This Is Why They Want Us To Fear Hell! UPDATE! Eternal Hell=Wormless Heaven Is The Greatest Thing Ever If Possible!

So after i found out our food, water and air is full with worms and how fire and heat kills it/purifies it, i realized and the reason they are afraid of hell and want us to fear it too like it's the worst thing ever.

When you want to purify mixed metals you burn them, fire is the undoing of the cross/mix/worm and that's why the worm fears fire!

Same how fire doesnt kill the metals or make them disappear it wont kill us either who according to many sources are spiritual/light/fire beings!

In a world where everything is contaminated by the worm fire=hell=heal is the solution!
Damn man i have to go back to the drawing board again and reevaluate all intel about hell.

Wow hell is from el which is god in hebrew and light/fire in greek!

I have decoded god=good is pure and devil=evil is mixed!
So god=purity is fire=hell indeed!

God heals
Heal and hell is the same word!
Hell is El=God and devil/mixed worm/cross fears god as it is its undoing!

The devil cannot exist in hell according to this intel as hell is purity and devil is mixed. Damn they have twisted the crap out of the truth of hell man.

If there's no worms, devils, demons, evil in hell as they cannot exist there then the real heaven is hell!!!(Damn movie sunshine comes to mind that showed heaven to be a fiery place like a sun and full with happy beings!)

"Go to hell" is not a curse word as it's a good thing hahaha!
They have went very far to make us hate and fear our cure/heal/hell indeed!

Stockholm syndrome at its finest, the sick love their disease and fear the cure hahaha!

I remembered religious stories about the afterlife where people were visiting beautiful rich kingdoms like earth and thinking it was heaven and later finding out that it was really hell!

And realizing these kind of kingdoms like earth are filled with worms and that is why they are hells not cause of fire and that is why many correctly call earth hell as it is full with worms too.
And just realized the garden of eden was also filled with worms and another kingdom of the worm and not real heaven which is pure fire like a sun, a real sun like in sunshine movie, not the fake mirror we see in our sky.

And what i just noticed man blew me away!
Religion says everyone will go to hell and it will be forever and they scare the crap out of us with this and how you have to work/play the game really hard in order to escape your cure which is hell!

Hahahaha omg, so by doing nothing eventually we get cured and it's forever!!!
But if we decide to play and play really hard then there's a chance the worm will escape the cure/hell/fire!

Hahahaha eternal hell is eternal wormless heaven man omg!

And they're scaring us about it like it's the worst thing ever, you see how bad the worm fears fire and how all authority on this planet are puppets of the worm!

Oh my goodness cant believe eternal hell is actually the best thing ever, i thought an eternal life without worms is not possible and how even when pure have to keep looking over my shoulder so i dont get the worm again and here comes religion that tells us when we go to hell it's forever.

Hahahaha thank you for the compliment religious terrorists, you dont scare me anymore and to be on the safe side will always be on the alert for worms.

Oh my goodness  man oh my goodness this intel i just decoded is so mind blowing!


  1. Right on, purity by fire, Heaven is Hell.

    Accept - Heaven Is Hell

    This clip gives the same intel, fire beings = purity and they were consuming/liberating the mixed creations trapped inside the worm hole belly of the beast cave!

    Ministry - Everyday Is Halloween

    1. All those skeletons are being liberated which is what the worm fears, losing its puppets like a child losing its toys.

    2. Wow in that Ministry video the damn worm is even consuming fire from a pot like a worm black hole consuming stars out in space giving the same intel again that the worm is not a fire breathing dragon but a fire consuming worm, except when the fire is too extense for it to keep up on like the Magcargo pokemon.

    3. Black hole worms come to mind that consume suns and in dbz there was a mantis villain and worms insight buu's belly that were consuming light.

      If there are worms that can consume fire then just like with metals everything gets purified at different levels of heat and those worms that consume fire can burn too at a higher level of heat.

      Damn this is an important detail here, fire is not enough, we need to know the required heat intensity too when are out to purify worlds from worms.

    4. Just like when we cook food/purify it from worms, heating must be done at a certain degree or the worms wont die!

    5. It's funny that you mention buu and the worms in his gut. When he first changed from good/fat buu to evil buu the new form reminded me of the video game character earthworm Jim.

    6. Jim/James is a modern descendant of Iacobus, the Latin form of the Hebrew name Jacob/Supplanter.
      Supplant the earthworm/death.

      Randy Orton Vs Bray Wyatt WrestleMania 33

  2. The lunar queen from 7th son movie came to mind who was also a dragon/worm and her weakness was fire. She also tried to find a way to become resistant to fire or at higher intensity of fire as according to my research everything burns at a certain degree of fire intensity.

    1. In One Piece the character Akainu that had the magma fruit power kills Ace the character with the fire fruit power, showing that theres different degrees of roasting burning to purify:

      Ace vs Admiral Akainu (English Sub One Piece 1080p)

    2. Damn the guy even says:
      "If man does not live righteously, he does not deserve to live at all" meaning if you cant handle the heat youre roasted.

      Notre Dame burning comes to mind too:
      Scarface - She's On Fire - Amy Holland

      Whitebeard shows crescent moon/worm symbolism and Ace the fire character was protecting him stockholm syndrome style.


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