Suicide Squad Decoded! They Blew Up The Moon! UPDATE!

-That can change with a phone call.(call our space allies)
I have friends, too, you know.
-There you go. Call.
But without you minding her,
your lady friend stays here strapped
to a board in a drug-induced coma.
(devil blackmails as always and is talking about us being drugged in a coma)
-They warned me about you.
My dumb ass didn't believe the stories.(myth, religion etc)
-Nobody does.

-One day,
somehow, some way,
I'm gonna get outta here.
And I'm gonna rain down
on you like the Holy Ghost.(jesus/god is imprisoned symbolism but eventually will break free and punish the bad guys, that is if the bad guys dont outsmart him again.
The imprisoned spanish guy that transformed into a fiery demon symbolizes also the holy/fiery ghost and they had him in a prison pod full with water so he cant use his powers. Like kratos, hercules and chris benoit killed his own family under the influence of  devil's toxin=testosterone=roid rage and gave up on life).

 -Where'd you put(imprisoned) him?
-Let's just say, I put him in a hole(bottomless pit/belly of a beast)
and threw away the hole.(earth prison is hidden symbolism)

-What makes you think
you can control them?
-Because getting people to act
against their own self-interest
for the national security
of the United States(scratch States put Moons)
is what I do for a living.
(This is the intel of tricking us into fighting our space allies and the enemy told it to our face that he's our ally when we went to fight him).

-I don't want to do this
in front of your daughter.
- Daddy, please.
- Zoe, move!
-Please, Daddy. Don't do it.
(Lunar boss hiding behind our family like in virtuosity movie and if his enemies try to kill him will have to kill their own family.)

Next they had a scene of a guy that was going to testify in court and lunar boss killed him before he got there. There's also intel of blowing up the court and kill all his enemies at once who will gather there.

 -Oh, I'm sorry.
You thought I was talking to you.
No, errand boy. I'm talking to your boss.
(He was talking to the lunar boss through a human which is subliminal how these bodies we live in are walking cameras and drones for the lunar boss/queen).

Next they showed how we join the lunar queen's army and we become her mutated pawn. Through kissing and sex as like all hollywood worm movies reveal that's how the biblical worm transmits itself and infects/mutates other lifeforms.

-Our (sleeping)bodies are at the top of that building.(building looks like the tower of sauron with the ember moon/sun eye on top)
We get up there,
pull them out of the vault(30 miles titanium hull deep moon symbolism)
they're hiding in.
Helos extract us off the roof.
(I had decoded before that our sleeping bodies are located in the moon(s) and this movie just said it to our face, i couldnt believe it, oh my goodness!)

Then they showed the war with the aliens the lunar queen forced us into fighting had nothing to do with winning but all to do with the lunar queen finding a chance to escape!
And i couldnt believe my eyes and was kinda terrified too knowing i'm the only one who understands exactly what they show us.

Next joker baptized harley like the father from new dawn in a pool filled with his toxin. He said "would you die for me, would you live for me"(Subliminal for how he kills us first in his toxin and then resurrects us as his pawn that will serve him for eternity. Similar thing was doing in gemini man.)
I always found stupid when people saying "i would die for her/him or the country etc", what good are you to the ones you love and care when dead.
Joker said dying for someone/something is easy, living for is hard.

The lunar queen trying to finish building her weapon, it's the under repair deathstar moon, it was shown and as a halo/ringworm.

-So that's your old lady?
-Well, you need to handle
this shit, all right?
-Get up there(on her moon), smack on her ass,
tell her, "Knock this shit off."

(Hahahaha i had decoded before of the lunar queen to be our wife who like hera in mythology and maleficent 2 movie betrayed us and rebelled against us and took our throne while trapping us in a drug induced coma, which drug we got it by kissing her as she had it on her lips like in altered carbon series!)

