Idolatry Is The Love Of Numbers! The Masses Are Worshiping Numbers!
Money are numbers.
Words are numbers.
The masses love numbers, they love reading words/books.
Through religious books like the bible they have made words divine/god!
Through money they made numbers god!
And at the end of the day it's all worms that burn at the sight of a true god!
Took me a while to realize the demonized idols of religion are actually the numbers and there's only one number $ and is a worm.
Worms At Their Core Are Words!
Our Reality Is All Worms And Their Eggs!
Computer Language Reveals All Is Worms And Eggs/Wormballs. There's Only One Number/Worm/Disease!
Xmen apocalypse comes to mind where betrayed like jesus apocalypse was furious after he woke up/resurrected to find the masses using and loving money/numbers!(like moses was furious to find his people worshiping gold/money after he returned from away)
Apocalypse also said "i was betrayed for this/money/numbers?" and reminded me of Jesus who was also betrayed for money/numbers!
Religious people that say "we live by the word" are no different than those who live by the money as both are numbers and worms.
Dont forget to check my newest thread that follows up on this intel with biblical evidence!
It will blow you away!