Humans Have 3 Eyes They Say, AND OUR SKY HAS 3 MOONS=EYES IN THE SKY! COINCIDENCE??? How To Fully Deworm A Human Body Decoded! Testosterone Is The Devil's Fruit/Toxin Exposed! UPDATE! The Human Body Is The Biblical Snake/Worm With Legs!


I was thinking today, ok to purify our atmosphere, water and soil we need to destroy the 3 moons/eyes in the sky that are spraying us like chemplanes and then realized how they say we humans have 3 eyes too and how great to be to open our 3rd eye etc and then it hit me!


To purify our body we have to destroy the 3 eyes in it too!


Eyes=moons=spider subliminal we have in this pic! And there's no escape for our soul through that window as it's booby-trapped with spiderweb.
Here's a more horrifying picture with a spider or fungus shit blocking the exit!
This looks like the face on our moon!

For the bastard scientists that deceive us that there's no black shit in our eyes and that the black is there cause light cant escape google "eye pupil dissection" and go to images to see the black goo shit that's hiding there with your own eyes!

Guess what color absorbs light and makes it hard for light to escape, black!
So the intel alone that light doesnt escape our eyes gives away there's black shit in it!

And i used to think after i purify my bone marrow all i had to worry about was the moons, the air, food etc being ignorant of my eyes filled with black shit ready to contaminate my blood, bone marrow and dna again!

Then i was trying to find the 3rd eye as they say the beast has 3 heads/moons/eyes and remembered in a picture i looked today the mouth of humans has the shape of an eye and was like could the mouth be the 3rd eye all along?

I saw some hollywood worm trailers yesterday and most were showing of our tongue to be a worm and infecting everyone we kiss!

Behind our eyes is hiding a worm, behind our mouth eye is hiding another worm indeed!

While searching for the 3rd eye human genitals came under my radar where man's head of the penis looks like an eye and the whole penis like a worm! And the other 2 eyes are the testicles!
So we have 3 eyes/worms on top and 3 eyes/worms on bottom!

I can safely assume the 2 balls below are attached to a worm like thing like our eyes on top.

Then i took notice of our nipples and belly button, another 3 pair of eyes right at the center of us!
Men dont need nipples so why we have them?
Apparently the 3 paired worm fractal needs to repeat 3 times as above so below and so in the middle!

As we see in this pic the human testicles look just like eyes!
In women the 3 eyes on the bottom i suspect to be the cervix and the ovaries!

And holy moly 666 is 3 eyes and a worm attached behind them just like our eyes!!!
In the women's uterus(terus is beast in greek!) all 3 together form the face of the beast/baphomet/satan.

I heard stories of people that do steroids to become a lot more aggressive than people who dont take them which gives away testosterone which gets produced by our testicles contaminates us with hate that makes us do evil things and harm other beings. You have to get aggressive like animals do before do harm!

This steroid intel is an eye opener how the eyes on our bottom contaminate us and reveal how similarly the eyes on top contaminate us too!

Now that i remembered more people that do steroids i can confirm they are way more aggressive and psychotic than people who dont do steroids.
Wrestler chris benoit killed his whole family and all wrestlers are doing steroids and now we know how testosterone makes people aggressive like wild animals and more susceptible to harm others!
(I heard stories of chris benoit overdosing on steroids as he was hating being short little man and wanted to get bigger and was forcing his son to do a lot of steroids so he gets bigger too. I used to think he was framed but now that i realize how harmful the worm toxin=testosterone is i suspect he did it or the worm toxin made him do it)

This verifies the biblical tree was the worm itself and its fruit its toxin it poisons people with and takes control of them, makes them its pawns, clones etc like agent smith.

Holy moly, it takes a lot of work and research to fully deworm=purify a human body hahahaha this shit is insane the worm with legs has wormed the hell out of us and in insanely clever ways!

While typing this thread at the end something black worm like thing run across my left eye.
The worm knows that now i know is what i get from this. It felt like the matrix refresh scene with the black cat.

