I learned from wim hof "auto" is from the greek word "eauto" and means self!("auto" alone means "himself/itself" in greek)

Then i noticed the grand robbery that took place on earth which is shown in thor 1, thor ragnarok and man of steel movies.

In thor 1 odin stole from earth its heart(sun)(also heart=earth! another give away earth is the sun/heart/center of our solar system!) and as a result earth lost all its power/heat.

1:53 "and the source of their power was taken from them"(lights out/sun turns off/death=ice age enters the chat)

In thor ragnarok thor stole our head=soul/self=auto symbolism which was also the sun/core of a planet!(and is also the eternal flame!(soul/spirit symbolism also) Which obviously made the planet lose all its power/heat like in thor 1 movie. In thor 1 they had the heat/fire replaced with cold but it's the same intel.

And all stolen riches were stashed in the lord's biblical vault which is our moon.

In man of steel the father of Sman/Worm-man stole the heart of krypton just like odin and thor which there was shown as "codex" and had the soul and memories of all kryptonians and soon after that robbery took place the whole krypton planet collapsed/died/froze like earth like in thor 1 and thor ragnarok.

 1:47 "and the source of their power was taken from them"
(this scene has intel also of how the elite stages wars to create chaos and distractions so they can rob countries from their ancient precious artifacts, they've done it in greece, afghanistan, iraq etc all museums get raped during war!)

Holy moly codex looks like surtur's head/skull! I nailed it again that in thor ragnarok we have the same intel where there grand thief odin is replaced with thor!

So me wanting to bring back to earth what was stolen i'm no different than general zod who now i completely understand his pain!

And that is why we have no memories of our past! Our very head/storage of memories was stolen like in thor ragnarok and man of steel and we are walking zombies/dead like the headless horseman bound to be puppets of the thieves/worms until we recover our head/lost self=auto=memories!

Now that i understand exactly what happened and is going on only goosebumps i get when i hear zod screaming "i will find him!"

1:09 identical sound we had in matrix when agent smith was covering people in his toxin/black goo/ice!
Damn ice is straight demonic shit and they have us fear fire and demonize the hell out of it instead.(fear=fire another subliminal programming to fear fire, yoda said we are light/fire beings not crude matter/flesh beings and they have succeeded having fire to fear fire hahaha!).

Apparently fire liberates us from the worm and we need to fear it like the plague/worm.
Hercules also used fire to liberate himself from his bloody clothes/flesh that were glued on him like black goo venom and eating him like the worms from hellraiser 2!
(i dont recommend or encourage anyone to burn himself, this is just me decoding shit)
(not to count all the pain and suffering(and loved ones' suffering who will miss us) that will get created from it will put our sleeping bodies in overdrive producing even more fluids/energy for the worms maze runner 2 style)

By the way i remembered lunar agents ghrees who had informed us of our moon/medusa head that it used to be a good planetary body until the draconians took it over and converted it into an abomination.
(Identical to what poseidon did to medusa).

So this gives more credibility to my suspicion that the medusa head moon used to be attached to earth(probably where the pacific ocean is now) and was part of the once beautiful and glorious hell/sun earth.

I suspect after all the things the worms/snakes have done to the medusa head/moon it would want us to destroy it anyways and kill all the worms and black hole/cold sun/apophis moon that hides behind it.
Still if i could cure it instead i would go that route and since i decoded recently of our moon to be a sun and a forge, reigniting it like earth would be enough to purify it from all its worms.

In thor ragnarok surtur/earth was restored to his former glory(reignited and reunited with the eternal flame) before they killed him completely which reminded me greek mason fourakis who informed that's how the elite/worms operate.
(he said they will restore greece to its former glory/macedonia empire etc and then they will destroy it completely, same thing they'll do to all europe as that balkan empire they will sell it also to the italians, germans, turks, albanians, bulgarians etc as their empire too and then the chinese will show up and kill them all.
Same thing are working on in america with trump "make america great again" and then the chinese will show up from the underground tunnels(like in hobbit 3 where they had also civil war happening at the same time) and like in fallout 3 genocide everyone repeating also history of what the mongols did to the ancient americans.)

So if they have earth rigged to explode like asgard and countless other movies and games where they show us this intel then they might stage an event where like sephiroth in ff7 return the medusa head/moon=mond=mind=memories to earth/earthlings and then have the whole thing go kaboom.
(Imagine recovering millions of years memories and realize soon after everything is going kaboom and you're about to lose everything again and permanently this time, damn that would suck so much, i see now how this gives extreme pleasure to the worms and why they love doing it to their victims)

Similar to the trojan horse where for the trojans to accept it so fast and put it inside their kingdom without even inspecting it gives away that trojan horse was something very personal and valuable to the trojans like codex from man of steal, that was stolen from them and then given back. (Trojans most likely were too happy celebrating the return of their stolen memories/self=auto=horse/pride/glory, make Troy great again and then we all know what happened next. Troy actually burned like a sun/hell soon after, holy moly!).
(I have decoded before Troy is named Threa in Greek which is anagram of Earth!)

