus patterns and was like "wait this is fungus!"

So right next i googled "clouds fungi" and HOLY MOLY!

Up in the clouds with the fungi
How Fungi May Create the Amazon's Clouds

"Plants and fungi can release potassium into the air under certain conditions. Fungi in particular are veritable fountains of the stuff: when they shoot out their spores, they also spray out a potassium-rich fluid. Biologists working with leaf molds and other fungi in the lab had noticed this, and atmospheric chemists had noticed that there seemed to be a lot of potassium floating above the Amazon in the wet season. Pohlker’s adviser, chemist Meinrat Andreae, in fact recently reported that a third of the Earth’s land surface is probably covered with microscopic fungi. But until now, no one had linked potassium from fungi to cloud formation. “We think the residue of these droplets is what we are observing,” Pohlker says. “It’s really impressive.”"

We have also intel how fungus did a complete ecophagy(consumption) of earth's ecosystem in the ancient past and how correct majin buu was in dbz where he said


Went to find to find the buu video and forgot all about this scene that reveals the relationship between fungi and worms!
The way these worms behave and talk to each other is subliminal for humans, that we are the worms in the belly of the beast(big worm apophis from gods of egypt).

Hahaha just googled apophis and they show the ringworm that consumed earth like in thor's asgard map!

Wow the sciencemag link talks about fungi being eukaryotes and just learned this
"Bacteria are prokaryotic cells; fungi, protozoa, algae, plants, and animals are composed of eukaryotic cells.(it's all fungi intel!) Viruses are not cells so they are neither prokaryotic nor eukaryotic. They can replicate only inside a living cell."

Look at this pic of eukaryote and prokaryote
 What does it reminds you?
The sperm and egg of man and woman!
Fungus and worms go hand in hand intel and both are needed for the creation of a lifeform!

It's all fungi and worms OMG!

Coma movie comes to mind where lunar boss said "no one must know the secret of my creation/heaven".

Prakaryote's dna
made fully aware of the worm nature of the DNA and to symbolize the biblical worm shenron.

It's quite the accomplishment to disguise a hell of fungi and worms as a heaven/beautiful planet.

In this pic the eukariote looks like earth or what nasa and schools show us as earth and the prokaryote with the optic nerve/worm behind it is moon subliminal.

So the ancient rape that happened on a global scale the lunar boss made it to repeat on the smallest scale at the birthing of lifeforms in an attempt to make it look natural and the normal way of which lifeforms are born.

In nature also most female lifeforms are getting raped by their male counterparts which is a repetition of this rape fractal. In greek "rape" is "bia" which means life! Which verifies what i just decoded how all life in this hell gets created through rape!
No wonder why "live=evil=life!"

I remembered when i flew from europe to america the sky was blue/clear from clouds and as the airplane reached high altitude the sky revealed to be full with clouds in a formation identical to a farm raising crops!(secret soul farming in the clouds?)

What baffled me was if clouds can block the sun why the clouds at higher altitude dont block the sun and we cant even see them from the ground and think wrongly that the sky is clear from clouds where in reality it never is!

Then it reminded me the intel from serenity movie, wonder woman island and a mason bragging about weaponized cloud technology the lunar boss is using to keep his enemies out of his kingdom and how his enemies dont dare to enter the cloud. In other movies and far cry 5 was shown our world to have been consumed by an evil mist.

0:07 That's earth and was shown everyone to be dead and sitting in chairs inside buildings and work offices, walking dead=humans=land of the dead symbolism.

Our atmosphere is full with lunar scum and ugly ufos that dont allow anyone to leave this place is shown right after.

Our space allies are just outside the weaponized cloud that has consumed our world, they dont dare to enter! They know how insidious that fungus cloud is unlike us who look at them as harmless and beautiful and airplanes love to fly through them and get a good dose of fungus.

The cloud blinds them from viewing what's going on here in our world like in wonder woman island, those who were outside the mist dome couldn't see what was behind the mist and the german warships that entered the mist started sinking immediately after giving away that mist is also a weapon. Hell the very thunders and lighting strikes show very well how weaponized as hell they are!

This is the exact war many movies show even the star war rogue movie that takes place right above our dome and we down here below the mist dont have a clue.
I also suspect many who die here wake up in bodies that fight our space allies above our dome.

At 1:30 i found interesting the lunar scum fleet looks like prokaryotes!

This clip also shows our planet to be under quarantine and the war the lunar boss will wage to the galactic police is not to try and defeat them but try to break free from their blockade. It's all about his escape and i'm amazed how at this same scene he also shows how he broke through earth's defenses and landed here like in altered carbon s2 when he first arrived here.

At 1:23 that's apophis, its mouth looks like a ringworm/oculus/halo moon from elysium movie and having a long worm like body right behind it.


