Mandalorian S2 Ep. 5 Decoded. UPDATE 2!

-The lives of these citizens(humanity)
mean nothing to me.
Now, because of you,
these people will suffer.
-They already suffer under your rule.
Surrender, or face the consequences.
You have one day(one thousand years our time)  to decide.
-We will be ready when she returns.

The lunar queen was obvious who she was having the crescent moon tattoo on her forehead.
Like they showed in previous star wars movies she keeps us hostages and tortures us(wars, pandemics, angry wives, parents, teachers etc) every time our allies/loved ones try to rescue us.
The one day ultimatum they gave her is subliminal for 1000 years which leads to the year 3000/3033, father ego from gog vol 2 informed us that we have 1000 more years=1 more day to spend as a battery.

The chinese claim they will rule the world for 1000 years, looks like all roads lead to the year 3000/3033!

But i dont trust containers/limited anymore, i better see a limitless great flood coming to my rescue instead of another puppet/container that looks like me.

Next we have more intel on the lunar queen and how she operates out of revenge.

-But don't underestimate
the Magistrate either.
-Who is she?
She offered me a staff
of pure beskar to kill you.
-Morgan Elsbeth.
During the Clone Wars,
her people were massacred.(like riddick's people)
She survived
and let her anger fuel an industry
which helped build the Imperial Starfleet.
She plundered worlds,
destroying them in the process.
-Yeah, it looks like
she's still in business.
-When you were in the city
did you see any prisoners?
-I saw three villagers
strung up just outside the inner gate.
-We must find a way to free them.
(those 3 prisoners reminded me the 3 crucified people in jesus' crucifixion)

When the lunar queen was fighting the jedi i knew the jedi would be in big trouble having learned from odin's wife, hela and frost from james bond die another day the expert in sword fighting she/he is.
The Jedi lost a sword during the fight and then for the shake of the movie having a good ending the jedi won, in reality if you cant defeat the lunar queen with 2 swords, it's game over when you're left with only one. They showed the cheater he/she is through her right hand man that was going to face the mandalorian wild west style and had a guy hiding on a roof to shoot him from the back.
Same way the lunar queen would defeat the jedi if she was losing to her, the jedi would get shot from the back during the fight lol.

The lunar queen destroying material worlds/prisons makes me suspect  of her to be a double agent working for both digital and analog powers, giving both what they want.
Bible with lot's story reveals that satan still works for god and in tron legacy luc/lucifer told the father at the end "i did exactly everything you asked me to".

This made me suspect that the analog universe lets earth exist contained behind a glass like a memory in a museum so it doesnt forget how evil operates.
So the existence of earth in the bigger picture might be important so evil doesnt show up elsewhere in the universe. Like someone who's immune to snake venom must keep the memory of the poison alive to his immune system in order to keep being immune to snake venom as the moment the memory fades he becomes vulnerable again.

This explains why there are contracts in place before we come here and i suspect the way out of here is not having kids/not renewing the contract.
Of course the devil finds loopholes in god's rules and enjoys playing both sides of the fence.

There's a possibility we volunteer to come here to keep the memory alive so the universe remains immune to this evil, but we come here for a certain time only but we get screwed while here, get addicted etc and stay longer i guess.

The intel that the contract has to get renewed(like in u.s. military it's every 4 years) and the way out of here is not to sign it again is crucial!
There was a japanese cartoon i saw long ago where when men were cuming in the pussy of a woman in red(lunar queen) she said "the contract of the soul has been achieved".
I have decoded in glp the penis=is pen, the sperm the ink and the vagina the contract we sign to extend our time in this zoo/prison/nastiest evil memory of the analog universe.

It's mind blowing to me if getting out of this place/memory to be so simple yet so difficult to take notice/figure out let alone do as i've seen some hot women in porn that would be irresistible even to me not to sign the contract if they were next to me. I would appeal it of course pointing out they're not real women lol.

Another interesting thing this mandalorian episode showed, the bell right at the gate which reminded me the bell from james bond die another day which was also at the gate.
When our allies/jedi was coming the lunar scum would ring it to alert everyone here to get ready for war.
Also that bell/moon was the first thing our allies destroyed while coming here.
They showed also how the lunar queen has us in cages/human bodies where she/he tortures and electrocute us electro style.