Holy moly horse in greek is alogo which is from logic!!! Nailed it again, the trojan horse was codex/medusa head/surtur's skull, Troy's stolen mind=mond=moon/sun/flame=memories!

In the bible the flame symbolizes also memories as fire/thor ragnarok's eternal flame showed up above the 12 apostles' heads and then they could speak any language, which means like in matrix a shit ton of memories were downloaded into them.
Which verifies again the worms/thor/odin/jor el etc by stealing our flame/true sunlight/hell-light they stole our memories/knowledge/mind/skull/self=auto which is the true power!
(I guess eventually they will give it back like the apple from the bible and the medusa head, infected full with worms! I was about to say "we should cook it like an apple/food to purify it before taking it back" and i just remembered there was a guy in Troy who told the trojans to burn the horse before taking it inside troy!(and then athena sent snakes/worms and had him killed!) Holy moly that guy sounded so like me as i have also said "if adam and eve had cooked their apple the world would be different today". This means if they give the moon back to earth(or any other moon like moon 7/uranus), they will give it cold and we should ignite it like a sun/cook it before accept it.)
(ready player one movie came to mind where the grand prize was an egg/moon symbolism and a long ass tapeworm was shown inside!)

0:15 egg is shown, then surtur's/satan's skull which all combined is moon medusa head subliminal.
0:26 "you did it, you got the egg/trojan horse/tapeworm", agent smith shows up with a gun ready to kill him point blank, egg=666=death subliminal, winners are losers!
Cant see the tapeworm very clearly in this video so anyone who has doubt this is a worm egg/dragonball this pic makes everything clear.



  1. The occultists that run this realm stay in power by stealing the minds of their serfs with a confusion spell/scrambled brain/faulty logic which they give to their pawns to divide them against themselves and then to conquer and rule over them.
    Which i guess scrambled eggs for breakfast is just more mockery on how our brains are scrambled and thats how they steal from us/rule/stay in power.


    Umbreon - Maximum Confusion

    Psyduck and Slowpoke have a confused discussion for 57 minutes

    Every single WHAT-! from Stone Cold Steve Austin

    Grand Theft Auto = Stolen Certainty/Confidence/Self/Identity = Faulty Logic = Self-Harm

    1. All part of the mindwar that is now being ramped up with the insertion of brain chips.

      From Psyop to Mind War: Perpetual Psychological Warfare Against Humanity

      Jeff Rense & Dr. Eric Karlstrom, PhD - Satanic Evil, GangStalking & Mind Control

    2. MindWar in 3 steps:
      1) Divide/Confuse target
      2) Offer solution/Identity/Course of Action/Routine
      3) Rule over the newly created serf

    3. Remember the cross sin mark represents con-fused as in fused to the con/mixed/scrambled/worm infested/confused/cursed/sick/haunted.

      Dracula (9/10) Movie CLIP - Dracula and Van Helsing (1931) HD

    4. Green man/Yoda/Osiris/Cernunnos/Swamp king shows up in True Detective as the worm black hole pedovore brain entity that was behind the elites mind controlling them.

      True Detective - Showdown * Marty and Rust get stabbed, The Yellow King dies * (HD)

    5. "Take off your mask" he says as hes killing the detective, now enter covid stupidity, its all scripted like a HBO show, scripted reality in la la land for the happy serfs.

    6. HBO

      HB = 82
      Strong's Greek: 82. ἄδηλος (adélos) -- unseen, not manifest, inconspicuous, hidden

      Hidden O = Hidden hand = Hidden moon

      HBO = 8215
      Strong's Hebrew: 8215. שְׁפַל (shephal) = low, basest

      Low, basest, underground, hidden entertainment to subvert the mind

      Freeza by Maximum The Hormone

    7. Self=auto which is the true power!
      Self-Sufficiency which means that the light/flame provides for its own energy/food/sustenance and needs not be puppeteered around unlike the flesh crossed mixed crude matter.

      I imagine it as living flames with their individuality and identity (unlike this system which is all about supranational entities, social credit numbers, money scams, organizations, structures, sacred institutions, collectives and hive minds)

    8. In that ready player one clip, at 2:08/88 when he says "thanks for playing my game" he then leaves through the door which has a darts game on it that gives intel of him escaping through the black worm hole and also shows red and green on it for mixed worm dna symbolism.


      Worm in the apple enters the game through the black hole i guess is their meaning.


      Eventually they will gift us a permanent identity/eternal life in virtual reality with a self that never dies/never leaves the black worm hole belly of the beast.

