Sekiro Intel, The Worm Is In Control! UPDATE! Catholics' Hell Might Be Happening Right Below Our Radar!


3:41 and after there's a worm hiding inside that ape controlling him and you do massive damage if you get to hurt the worm instead of the ape.

Headless ape is also intel of the worm to be in control like tmnt shows too with krang.
In tmnt 2016 they called the top head of cyborg krang stupid robot and how the real intelligence and true enemy was the brain/worm/intestines on the bottom.

Found out all those maggots that show up at dead bodies come from the intestines and head first to eat the liver and then head for the brain.
It reminded me worm venom from 2018 movie who was mind controlling us to eat whatever he liked and threatening us that if we dont feed him he'll eat our liver.

I was thinking seriously to have my body burn after death and then thought the option of having someone just remove my intestines and burn them instead while flooding the area from where they got removed with bleach or something, then bury the body. No worms after death for me that way.(As witcher 3 and my sleep paralysis experiences showed me our consciousness remains trapped in the flesh for a good amount of time after death and i suspect that is so they milk our sleeping bodies to their limit from the extreme fear and panicking, like in sleep paralysis find ourselves in a flesh we can no longer control that gets consumed by worms, by worms that were in it since birth! This gives a whole new meaning to the "enemy within" which we also view him as on our side that helps us digest foods. It's the same fractal "your worst enemy is someone you see as a friend or ally". Those worms within is the reason there's so much death and all lifeforms are out to kill each other so they feed these very worms. I suspect before the arrival of these worms on our planet all lifeforms were like perpetual machines, no killing or eating each other was needed, always calm and peaceful like in the bible with adam, before the arrival of eve and the snake/worm. I suspect eve was introduced by the worm as you cant have eternal feasting with no eternal breeding! The worm played us and play us good, like a damn chess champion).

In usmc bootcamp the worst hazing my platoon got was to be covered fully in sandfleas/flying maggots and watch them chew on you, the itching was extreme and you're not allowed to scratch or move like in sleep paralysis. Worst part wasnt the itching but the sight which was terrifying like the paralyzed woman in witcher 3 who everyone thought for dead but she was still alive but paralyzed and then got consumed slowly by rats. 

I had made a recent thread about catholics' hell that happens after death where we get tortured by worms and/or fire and then this thread came to mind that made me aware of how this might be happening in our very world right beneath our radar/ground where dead bodies are getting eaten slowly by worms while our consciousness could easily be trapped still in it like in sleep paralysis and witcher 3.

Then they also have the option to burn our bodies after death or we might get lucky and get our brains stolen and trapped in deep learning/ai computers/cloud etc for eternity.

In this article we have intel that the worms can take from weeks to years to fully eat a dead human body.

And it reminded me in greece they bury the dead for 2 years and then they unbury them and throw them in a (bottomless)pit like place called "honeutiri"(where they get grinded to dust) which means getting digested and it reminds me the dune worm(who's mouth looks also like it grinds us to dust). These things that happen after death make me notice the fractal of life which is "getting tortured by worms/flesh/humans etc and after they done milking you to the last drop they send you to get consumed by the big worm/moon".

It's mind blowing if catholics' hell are the things that take place here on earth during life and during death and humans like dumb animals are completely clueless.

I remember when a kid and my grandma told me that they bury the dead for 2 years and then send them to honeutiri/dune worm all my alarm bells went off and my grandma was talking about it like a perfectly fine and normal thing.

"You have to be educated/programmed to be that stupid" indeed!

Live=Evil=Life, life is evil as hell indeed and the evil that's happening here is unprecedented!


  1. More intel on blue king cold worm.


    The khepresh (ḫprš) was an ancient Egyptian royal headdress. It is also known as the blue crown or war crown

    Given that the deshret (red crown) and hedjet (white crown) were apparently woven of some sort of plant fiber, the circles or rings decorating ancient artistic representations of the khepresh may instead indicate the regular array of hexagonal holes in an open triaxial weave.

    (Hexagonal eh, but but but the hexagon boogerman and the jayish obelisks, oh my lord.)

    As with many other royal crowns, a uraeus (cobra) was hooked to the front of the khepresh.

    Blue crown worm runs the show and conducts the mindwar on the serfs.

    And heres a great representation of Osiris the king cold worm all bluish dead in Salems Lot.

    salems lot 1979 coffin

    Thats what being totally infected by the worm looks like i imagine.
    And he has the pale horse/pale sclera on his eyes.
    In Spawn he is called Violator like a worm violating its host.

    Spawn vs Clown (Violator) | Spawn (Director's Cut)

    1. In WWE Trumps best friend the worm eater boogerman was not blue though but red.

      Boogyman eating earthworms

      Donald Trump meets The Boogeyman: WrestleMania 23

      And thats Wrestlemania 23 as in the body has 23 pairs chromossomes wrestling against the worm infected DNA

  2. The worm on the Khepresh has rgb in its belly and it reminded me bill gate's rgb dna and rgb worm virus dna from resident evil.

    Our dna is indeed the worm and this is more confirmation that the human flesh is the offspring or a mutation from the rgb/666/mixed/cross/snake on the cross worm.


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