COVID 19/Mark Of The Beast=Devil=Worm Hates Heat=Hell!


I cant stop watching this video lately as it is so funny and this guy keeps saying 

"covid 19 hates heat, you just burn this thing"
and calls for a supernatural heatwave straight out of hell hahahaha!

The wind of god he talks about appears to be also heat/hell fire that kills the virus/worm.

So i googled to see if it's in the news that heat kills the corona worm/ringworm.
"A rather hopeful message spreading right now is that viruses don't like hot temperatures so as our season heats up, the theory is the COVID-19 spread will slow down."
"Recent laboratory studies by the U.S. Army high-level biosecurity lab suggest that heat and sunlight can potentially slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. This study was presented during a White House briefing by William N. Bryan, Under Secretary for Science and Technology (DHS)." 

 I remember during my leukemia my body would get super hot and at night i would sweat so much and also was losing a lot of weight as i suspect the heat was killing also the worms in my belly who according to many people are responsible for gaining weight and are mind controlling us to have certain cravings.

 People had recommended me during my leukemia to spend few hours during the day in saunas and how heat can cure leukemia but didnt have the luxury and couldnt do it.
Scientists from the california university youtube channel inform us now that inflammation is good for short periods of time as its heat kills the the diseases, viruses, worms etc that cause the problem but we dont want it to be for a long time as it can damage good tissue too they said.

In gods of egypt the only weapon that could scare and damage apophis/world serpent/dune worm was hellfire!
All this intel verifies my recent decoding that the religious hell is the true heaven and how no devil, demons, corona worm etc can survive/exist there.

Hellfrire Vs The Dune Worm! 

Turning the AC off at night doesnt help me lose weight anymore as the weather is not hot anymore.
So i started consuming garlic yesterday after my bad tooth started hurting and the gums around it were swelling like they used to do during my leukemia and after i chewed some garlic in that area the pain and swelling immediately went down!

Another thing i noticed my tongue which i have decoded it to be part of the worm within/slug like in xenomorphs(and it amazed me when noticed our tongue constantly produces saliva just like slugs/snails!) hated garlic so much, it was burning and hurting like a devil that gets purified in hellfire!

So now i have more evidence of our tongue to be part of our enemy within and i'm kinda terrified lol.

If it starts acting up i'll remember to eat garlic! When eating garlic it was only my tongue that was hurting a lot, the rest of my mouth had no problem of it which tells a lot about the worm within!

Also in dbz cartoons the devil is called "frieza, lord chill, cooler, lord slug who freezes whole planets on his arrival", mr freeze which his last words were "freeze in hell batman", medusa/devil who freezes you on the spot like ice all give away that the devil/demons and true hell has nothing to do with fire and more to do with cold!

And how fire is actually the true heaven!

I remember wim hof who i used to listen to and he kept saying "cold is merciless and is his god" and how eventually i found my god which helped me against my leukemia and it was fire/cayenne fire and went ahead to say "my god is fire!"

Man this hurts me as i used to love cold and cold showers and now i have evidence that the cold is of the devil/worm and i'm so disappointed!
During leukemia i had tried ice baths who almost killed me from the shaking that followed after which similar shaking i would get from the fevers after i would eat uncooked/full with worms plants/food.

As we see the propaganda and brainwashing to hate and fear hell and how it is full with demons and monsters is massive and cant be further from the truth!
This shows clearly the kind of disgusting liars that rule this place and are controlling all sources of info are who i would personally drag to hell and purified them from the worm hahaha, that would be such a pleasure!

0:58 Damn that was the father's weapon in gods of Egypt he was using against the worm and against his rebel son/lucifer.
And here they demonize him as satan himself. Disgusting hollywood in all of its glory man!

3:24!!! Identical scene! Thor in above video is Set the real Satan!!! Oh my goodness!
And he blew up asgard/earth too to escape hella/hell/his cure which has been shown in countless movies and video games of how he plans to escape the universal forces/judges.

Damn man the demons(worm infected rulers) of our world parade as superheroes in our movies, cartoons and videogames, this is so f*cked up!

Identical weapon that spews hellfire father Odin was wielding in Thor 1!

See at 1:33!
Damn hollywood gets caught in their own lies!


  1. In thor 1 the bad guys/demons's realm was a frozen planet and their weapon was cold! And from that cold blue bloodline was loki/lucifer originated from!

    I see now color blue to symbolize cold and red fire and the reason the elite puts these 2 colors against each other all the time. It's the war between sickness/cold and cure/fire lol.

