In Catholics Hell Is A Place Where We Get Tortured By Snakes.... Worms!!!
"A Scene from Purgatory Showing How Sinners Will Be Punished with Snakes and Fire"

See how these bastards twist the truth here, you cant mix worms and hellfire as the one kills the other like heat vs cold!

Vampires who symbolize worm infested humans burn and get purified or killed by the fire of hell/sun not getting tortured for eternity.

I noticed also why the medical industry keeps using greek language.
Greece's real name is Hellas=Heal=Hell!

Real Hell Heals, it kills the worm and then you're on your way, it doesnt torture you for eternity.

"Dragonetti's=Wormnetti's Annihilation!!!" Hahaha and the one who kills him is blade's father=our father!

That would be badass if we have a father like that capable of dominating worms with ease.

0:35 we have intel that we have never seen the real sun holy moly!!!!!!!!

"When was the last time you stopped to appreciate a good sunrise?
Oh that's right you were born a vampire/in the belly of a worm so you never had the pleasure!"

"Do what you want frost"
The devil is cold intel identical to dbz frieza, lord chill, king cold etc intel.

"I need 12 volunteers", hahaha jesus and his 12 students symbolism!(which 12 symbolize also worm's 12 months/moons/eggs/dragonballs)

"A man found this nightmarish looking moth in his home — and the internet is freaking out"

Butterflies=dragons=worms intel and found interesting they are called also moths which is from month/moon!

About that we have never seen the light of the real sun, worth posting my comment here from previous thread.
"i saw a silverhawks clip yesterday that puts it to our face "monster" to mean moonstar!!!
"Silverhawks - Mon*Star Escapes From Prison"

Note it's actually the sun that escapes from prison as when he transforms he looks like a sun and they demonize the sun here by crossing him/mixing him with the lunar boss.

I noticed now thanks to this clip that it's not the moon rays that make us powerful like in werewolf and dbz movies but the sun rays! And that's why they keep the real sun hidden from us as the moment the rays of the real sun hit us we revert to our ancient pure/powerful forms!(as i suspect they kill/burn the worm within the moment they touch us!)

And this is mind blowing, i now crave like the prisoner in this video to see the light of the real sun! Oh my goodness i cant believe the things they show us and no one takes notice!

This makes me suspect the sun reflector on our dome is either reflecting not real sun's light or filtered light."

Just noticed in silverhawks it was the light from an exploding moon that was making monstar powerful which reminded me freelancer video game i posted in previous thread that showed our moons/deathstars have small suns in them like starkiller base/earth that has a big sun trapped in it. So same way the sun was liberated from starkiller base in star wars the smaller suns get liberated too!
So by blowing up the moons is another way to see real sunlight like prisoner monstar and revert back to our true godlike/sunlike forms.

At 0:00 of monstar clip that's an eclipse and our very moon and you can see a skull face on it/death bringer symbolism. It hides the light of the real sun and by destroying it we reveal the real sun that hides inside it i suspect instead of behind it.
There's intel of the moon blocking the exit of our cave and not allowing the real healthy light of the outside world to enter, so the real sunlight could indeed be behind our moon too.
Like this catholic worm infested purgatory pic i just found shows earth to be a cave!

There's a japanese cartoon that said earth's real moon is always hidden by the clouds that cover our entire sky which i noticed  it's always covered with clouds too when in a sunny day with no clouds i flew in an airplane and at higher altitude massive clouds revealed themselves that you could not see from the ground. This made me aware that blue sky doesnt mean cloudless/fungusless sky but simply no clouds at a low altitude.
So the moon that blocks earth's exit/oculus could be a different one than the one that is visible to us.
These clouds that conceal our ceiling and moon that blocks our sun can present a big problem as say we get particle beams on our hands, where do we fire? Start firing i guess all over the place on our sky and hope we hit the moon that blocks the oculus by chance. I would start of course by destroying the moons visible to us and proceed to keep firing until i open a new hole on our dome if i have to like the machines did in matrix 3! Anything to get some real sunlight in this damn cave!

Back to the catholics' hell which is a place where we get tortured by worms, the scene from hellraiser 2 came to mind where a patient was getting tortured by worms and his doctor was giving him a knife to cut his flesh and feed the worms with his blood as his treatment and allow them to get deeper in him.