Damn it feels like i get close to the bottom of this shit and the worm might retaliate on me, it sure reacted to this thread with the shit it just did to me.

 I was kinda unsure about our nipples being the eyes in the center and then i remembered animals, goats, sheep, cows etc their nipples are located at the exact spot its male counterparts have their testicle sack which is also as big and instead of milk it produces sperm. Then i noticed how breast milk is full with microorganisms and infects just like sperm.(note also black goo is full with micro/nanoorganisms too). Scientists say that when the baby drinks milk it gets infected with all kinds of bacteria that help it build its immune system. Also sperm gives away black goo milk's microorganisms(devil's fruit) is a bunch of snakes/worms and it has billions or trillions of them?

The jews say in jewish the apple eve ate symbolizes sex like she drunk that black goo milk/sperm that's full with worms just like a worm infected apple!

And testosterone that literally transforms a human body gives away how devil's black goo toxins literally transform/mutate everything they infect!
Similar transformation estrogen hormone does and proof are all the transgender people who transform their bodies and faces with these hormones.

I start seeing all hormones as the devil's fruit/toxin and note mone/meno/mena in greek is the moon and it's an anagram too.(hormone=horse moon=trojan horse=trojan worm!)

Our belly button it used to always look like a mouth to me and that's from where the baby eats when it's in the womb, so the belly button is literally like the mouth/3rd eye we have on top. And a giant snake/worm is hiding behind that eye doesnt it?

In john dies at the end our brain was shown to be a bunch of snakes/worms and our intestines which look like a giant worm look like a brain too and scientists call it the 2nd brain!(krang from tmnt reveals this exact intel!)
Which reveals the brain on top just like the brain/intestines on bottom is the devil worm!
In actual intestine pics we can see it looking like a brain too.

And a russian mafia boss from movie limitless was amazed at how long it is when you unfold it which symbolizes the biblical super long snake with legs/devil worm like devil shenron from dbz is also.
In short this is how you deworm a human body, extract the prisoner/us and give him a new body and that is if we really need a new body.(kill the rest with fire, or freeze it so we dont contaminate the air).
This human cage is the freaking worm itself hahaha and i was naive enough to think about deworming it.

I had decoded in the long past of the snake with legs from the bible to symbolize the human body after i decoded black goo spiderman venom to symbolize our flesh and damn i just came full circle!


  1. On the money about chris benoit that was under the mind control of the devil's toxin!
    "Steroid found in body of dead wrestler Benoit"
    ATLANTA (Reuters) - Professional wrestler Chris Benoit, who killed his wife and son before hanging himself, injected steroids not long before he died and his son had been sedated, a medical examiner said on Tuesday.

    1. Just found out, it is well known among steroid users that high testosterone causes high aggression and it's commonly known as "roid rage!"

  2. I just read women produce testosterone through their ovaries(female testicles) and adrenal glands which reminded me dr sebi who exposed them for producing mucus/fungus the cause for all diseases. It seems now the eyes in our center to be the adrenal glands.

    1. Imagine trying to undergo purification/dewormification and going over the list of things you got to do.
      Eyes on top check
      Eyes in the middle check
      Eyes on the bottom check

      I'm open minded of the 3 moons above to be a reflection/projection like batman's signal of 3 moons/worms that might be located below.

      At the end of the day, that's too much work and in our low intelligence and awareness state trying to fix things it's easy to mess up and make matters worse. I appreciate all the things i learned and learn but dont plan to take any action, rather be patient and wait as obviously there are experts in this universe that specialize in dewormification or even better "unnatural things expire" which means we can defeat our enemy with patience alone while him counting on us to take action, mess up and refresh/update/extend his expiration date like most humans already doing with having kids and lining up to take vaccines, etc.

  3. The apple of the eye is the pupil = black hole = worm hole

    And the whole thing revolves around the eyes/money/mono eye.

    Genesis 3:7
    Suddenly their eyes were opened to a reality previously unknown. For the first time, they sensed their vulnerability and rushed to hide their naked bodies, stitching fig leaves into crude loincloths.

