Life after death: the science of human decomposition. Earth Is Dead And Headless!
"Far from being ‘dead,’ however, a rotting corpse is teeming with life. A growing number of scientists view a rotting corpse as the cornerstone of a vast and complex ecosystem, which emerges soon after death and flourishes and evolves as decomposition proceeds." 

Earth before got infested with worms it froze they say which gives away it was a living organism that got murdered.(when a body dies it becomes cold, which means organism earth was murdered that's why it froze, then the worms bring some heat according to this article and the reason the ice age went mostly away but the corpse remains dead.)

What i get from above article is we're all worms thriving on a mega organism that got killed and are consuming it/mining it till nothing is left and then move on for the next victim.

The irony and sarcasm when they tell us "earth is dying, save the planet etc" is over 9000 as earth is already dead. A rotting fungus/worm infested corpse.

This gives a whole new meaning to the "land of the dead" that i decoded earth to be many times while being ignorant earth is dead too!(oh my goodness, then you have religion's intel of resurrection which makes me suspect if we like in sunshine movie reignite our sun within the earth we might be able to bring it back to life, before the lunar scum with their mining completely destroy it.)

Surtur from thor ragnarok symbolizes earth's sun that got weak like the sun in sunshine movie and was imprisoned inside earth like in starkiller base, eventually he managed to reignite himself to his former glory. Which tells me the sun within the earth still burns but not as hot like it should.

0:11 "Sun you're still alive, i thought king cold lunar boss killed you when he froze the planet"

This video has intel that the lunar scum stole a vital part from our sun within the planet that made him lose its power/strength and stashed that part in the lunar vault which is our moon.

In short the part our sun needs to return to its former glory is located inside of one earth's moons.
It could be the sun mirror we see in the sky, a part they ripped from the sun within which is called crown here. The sun is also the crown of god and saints in religion!

Damn i nailed it again! In short what sephiroth did to the moon in ff7 we need to do to our sun moon and that is pull it and make it fall on earth, return the crown to the sun within and enjoy the rest of the show, watching earth's sun/surtur kick the ass of all the moons!

Thor's cube hammer symbolizes our moon(and him rotating from the ceiling and hanging like a spider is another moon symbolism) and knocking the crown of surtur/sun's head gives away how the moon removed that crown from our inner sun and that was by crashing on earth on its arrival here like lord slug's moon did in dbz!

Damn it's a pleasure unraveling earth's true history and connecting the pieces together!

4:42 moon is crashing on earth on its arrival here and earth is yellow and hot as a sun in this screen.
At 4:43 if you pause quickly they have earth looking just like a sun!

So moons with 25 miles deep titanium hull are built that way so they can kill suns by crashing on them and knocking a vital part off of them like thor's hammer did to surtur.

Wow the intel of medusa head moon intel came to mind and how the moon has a skull face on it like surturs head like it's the head of a planet!
This gives away too one of earth's moon is the head/crown of earth that was removed forcefully from it.
Science in one of their moon origin theories say the moon used to be part of earth and then a comet arrived and knocked that part off earth and made it a moon!


I have decoded the sun we see in our sky is a mirror/fake light so earth's true head/crown i dont trust any of the visible moons we see above us to be and i suspect is hidden from us behind the clouds of our dome like a japanese cartoon informed us.

I'm blown away man, what the hell has happened here, insane things have happened here!

The headless ape from sekiro comes to mind and now i see decapitated earth and worm infected earth symbolism in him and his head is close to his body like a moon.

I'm open to the possibility of the medusa head moon/luna to be earth's true head as its demonization in ancient times and scaring the masses of it falling to earth which could be the greatest thing ever(return of the king/crown/head) reminds me similar psyop to burning hell propaganda where they are making the masses to fear their cure.

And now just remembered the moon landing missions were called Apollo which is the sun in ancient literature! Damn and the moon has also skull/head symbolism and an actual face you can see on it! Surtur's head looks also just like our moon in thor asgard.

Damn i'm terrified of the possibility of the moon i wanted to destroy so much could be the key to restore earth to its former glory!(like apollo/sun went to the moon we need an apollo/sun to come to earth which could be the moon i hate the most)

This is why the winning move is not to play guys!(when suffering from alzheimers it's easy to f*ck up legendarily by playing).
Eclipses come to mind that reveal of our moon to be the one that holds the sun/earth's head away and hidden from us so destroying it could be what has to be done for the crown/head/real light to return to earth and reignite the sun within.