Baby yoda erasing its memories and hiding its powers to protect himself, reminded me homeless odin on earth in thor movies and makes me suspect if we come here willingly to keep the earth memory alive then we supress our memories and powers on our own so the evil here cant use them against the universe.

Ancient greeks said "in the grand picture/in god's eyes all is good" and now i'm starting to understand.
It sucks though that in the big picture we got the short end of the stick, i suspect while we're nobodies here to the universe we must be heroes for having to put up with this place. When the lunar boss/agent smith himself that rules this sewer wants out of here that really tells how horrible this place must be.
The universe must feel about us like civilian american patriots feel about the marines.
They used to tell me all the time
"thank you for your service, thank you for going there to these nasty places so i dont have to go there, so the enemy cant come here and i can have this nice lifestyle back here in america"

Funny how and i could have never imagined this exact thing to be a fractal that repeats in the grand picture.
I'll be like, i did my time, now do your time, damn there must be a better way man, i wont be truly happy when i get free knowing that i get to enjoy that analog universal freedom/heaven cause someone else is suffering in my place back at shithole sewer earth.


Some more interesting intel from this episode.

-Go to the planet Tython.
You will find
the ancient ruins of a temple
that has a strong connection to the Force.

Place Grogu on the seeing stone
at the top of the mountain.
-Then what?
-Then Grogu may choose his path.
If he reaches out through the Force,
there's a chance a Jedi may sense
his presence and come searching for him.

Greek mason and general kalogerakis revealed that all or most churches ancient and current are being built on specific spots on the map where there's strong energy coming from the earth or from above.
(And no wonder their structures are like giant antennas so they can channel that force/energy)
The intel of getting on top of a mountain in order for his ancient powers to return and able to call for help reminded me the thread where i decoded how jesus transformed into a light being/god/super saiyan on top of a mountain and the intel that earth is within a crater and in order to make contact with the outside world we must reach a high spot from where they can listen us while... we scream for help i guess.

There was also a cartoon i had mentioned in the jesus thread with space warriors that fell into a crater and all their technology and advanced weapons weren't working until they got out of the crater/hole.

See the intel also of airplanes not flying over giant deep holes cause their electronics go crazy and they crash. There was a pilot that was revealing that's the reason no planes fly over the poles cause there are giant holes there.


Couple more interesting things from this episode.
I noticed from matrix 3 with neo, thor ragnarok with hela and pointed out that earth might be expecting to be invaded by aliens and only 1 guy shows up and how it would be funny as hell and how earth will have no chance against him as he will be god. That one guy i expect to be the great flood and since that water is alive i suspect it to be able to take any form or forms.

This episode 5 showed identical thing, lunar queen's kingdom was invaded by only 1 person!(neo matrix 3 style!)
When her enemy would show up they would ring the moon bell like a shitstorm is coming hahahaha!

One more interesting thing the jedi was looking for lunar queen's master and only she knew his location, wonder who he symbolizes?
Odin from thor and zeus from mythology that was betrayed by his own wife, similar thing we have in altered carbon 2 where the lunar queen showed up as the daughter of the king of earth that backstabbed her own father and took his throne, like hela did also in deleted scene of thor ragnarok.

I have decoded the betrayed and hidden king symbolizes us and our saviors in order to find us they must get the info from the lunar queen herself as she only knows(like dolores from westworld) where she hid us. In thor movies for thor to find his father he had to get the info by force like the jedi in this episode from loki/lucifer himself.

In gog vol 2 when the great flood showed up father ego was making noises in the background giving away he is the great flood/sea and how i correctly decoded of the great flood to be god himself.
The intel that the waters of above are also fire, there was a movie where humans went to the center of the earth and they opened a hole on a dome in order to land there and molten lava started rushing in from the hole they opened on the ceiling/dome.