    It shows there how they got infected via the eyes.

    And Jesus gives the intel that the infection is cured via the eyes as well.

    John 9:39
    And Jesus said, “For judgment I am come into this world, that they that see not might see, and that they that see might be made blind.”

    How do you cure the eyes?

    John 9:26
    Then they asked him, “What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?”

    The eyes are the window to the soul shows how the eyes are the oculus/gateway to the prison

    No one knows what it's like
    To be the bad man, to be the sad man
    Behind blue eyes

    I found interesting how the Ustase used to collect eyes in handbaskets that they took from the serbs and other prisoners in their death camps during the WW2 eugenic ethnic purification hysteria.

    Also i cant drive because i have below 50% eye sight and am going blind in my right eye like Madonna and her eye patch, the doctors want to give me a Corneal Transplant but i dont trust them.
    That already limits me a lot beyond the covid/rfid mark new system since i couldnt already access most of the jobs opportunities since they require you to have a drivers license and your personal vehicle to move around to different locations and buildings during your job and to access industrial areas and otther secluded sectors where they keep the manufacturing industries.

    1. Look at this video of they operating on an eye:

      Corneal transplant surgery

      No thank you.

    2. The ophthalmologist became aggressive when i told him that i didnt trusted his skills for the operation, maybe he injects embryonic human growth stem cell steroids and thats why he lashed out, i wouldnt doubt it, it seems to be common these days, especially when youre a doctor/insider and can get them straight from your pals at the abortion clinic.

    3. Abortion is another interesting subject, ive read that the fetus needs to be at 3 months of development to harvest the optimal concentration of human hormone growth stem cells, but in Portugal legal abortion is only permitted up to 10 weeks of development inside the uterus.
      I dont believe that they do the harvest here, more than likely they do it in Brazil where abortion is illegal and so they illegaly abort millions of fetuses there in illegal facilities, then they ship the harvested human growth stem cells to our legal clinics here.
      Besides theyve been promoting the "become a beast" all jacked look for the last decade very intensily, coupled with all the monster energy ads.

      VIP MANICURE | Nossa, Que Biolência! (Luciana Abreu)

    4. Bolsonaro the brazilian president is supposed to be on a witch hunt to close down these illegal abortion facilities but i dont buy it, especially when hes involved with heavy users of this type of culture like Dwayne the Rock, Dana White, Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu.

      Bolsonaro - Tropa de elite

      Where are the mma fighters getting their human hormone growth steroids from?

      COMBATANT IN CHIEF: The story of Donald Trump's history in combat sports

    5. About steroids note also how the authorities downplay the aggression side effect, from one hand they pretend to be against them and then they turn around and make sure its demonic nature to never get noticed.

      Here in the states 15 years ago i was shocked when a pregnant woman at work told me the doctors told her she has to wait 3-4 months before they do abortion. I was completely ignorant back then but all the alarm bells went off!

      About the eye surgery, we live in 2020 and the methods they use are from the stone age.
      I would advise you to take dr schulze cayenne extract and other things he has on his website, a friend of mine with many problems he had for years got on these stuff and he told me he's doing better now.

      When my leukemia was high i noticed certain things i was eating would make one of my eyes swell and hurt a lot and things like cayenne extract would make me feel better.
      I would do that eye surgery if i was you and was an emergency with no better alternatives but would also get on cayenne extract and change my diet to home cooked red meat and eggs with no spices as the eye surgery is a bandaid, if you dont fix the underlying cause the problem will return.

    6. If you're a vegan daphne reloaded mentions of veganism to be causing all kind of health problems including eye problems!

    7. Thanks for your input, my eyesight started going bye bye in 2011, ive only went on vegan around 2015, it cleared my severe acne, my inflammatory bowel disease, the inflammation on my peripheral neuropathy, didnt do any thing for my vision though.
      Im not considering the surgery, i dont trust the doctors neither the procedure itself.