They showed here she got infected and possessed by another lifeform/worm parasite and to free her from that worm we had to destroy the moon and a small root/fungus type of thing that symbolized her heart/the heart of the parasite worm.
This verifies my decoding that lucifer didnt rebel and went dark out of the blue, he got infected like vampires do and wasnt the same person anymore after that.
They showed also the biblical worm with legs/enchantress loses all her powers when we destroy the moon and Will Smith blew up the moon here like tom cruise in oblivion. Again the lunar queen/worm used his daughter to blackmail him and stop him from doing it.
This blackmailing the lunar queen does she was calling it leverage and reminded me john travolta that kept saying identical thing as the lunar boss in battlefield earth movie and how important is to have leverage on your enemies.

Next they showed the ringworm/oculus moon(looked also like the halo moon from elysium movie) spreading a fog/mist which was spreading like roots of a tree and everyone started hallucinating beautiful human life!
Also the moon/ringworm was shown to look like a machine and the lunar queen said "humans are worshiping machines", giving away how all those who worshiped the sun or the moon were worshiping machines/mysins(or worms).

The lunar halo/eye in the sky and worm shenron in the middle reminded me the human eye pic i posted in previous thread and was exposing the optical nerve behind it to symbolize the biblical worm and how behind our moon similar worm might be hiding.(the chinese always portray the worm with legs next to a small sphere/eyeball also)

Where  the lunar queen died at the end the floor looked like black goo fungus or roots of a tree. Fungus was also the actual enemy here or the true nature of our enemy.

Wow they just showed after we blow up the moon(magneto's mutating machine) all lifeforms it infected/mutated return back to their original form!
Through the black woman they showed the fungus uses our true sleeping forms as batteries and these fungus human bodies we use are our avatars/surrogates/drones.

The crocman drinking liquor and watching television in a prison cell/apartment in the sewer symbolizes us living human lives in a sewer and dont even know it.
He said also that we're tourists here, come and go, not permanent residents like him.
Matrix through agent smith told it to our face that we live in a sewer and i have decoded this intel in many other hollywood movies like star wars, watchmen etc.

They showed also the devil killing all people who work for him/her when their job is done, where else have i seen this?

Lunar devil/queen having our heart and stabbing it when she gets pissed at us is identical to the scene from avatar where lunar boss punched the sleeping guy in the face for disobeying him in his drone form on earth.
They showed in this scene they have booby trapped our true sleeping forms with bombs and if we try to liberate them the bombs go off.
Ghost Enchanter visiting the location of her heart/sleeping form is intel that we can locate and visit our sleeping forms in this very world! I have suspected like in avatar we sleep somewhere nearby or in the moon like in lifeforce 1985. Hell this movie told it to our face that we sleep in the moon or sun=ember moon.

The moon is literally an eye in lifeforce 1985 and has also halo/ringworm symbolism like in suicide squad.
It looks to be also the entrance/gate to our bottomless pit.
I had decoded before of our moon(s) to be like the cyclops round gravestone that seals our grave/prison and just noticed our very eyes in our skull literally seal the oculus openings of our skull!
So if we live inside earth like we live inside our skulls the moons/eyes in the sky are literally blocking the exits!
Hahahaha the priceless things i'm decoding holy moly!

Lunar queen's heart getting killed in the outside world and borrowing energy from her brother to stay alive reveals her main motive for farming and feasting on us. Similar thing lunar boss krall had to do in star trek to stay alive, keep stealing other's lifeforce/soul etc.

They revealed also we spend many life times/cycles in this prison which means death is not an escape unless we manage to kill the root/heart of the tree/fungus/worm.

Will Smith is about to blow up the moon with a gun, that would be legendary if we could kill it with a gun hahaha. The "Love" subliminal while he aims at the moon means Moon=Evol/Evil and could be also subliminal programming for "love and worship the machine/moon".

Just noticed yesterday and found interesting how the names of our moons start with L!

Luna=White moon
Lilith=Black moon
Lucifer/lightbearer=Yellow/ember moon.

