Vote Or Die Subliminal Decoded! When You Vote You Die! Also How We Relate To Trees New Intel!

What happens when you vote?
You give your power to someone else like in dbz with goku's/devil's spirit bomb/moon sphere.
Giving away your power means you no longer have power and are good as dead!


Similar subliminal we have in
Freedom or Death which is Death=Freedom
True Death is freedom but you have to kill the root to break free from the dreamworld/land of the dead.

People kill their avatar above ground and think they're free but the avatar below ground/root regrows a new body for their soul/spirit and they never break free.

I noticed recently how we relate to trees and plants and that there's a reflection of us sleeping below ground and because that never dies we can never break free from this world no matter how many times the reflection above ground dies.

Every time you see the elite promoting propaganda
This Or This
You can safely suspect

Similar to
live free or die hard(to live free you have to die(destroy your cage) but dying is hard if not impossible).
which we just learned how hard is to die in this world as it's hard to kill the root let alone try to find it.(i think i have already found the root which is our moon and i'm stunned to remember the intel from russian academics that our moon has a titanium hull 30 miles deep!)
Hard to die indeed and hard to live free from the evil tree indeed that has us all trapped in its roots.

At 0:20 the root looks like a snake! Makes me suspect even more of the biblical tree and the snake with legs/branches/roots to be the same thing!
At 0:38 that is our moon and emits light like a sun, and is shown to be the root/heart of our world!

Just googled tree roots and look at this nastiness like it's taken straight from a horror movie!

In lucy movie black goo lucy was moving in identical pattern!
See at 1:53!
At the end she says "i'm everywhere"
which was also ego's and smith's agenda to copy themselves into everything all across the universe(give everything their mark and take ownership).


  1. Cant believe how right i was all along!

    1. Thank you for the intel, hope that youre doing better healthwise with whatever regimen that youre following now as you said that youd ditch the spices.

      I was trying to post this on your most recent Far Cry New Dawn intel thread but its not lettung me publish it so i tried here as a reply and apparently that works.

    2. Can you refresh the page and post again? I did a test comment and it worked on my side. There was couple times in the past blogger didnt post my comment and had to type it all over again, i think it has word landmines like glp, so now i try to copy my comments before posting them as it's very tiring to type them again when they're too long.

      About my health i dont want to say i'm doing g... cause every time i say it soon after i feel horrible.
      I stopped taking fenbendazole months ago as it gave me shingles from taking it every day and stopped christopher's cayenne extract as i switched to dr schulze's which i find better.

      Currently i take only dr schulze's cayenne extract and eat good food mainly red meat and eggs and do 5 minutes daily workout of 30 pushups 40 pullups and 20 squats.

  2. Check my new thread guys
    I was on the money again!


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