      Negative Gemini - CLOWN CLEANER (360 VR 4K)

      All they have to do is to make this belly of the beast black worm hole look like paradise inside of our minds by creating this virtual reality mental illusion via an implanted brain chip that will fully merge us with the worm/complete digestion/assimilation.
      Which i guess must result in our real bodies never leaving the moon/being frozen forever.

    10. The great reset/new identity.
      Be prepared for a new illusion virtual reality mental prison to be uploaded via the brain chip.

      "Our brains need a reset"
      "Everyone has a role to play" (As in role playing scripted life in la la land)
      "Join Us"

      The Great Reset

      No thank you, ill take the alternative, Su nioJ like the friday the 13th trannie templars that burned at the stake.

      Hell awaits intro voices backwards

    11. Green Man Yoda is telling me "Worms are we, not this crude human form", "We are not your kind", sure buds, no thank you.

      MetalTrump - All Out Life (Slipknot)

    12. Brain chips sugar coated like candy/VR porn for the piggy serfs.

      THIS Is How Elon Musk's Neuralink Microchip Will Be Put In Your Brain (2020)

      Piggies (Remastered 2009)

      White album as in oblivion/great reset7new identity/corona halo complete mental prison slavery.
      No thank you buds.

    13. Oh, let me tell you, honey
      Hey, I'm back, I'm back in the U.S.S.R
      Hey, it's so good to be home
      Yeah, back in the U.S.S.R

      In Commie heaven where everything is scripted every second of every minute of every hour of every day forever.
      No thank you.

      The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (2018 Mix / Lyric Video)

      Let me be surprised, send me the templars, jesuits, mafiosi, gangstas, feminazis, wiccans, jihadis, jayishes, chicoms and whatever else you people have on your worm infested payroll, set up that stake or string rope and do me in, no way im joining your worm heaven.

      All Dogs Go to Heaven (4/11) Movie CLIP - Let Me Be Surprised (1989) HD

    14. Charlie the dog leaving right through the worm hole as the worm is still trying to bait him "You can never come back".
      So long suckers.

      So Long, Suckers! (The Simpsons Game)

    15. The Dracula and Van Helsing clip at 0:57
      "i will find your earth box and drive that stake through your heart"
      The eartbox symbolizes our sleeping form like in matrix, surrogates, avatar 2009 etc.
      Interesting here we have same intel with avatar and surrogates that we sleep nearby!

    16. I think it's interesting that you mention uranus. When you look at the chakra's and which planet they are suppose to reside with it makes sense. Maybe, at the moment they are in the wrong order?? Could it be that we have to put them back to where they are suppose to be?

    17. They're 7 like the 7 dragonballs, 7 days of the weak, 7up=7 moons above us.
      I see now the 7 chakras(ra=ra's al ghul/medusa/devil) to symbolize the eggs of the worm and dont trust them at all!
      In dbz these 7 things when connected create the biblical worm with legs shenron!
      In short to kill the worm we need to destroy these 7 things.

    18. I have decoded also the worm was created through mixing so the 7 chakras could indeed be mixed up(as i see rgb in them too) and putting them in correct order/unmix them could be the solution.

    19. Wow in dbz the worm shows up after the 7 dragonballs/chakras connect/get mixed and separate them/unmix them makes the worm disappear!

    20. I would still destroy them if possible as after separate them is a matter of time until another idiot shows up and mixes them up.

    21. Yeah it all kind of gives away when you look at this image and see all the symbolism in it. Connect them in a particular order and get the snake worm and what is the original order? It also seems they reside within frequency and the musical scale. Being 7 Do, Ra, Mi, Fa, So, La, Si, and the 8th bringing you back to Do.

    22. Damn thank you for this intel, that number 7 is everywhere, our months were also 7 like our week days all representing our 7 moons before the romans started messing with them, change their names add more etc to confuse us.

    23. It seems like before and after all of this that we are a pure unaltered energy. Energy can never be created or destroyed. Only altered. It's through this system of constructed planets/moons/balls we are manipulated in to this form. That would make this an energy recycling facility. I may have to agree with you, the only way to break free would be to destroy them. It could be though that in a particular order we get returned to our true self but isn't a self just another container? Is the goal to break free of the container or find the original?

    24. I think the true goal is to recover our ancient memories as any decision we make without knowing it all can be a mistake.
      I see containers also limiting us from the whole like the dome of earth limits us from the outside world.
      So breaking free from containers could be the step towards knowing/remembering all.

      In star wars movies was shown similar thing that break free from the small containers we join the big one but if the big one is contaminated like us(and it could be apophis/worm shenron himself) then joining it will be like voting and giving your power to a corrupt politician.

      I see also instead of joining bigger containers taking control of the one we have is a step towards the right direction.


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