  1. Kaboom, considering any creation(s) seem to be extracted from purity sources.. this then yields the very quest-i-on of purity itself. Suppose what I'm asking you, in your ultamite mind of purity, is the very contemplation of self corrupt? In the theory of infinite layers of exit-stances to purify again will it always =con-tam•I•nation? How does anything exist without separation of self? Even to be voided still puts us amidst the center of design or desig-nations?

    1. Creation is crossing/mixing of things that already exist. Creation doesnt need to happen and happens by force like rape as it's unnatural, it cannot happen any other way.
      Imagine a fish in the ocean minding its own business and a horse on a mountain mounting its own business, then some lunatic kidnaps both puts them in his lab and crosses them creating a fish horse that is inferior to both as it cant even walk or swim due to its messed up design.(but sells it to Alzheimer suffering idiots as something superior that can do both things).

      That's what we're dealing with here, a worm infected lunatic out to degrade all that exists by creating them/crossing them/bastardizing them.

      To purify is to undo that creation/bastardization and return the degraded lifeforms to their former glory.

      If i understand your question correctly you make it seem like things have tendency to get created/mixed and getting contaminated is inevitable where the exact opposite is true, things dont like to get mixed and unnatural things like creations/mixings break down eventually/expire and the lifeforms revert back to their perfect/pure states.

    2. Hippocrates said all lifeforms have a tendency to return to their original healthy state and we can help them do that faster by removing the obstacle(a moon or 3) that prevents them from doing so.

  2. Correct, I understand the process of contamination through creation. My question rather, implies merely towards the all that "is" of true form in purity. What makes the horse and fish so pure to their "natural" form before creating a horsefish? Assuming we are fragments of a divine infinity and our projections through "time" is where our impurities begin to manifest. Our true self, our true order of purity, point zero if you will, what allows this design to be so pure, yet still exist? It seems in order to exist at all, there needs to be some form of impurity? Like a magnet that has opposing sides, both repel one another to form a resistance. however chosing only the positive or negative side to adhere to, would yield any contemplation of purity yet they still both exist. Do these contaminations exist merely because at the source of pureness is pure sin? I think of it like the movie Pleasantville, before cross breading life was black and white, a mundane order of just is...after some color crossed the bridge and contaminated the towns purity, a revolution of self injust began. I wander, at times thinking perhaps this very fight we are experiencing is the result of the internal resistance from the very purity within, our true source. If we find ourselves back at point zero, at our purenesst, how long before we contemplate "1" and restart the process?

    1. The horse and fish symbolize 2 different lifeforms that are perfect as they are, they're healthy, they dont break down and are in a natural relationship with the cosmos.
      The horsefish symbolizes their unnatural/unhealthy state which was forced upon them and they are miserable and sick ever since that crossing/mixing happen.

      If the horse and fish on their own(which we symbolize with that what is pure/unmixed and not the actual horses and fishes we have today) is also some form of mixing, then we should undo that and see if purity is the natural and best way of living or if there's good mixing and bad mixing. I'm open minded, one thing for sure is the mixing that has been done here on this planet is bad and is heading to become even worse.

      Purity for me symbolizes what was before the mixing the lunar boss did which was superior of what we have today. Maybe that was mixed too but wasnt mixed f*cked up like it is today.

      Of course we should trust nothing and investigate everything until we get to the bottom of it.

      If there can be good healthy mixing then the lunar boss has done a great job making it look evil by abusing the hell out of it.

      Then there's the opposite sign of the cross which is = and symbolizes lifeforms living together in parallel without crossing themselves. Which shows fragments/beings can coexist together and can connect parallel to form a bigger lifeform without crossing themselves.

      I think like when i play chess and consider all possibilities and i'm open to the idea of the existence of good mixing but all evil i've seen so far is mixed so it's natural reaction to suspect good must be unmixed/pure/original.

  3. Thank you for that explanation. I too adhere to all possibilities being relative and the more we share our perceptions the clearer the chaos becomes. You've definitely opened my thoughts towards applying very fathomable beleafs of inception.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, i'm glad i could help!

  4. By the way spidergoats reveal that the lunar scum know ways to mix lifeforms on the genetic level with no signs revealing it on the appearance like baphomet, centaur, shenron etc do.
    Biologists say humans have the genes of all animals which reveals we are mixed as hell on the genetic level yet in appearance it's impossible to notice all the different lifeforms we are mixed with.

    Just found this!
    "Humans may harbor more than 100 genes from other organisms"

    "You’re not completely human, at least when it comes to the genetic material inside your cells. You—and everyone else—may harbor as many as 145 genes that have jumped from bacteria, other single-celled organisms, and viruses and made themselves at home in the human genome. That’s the conclusion of a new study, which provides some of the broadest evidence yet that, throughout evolutionary history, genes from other branches of life have become part of animal cells.

    “This means that the tree of life isn’t the stereotypical tree with perfectly branching lineages,” says biologist Alastair Crisp of the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, an author of the new paper. “In reality, it’s more like one of those Amazonian strangler figs where the roots are all tangled and crossing back across each other.”"


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