0:14 that's our night sky!
1:05 oculus sun intel like churches give away also, i have decoded that light from the fire/water of above gets reflected and redirected by the sun mirror we see on our sky codename satellite icarus in james bond die another day.
Now why we dont get flooded like in this scene, because our dome is a dam and the flow of the water/fire of above is under control like in any dam from below.
Now if the dome cracks or gets breached in any other part of it milky way style or matrix 3 zion style that's another story.


  1. It's terrifying to think now how the greatest day for humanity which would be the complete destruction of this prison/beast etc is the worst day of the universe as the moment this memory fades the universe will be vulnerable down the road if this evil resurfaces again having forgot how to deal with it and how it operates.

    1. It's all just one big Time loop. I wonder how many times our souls went through this already. I get a sense of deja vu like we've already been through this a million times already!

  2. Found this great animation showing the worm linked to the moon and eating through everything till it becomes a butterfly/dragon:

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Animated Film

    The moon/womb and inside it theres a cankerworm:


    In Hausu it shows the cat/pussy/gata/gate/moon flooding the house/thisplace/dimension with blood/menstruation/waters from below/red sea:

    House (1977, Japan) Japanese Trailer w/ English Subtitles

    Pope Gregory XIII (Latin: Gregorius XIII; 7 January 1502 – 10 April 1585), born Ugo Boncompagni, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585.

    Pope Gregory XIII is the pope that installed the current Gregorian calendar in which the year starts on winter instead of spring (winter is night time/moon time), and all the Christmas tree obelisk/moon worship.
    Pope Gregory XIII Ugo Boncompagni is mr golden dragon man/the worm.

    Gregory XIII's coat of arms golden dragon:

    Pope Gregory XIII Boncompagni—and his Family Dragon

    May 13 the day when Gregory XIII began his papacy is Fatima Mary apparition day, all her apparitions are linked to weird effects on the sun with it being shaken and moving out of control in the sky.
    Mary is the lunar queen/womb/Worm goddess/the dragon.

    Avé Maria

    The moon is said to control the tides/floods of the seas/waters from below.

    THE UNHOLY - Official Trailer (HD) | In Theaters Good Friday, April 2

    This caterpillar/worm feeds on Gods energy/light/fire from above represented by the eucharist being consumed in church:

    Cater: The definition of cater means to prepare and serve food for a gathering.

    1. "The Miracle of the Sun (Portuguese: Milagre do Sol), also known as the Miracle of Fátima, is a series of events reported to have occurred miraculously on 13 October 1917, attended by a large crowd who had gathered in Fátima, Portugal, in response to a prophecy made by three shepherd children, Lúcia Santos and Francisco and Jacinta Marto.
      The prophecy was that the Virgin Mary (referred to as Our Lady of Fátima), would appear and perform miracles on that date.
      Newspapers published testimony from witnesses who said that they had seen extraordinary solar activity, such as the Sun appearing to "dance" or zig-zag in the sky, careen towards the Earth, or emit multicolored light and radiant colors. According to these reports, the event lasted approximately ten minutes."

      The golden dragon.
      A fiery dragon/the sun.

      Evolution of Angry Sun (1988 - 2019)

    2. "May 13 the day when Gregory XIII began his papacy is Fatima Mary apparition day, all her apparitions are linked to weird effects on the sun with it being shaken and moving out of control in the sky."

      Not all apparitions, i am sorry, May 13 is when she appeared and October 13 when she made the sun go berserk in the sky.

      "Beginning in the spring of 1917, three Catholic shepherd children living near Fatima reported apparitions of an Angel, and starting in May 1917, apparitions of the Virgin Mary, whom the children described as the Lady of the Rosary.
      The children reported a prophecy that prayer would lead to an end to the Great War, and that on 13 October of that year the Lady would reveal her identity and perform a miracle "so that all may believe."

    3. The sun is from they get the concept for the crown/corona:

      Mr Willy hands out golden dragon to Jesus Corona(virus), more ritualistic bullcrap on plain sight

      In Wicker Man they burn sergeant Howie inside the Wicker Man to offer his soul to the sun:

      The Wicker Man (final peronista)

    4. So i have evidence too that we are ocean and we come from the ocean, not the below one but the above one.

      "The ocean is blue because of the way it absorbs sunlight, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

      When sunlight hits the ocean, the water strongly absorbs long-wavelength colors at the red end of the light spectrum, as well as short-wavelength light, including violet and ultraviolet. The remaining light that we see is mostly made up of blue wavelengths.

