
Showing posts from September, 2020

Batman Arkham Knight The Devil's Toxin/Worms Intel! (It's a cloud/mist that covers our entire planet/cave!) UPDATE!

18:59 They scare us that joker/scarecrow will spread a cloud of his toxin/blood/worms all over New York through his ace chemicals factory which i decoded in "birds of prey" thread to be our very moon and change everyone to a copy of himself agent smith style. I have decoded this has already happened to the whole planet but now i see potency plays a big role too. Some people are more dark/evil than others cause they have more worms and eventually those worms get defeated by our immune system/soul/spirit/inner crippled fire/sun etc if they dont keep getting replenished and the reason they keep repeating history and keep contaminating us with these worms and the moon and sun keep spraying us nonstop too. The chinese/worm's race is the most potent on worms(devil's toxin) and i suspect that's the reason they plan for them to rule and rape the whole planet again like the mongols did in ancient times if not replace all other races with them like an english mason said the...

Lake Jackson residents in need of safe water after 6-year-old child dies from brain-eating amoeba!

Do you see the worms? Do you see the dragonball/wormball(inside the green goo/fungus shit) that looks just like an eye? These are the kind of shit that is in our water, our food, our bodies, soil and air! The solution for the infected water they recommended was "BOIL THE WATER!" Same shit water testers found in the water in military bases in afghanistan and the leadership didnt care. Now you all know why in china they always boil their water before drinking it.  

The Trojan War Begun With A Golden Apple!(dragonball/moon/sun! which is the same apple from the bible!)

  I just googled trojan war as i noticed the intel of the aliens that will invade earth=threa(=troy in greek) are our family as the trojans were greek too and were invaded by greeks! And this video came up that showed a golden apple and i lost it. So we have here identical intel to the Independence Day: Resurgence movie that the upcoming or ongoing alien war outside our dome/impenetrable walls of troy is happening or will happen because of our moon/medusa head=ex most beautiful being/sun/woman like hel en of troy. There's intel that the ancient evil aliens/worms came here to rob us from our sun/moon or its energy which they already did and were trapped here with us as the gate of our dome closed behind them when they entered. Similar to the story of ali baba and the 40 thieves(and odyssey with cyclops cave) where the thieves were trapped inside the cave they entered to rob. (It will be funny as hell if our moon/sun/forg...


I learned from wim hof "auto" is from the greek word "eauto" and means self!("auto" alone means "himself/itself" in greek) Then i noticed the grand robbery that took place on earth which is shown in thor 1, thor ragnarok and man of steel movies. In thor 1 odin stole from earth its heart(sun)(also heart=earth! another give away earth is the sun/heart/center of our solar system!) and as a result earth lost all its power/heat. 1:53 "and the source of their power was taken from them"(lights out/sun turns off/death=ice age enters the chat) In thor ragnarok thor stole our head=soul/self=auto symbolism which was also the sun/core of a planet!(and is also the eternal flame!(soul/spirit symbolism also) Which obviously made the planet lose all its power/heat like in thor 1 movie. In thor 1 they had the heat/fire replaced with cold but it's the same intel. And all stolen riches were stashed in the lord's biblical vault which is our moon. I...

Gas Stoves Reveal Why Our Moon Is Covered With Holes! It's A Sun That Got Turned Off! It's Also The Forge From Avengers! The Yellow Sun Is An Impostor/Mimic!

  From a comment of this thread! "That revelation 4:5 intel is very nice! The romans added months to the lunar calendar apart from cannibalizing their order and names so the moons/suns could easily be 7 indeed like the 7 days of the week who represent also moons like moonday, sunday etc. 7up! I suspect if we had 7 days and 7 months then it would be easier for the masses to suspect the importance of the number 7 and that they represent moons/suns so they added more to confuse us. The 7 dragonballs are also gold like suns and when turned off are mere rocks like our white moon! Holy moly amazing intel right there! All these holes the moon is covered with could be like the holes of a cooking gas stove where fire comes out! As above so below, the moon like earth is a gas stove/sun that got turned off and very likely the decapitated head of earth! Medusa was also the most beautiful woman before...

Life after death: the science of human decomposition. Earth Is Dead And Headless!

