A great scientist once said "EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED!"

And just realized how true this is.

Cancer, diseases, aging, mark of the beast, original sin, apple, snake with legs, tree etc etc it's all connected and to defeat one of the above is to defeat them all!

When you cure cancer you cure all diseases, you stop or reverse aging, you remove the mark of the beast, you undo the original sin, you kill the snake with legs and its freaking tree.

It's all connected and to fix one problem you have to fix them all.

They say this scientist invented the particle beams with which we can destroy the heart/root of the snake tree.
I suspect the lunar scum gave us this technology through him to use it against our saviors as he went on record to say he got help from aliens on his inventions.

Nevertheless if we get our hands on those we know how to put them to good use now.

The snake with legs from dbz offering super powers like the tree from far cry new dawn and the mighty tree from a dbz movie is another give away that both are the same thing if not a mimic that destroyed or consumed the original tree and took its place as an impostor.


  1. All relative indeed! Give this one a listen if you feel up to it. You guys are on point with much of your coding. Cool hearing others perspectives on similar discoveries.


    1. The guy in purple looks like a grey chinese/mongol alien and he's proof of the genetic contamination/rape the asians did to the entire planet. I mention this cause these blacks look like to hate whites and are ignorant of an even more insidious and dangerous enemy(china) who they welcomed to their motherland africa as their savior from the evil whites.

      Me personally have been discriminated by many whites/mostly german origin rednecks in america so i'm not saying all whites are good but seeing china hiding behind and fueling the hate between blacks and whites i feel it's my duty to open blacks' eyes to a greater enemy. When you investigate china the so called evil whites look like a saint compared to them!

    2. I definitely agree with the physical observations. In another episode him and Rev. Phil Valentine talk on the very subject of the gene mixing and how White's and blacks have been played against one another. That said, even with great knowledge and wisdoms the codings in us force digression at times and we get bickering amongst teachers of the same lesson. We must study the enemy, and unfortunately that enemy lies within. Problem is, most run from this darkness because they are afraid of becoming what they've been taught darkness can only be. Your works have definitely proven that darkness is a light and even it can manifest illuminations that challenge its very soil. Quite a simstem we operate from! A very vivid out of body experience i had awhike back proved to me that even outside this vessel we are still bound by constraints of an electrical grid. Interesting how powerful the body calls on our spirit to take host. I like to think of it as "spear-it" because this whole damm thing is spear fishing for souls.

    3. Thank you for this information, anyone who knows how dangerous gene mixing is and how the elite divides and conquers is way ahead of the curve. Be aware that we're similar to trees, we have a body above ground and a body below ground, the reason we never get free from the physical/crude matter world is cause the body/cage/root below ground is not allowed to die.


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