      Scattering and absorption are major causes of the attenuation of sunlight radiation by the atmosphere. During broad daylight, the sky is blue due to Rayleigh scattering, while around sunrise or sunset, and especially during twilight, absorption of irradiation by ozone helps maintain blue color in the evening sky."

      The sun is the reason for the ocean and the sky to be blue.
      An alteration in the sun would create a read sea/red sky.
      Wow that would send red phobic Mr Willy into full hysteria.

      Judas Priest - Blood Red Skies

      Eating worms with Boogeyman: Talking Snack

      "And the red paint is the blood that ive shed..."

      Im the boogerman and im coming to getcha mister obelisk christmas tree man.

    5. Mr Willy says heaven is blue but hell is red, well you gotta another thing coming.

      You've Got Another Thing Coming

    6. Mr Willy says hell is red, well Satan is always depicted in color red just like Santa, but why, the sun turns the skin red, black people are black because of the sun.

      Lil Nas X - MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) (Official Video)

    7. I was listening to this song while i was reading your previous thread:

      America - A Horse With No Name+Lyrics

      And as i clicked on this video:
      My life, my love, my lady is the sea!(he was calling his human girlfriend river lily, river is subliminal for our ocean nature and how now we are small river or mud puddle having been separated from the ocean of above)
      That's the great flood and that water/energy is alive like black goo, majin buu etc unlike the dead water from below that needs wind to move it and make it look alive.
      There's a greek inventor on youtube that called our ocean/waters of below dead water/ashes of ancient beings."

      Heres exactly what was playing Lol:

      After nine days I let the horse run free
      'Cause the desert had turned to sea
      There were plants and birds and rocks and things
      There was sand and hills and rings
      The ocean is a desert with its life underground
      And a perfect disguise all above
      Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
      But the humans will give no love

    8. After two days in the desert sun
      My skin began to turn red
      After three days in the desert fun
      I was looking at a river bed
      And the story it told of a river that flowed
      Made me sad to think it was dead

    9. They crossed the red sea to go wander through the desert.
      Desert = dotted sand = digital

    10. I can imagine a great flood of fire with countless beings forming it, kinda like this picture:

      Of course not just a small flame like that but a vastless ocean.
      Another depiction that comes to mind is the smoke from the Notre Dame fire with all the demonic faces in it, could be like that but with fire instead of smoke, and endless fire/light with faces/beings in it:

      Demons Loosed at cathedral fire as Notre Dame's iconic spire collapses

    11. This depiction came to mind as well:

      Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites

      Of course this flood is the tsunami of demons from the pit that Geordie Rose the inventor of D-Waves is talking about here:

      Geordie Rose in his own words Tsunami of Demons is coming

      Nami means Wave
      Tsu reminds me of Sun Tsu
      Sun Wave = flood of beings

      Could be, if theres a flood of demos from the pit there must be a flood of angels from outside the dome, as above so below.

    12. Sand Castles also came to mind:

      Or snow men:

      But actual beings coming out of a flood, being it water, fire, sand with castles/beings forming from the sand, snow with snow beings forming out of the snow.
      The ultimate flood would be light with light beings.

      Heres a snow storm:

      But with light instead of snow, and beings coming as part of the blizzard.
      Wind is a great one too, imagine beings as part of the wind.
      A flood of beings coming in the wind.

      Creepy Wind - Sound Effect [Perfect Cut]

      Winds of Shit

      Darkness is a very common element for this, shadows are always being refered as dancing and forming beings and making apparitions and all sorts of stuff.

      Acid Witch - Whispers In The Dark

    13. The acid witch sucked ignore it.
      I was thinking about shadows dancing and dividing and uniting and whispering and moving stuff around.
      The sound of the blizzard snow video is fantastic.