Image "Far from being ‘dead,’ however, a rotting corpse is teeming with life. A growing number of scientists view a rotting corpse as the cornerstone of a vast and complex ecosystem, which emerges soon after death and flourishes and evolves as decomposition proceeds."  Earth before got infested with worms it froze they say which gives away it was a living organism that got murdered.(when a body dies it becomes cold, which means organism earth was murdered that's why it froze, then the worms bring some heat according to this article and the reason the ice age went mostly away but the corpse remains dead.) What i get from above article is we're all worms thriving on a mega organism that got killed and are consuming it/mining it till nothing is left and then move on for the next victim. The irony and sarcasm when they tell us "earth is dying, save the planet etc" is over 9000 as e...

Sekiro Intel, The Worm Is In Control! UPDATE! Catholics' Hell Might Be Happening Right Below Our Radar!

  3:41 and after there's a worm hiding inside that ape controlling him and you do massive damage if you get to hurt the worm instead of the ape. Headless ape is also intel of the worm to be in control like tmnt shows too with krang. In tmnt 2016 they called the top head of cyborg krang stupid robot and how the real intelligence and true enemy was the brain/worm/intestines on the bottom. Found out all those maggots that show up at dead bodies come from the intestines and head first to eat the liver and then head for the brain. It reminded me worm venom from 2018 movie who was mind controlling us to eat whatever he liked and threatening us that if we dont feed him he'll eat our liver. I was thinking seriously to have my body burn after death and then thought the option of having someone just remove my intestines and burn them instead while flooding the area from where they got removed with bleach or something, then bury the body. No worms after death for me that way.(As witcher 3...

Bad Teeth Do Cause Cancer!

 I had come across many people like dr. sebi exposing mercury fillings, bad teeth and root canals causing cancer and thought of it hard to believe back then. Today i saw a dentist who told me i need a crown on my bad tooth and if i dont i will get tooth abscess which is real bad. I googled to see pics of tooth abscess and are identical to what my oncologists were blaming on leukemia! Tooth abscess Leukemia gums! And there are articles of tooth abscess eventually infecting the blood stream if left untreated! Then we have the intel of the tooth worm and how cancer is also a worm/fungus and all comes together! To me it took a combination of things to get leukemia as i was also taking toxic amazon supplements like 50mg zinc that made me sick and blood thinner serapeptase(dr. berg said was great for the liver) that made me lose a lot of blood from a hemorrhoid and was left with no strong defenses to keep my tooth infection under control and got what i got after. I learned also chewing g...

In Catholics Hell Is A Place Where We Get Tortured By Snakes.... Worms!!!

Image "A Scene from Purgatory Showing How Sinners Will Be Punished with Snakes and Fire" See how these bastards twist the truth here, you cant mix worms and hellfire as the one kills the other like heat vs cold! Vampires who symbolize worm infested humans burn and get purified or killed by the fire of hell/sun not getting tortured for eternity. I noticed also why the medical industry keeps using greek language. Greece's real name is Hellas=Heal=Hell! Real Hell Heals, it kills the worm and then you're on your way, it doesnt torture you for eternity. "Dragonetti's=Wormnetti's Annihilation!!!" Hahaha and the one who kills him is blade's father=our father! That would be badass if we have a father like that capable of dominating worms with ease. 0:35 we have intel that we have never seen the real sun holy moly!!!!!!!! "When was the last time you stopped to appreciate a good sunrise? Oh that's right...

Cyberpunk 2077 Showed In The (Near)Future America Becomes Part Of China! UPDATE! Tekken Intel

  At 1:09 they show the new chinoamerican flag and have a woman say "we are f*cked america". Fallout 3 showed america gets invaded and genocided completely by china. Note also the similarity of the chinese flag to the islamic flags like turkey All puppets of the lunar worm.  We went to afghanistan and iraq to give their oil and drugs to china, america is already a puppet to china the upcoming war/ww3 will happen so they get rid of the people and replace them with chinese like they will do to africa and europe. Trump escalating things with china is playing china's game who want to go to war with the west like their lives depend on it. And screw cyberpunk, they lied and downgraded the hell out of witcher 3 and at 1:59 of above video the graphics look like shit, decade old gta 5 looks better, they have downgraded cyberpunk too i already noticed many tv screens to have been removed from backgrounds and the small tv from big smoke's type of guy limousine. They removed also...

Tongue In Greek Is An Anagram/Synonym For Slug! The Insidious Tongue Worm Exposed! UPDATE! Earth Is The Real Sun=Fiery Hell That Got Turned Off By The Cold/Freezer Moons!