This shows precisely the true nature of our medical industry who's symbol is also the worm/twin worm/serpent!

Hahaha here we have intel earth=worm/hateful maggot and the worm on the stick is the worm/snake and the tree intel from the bible, mythology with hesperides, tree of might and worm shenron from dbz etc.

The earth logo with the laurels remind me the mouth of planet eater unicron and the turkish lunar flag with the worm moon as a C and its food or head of satan in the center like here we have a snake in the center of the laurels that have the C symbol.

 Found the clip with the evil doctor from hellraiser 2!

At 2:40, this was happening at the basement of his hospital and at the hospital i was treated for leukemia i met evil doctors just like him(met female doctors that were as evil too), they were also talking a lot of secrets behind my back like they were planning some sick shit to do to me, i feel extremely lucky i made it out alive!(I met good people too but at the end of the day they're all puppets of the administration of the hospital who is 100% evil, all business and no soul!)

Note in this clip at 3:15 after the worms got well fed the lunar queen/devil showed up! Which gives away the devil of religion is a hivemind of worms like the medusa head.


  1. The slug digimon character also gives worm tongue intel:

    His name Numemon breaks down into:

    Mon = Moon

    Nume = divine will, god, numen

    Moon Lunar god showing up again in DIgimon as a slug snail moonstar

    1. Wow its true that UN logo with the snake on the stick is the same thing as the turkish flag!
      Thats the worm in the apple, and the UN logo now looks to me as an open mouth/mouth of the worm/laurels with the world inside it!

      It also reminds me of one of those egyptian hyerogliphs with the sun being consumed by a beetle/dragon:

      It has worms coming out of the sun too.

      In old days they were pushing hard for the concept that worms/leeches were the best way to purify the body/purge the worms, when it was actually all worm worship right on display as being the roots of the healthcare establishment!

      These occultists invert things as always, leeches/worms were the solution/problem.

    2. Theres 33 spaces also inside that 8 pointed star diagram on top of the world in the UN logo.

    3. That snake inside the UN logo also looks like a W as in WC water closet toilet/guts/intestinal diagram full with worms.

      And Numemon appears in the digimon cartoon together with poop jokes always.

      Helloween - Reptile

      Coming from the sewerage creepin' thru the pipes
      Born from modern chemistry a thing that is alive
      Growing in this rotten crap at places no one wipes
      Eating rats and stinking shit and all it needs to thrive

      The scientists got no way to fight
      For they can't find any weak point to get rid of it right
      You live your life and you don't know what's goin' on
      You just can't stop a thinking that the officials do you wrong

      Frustrated businessmen needing a wank can't find themselves a whore (lol nice)

      You won't believe 'till you know that it's real
      From the pain in your stomach and the horror you feel
      You need a shit so you head off to the loo
      You're coming to the bog, now what you're gonna do !

      Reptile (Reptile)
      Just watch it grow
      Reptile (Reptile)
      And there's no more human being left but you

      Freaking fifth column trojan horse/worm in the apple/snake in the toilet runs it all!

      Snakes On a Plane - Snake Gets The Guys' Wiener

    4. ...but at the end of the day they're all puppets of the administration of the hospital who is 100% evil, all business and no soul!)

      Note in this clip at 3:15 after the worms got well fed the lunar queen/devil showed up! Which gives away the devil of religion is a hivemind of worms like the medusa head.

      Same picture is shown exactly in Berserk, sea god (moon controls the sea currents so lunar god) is a freaking slug hive!

      "Eaten people turn to tentacles!"
      "Eaten by the ghost ship! (Moon worm)"
      ""By our kin of the sea (semen/worms in the ballsack)"
      "The ships full of monsters (moon stars/full with worms)"
      "What ye were cutting be nay more than whiskers!"

      Just like the snail god/Baphomet/King kai and his whiskers...

      Metallica - The Call of Ktulu (HD)

    5. Covid 19 = C-19 = Islamic flag = Worm in the apple = Trojan Horse

    6. That demon on top of that purgatory catholic drawing is Krampus another tongue worm infested character!

      Hes always shown holding a bunch of stcks/worms/worm hive intel!