    14. Forgot to mention the most obvious example of a flood of beings, St Peters altar, its a dragon, a dead sheep, a penis one way, inverted is a vagina, and it shows a flood of angels melting into semen.
      Semen = waters from below.

    15. Reminds me a lot of the smoke from the Notre Dame fire.
      Notre Dame = Our Lady = Lunar Queen
      Too bad shes a mantis.
      Whats that movie scene where the woman turns to a mantis in bed.

    16. Ok heres the lunar queen praying mantis:

      Jeff Goldblum compares women to praying mantis. /MGTOW

      Why would i want to feed this creature, for what?
      What did she do for me, made porn movies for me to masturbate to?
      Yeah thats worth it, not.

    17. Saiyaman and Kamen Rider are mantis also.

      DBZ Saiyaman Saga Was Sick 2

      Kamen Rider Black RX - Opening Song

      Here she is popping out a baby locust.

      Die Antwoord - "Fatty Boom Boom" (Official Video)

      I dont like bugs.
      Flies, bees, fleas and mosquitoes cant get enough of me though, my scent must be sweet for them.

      Pazuzu - A Simpsons Song [2017]

      Pa = Father
      Zuzu = Bug

      The Exorcist original spider walk scene

      its a bugs life.

    18. Ive had tons of fleas throughout the years..
      My mother used to cover for these little bastards and shed say that all the flea bites in my body were caused by allergies.
      She even had me convinced as a child that i was allergic to chocolate.
      This place is all a con.

    19. Ive avoided chocolate as a child because chocolate bad.
      Even as of now they are still using the lie sugar bad.
      Its all nonsense.
      Another of my favorite nonsenses claims that chicken soup is good for fevers Lol.
      I wonder from where does that lie came from.

      "In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan.
      He is known in demonology as one of the seven princes of Hell.
      The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the "Lord of the Flyers", or the "Lord of the Flies"."

      The Lord of the flies
      Seven princes of hell = Seven chakras = Seven gates of hell
      Oh yeah my lord and savior Bill Gates of hell

      The Devil Was a Nerd in High School

      And my Lord Bill loves those mosquitoes too.

      It’s Mosquito Week

    20. Jeff Goldblum in the movie "Nine months" gives the intel that the female is a cannibalistic mantis, and hes also "The Fly", yeah i love my bugs.

      La transformación final de Brundle - LA MOSCA (THE FLY)

      The Fly (1986) - Insect Politics

      Politics = Many ticks

    21. I talked in the comments of previous thread about the oobe i had back in 2009 where i saw my soul to be made from water or a substance thinner than water and wavy like a flag or ocean.

      OXygen deprivation O2T is ritualistic bullcrap to remove the soul.
      COvidiot mask as in suffocation and oxygen deprivaiton as in losing your soul.
      More trick or treating with my favorite freemasonic ticks.

      Code O2T Torture Lifting Out the Soul for a Satanic Ritual in a Sacrifice to a Pharaonic Deity

      (3)Lok: Defiance - Raziel's Intro

    22. Since youve made a thread about feeling sick because of eating sugary foods, why is the sugar singled, my mother also created a make believe allergy for me as a child and she chose chocolate for it, why chocolate?
      Why didnt she picked allergic to pigs intestines since ive ate those for years and years?
      Or chicken blood?
      I dont get it.
      Also why would you feel sick for eating sugary foods, why not feel sick for eating some hard to chew on cow steak=
      Or some pork chops that get stuck all over your teeth?
      But sugar is damaging your teeth unlike the hard to chew cow meat?
      I dont get this place.
      I never actually thought about anything through my childhood and teenage years, i just obeyed the narrative.

    23. Dont be picky, you gotta eat whatever is on your plate, you gotta follow the narrative, dont question the doctor, sure, sure.
      Moronic script.

    24. Morphin' into an immortal coming through the portal
      You're stuck in a time warp from 2004 though

      Wow Angry Video Game Nerd debuted in 2004, and hes going to take you back to the past, to play the shitty games that suck ass, theres definitely something to this time warp narrative curve ball now that youve mentioned it.