L/eL by the way means god in hebrew.

From the comments of this thread.

"By the way the lunar queen escaping in this movie while having us fight our space allies i so forgot to remind the scene from battlefield earth with john travolta where while we were fighting the aliens lunar boss john travolta was escaping in a spaceship fully loaded with gold just like the lunar king from hobbit 2.

In transformers and independence day movies they motivate us that we have the technology to fight the aliens while the same bastards that will motivate us to fight them will be running for the hills and like i exposed before all they expect from us is to buy them time or create a distraction so they can escape."

"This suicide squad movie showed also like in man of steel that anyone who tries to escape this place gets shot down which confuses me at times as the lunar boss wants to escape too so why killing anyone who try to escape?
Maybe he's planning to escape at a certain time and anyone who might escape earlier might ruin his planned grand moon exodus loaded with all earth's gold and valuable resources."

"Our true forms being booby trapped with bombs intel is shown also and in the rfid chip bomb they had planted in everyone's neck.
This bomb like in universal soldier 2 is also put there and planned to explode when we reunite with our ancient friends and family/saviors etc.
                                              Universal Soldier 3 - The Brother Bomb
3:47 is this how these bastards will try to screw us and our ancient true family/saviors? That is so f*cked up!
This is exactly what happened in far cry 5 with marshal that we saved and then being under the influence of the bliss/devil's toxin killed all his saviors!"

Our brother in this clip named Luc short for lucifer is intel that lucifer/lokifer is our brother like in thor movies which i have decoded also before.
Now i wonder is the demonization of lucifer part of the agenda of tricking us into killing our ancient family?

At the end of the day "trust no one, hurt no one" is what i'll try to remember always.


  1. Just know i understood the significance of the Chris Benoit example, its a fractal on how they expect to colonize us from within with smiths devils toxin and make us attack our own space heavenly family.
    Chris Benoit was known as the "rabid wolverine", and in the marvel comics Wolverine is constantly being brainwashed/losing his memories to do assassinations for the weapon x/Professor x projects.
    Ma tree x.
    The x from the x-men can be found in the middle of St Peters square at the Vatican, at the base of the obelisk.

    1. Right there middle of the square/oval/womb/moon, there is the obelisk above the x from the x-men which represents cross breeding/mixed genetics/mutants.


      X-men mutants:

    2. Taken from comic vine, many examples of Wolverines false memories:

      With extreme coincidence, Logan's mortal enemy Sabretooth turned out to have applied for the same 'job'. A fight erupted in the offices of the organization, but both were subdued. At this time it turned out, it was not just a normal organization where the two had come to. They were both given a memory wipe and had false memories implanted. All except for Logan's time in Japan was a complete mystery to him, and Logan had no recollection of his former feud with Sabretooth.

      False memories were given to Logan and his teammates after most missions, so they would not, or only partly remember what they had done or what their objective had been. After some time, Sabretooth's brutal ways became an eyesore to the other team members and it was not before long that the team had an internal conflict, resulting in a breakup of the team and Sabretooth leaving. Logan's missions for Team X seemed done, but his long road of suffering would just be at the beginning.

      During his time with Weapon X, Logan was heavily sedated and controlled through a helmet, giving him false memories and turned him into sort of a puppet for the Program. He was even forced to kill an entire town, wanting to test if Logan would do any assignment. His abilities were put to the test. Eventually, Logan was able to resist the mind-control and broke free from the facility (with help from the Winter Soldier). Enraged and more beast then man, he killed nearly anyone who stood in his way.

      There, Logan started getting flashes of memories, re-living some of his most horrible memories. Logan was fully aware that not all of these memories where real, but he could not yet determine which was true, and which was false. During his visit at the laboratory, he even met a strange operative claiming to be Silver Fox, his former lover. She told him that she had not died when Sabretooth attacked her, but joined the Weapon X program years later. Whether this claim was true or not remains to be seen. Logan finally started making some sense out of the wasteland that was his memory and was now happy to let the past rest. However, more trouble rose on the horizon.

