Testosterone Is The Devil's Fruit/Toxin New intel!

I exposed in previous thread the crap out of the Testosterone being the devil's fruit
and just today remembered more biblical intel that verifies this!

In the garden of Eden all lifeforms were calm=not aggressive=no testosterone=no roid rage!
And the snake/worm with legs introduced that toxin and mutated us all into dumb beasts and made us lose our heaven. Testosterone literally transforms/mutates the ones who take it!

And just decoded what really happened to medusa!
Matrix with agent smith revealed that the devil/worm is a rapist, he literally was raping his victims forcing his toxin into them.
Many have exposed Poseidon from mythology to be the devil(holding the devil's trident) and medusa was raped by him before she was transformed into the ugliest monster ever. In short it was poseidon's toxin that mutated medusa!

Mythology hiding this intel in plain sight and throw the blame to athena shows the kind of bastards the ones who wrote it were like hollywood movies writers are today.
But there's truth to that as athena symbolizes also the devil so i suspect it was her/him who raped medusa and had poseidon take the blame, or took the form of poseidon before raping medusa.

As i have decoded and a russian researcher decoded too all 12 gods from greek mythology was actualy the same person!

So athena=zeus=hades=poseidon etc.

The important intel here is that medusa was raped like in matrix before she was transformed/mutated and it's horrifying to see the toxin/devil's fruit that mutated us all in the ancient past is hiding in plain sight today as testosterone=steroids!

This reveals that Eve in the bible was raped by the snake/worm, who then contaminated adam too through sex most likely(as hollywood worm movies reveal the worm transmits itself through sex and kissing) and then all humans that came after them were contaminated with that toxin from the get go(as it goes to our dna and becomes genetic and passes to all that come after) and it went on the religious/biblical record as "the original sin", "mark of the beast", "devil's fruit" etc.


  1. Testosterone = T = Trump
    45th president = 45th chromossome = Y chromossome = male

  2. https://gnosticwarrior.com/darwins-dead.html

    Kaboom. Check out article above. Many similar articles by Moe, at his website. Right up your alley.

    Search through his older entries.

    1. Lunar boss in jupiter ascending said "i create and then i destroy", it was the fungi/worm talking through him as according to your link that's how fungi operates.
      Thank you for bringing this site to my attention!

  3. Wow, this is true. I'm beginning to think that all matter is evil being that it's artificial and susceptible to change. We are meant 2 be in our true light bodies and survive on noting but light and water. Keep on fighting the good fight kaboom!

    1. Thank you for the kind words!
      I suspect our true forms dont need neither light or water, as i dont trust either seeing how both spread the devil's toxin. In far cry new dawn the ember moon/sun was burning and spreading the plant bliss toxin which was putting all humans in a dream state and under control of the lunar boss/queen/worm.


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