    I'm glad i grew up loving the color red instead of blue even though blue is greece's color and used to like it too. Now that i view it as representation of cold i cant like it anymore.

    I find interesting antarctica who encircles earth like a ringworm according to flat earthers is cold like it's earth's last defense against the cure that's outside. Which ringworm ice makes me suspect of antarctica to be the ringworm and i'm blown away!
    Reminds me the ringworm snake from asgard map too that encircles earth like antarctica ice ringworm!

    1. Just noticed cold symbolizes also death as a dead body is a cold body!
      Damn, earth=blue=cold=land of the dead, holy molly all comes together!

  2. The body does raise temperature/create a fever to fight off a virus/parasite/worm, and i should know this as all my life ive had strong fevers, every 3 to 4 months i would get one that used to last 1 to 2 weeks at around 40º C body heat.
    This stopped over the last 5 or so years ever since ive went vegan.

    Burnin' Up

    1. Theres a trend now of celebrities taking ice baths for some reason.

      Madonna braces the cold and takes a dip in a large ice bath l Secrets stars

      Why do footballers take ice baths? | Oh My Goal

      Deal with the devil?

    2. Some weird voodoo going on with Madonna there.

    3. 3 am bath = witching hour
      Three 6 minute baths a week = 666

      All intel that the devil loves the ice cold.

      cryonics = necromancy
      the practice or technique of deep-freezing the bodies of people who have just died, in the hope that scientific advances may allow them to be revived in the future

      Madonna keeps adding the words wake up to her lyrics so i guess its just more rituals to wake up the devil/raise dracula

      Also theres a tie in here with all the worm serfs going on endless rallies against global warming.

      The doctors the lawyers and G-men (freemasons)
      Are living in fear
      Living my life with one distant hope
      A cure that will kill my invincible foe

      Definitely some voodoo going on here:

      Slayer - Crionics

    4. Loki = Low Ki = Low Ka = Low Spirit = Cold blood = Low Energy
      I get something similar from inherited thalassemia anaemia.

    5. From all of my years dealing with this disease i now have peripheral nerve damage as the nerves in my feet have burned from the lack of oxygen in my lower extremities.
      Peripheral nerve damage pain is just like a constant burn as its like my feet are on fire during all of my waking hours.
      At least it does no longer restrict my movements as i had a hard time walking during the first six months of 2015.
      I can walk at ease now but forget about more intense movements like long distance running or sports.
      When i was younger during physical education in school i always had the worst performance and low energy, i always have been accused of faking it and that it was all mental, even with constance blood work proving low red blood cell counts and malformed molecules, they would just dismiss the doctors notes and call me a slob.
      Schoolmates would just call me a bitch, a whote and a gay fag as the only thing they respect is sport skills, violence and pussy grabbing anyhow.

    6. Even in peripheral neuropathy with the red swollen bruised feet some people would just say its just mental and im making the pain up.

      Anyway Ki shows up in Dragon Ball a lot, loki = Low ki right.

      Dragon Ball Z Kai The Final Chapters Gohan Teaching Videl About Ki Control

      With Trump during the campaign they kept using this same rhetoric with all the low energy trash talk and praising Trump as the hig energy guru.

      Trump: Hillary Clinton Has Less Energy Than Jeb Bush

      Jeb Bush: Low Energy

      Donald Trump on SC debate: "High energy"


      I can tell with the Trump election that there has been a transfer of Ki energy somehow in the invisible realm as this is what they truly are protesting and rampaging about and not the fake news money bills and public debt facade.

    7. "Damn man the demons(worm infected rulers) of our world parade as superheroes in our movies, cartoons and videogames, this is so f*cked up!"

      2 Corinthians 11:14-15
      And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
      It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond with their deeds.

    8. It's the war between sickness/cold and cure/fire lol.

      Cold = Death thats the sickness
      At Wrestlemania XXX/666 the beast incarnate (Brock Lesnar/the worm) conquered death/the Undertaker 21-1

      More 21's:

      Donald Trump was born exactly 700 days before the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, and on his first full day in office he was exactly 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old.

      Event 201

      Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes global—a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences. A severe pandemic, which becomes “Event 201,” would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions.

      Pope Francis to live in Vatican guesthouse, not papal apartments
      The spokesman said Pope Francis has moved out of the room he drew by lot before the conclave and into Suite 201, a room that has slightly more elegant furnishings and a larger living room where he can receive guests.

      More voodoo going on.

