Gas Stoves Reveal Why Our Moon Is Covered With Holes! It's A Sun That Got Turned Off! It's Also The Forge From Avengers! The Yellow Sun Is An Impostor/Mimic!


From a comment of this thread!

"That revelation 4:5 intel is very nice! The romans added months to the lunar calendar apart from cannibalizing their order and names so the moons/suns could easily be 7 indeed like the 7 days of the week who represent also moons like moonday, sunday etc. 7up!
I suspect if we had 7 days and 7 months then it would be easier for the masses to suspect the importance of the number 7 and that they represent moons/suns so they added more to confuse us. The 7 dragonballs are also gold like suns and when turned off are mere rocks like our white moon!
Holy moly amazing intel right there! All these holes the moon is covered with could be like the holes of a cooking gas stove where fire comes out!
As above so below, the moon like earth is a gas stove/sun that got turned off and very likely the decapitated head of earth!
Medusa was also the most beautiful woman before she got raped and infected by poseidon agent smith style and turned into the ugliest monster! This gives away our very moon(medusa head) could indeed have been part of the once extremely beautiful earth!"

Holy moly man and this moon is also the forge from avengers that got turned off and destroyed by thanos so no one could build a weapon and become able to defeat him!(thanos like king slug/piccolo used the forge to make himself powerful and then killed it/turned it off permanently like king piccolo did to the sunballs/dragonballs(which grant you wishes as they are forges where you can create anything!) after he used them to make himself powerful! It's the same story everywhere!)

"You're about to take the full force of a star=sun!"

The other intel from researchers that our moon emits its own light give away of it to be a sun and the yellow sun the fake cancerous sun/mimic that gives us cancerous disgusting moles too.
I suspect the reason the moonlight is cold is due to the cold/freezer black hole moon/apophis/worm that hides behind it like a coward so if we want to kill him we'll have to go through the decapitated head of earth first!(he calls this cowardice "leverage" in suicide squad and battlefield earth)

Lucifer/light bringer that stole the throne of god and took his place like loki did to odin is another give away the yellow sun of our sky is an impostor/mimic!(just like loki disguised as odin!)

Wow look at his nasa sun photo!

All these fires are coming out of holes like in a gas stove! It looks just like our moon when on fire and when turned off it will look just like our moon!

3:10 They Are Nothing But Stones!(when turned off)


  1. King Piccolo/Fake Sun/Apollo could have used the worm to suck the energy out from the sun into himself until it turned to a rock/moon.

    I stand at the jaws of the pit
    The heat scorch my flesh
    The fall seem never to end
    My hair burn
    My eyes can't see
    The flames slowly eat my soul
    The pain tears my mind
    Hear my cries oh Lord
    Have mercy oh Lord
    This can't be
    Raging flames all over me
    Inferno of heat
    Oh no, oh no, oh noooooo, noooooo, noooooo...

    Enter the Eternal Fire

    Dracula/king worm being killed by the heat wont happen with the fake yellow sun that only provides lukewarm temperatures so maybe theres a way to rekindle the dead moons.

    Also i find it interesting that the cross sin mark is Draculas source of power yet in the movies they always show it as terrorizing him, so its just more inversion and mockery i guess.

    Horror Of Dracula The Final Battle

    1. The cross sin mark is present right there over the mouths of the stove which i guess its symbolic for how the cross blocks out the heat/keeps it repressed/lukewarm.

    2. At 2:45 of the dracula video there's the purity sign= on the floor right where his ashes are.
      I see here the programming of demonization of purity and praize of the cross/mixing/crossing that defeats purity.

      Fire and then sign of purity is intel also that fire purifies undoes the cross/mixing.

    3. Thats a great catch, thanks for pointing it out since i had missed it, yeah they undo the cross via the sun/fire and then whats left is the purity = mark.

  2. There is definitely something wrong with the sun. Aug Tells and Lauda Leon both say it is a sun simulator. There is recurring intel about stealing the sun or replicating the sun, being pulled through the sun or past massive human nuclear war that ends the sun etc Lauda Leon talks about that we are on the verge of receiving a new sun, that this is incoming. A real, true sun.

    1. Wow you reminded me this thread
      where i suspected they will gift us a new moon/sun and how it could be a trap like the trojan horse. As long that new sun is ignited and burning hot and not cold like our moon i wouldnt worry a lot but still i would be cautious. Would check to make sure its fire is real and not holograms/project blue beam etc.


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