      About the controversy on steroids, if you find the time, watch the documentary Bigger Stronger Faster, its very entertaining and exposes the joke that the system is.

      Bigger Stronger Faster* (2008) Official Trailer #1 - Steroids Documentary Movie HD


    8. The documentary doesnt make the connection to the abortion clinics but it has passed more than a decade since it came out so a lot has been exposed on that angle since then.

    9. This video was good too on how currently theres an epidemic of steroids and fetal human growth stem cells abuse all across the board in professional sports.

      UFC vs Crossfit - Battle of the naturals

  4. On another note about consuming the worm/being consumed by the worm.
    Bill Gates is releasing GMO mosquitoes related to the covid scare,
    In the bible Satan is known as Beelzebub the lord of the flies.
    Pazuzu is another name for him as Pa = Father, Zuzu = insect flies
    And they are pushing the eat insects to save the planet agenda now like in the movie the lion king/hakuna matata/alesteir crowley thelema do as thou wilt

    Eating Insects Could Help Save the Planet

    Belly of the beast/insect/worm
    You are what you eat = Simba in the lion king represents the worm

    1. Pazuzu with glowing eyes in the simpsons

      Pazuzu - A Simpsons Song [2017]

      Likely one of Bill Gates GMO inscets

      Pyrophorus: A flying flashlight

      Accurate song on Bill Gates

      The Devil Was a Nerd in High School

    2. Those gmo mosquitos is their clever way giving everyone the dna vaccine. I bet they'll go as far to put it in the chemtrails, water and food supplies too.
      Worms dont mind to be eaten, many of them want to be eaten and use us as wombs to multiply, possess us like demons etc.

      There was a hollywood worm trailer i saw yesterday with a worm underwater and a scary looking fish going to eat it, the worm headed straight for the fish's mouth, the trailer was giving away while it looks like the fish to be the predator in reality the worm is the bigger predator and the dumb fish was playing its game.

  5. Apple products are full with trojans/spyware/worms.
    Think with your gut = intestinal flora = worms
    In Harry Potter it was the Wormtail character that brought the devil/Satan/Snake/Dark Lord back to life.

    1. The intel on how Satan/the worm lives on the inner earth also shows bowel symbolism,
      Bow El/God
      Bow God
      God is made to bow via the bowels, yeah that certainly happens with inflammatory bowel disease from all the crap that passes off as being food.

      "KLORONA Kriege" or "The Battle of the Bowels" Corona Toilet Paper Fights & Klopapier Schlägereien

    2. The moslems also wear the halo/ringworm over the towel on their heads, fully controlled by the hive mind brain bowel worm symbolism.

      Trump to Saudi Crown Prince: "$3 billion, $533 million, $525 million... That's peanuts for you!"

    3. Wow good catch on the muslims halo/ringworm/mark of the worm/beast they wear in plain sight. I bet they wear it with pride like christians baptize themselves and call themselves slaves of the worm/god with pride during baptism/black goo ritual.

  6. As within, so without. Years ago, with one of my psychedelic trips the entire sky was full of dragon worms and they would pass in and out of "worm" holes like they where changing lanes on a giant interstate. Interestingly enough what I also seen was that all this action in the sky was not of flesh form, rather more machine. Was I merely experiencing what goes on behind my eyes and within this body? Perhaps, regardless of be it above or so below what I experienced that day for almost 8 hours was cool as shit. Now, in the sense of doom, gloom and imprisonment sure, that's always a possibility but these perceptions yield much slower processing speeds i've learned. We dont have to become the worm to be the worm even tho it see,m-ens we already are. This whole process of our exit-stance surely makes sense to have been created my Machine and what we have throughout the entirety of creation is the biproduct of search. I think we've gotten to a point in this realm were we are actually creating our demise more than the handlers that plant the seed. As you mentioned many times before, we must quit watering the damn soil! Then again, getting to understand the very demons we help create allows for some stellar overstandment!