      The Angry Video Game Nerd - Theme Song (with lyrics on screen)

      I knew back then a reality where Mourinho is a special one had to be some kind of delusional warped fake simulation.

      "I'm a special one" - Jose Mourinho's first Chelsea press conference

    25. And the fact that there are billions of soccer players in the world, and for 10 straight years only two of them were the best in the world, Ronaldo and Messi, reveals how its all fake and staged, its impossible, theres no way, everybody else had to be playing with only one leg for this to happen.

      Ronaldo vs Messi - Against Each Other

      This is a weird simulation and its not even credible.

    26. "Everybody's Fool" is a nu metal song by American rock band Evanescence. Wind-up Records released the song on June 7, 2004, as the fourth and final single from their debut studio album, Fallen.

      Thats my birthday June 7
      6+7 = 13
      6x7 = 42
      6+7+1+9+9+1 = 33
      1991 = XX

      Its all fake:

      Evanescence - Everybody's Fool

      I guess i am a good lie since my mother was infertile and tried for 10 years to conceive.
      Can i just disappear like Tidus in Final Fantasy X now?

      "According to Lee, the song talks about celebrities like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, who strip and sell their bodies instead of music to their listeners.
      Inspired by her sister's love for music artists who had false images, Lee wrote the song five years before the release of the album."

      Evanescence music isnt good either.
      Maybe if Amy Lee could have an actual band behind her like King Diamond, Bruce Dickinson, Ozzy Osbourne or Rob Halford have then there would actually be melodies in the songs.

    27. Heres an actual good song about being fallen:

      Mercyful Fate - A Corpse Without Soul

    28. "At this point, everybody knows that Britney is fake.
      The song is not about Britney Spears; it's about a lot of people in this industry. It's so fake, the whole Hollywood thing. '
      Look at how perfect I am!' Nobody looks like that.
      It's all fake and it's really hurting a lot of girls' and women's self images.
      Where are all the normal people?"

      To be realistic Amy Lee looks way more otherwordly and unreal than Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera do.
      But im going to guess that Britney and Christina with their bleach blonde hair represent the light and Amy Lee with jet black hair represent the darkness since its always the same thing like in Jim Carreys number 23 movie.

    29. Its the same duality from Thor and Loki, thank you for pointing that one out to me, and thank you also for this 2004 time warp intel, im finding all kinds of anomalities relating to that year.

    30. Doesnt get any more fake than Alex Jones and his impossible breaking into Bohemian Grove combined with all of his fake supplements that he tries to con people into buying:

      Confederate Infowars: Alex Jones Loves Switzerland`s Prison Planet and Fascist Swiss Nazi Banks

      Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears look a lot like these female human puppets from the islamic freemasons:

      Inside the Weird World of Adnan Oktar's Islamic 'Feminist' Cult

    31. Do these women come from the cloning deep underground military facilities that have been mentioned before here in the comments?
      Wow sounds like bride of frankenstein:

      Bride Of Frankenstein Final Scene

    32. Even for a horror movie Bride of frankenstein has a horrible ending.
      All these movies do, Bride of Frankenstein, Frankenstein, Dracula, King Kong, Phantom of the Opera, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Nosferatu.
      Fearless Vampire Killers from Roman Polanski actually has a great ending:

      "That night, fleeing from Transylvania, Professor Abronsius never guessed he was carrying away with him the very evil he had wished to destroy.
      Thanks to him, this evil would at last be able to spread across the world."

      Is that a good ending or is that a good ending?
      Forget Bram Stokers Dracula, this is the real deal.

      The Fearless Vampire Killers - Darkspace 3.15 (HORRIFIC) – What means a VAMPIRE in the NWO?

      And of course these red phobics couldnt leave Sharon Tate well alone, its all about keeping it blue with these demons.

    33. The intel on Jesus ascending to the top of the mountain for his transfiguration reminds me of Rocky Iv, Rocky goes to the top of top of the mountain at the end of the training montage and screams Drago!!
      Thats dragon power.