Yet again there's a possibility of our moon to be earth's head and "i'm not playing"(not taking the chance to destroy it if i had the chance), cant take the risk.
(monstar from silverhawks comes to mind and how the destruction of our moon reveals the real sun and i'm teased again to want to destroy our moon).

You know what i would use the technology the chinese have where they can pull comets from the universe towards earth and just pull all moons towards earth, one of them would be earth's head/crown so it's a win win!

Not blow it but pull it could be the solution,


Wow the building 7 was burning like a sun when they pulled it, so we have subliminal here of earth's true sun/head getting pulled towards it! Building 7 makes me suspect of earth's 7th moon to be its true head! Which is not the july moon/month but the september moon before the romans threw a wrench at our lunar calendar to confuse us.

Wow just googled "earth's 7 planet" and is uranus!!!!(sky in greek) Which is the moon snail atlas was holding away from earth in mythology! And they had him as a savior for doing that and i just decoded he was/is depriving earth's head by doing that!

Wow what a sneaky bastard! Aaaargh i wish i was hercules and killed him when i had the chance!
(also hercules got the biblical apple from him which gives away atlas from mythology is also the biblical worm!)

Apparently uranus wants to return to earth so much as it's his body! Which shows slug atlas like in medical literature is the obstacle that prevents a sick organism to return to its former healthy form and our responsibility to be to remove that obstacle/kill worm atlas and have the 7th moon/uranus/sky return to earth!

Again ape from sekiro comes to mind with the worm right in between ape's body and head like atlas!
Oh my goodness that freaking worm man, it's so sneaky and so smart! (I wanna say i wanna kill it badly but it might have my leukemia return so i dont want to piss it off).

Now i see the giant pole in dbz that keeps kami's lockout/moon/head away from earth as the worm/shenron and identical intel we have with snake way/worm in dbz where its length was ending on king kai's moon like it was its pole/atlas like in kami's lockout!

Goku's power pole they said it can extend to the length of the pole that holds kami's lockout away from earth giving away it's also the worm/shenron/atlas.


  1. "The irony and sarcasm when they tell us "earth is dying, save the planet etc" is over 9000 as earth is already dead."

    Thats present on the word itself:
    earlier sarcasmus, borrowed from Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French sarcasme, borrowed from Late Latin sarcasmos "mockery," borrowed from Late Greek sarkasmós, from Greek sarkázein "to jeer at while biting the lips" (in galen; perhaps, if the original sense was "to bite or strip off flesh," derivative of sark-, sárx "flesh") + -smos, suffix of verbal action — more at sarco-

    Mockery = shell = flesh = body
    σαρκάζειν (sarkázein) meaning "to tear flesh"
    combining form from Greek sark-, sárx "flesh, piece of meat,"

    a combining form meaning “eating,” “feeding on,” “devouring”

    The word "sarcophagus" comes from the Greek σάρξ sarx meaning "flesh", and φαγεῖν phagein meaning "to eat"; hence sarcophagus means "flesh-eating", from the phrase lithos sarkophagos (λίθος σαρκοφάγος), "flesh-eating stone"

    Auto-sarcophagy = self-cannibalization = the planet consuming itself = ouroboros

    This world is a flesh-eating-self-destructive-mockery.

    Curse of the Pharaohs

    1. Its also hindsight as in hindsight or t-rump vision is 2020 as they are rallying to prevent something that has already happened.

      understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed.

      They are running from death when in fact we're already dead like in that "The Others" movie.

      Captain Hindsight

      The Others (2001)- ENDING SCENE.

    2. Check this out, covid19 means were already dead, the character in this clip is even wearing a covidiot mask.

      You are Already Dead

      Luke 9:60
      Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

      Ive found blue king cold again now under the name Lord Shiva the destroyer, hes even present at the entrance of CERN which are said to be working on the magnetic fields to open up the pit/raise the dead/bring the new ice age/winter is coming like they kept repeating in Game of Thrones with the army of the dead coming from the ice.

      CERNs logo is a blue 666 which reminds me of the Vatican crest logo in which you have the crossed keys making the cross sin mark and 3 crowns for XXX/666.

