Cyberpunk 2077 Showed In The (Near)Future America Becomes Part Of China! UPDATE! Tekken Intel


At 1:09 they show the new chinoamerican flag and have a woman say "we are f*cked america".

Fallout 3 showed america gets invaded and genocided completely by china.
Note also the similarity of the chinese flag to the islamic flags like turkey

All puppets of the lunar worm. 

We went to afghanistan and iraq to give their oil and drugs to china, america is already a puppet to china the upcoming war/ww3 will happen so they get rid of the people and replace them with chinese like they will do to africa and europe.

Trump escalating things with china is playing china's game who want to go to war with the west like their lives depend on it.

And screw cyberpunk, they lied and downgraded the hell out of witcher 3 and at 1:59 of above video the graphics look like shit, decade old gta 5 looks better, they have downgraded cyberpunk too i already noticed many tv screens to have been removed from backgrounds and the small tv from big smoke's type of guy limousine. They removed also gameplay mechanics like underground metro and climbing on walls, they cut the game short to sell the rest as dlc too.

Their game now looks also antiamerican and funded by the CCP.
I hate also the spamming they do in all forums and news sites like cyberpunk will be the best game ever where it already looks like chinese transgender trash.

Worth reminding hollywood movie tekken 2009 that showed the cyberpunk intel a lot more blatantly.
China had occupied USA, they had enforced a global currency with mao zedong's face on it which means they were ruling the entire world too and there was chinese police on american streets speaking chinese and hunting and killing americans.

Still they were showing the new chinese american governor as a good wise old guy that loved peace, hahaha chinese brainwashing at its finest.

"In the future what ww3 has not destroyed 1 Corporation/CCP will control"


  1. Yep China and Turkeys flag are the exact same, worm in the apple/black hole sun eater.

    1. Australia/Oceania the setting for the totalitarian mass surveillance dystopia of 1984 is not only abusing its citizens with the covid scam enforced by its own government but its also being subverted by the CCP.

      Dude cant even walk past the lobby of his building and is blocked by the cops at 16 min in this video:

      Humanity Is Being Led Into CAPTIVITY (2020)

      CCp taking over Oceania:

      CCP Spying on Australia New Zealand and South Pacific

      Must be another coincidence that the australian flag is full with septagrams of destruction like the 7up cans, the jordans flag or the scene with the explosion on Game of Thrones:

      Its the evil chicoms taking over the world together with the jayish boogermen, good thing that my holy white sugar daddy the pope, his trannie templars and his divinely appointed monarchs are there for the rescue, may god save the queen.

      Alex Jones on Chinese Communists and British Royalty

      The happy serfs will be resting in peace with all of their lighted pine trees once the Rothschilds unite all central banking under the Vatican bank, thank god.

      Godfather 3 ,Corleone would control Vatican Bank

    2. I forgot when some nobody jayish media mogul living in some dump apartment in New York calls himself chosen he is a threat of global proportions, while when dear albert Grimaldi the divine casino owner is divinely appointed to rule over the serfs together with his trannie templar puppets like Emmanuel Macron and Joan Enric Vives they are the shining white angels sent down by God and baby Jesus.
      Reminds me of Mourinho the divine soccer coach, when he calls himself special the serfs just drool all over themselves and wet all of their panties, when some nobody shithead calls himself special online they all get triggered.
      Its a fun world in la la land and i cant even run of them tax exempt brothels, never will i hear the happy serfs complain about those either, poor people need the money or some other excuse is what they will conjure as they always do.
      Work, work serfs, jobs, jobs, jobs, the financial market and stock exchange is booming, time for some more rigged soccer matches and pro wrestling while the lady does her hair and gets the nails done at the salon.

    3. The australian flag is similar to the chinese one. Both have 4 stars and one entering the 4 like entering the mouth of the beast like in the turkish flag.

  2. Your newest thread is blocking me again so ill post this here:

    Dragon Ball snake with legs/legs are snakes is named Abraxas:


    The seven letters spelling its name may represent each of the seven classic planets.
    The word may be related to Abracadabra, although other explanations exist.

    Santana has an album dedicated to Abraxas where he also worships the black Madonna/mother of darkness from the jesuits to which the pope gave a canonical coronation on 911 1881.

    Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen

    Black hole symbolism with a red devil doing a X/mixed/crossbred signal with his arms hovering above it.
    His hand gestures are the horned devil/snail worship signal.

    Black lives matter being run by the lunar boss like King Piccolos abolish the police speech in dragon ball.

    1. Cyberpunk 2077 gives the same intel as the wickerman (1973):

      Miss Rose : You are the fool, Mr. Howie. Punch, one of the great fool-victims of history. For you have accepted the role of king for a day. And who but a fool would do that? But you will be revered and anointed as a king. You will undergo death and rebirth. Resurrection, if you like. The rebirth, sadly, will not be yours, but that of our crops.

      Sergeant Howie : I am a Christian. And as a Christian, I hope for resurrection. And even if you kill me now, it is I who will live again, not your damned apples (worms).

      Heres the code for 2077

      Strong's Hebrew: 2077. זֶ֫בַח (zebach) -- a sacrifice, feasting (1), offer (2), sacrifice (98), sacrifices (54), sacrificial (1), slaughter (1).

      Venom - Sacrifice

      Sacrificed to the king snail.

    2. Catholicos

      The word comes from ancient Greek καθολικός, pl. καθολικοί, derived from καθ' ὅλου (kath'olou, "generally") from κατά (kata, "down") and ὅλος (holos, "whole"), meaning "concerning the whole, universal, general"; it originally designated a financial or civil office in the Roman Empire.
      The name of the Catholic Church comes from the same word - however, the title "Catholicos" does not exist in its hierarchy.

      WHich also reminds me of Cthulhu the worm god:


      Metallica - The Call of Ktulu (HD)

    3. Poster from the 2010 Polish presidential election. The caption translates as "Choose the greater evil. Vote Cthulhu."

      Worm God runs the show:

      "Eaten people turn to tentacles!"
      "Eaten by the ghost ship! (Black hole worm)"
      "By our keen of the sea!" (Lunar worms)

      Lots of worm worship on this match at Wrestlemania 33:

      WWE Randy Orton Vs Bray Wyatt Wrestlemania 33 Full Highlights

    4. Damn that's an amazing subliminal you decoded with catholics and cthulhu!
      Thank you for your amazing contributions!

  3. Sorry missed one picture there:

    Acid Witch - Worship The Worm

    Now that i think about it i used to spend afternoons playing around with worms on my grandparents backyard back when i was a small kid, used to get stung by centipedes a few times as well.
    I would fill a big bowl that was used to wash clothes with water, then catch a bunch of worms, dropped them into the bowl and just watched them squirm and grow larger and larger tnside the water.
    Once someone called me to leave i would just take them out of the bowl, grab some snails and feed them all to the chickens.

    Donald Trump, In The Flesh & Waiting For The Worms -- Pink Floyd's The Wall Mashup

    1. Wrestlemania 33 was also when Roman Reigns beaten the Undertaker/death.
      The only ones to beat the undertaker/death where Brock Lesnar/the beast/king slug at Wrestleamania XXX/666 and Roman Reigns/Rome/slug empire.
      So more worm worship there.

      The Undertaker vs. AJ Styles – Boneyard Match: SmackDown, June 26, 2020

    2. X division champion right:
      AJ Styles theme song-I Am

      But but but when the worm cultists call themselves fallen angels in pro wrestling then its all good for the serfs.

      Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

      If someone else does it then its time for a good old fashioned jayish witch roasting, sure, im right behind you.

    3. In One piece Luffys/Lucifers ship became the sunny/ember moon ship after he sacrificed the lamb ship:

      Sad moments one piece. Goodbye going merry.

      But i shouldnt be watching cartoons, i should be out grabbing pussy and selling used cars and beach view apartments sure.
      Role playing scripted life in la la land, no thank you.

      Thousand Sunny ship:

      Septagram of Babalon as its figurehead coupled with her lion:

      1 Peter 5:8
      Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

      Just keep on trying to pull the wool over my eyes buds, its working.

      And what do i see in the australian flag, oh its luffys septagram how lovely.

      Its the jayish noahide laws coming to get me, wow, sure.


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