      Logan later has Nightmares about murdering people. He then discovers that these dreams are actually memories that happened. With aid from the Beast, Logan hunts the trail to discover that a man known as The Director was behind it, discovering that he was brainwashed again. Wolverine manages to break free of the hold on him, and shuts down Weapon X, battling Sabretooth in the process. However, The Director escapes.

      As a result of House of M, all of Wolverine's memories are restored and he is able to distinguish what memories were implanted by Weapon X and what were real. As a result of the sudden return of Wolverine's memories, panic risen between the major powers and government across the world due to their involvement in Wolverine's past.

      Most of the story arcs are about Wolverine getting brainwashed, losing his memories, seeking his memories, having psychadelic dreams, etc

    3. There was also another mutant named Msverick from the weapon x project that was seeking a cure for a deadly virus:

      Some time after that mission, Maverick contracted the Legacy Virus, an incurable, ghastly disease with a 100% mortality rate on mutants. This hit the long-lived Maverick hard, and he became suicidal.

      After some deliberation, and as his condition rapidly worsened, Maverick decided to die viking-style at the hand of a true warrior. He arranged a fake ambush to force Wolverine to kill him, but Logan refused. Maverick had to walk away, his incurable condition continuing to slowly kill him.

      Nord was then targeted by a conspiracy looking to create a remedy for the Legacy Virus using Weapon X genetic material.

    4. Some miscellaneous info, Chris Benoit was the wwe heavyweight champion the first time that i ever watched pro wrestling/wwe, right after wrestlemania 20.
      Now its 2020, hindsight is 2020.
      Chris Benoit had other gimmicks as the Wild Pegasus/Pegasus Kid, James Alefantis (which means i love children) the satanist from comet ping pong has a kill room inside pegasus museum.

      KILL ROOM FOUND! Pegasus Museum owned by Alefantis is home to duplicate video 360p

    5. Where It All Begins… Again was the slogan for wrestlemania 20, thats where i started watching it/became aware of the existence of pro wrestling, the slogan kinda reminds me of back to the future, wrestlemania XX = female chromossomes = moon/womb
      Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero had just become the champions.
      Both of them are now dead. both deaths blamed on steroids.
      This year 2020 was Wrestlemania 36 = 666.

    6. Eddie Guerrero had the perfect theme song for the worm/lunar boss/devil/smith_

      Eddie Guerrero 9th WWE Theme Song "Lie, Cheat & Steal"

    7. Man oh man youre right on the money/moon eye, Wrestlemania 20 = XX = female = womb = moon, both champions Chris Benoit/Eddie Guerrero died prematurely blamed on steroids/devils toxin!
      Zoe means life in greek, kill their own daughter/family/their own life/self-destrict/auto-cannibalize/Cain and Abel ouroboros symbolism.
      Ouroboros = self-inflicted damage = death of Chris Benoit/Eddie Guerrero

    8. L/eL by the way means god in hebrew.

      Listen = L is ten = L is X
      El is EX is hex/curse
      Lots of hexes/curses coming from Switzerland and the X on their flad which is also the octogon, the pyramid and the sundial in the midst of St Peters square
      Cult of aten = sun worship

    9. Sin hiding behind the daughter/zoe/life is just like Final Fantasy X where Sin was hiding behind the father of the main charachter and if you killed Sin, you killed also the father, the son and the dreamworld.

      FFX HD: Tidus meets Jecht

      After you destroyed the moon/sin at the end of the game, the main character was destroyed with it.

      Final Fantasy X HD Remaster - Ending Scenes + Tidus Awakens

    10. The 3 moons/wombs strike again as i was watching the Suspiria series and it gives intel on how its 3 matters/flesh/mothers/witches/moons that run the show.

      Keith Emerson - Mater Tenenbrarum - Inferno

      Same thing is shown on Dracula, he has 3 brides.