      Found out also in the bible a mentioning to the seven suns:

      Revelation 4:5
      And out of the throne proceed lightnings and voices and thunders. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;

      Seven suns sleeping/frozen/cooled off/cannibalized by sarcophagy inside the moons?

    3. That revelation 4:5 intel is very nice! The romans added months to the lunar calendar apart from cannibalizing their order and names so the moons/suns could easily be 7 indeed like the 7 days of the week who represent also moons like moonday, sunday etc. 7up!
      I suspect if we had 7 days and 7 months then it would be easier for the masses to suspect the importance of the number 7 and that they represent moons/suns so they added more to confuse us. The 7 dragonballs are also gold like suns and when turned off are mere rocks like our white moon!
      Holy moly amazing intel right there! All these holes the moon is covered with could be like the holes of a cooking gas stove where fire comes out!
      As above so below, the moon like earth is a gas stove/sun that got turned off and very likely the decapitated head of earth!
      Medusa was also the most beautiful woman before she got raped by poseidon and turned into the ugliest monster! This gives away our very moon could indeed have been part of the once extremely beautiful earth!

  2. “This world is a flesh-eating-self-destructive-mockery.“

    I like this definition. Ha!

    Based on this essay, we can see why the global warming agenda is in place. The worms prefer the cold.

    Interesting insights guys.

    1. They show that in Game of Thrones where they kept repeating winter is coming/death is here and showed the army of the dead coming from the ice.

      Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 7: Army of the Dead (HBO)

      King of the north or king of the dead/king cold/king of the walking dead.

      They keep showing the green monster energy/green for resurrection of the dead flashing all over the UFC octogon as in the dome of the rock over the well of souls on the temple mount in which the souls of the dead wait to be raised.

      Trump the toad was inaugurated into the oval office on top of the chinese new year of the chicken egg to hatch the basilisk/king worm and in Portugal the most hitted town for the covid scam was Ovar for ovulation or laying eggs as in hatching the worms eggs, Thai cave with the kids coming out of the caves/belly of the beast/snake.
      All the predictive programming with the waters breaking from the dams/ice melting for the birth ritual, 88 for 8 of October the feast of Dionysus or Bacchus is that the date for the delivery?

      Novartis for the covid scam/Tsovinar moon womb goddess of the waters/Isis/Mary/Ishtar/Astrea/Queen of the dead ready for delivery

      Negative Gemini - Bad Baby (Official Music Video)

      Sergio Conceiçao/Deliverer of the conception/pregnancy crowned champion in the dragon/worm stadium

      29th champion

      Strong's Greek: 29. ἀγγαρεύω (aggareuó) -- to press into delivery, compel forward, send a messenger

      Like deliver the conception out of the womb as in corona/crowning birth right, the dead child like in Abigail.

      "We are gathered here tonight,
      to lay to rest Abigail LaFey,
      whom we now know
      was first born dead
      on The 7th Day of July 1777."

      Lots of weird living dead fertility voodoo going on.

      King Diamond++Funeral++Arrival++

      Born against the tide/on a dead infertile land?
      Like my mother infertile for 10 years until the GIFT procedure and some kind of pilgrimage to Fatima/queen of the dead/moon?

      Immortal - Against The Tide ( In The Artic World )

    2. I know that theres some kind of transfer of energy/Ki/Ka/Ba/soul going from one system to another, killing something so that something else may live.
      Some random dude asking me for a hug in the middle of the street with a shirt saying "Suck it" after which he asked me do you get it.
      Thought Trump was part of the deal and that he was going to be taken down suicided like Bruce Lee during the false flag freezer/king cold/moon landing/Jesuit suppression combo date of July 20/21 but it wasnt so.
      6 days after Bruce Lee was sacrificed they came out with Enter the Dragon/Delivered the worm.

      Venom - Raise the Dead

      Enter the Dragon Official Trailer #1 - (1973) HD

      Of course none of it is mentioned by the conspiracy theorists as they deflect endlessly with jayish media newspaper nobodies and jesuit schoolteachers, all but puppets and distractions.