      Those kids behind him are forming the human centipede/eating his shit/believing and repeating his lies!

      THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2 Official Trailer

      Thats also ZOZO as in 2020 the ouija board fortune teller that lies the future to gullible people and appears as stick man in Led Zeppelins IVth album.

      Those sticks are worms!

      Stairway To Heaven Backwards FULL LYRICS

    7. Medicine = En Medici

      Medicis family libraries that spawned the kabbalah!

      House of Medici

      Etymology - By Medico, Castellan of Potrone, considered the first ancestor of the house

      Medico = Medic = Doctor

      Motto - Festina lente ("Make haste slowly") Like a freaking snail!!!

    8. Quoted from Rulers of Evil by Tupper Saussy pages 23-24:

      The Medici Library, whose final architect was Michaelangelo, welcomed scholars favored by the papacy.
      These scholars, not surprisingly, soon began emulating the papacy in focusing more upon humanity than upon the Old and New Testaments.
      So extensive was the Medici Library’s philosophical influence that even scholars today consider it the cradle of Western civilization.
      Martin Luther, seeing that learning against learning was the future of Christianity, voiced an “Appeal to the Ruling Classes” ( 1 5 2 0 ) , in which he wrote, rather prophetically:

      Though our children live in the midst of a Christian world, they faint and perish in misery because they lack the Gospel in which we should be training and exercising them all the time.
      I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount.
      Schools will become wide-open gates of hell if they do not diligently engrave the Holy Scriptures on young hearts.
      Every institution where men are not increasingly occupied with the word of God must become corrupt.

      It was one thing to recommend learning against learning, and quite another to manage its multiple dimensions.
      Learning against learning amounted to no less than making war on the Bible.
      To wage such a war, the papacy needed a new priestly order of pious soldiers conditioned to wield psychological weapons on a battlefield of... human thought.
      But first, there had to be a general.
      The man chosen to lead the assault on the Bible was a swashbuckling adventurer from the proud Basque country of northern Spain."

      Martin Luthers heresy led to the edict of worms, to the inquisition and the witch burnings!

      Witchfinder General (1968) - Burn The Witch (aka Conqueror Worm)

      I cant freaking believe it, the movie was titled Conqueror Worm in the US, i didnt knew that until just now!!
      Man oh man oh man oh man!!

      My freaking tongue worm is drooling all over from all this craziness!

      Conqueror Worm

    9. People hate me because i move and act too slow like a snail, man this stuff is crazy.
      All those years of gym class i was called a cocksucker and a bitch that takes it up the ass for moving like a snail on the field.
      Similar situations have happened at a handful of jobs ive had in which i quit because they were just attacking me for working too slow and i was at a point where i was getting inclined to act violently against them so i quitted instead.

    10. The egyptian hyerogliph sun that has worms coming out of it reminded me the sun mountain from far cry new dawn that was burning the devil's toxin/worm's toxin/water and turning it into mist/cloud and spreading it all over the place through the air.
      Wow i had decoded water before to be black goo and our sun is burning it and spreading it in the air making it fungus clouds too just like in far cry new dawn!
      This makes the water the devil's toxin too and in that case christians during baptism they get baptized far cry 5 style in literal devil's toxin!

      Immortan joe from mad max had warned us about the evil nature of the water too.
      I suspect it's the worms within the water that make the water evil and sun by raising the water in the atmosphere is spreading the worms/fungus there too i suspect.

      "Eaten people turn to tentacles", this was shown in a horror movie where a giant sea monster/wormed kraken like in aquaman had consumed someone's wife and then the wife visited her husband in his sleeping room and later was shown to be connected to the tentacle of the sea monster who pulled her back into the water.

      About the people that treat you like shit, refusing to play their game and falling into the worm's trap was/is the winning move. Dont hate them but the worm within them.

      The people that have hurt me i blame the bloodborne hateful maggot for it and when given the chance to burn it and purify it from everywhere in this cave that's when i'll have my revenge/justice.

      Also sometimes i think it's the wrong move to hate the worm as by hating we feed it, and i think the doctor's approach is best where you dont hate the sick or the disease but cure it and be done with it. You simply view it as a problem that needs to be solved, you do your research and you solve it without letting your emotions get in the way which cloud our thinking too.


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