      Van Helsing vs Dracula's Brides "Van Helsing" (2004) (4/10)

      The Three Mothers is a trilogy of supernatural horror films by Italian film director Dario Argento.
      It consists of Suspiria, Inferno and The Mother of Tears.
      Each film deals with one of the titular "Mothers", a triumvirate of ancient witches whose powerful magic allows them to manipulate world events on a global scale.

      The Three Mothers

    11. Thank you for exposing x-men! Couldnt believe i never noticed the X=Cross hidden in plain sight which reveals how they became mutants and that is by getting mixed=crossed!
      If you pay attention most x-men are humans mixed with animals on the genetic level like spiderman. Apparently they are promoting heavily this genetic bastardization and put it in cartoons so kids fall in love with this shit and maybe they are aiming by the time they grow up to push this bastardization on their generation or the generation that will come after them.
      Final Fantasy X with Sin reveals also that X=Cross Is the Sin as all Sin begins with crossing/mixing!

    12. The mutants in X-men got their fighting abilities from their mutations and now they are calling this covid scamdemic things like the kung flu and the bat virus plus theres Bill Gates RNA/DNA vaccine and GMO mosquitoes.
      Remember Spider Man got his powers after being bitten by a GMO spider.

      Peter Parker Gets Bitten By Spider - School Field Trip Scene - Spider-Man (2002) Movie CLIP HD

    13. Even the DNA model in the Spider Man movie shows red/blue/green RGB pattern like Bill Gates shown.

    14. Found interesting the blue and red colors on the spider which is rgb crossing/mixing symbolism.

  2. By the way the lunar queen escaping in this movie while having us fight our space allies i so forgot to remind the scene from battlefield earth with john travolta where while we were fighting the aliens lunar boss john travolta was escaping in a spaceship fully loaded with gold just like the lunar king from hobbit 2.

    I transformers and independence day movies they motivate us that we have the technology to fight the aliens while the same bastards that will motivate us to fight them will be running for the hills and like i exposed before all they expect from us is to buy them time or create a distraction so they can escape.

  3. This suicide squad movie showed also like in man of steel that anyone who tries to escape this place gets shot down which confuses me at times as the lunar boss wants to escape too so why killing anyone who try to escape?
    Maybe he's planning to escape at a certain time and anyone who might escape earlier might ruin his planned grand moon exodus loaded with all earth's gold and valuable resources.

    1. Our true forms being booby trapped with bombs intel is shown also and in the rfid chip bomb they had planted in everyone's neck.
      This bomb like in universal soldier 2 is also put there and planned to explode when we reunite with our ancient friends and family/saviors etc.
      3:47 is this how these bastards will try to screw us and our ancient true family/saviors? That is so f*cked up!
      This is exactly what happened in far cry 5 with marshal that we saved and then being under the influence of the bliss/devil's toxin killed all his saviors!

    2. Our brother in this clip named Luc short for lucifer is intel that lucifer/lokifer is our brother like in thor movies which i have decoded also before.
      Now i wonder is the demonization of lucifer part of the agenda of tricking us into killing our ancient family?

      At the end of the day "trust no one, hurt no one" is what i'll try to remember always.

    3. In the Fighting Fantasy book Caverns of the Snow Witch, the Snow Witch was enslaving people/creatures in her caverns/dungeons to do her bidding and the way that she kept control was through a collar of servitude around their necks that would explode if they tried to escape, she also got some death spell virus on you which you had ro climb to the top of the tallest mountain/firetop mountain to get cured of since only then you would find the plants necessary for the cure.

      Cover for the book shows a orc serf messing with the collar of servitude around his neck.

    4. That's the halo from dbz also and collar from underworld rise of the lycans. Similar collar they had in fallout new vegas where you were making people your slave through it.
      In dlc dead money they had that collar on us which dlc name is also a subliminal how like in dbz only the dead wear that halo as we're good as dead when we have one on.


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