    3. In the guardian article they say

      "Under the right conditions, an actively decaying body will have large numbers of stage-three maggots feeding on it. This “maggot mass” generates a lot of heat,(and the reason the ice age went mostly away) raising the inside temperature by more than 10°C. Like penguins huddling, individual maggots within the mass are constantly on the move. But whereas penguins huddle to keep warm, maggots in the mass move around to stay cool."

      giving away the worms hate heat! Also hate=heat, i see they did this to program us subliminally to hate and fear heat, hellfire etc too like they do through religions.

  3. (oh my goodness, then you have religion's intel of resurrection which makes me suspect if we like in sunshine movie reignite our sun within the earth we might be able to bring it back to life, before the lunar scum with their mining completely destroy it.)

    Pretty sure your inner sun is being milked to bring back to life the dead hive like the alien movies show or the hexagram boogerman too which represents the hive.

    Alien tribute - Bring me to life

    Angels to Humans to Locusts

    How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
    Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb
    Without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
    Until you find it there and lead it back home

    Eva-nescence as in dissipation of the gene of eve as in 2/3 = 0.666 or as in Christian Ronald the 7th best soccer player and his twins with a girl named Eve or the end of the central headquarters of the UN in Geneva with it being moved to Jerusalem.

    Lots of weird voodoo eugenics going on.

    Bring me to life, I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside
    Bring me to life

    As in Sarcasm/Sarkazein/Strip off the flesh/cocoon.

    Michael Jackson - Thriller (Lyrics)

    Ive no intention on fighting a war against God so do i get to be burned at the stake like the friday the 13th trannie templars, or do i just die in the corner and get consumed, im getting really confused by this point.

    1. Theres another king cold character that i forgot to mention that is as straightforward as it gets, Santa Claus/Satan Lucas.
      Which the same serfs that propagate the Santa Claus festivities are the same ones that laugh about Santa not being real in some kind of twisted cognitive dissonance fashion.

      King Snail/Santa Claus/Abraxas/Pot belly of the beast worm celebrated every christmas/coldest smallest darkest time of the year.

      The Polar Express Santa Scene

    2. Santa is in red because he is bringing life/light/lucifer to the land of the dead while to the living i guess he appears as cold blue like in the Salems Lot movie in some kind of vampiric worm entity fashion or like in Nosferatu.

    3. Polar Express just had to have the little boys best friend being the jesuit black madonna/La Moreneta as in Black Matter Lives just like CERN, or the black lives matter movement like in GTA:SA with the black gangstas being named Grove Street for the Bohemian Grove Knights of Hubertus Protectors of Wildlife all in green for the green movement/Wiccan/Cernunnos/Osiris connection.

      It Was A Good Day

      Cold as black right.

      Young Maylay aka CJ - Grove Street Rap - GTA San Andreas

      Or the mothers of darkness/coldness castle with the 1000 Points of Light pedovore activities like a black worm hole consuming stars/suns out in space.

      Trump pans Bush 41's Thousand Points of Light slogan

    4. "Pretty sure your inner sun is being milked to bring back to life the dead hive like the alien movies show or the hexagram boogerman too which represents the hive."

      This is exactly what hela did in thor ragnarok, she used the eternal flame to revive her zombies!
      0:49 that's us sleeping matrix style hahaha!
      I see now reigniting our sun intel here as she went to the center of earth with that flame(which was stolen from the center of the earth like surtur's head) and we have intel here that reigniting our inner sun makes us wake up too!

  4. "Wow just googled "earth's 7 planet" and is uranus!!!!"

    I found it interesting that the word in greek for heaven used in the new testament is ouranos as in living upside down/rump facing up like a vampire bat hanging out.

    2-Live Crew, "Face down ass up"

    1. "Based on this essay, we can see why the global warming agenda is in place. The worms prefer the cold."

      Santa in red represents bringing light/warmth/life/gifts/food/suns/stars to the darkness/coldness/death/black worm hole.

      (Waiting) To follow the worms
      (Waiting) To put on a black shirt
      (Waiting) To weed out the weaklings
      (Waiting) To smash in their windows and kick in their doors
      (Waiting) For the final solution to strengthen the strain
      (Waiting) To follow the worms
      (Waiting) To turn on the showers and fire the ovens
      (Waiting) For the queens and the coons and the reds and the Jays
      (Waiting) To follow the worms

      The purge just like The Jesuit persecution going on since the edict of worms, never ending inquisition against the heretics.