    1. I think that there are a handful of shooters that play on the within so without idea as the shooting happens inside of an organism.
      One that i can think of is Life force on the NES.

      Life Force (NES) Playthrough - NintendoComplete

    2. Just today i was thinking of the floaters i notice sometimes on my eyes they look and move identical to ufos on our sky! There was an old youtube video showing our atmosphere full crawling with ufos like floaters on our eyes! And was thinking today how the ufos on our sky might operate similar to the floaters on our eyes, i guess making sure no one escapes like batman or kratos from the bottomless pit?

      Or help play a role in the harvesting and recycling of souls. God of war 1 showed everyone in hell was trying to climb to the top/dome/cornea and an endless supply of souls/people were keep falling from the top, giving away climbing to the top and falling back down is the name of the game/harvest/recyclement in this hell.
      (like i have compared it before to the herbivores where the food from their belly goes back to the top only to get further chewed and sent back down. Since earth is a closed system, the food grows and multiplies in the belly of the beast then goes to the top/mouth/oculus/moon/sun etc to get chewed, consumed and spit back down).

  7. Madeleine McCann the little girl that was kidnapped apparently had that condition in the eye with the black goo flooding out from her pupil called coloboma.
    Theres something weird happening with the eyes as this occult magick works through them, they throw the all seeing eye everywhere then they hide it with an eye patch, also they always showing it in connection with the color green,
    Heres a moment i just noticed it in a movie where the dude throws the all seeing eye coupled with the green color.

    Its just like in the dollar bill.
    And its always green, emerald green, turquoise green.

    1. In the One Piece cartoons the dude with the all seeing eye has the 3 swords/3 eyes/3 moons symbolism and the color green all in one character, Zoro.

    2. Coloboma

      The classical description in medical literature is of a key-hole shaped defect.
      A coloboma can occur in one eye (unilateral) or both eyes (bilateral).
      Most cases of coloboma affect only the iris.

      Iris = Light bringer = Lucifer
      Keyhole = The eye is the gate/oculus/dome/window to the prison

  8. I wanted to post this under your new thread but again it is blocking me from posting new comments and also from replying to my previous comment rhere so ill try it here instead:

    The wachowski brothers that made the matrix being transmutated into the wachowski sisters also exposes whats happening with the toxin from the ma tree x/devils fruit/hormonal imbalance/unrestrained T levels and its consequences.

    1. Also Smith in the matrix shows that the worm is an alchemist, since a smith is someone who transmutates/forges metal/raw material into an altered form/sword.

      Altered Beast (Sega Mega Drive / Genesis) - (Opening | Level 1 - Graveyard)

    2. The green color in the all seeing eye i suspect to be reptile or plant subliminal/symbolism.
      Always copy your posts before posting so you dont have to type them all over again, i have no control of what blogger is doing.

    3. Let me know if you still have problems posting, try also a different browser. I have addons ad blockers and privacy badger who cause me problems sometimes, so check your addons too.

  9. What about colorblindness? Do you think this may be from our original bodies or is this possibly another mutation of the evil/sin gene?
    With red/green colorblindness one can usually see the primary colors but is unable to tell the difference between all shades. Thus hidden things can go unnoticed.
    Also with myself I have a week left eye muscle and had 3 surgeries on it due to it wanting to turn in. So I am in what should be a 3d world but everything I see is flat. Only one eye can focus at a time. But I also catch things in my non dominate eye that I wouldn't normally see as it's pointing a slightly different direction than the one I'm focusing out of. I find it created a duality within myself and a fight between left and right for control. Oh, and eye floaters are indeed worms. I figured this out after watching something on discovery about pin worms and realized they look exactly the same under a microscope.
    I've been reading your stuff since 2011-2013 but took a break for a while and just found you again. Thanks for putting all of this together. I've know the body is run by worms for a while now. Thank you so much for everything you do. I always thought that when the "aliens" show up there is a clear way to tell who is here. If they start fighting them it's our family, if they welcome them with open arms they are just the same old in another worm suit.


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