      Rocky 4 training montage - Hearts On Fire (HD)

      Dragon Ball Z- Dragon Power Mugendai Lyrics [ENGLISH ADAPTATION] "Dragon Power Infinity"

      Dragon power = 7 chakras = Kundalini

    34. Initial D - Deja Vu

      See your body into the moonlight
      Even if I try to cancel
      All the pictures into the mind
      There's a flashing in my eyes
      Don't you see my commission, the nation
      Has gone running again
      Can't you see now, illusions
      Right into your mind

      The moonlight programas pictures and illusions right into my mind?

      Gymnastik mit Muten Roshi

    35. Code O2T Torture Lifting Out the Soul for a Satanic Ritual in a Sacrifice to a Pharaonic Deity

      So this woman Marie was murdered on may 13 2013 in Switzerland, strangled with a belt with her mouth taped, thats code o2t oxygen deprivation for lifting the soul, and no wonder since May 13 is also the date of the start of pope Gregory XIII Ugo Boncompagni the mobster dragon man papacy mr obelisk christmas tree gregorian calendar, and is also the date of Fatima Mary lunar queen apparition.
      Im coming to getcha lunar queen and lunar boss clowns.

    36. The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the "Lord of the Flyers", or the "Lord of the Flies"."

      Very similar to:
      The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of lying, known as the "Lord of the lyers", or the "Lord of the lies"."

      Just get "the F out" like the lawsuit that turned the WWF into the WWE.

      On May 5, 2002, the company launched its "Get The F Out" marketing campaign and changed all references on its website from "WWF" to "WWE", while switching the URL from to

      WRESTLING IS FAKE (watch before commenting)

    37. After two days in the desert sun
      My skin began to turn red
      After three days in the desert fun
      I was looking at a river bed
      And the story it told of a river that flowed
      Made me sad to think it was dead

      After two days in the digital sun
      My skin began to turn red
      After three days in the digital fun
      I was looking at a river bed
      And the story it told of an analog ocean that flowed
      Made me sad to think it was dead

    38. Super Mario: Evolution of the angry sun (1988-2021) = 33

    39. This caterpillar/worm feeds on Gods energy/light/fire from above represented by the eucharist being consumed in church:

      Same thing as the dragon spitting fire which actually represents a black worm hole consuming a star out in space:

    40. Katy Perry - Wide Awake (Official Video)

      1 min 03 sec worm inside the apple
      1 min 21 sec forbidden fruit
      4 min 14 sec butterfly/dragon release

    41. The worm feeds on the energy/life force/chi of all those that incarnate until its enough to hatch out of the pit/cocoon as a butterfly/dragon/locust.

      PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING : Donald Trump and "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" from Illuminati Card Game 1980s - 1990s

  3. Our pyramids also point 2 orions belt. I believe that evil will start taking souls hostage and torturing them as they feel they have nothing to lose. We're in a very fucked up situation at this point LOL probably the reason they have to erase our memories...

    1. AMeRiCa
      Mer = Pyramid
      Ca = the soul
      Ri = Sun God
      A = Pregnant

      The pyramid is pregnant with the soul of the sun god.

      Donald Trump - American Bad Ass

      Big Bad Don - The Ballad Of Donald Trump



    2. Theres a problem with your links, the letter J has to be capitalized.

      The Sun : portal of the parasite

      Thanks for the video, heres a song that popped up under it that had some nice lyrics.

      Hail The Sun "Parasitic Cleanse" (Official Music Video)

      Decay. Disarray
      The crisis doctors say I'm not ok
      A means to an end
      We're told this is a parasitic cleanse
      If God is watching us, this must be what it wants

      Decimated. Waiting
      Died off as we waited

      Freaking worms.

    3. Freaking Mary/Fatima worm queen:

      Queen of the Damned

      I think shes the jesuitical black madonna, the mother of darkness/black matter.
      Like Oprah/Pharo/Pharaoh.


      Rammstein - Deutschland (Official Video)

    4. Black Lives Matter = Black Matter Lives = Long Live the Black Queen

      Black Lives Matter Protests Around the World

      Black Worm hole eating stars out in space mirrors black worm queen eating children here in Earth


      I know what her excuse is, they had to die so that my children might live.