      Black pope = black father = darth vader

      Darth Vader leading the maggots/storm troopers

      Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) - Darth Vader Enters

      Our country is going to hell with being politically correct, nobody wants to hate each other anymore (too much warmth) because we became weak (warm).
      We're going to bring it back (the coldness) and we're going to make it great again.
      We're going to take our country back from these people."

      Donald Trump, In The Flesh & Waiting For The Worms -- Pink Floyd's The Wall Mashup

      "We dont want to be too politcally correct (warm).
      They do nothing."

      Gotta be cold as ice.
      "I am dangerous" = i am warm like fire as in helping the needy bringing the aristocracy down to a base level

      Top Gun - Ice Man , I am Danerous !

  5. People that cant stand reversals, boohoohoo, cry me a river.

    Woman lets out agonising screams as Trump is sworn in as President

    If you cant handle the heat youre roasted.
    If this Earth/carcass infested with worms needs a purge then it has to be through an intense fever end of days ice melting global warming hot winds of hell roasting barbecue style.

    Take a look at your future
    Look at your burning sky
    Look at your future
    Look at your burning sky

    Now it's Omega-Zero day
    The red star shines its last rays
    The sun that gave us life yesterday
    Is now the sun that takes our lives away

    Accident of birth cover art shows the enemy within/Worm in the apple springing up from inside the bowels of the beast!

    1. 11.Omega-Bruce Dickinson

      They say that its a reverse polarity coming with the Mandela Effect.
      Negative Gemini/Twins/Positive Negative/Hot&Cold

      Reverse the roles/Man&Woman/Reverse the poles/Reverse the climate

      But but but but its the jayish boogerman coming to get me, alright buds.

      Top Gun "Mighty Wings"

      Maverick T-rump bad, the world needed ice man/ice queen, whatever, dumb script.

    2. Boohoohoo we need all blue.

      Satanic Royalty

      Blue blood is upset with the warmth weather, boohoohoo, time to sell more AC's, covidiot masks and ventilators.

      Midnight - Black Damnation

  6. Earth being headless reminds me of the headless horseman coupled with the lighted up pumpkin from Halloween which might be symbolic for Earth to be missing one sun, Halloween is also All Hallows Eve and eve for the day of the dead, so its a celebration for a missing head, and all saints appear with the sun around their head.

    Missing sun head that got cooled off by the arrival of the moons?
    All these saints are living off from the life they stole from that missing sun lighted up pumpkin i guess.

    1. All those saints are vampires/leeches/maggots like Mary the queen of heaven/queen of the dead/Babalon/queen of the damned.

      Jesuit black Madonna/mother of darkness showing up yet again as worm queen.

      Akasha - Queen Of The Damned Appears

  7. When i was a kid i used to play this pc game, Dracula:The Resurrection, Dracula is shown to love the ice.
    The first person view camera in this game used to give me headaches after long plays and i always wondered why would Dracula ever wanted to leave for London, now i guess that he has something important stashed in the Rothschilds bank inside the City of London.
    Central banking plays a big role in keeping this world in damnation/death/trapped under ice so i wonder what could they have stashed and with all the kabbalah black magic going on what will their next move going to be.

    Dracula: The Resurrection gameplay (PC Game, 1999)

    I don't know how to live through this hell
    Woken up, I'm still locked in this shell
    Frozen soul, frozen down to the core
    Break the ice, I can't take anymore

    Scream from my soul
    Fate, mystified
    Hell, forever more
    Scream from my soul
    Fate, mystified
    Hell, forever more

    Hell is ice cold shows up consistently.

    Metallica - Trapped Under Ice

    1. I had come across people who were laughing saying hell has frozen, i think they didnt know themselves the truth they were speaking and how of a bad thing that to be.

      I googled "hell has frozen" and mainstream media never gets tired with their subliminals!

      "Hell has officially frozen over"

      Found this interesting comment in this site
      "If you’ve read Dante’s Inferno, you know that the center of the Ninth Circle of Hell IS frozen over. with the sinners sticking out of the frozen surface like “straw in ice.” Nasty place. Not surprisingly, Dante placed Judas there, being chewed on by a giant for all eternity."

      The 9th circle of hell symbolizes our solar system who nasa says has 9 planets and if the center of the 9th circle/orbit is frozen then it means the center of all circles is frozen and is our very sun!


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