    9. From its founding in 1540, the Society of Jesus has been one of the most important religious orders in the Catholic Church.
      However, it almost vanished from the pages of history when Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Jesuits worldwide on July 21, 1773, with the brief Dominus ac Redemptor.
      Catherine the Great of Russia saved the Society almost singlehandedly.
      She protected the 201 Jesuits she had acquired in 1772 with the First Partition of Poland and insisted that they continue their apostolic work as Jesuits.

    10. Blue is the worm/dragon, which is very present in my life, as i said i live by the dragon stadium, the people here abhor red.

      Another symbolic theme is that Portugal as Spain is a country of bullfighting, bulls are said to hate red and thats why they charge against the bull fighter dancing around with the red muleta.

      And the bull is just another symbol for the worm/dragon.

    11. Now that ive noticed it your name/title gives the same intel.
      Ka = the soul
      Boom = Incremental Explosion
      Incremental Soul explosion/Rush of energy against the moons

      Goku sees Kamehameha Wave for first time.

      Funny that they use it the first time in the show to put out a fire and not to start one.

    12. All my life ive had cold as dead hands which my late grandfather used to comment on everytime that ive shaked hands with him as if death was there for him, and now i have warm hands which is a first for me, feels nice.

      Heres Stone Cold the rattlesnake (worm) scripted speech after he beat Jake the snake (another worm) back in 1996:

      "The first thing I want to be done, is to get that piece of crap out of my ring.
      Don't just get him out of the ring, get him out of the WWF because I've proved son, without a shadow of a doubt, you ain't got what it takes anymore!
      You sit there and you thump your Bible, and you say your prayers, and it didn’t get you anywhere.
      Talk about your psalms, talk about John 3:16…
      Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass!"

      Worm runs the show and wants Jesus out as delivered through his puppet Stone Cold.

      "Stone Cold" gives his iconic "Austin 3:16" speech: King of the Ring 1996, only on WWE Network

    13. "Cold = Death thats the sickness"
      While reading your posts i noticed

      I have been in identical situation with you in usmc bootcamp and it scares me how identical it was.

      The drill instructors gave us orders to run on top of wet aluminum bleachers, our cheap running shoes from running all the time had no tread, i saw the danger and slowed down, they hazed me for it then told me now run on top of the wet bleachers, i did and i tripped between the metal bars/seats, my leg fibula broke the next morning from some hazing they had us doing. Took 4 weeks to find out i had a broken fibula, medical used to tell me i had a calf strain and sent me back to training. The drill instructors thought i was faking my injury and they punished me even harder. I was doing jumping jacks on one leg, never showed pain, the whole platoon loved me when seeing the drill instructors hazing me while being injured and show no weakness. Then after the DIs saw they couldnt humiliate me with hazing they started calling me gay names and try to humiliate me in front of the platoon that way.
      The whole platoon was annoyed by their unprofessional behavior.

      Found recently a recruit suicide in usmc bootcamp after being injured and DIs were treating him like shit thinking he was faking his injury.

      And now you tell you experienced the same shit too, so this kind of f*ckery is happening globally which shows the whole humanity suffers from the same mental sickness, same disease, same freaking worm.

      This is also one of the reasons i tell everyone to stay away from the military, they dont care about people, they have no safety regulations and if you get injured they hate you even more. It's like working in a chinese factory and your boss is mao zedong himself!

    14. i wouldnt try to enroll on either police or military academies as i dont have the health for it.

      During my fathers youth military service was mandatory but he was excused from all of the physical drills because his legs were covered with a severe case of varicose veins.
      From what he told me he just drove the officers around and delivered cargo on trucks.
      My grandfather had sold him off to a grocer at 10 years of age for hard labor and thats from where he attributed the origins of his varicose veins but it also had to do with all the heavy smoking, drinking and shit diet he had all the way from childhood to the day he died is my inkling.
      Children were put on alcohol from an early age back in those days, wine soups mostly with bread and sugar, and he probably started smoking smokes while working for the grocer.
      On the other end my grandfather on my mothers side died telling me of all of his affairs and how he wished he had been on the military.
      My great-grandfather was on world war 1 and became an officer and wouldnt let him stay in the military, found a way to get him kicked out after he completed the mandatory service and made sure he found another path for his life.

      I found interesting the synchronicity of your story about the bleachers as just yesterday it was a rainy day and i slipped and fell right on the middle of the street, the pavement was all wet and so i slipped because my shoes are so used up that have no tread left.

      As for the unconcern for safety measures thats a general common occurrence on more places than the military, heck another synchronicity as i have been on your blog writing about the septagram of destruction and heres a video of an accident happening due to unconcern for safety measures, 7 injured in a rally race, where are the safety rails?

      Despiste aparatoso no primeiro dia do Rali do Alto Tâmega


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