 Just noticed it and it blew me away! In greek tongue is glusa or glus, freaking slug man, on the money again! So one could say we evolved from slugs or infected and mutated by slugs which is more accurate! Ghost/soul in the shell indeed hahaha! Just noticed the space black goo parasites that invaded earth and infected all humans in newest venom movie were actually slugs as when outside of human bodies they were crawling just like slugs! (There was another famous movie i saw in the 90s(cant remember its name) that showed earth was invaded by space black goo worms/slugs that infected and possessed all lifeforms and took over. Also the first human they possessed went on to become the leader of the new human mutated species and it was none other than lucifer/satan etc, the first victim of the disease/parasite/worm we're dealing with.) And they showed that they get killed by fire/heat! 4:35! On the money again that no parasite/worm/devil/demon etc can exist in true hell and how the fie...

Antarctica Will Burn And It Will Be A Legenderay Day! UPDATE!

In my latest thread i noticed how antarctica that according to flat earthers encircles our world like a ringworm and like uroboros from asgard map could be the world serpent/worm. And above nasa picture has the worm hiding in plain sight!(Which looks also like the tail of a dragon, a demonic tongue and a cobra too!) And according to dbz with princess snake our true forms exist and hallucinate human life in the belly of a snake/worm. And according to demolition man our true forms that sleep and dream human life... ARE FROZEN IN ICE!!!(Like mr freeze's wife)(freeze in hell batman=hell is ice!) HAHAHA YOU SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING??? In avatar 2009 was shown our true forms sleep nearby! Could this be antarctica? And the reason no one is allowed to go there! And the reason they terrorize us of the possibility of antarctica melting like they terrorize us about fiery hell which i exposed it to be a great thing! So if our true forms are trapped in ice in antarctica, then the melting of anta...

COVID 19/Mark Of The Beast=Devil=Worm Hates Heat=Hell!

  I cant stop watching this video lately as it is so funny and this guy keeps saying  "covid 19 hates heat, you just burn this thing" and calls for a supernatural heatwave straight out of hell hahahaha! The wind of god he talks about appears to be also heat/hell fire that kills the virus/worm. So i googled to see if it's in the news that heat kills the corona worm/ringworm. "A rather hopeful message spreading right now is that viruses don't like hot temperatures so as our season heats up, the theory is the COVID-19 spread will slow down." "Recent laboratory studies by the U.S. Army high-level biosecurity lab suggest that heat and sunlight can potentially slow the spread of the novel coronavirus . This study was presented during a White House briefing by William N. Bryan, Under Secretary for...

The Tooth Worm! Dr. Sebi "Most Cancers Start From Rotten/Wormed Tooth!" UPDATE! Science Is Secretive About The Worm Tooth Just Like They Are With Cancer=Fungus=Worm! UPDATE 2!

Look what i just came across. "The idea of the tooth worm has been found in the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers and poets, including ancient Indian, Japanese, Egyptian, and Chinese cultures. They all believed tooth decay was a result of tooth worms. It was first documented by the Sumerians. The theory was that tooth decay was caused from a worm boring into teeth and creating the cavities we are familiar with today. This was actually a very plausible notion since the holes were somewhat similar to those found in wood bored out by wood worms." Shillwikipedia says this is false according to modern science but when we look at things under a microscope like i did with the toenail fungus we always find a worm! Then many doctors came to mind and dr sebi too who inform the masses that bad teeth and root canals cause cancer! Cancer is fungus according to tulio simmoncini, fungus like the toenail fungus is a worm like...

This Is Why They Want Us To Fear Hell! UPDATE! Eternal Hell=Wormless Heaven Is The Greatest Thing Ever If Possible!

So after i found out our food, water and air is full with worms and how fire and heat kills it/purifies it, i realized and the reason they are afraid of hell and want us to fear it too like it's the worst thing ever. When you want to purify mixed metals you burn them, fire is the undoing of the cross/mix/worm and that's why the worm fears fire! Same how fire doesnt kill the metals or make them disappear it wont kill us either who according to many sources are spiritual/light/fire beings! In a world where everything is contaminated by the worm fire=hell=heal is the solution! Damn man i have to go back to the drawing board again and reevaluate all intel about hell. Wow hell is from el which is god in hebrew and light/fire in greek! I have decoded god=good is pure and devil=evil is mixed! So god=purity is fire=hell indeed! God heals Heal and hell is the same word! Hell is El=God and devil/mixed worm/cross fears god as it is its undoing! The devil cannot exist ...