      THE ILLUMINATI | Mother of Darkness Castle: The Most Evil Place on Earth Documentary

    5. Shes gonna take control of the US government through jesuit trained Kamala Harris.

      Kamala Harris was a gatekeeper for Pedophile Catholic priests while DA, The Intercept

    6. Got me a black magic woman.

      Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen

      In a wooden house of Bernard Weinstein (accomplice of Dutroux) a letter was found from the occult sect "Abrasax", in which a gift for the high priestress (Dominique Kindermans) was mentioned consisting of 17 girls between the age of 2 and 20 for anal, oral and vaginal sex. It was signed by priest "Anubis".
      This priest was later identified as Francis Desmedt. Later investigations showed that four police men in Charleroi were also members of the sect, one was even the treasurer.
      The headquarter of the sect (Institut Abrasax) in Rue Emile Vandervelde 223 Forchies La Marche was raided in 1996 by 150 officers. The television showed police taking away bags of papers, video cassettes and a refrigerator. They also took away black magic ritual implements and human skulls.

    7. Evil lives on.

      Discovery of Children in Secret Govt Facility Shocks Investigative Reporter

    8. Biden/Kamala/Obama = The worm.
      Trump open mouth = the worm.
      Enough is enough = worm has a stomach full.

      PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING : Donald Trump and "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" from Illuminati Card Game 1980s - 1990s

      The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Animated Film

      Whats my connection to this worm?
      Am i disconnected from it or have i been fully digested?
      Whats going on?

    9. Freaking worm.
      I must not be disconnected since im still watching porn and masturbating while Jonathan Kleck turned away from Eleutheria/Licentious freedom that he enjoyed with his girlfriends,
      This wormhole simulation has me bewildered right now.
      Feels like im in that scene from Bram Stokers Dracula with Draculas brides circling Anthony Hopkins.

      Bram Stoker's Dracula (8/8) Movie CLIP - Dracula's Brides (1992) HD

      VAMPIRE SUNGLASSES Marketing Video ,,, You will become a New Creation .. Compare the PAST

      How can i help anybody when i cant even help myself?
      Too corrupt.

      Sunless Skies: Eleutheria Trailer

      If not act as conduit for Christs Holy Spirit and heal myself and Kaboom right now.

      Acid Witch - Worship The Worm

    10. I am sorry Jesus for being a vampire-

    11. Lets get ready to suck it.
      Can you dig it sucka?
      Freaking fleas and mosquitoes.

      D-Generation X Let´s get ready to suck it

      Booker T "Can You Dig It Sucka" Entrance Video

      It’s Mosquito Week

    12. Just letting you all know that if i ever fix myself up then youre all on the list, and thats my list and im fixing to start running through it.

      "Stone Cold" gives his iconic "Austin 3:16" speech: King of the Ring 1996, only on WWE Network

    13. Lets do the worm together why not.

      Scotty 2 Hotty performs The Worm on Old School RAW

      'The Human Centipede' Trailer

    14. Jonathan Kleck the prophet of Jesus Christ that is exposing the worm was born on March 16 3:16.
      Tupper Saussy the man that exposed the Jesuits on Rulers of Evil died March 16 3:16.
      Gotta love synchronicity.

      Saussy also expanded on his book's historical speculation later in alleging conspiracies about 9/11 being orchestrated by Dick Cheney and the Pope, whom Saussy calls "the undesignated de facto Chairman of the United States corporation". As Saussy writes: "9/11 could only have been a ruse created by the American Presidency to furnish a pretext for restricting the rights and property of Americans in order to redistribute American funds and forces to the middle east and soon elsewhere, pursuant to the Papacy's design".

      Tupper Saussy died on March 16, 2007, at his home in Nashville, Tennessee of a heart attack, two days before the release of The Chocolate Orchid Piano Bar on CD. He was 70 years old. Saussy's death occurred one day after the 20th anniversary of Don Gant's death.

      birth of austin 3'16

      “Stone Cold” declares #316Day​ a National Holiday: Raw, March 16, 2020

    15. I am completely pathetic.

      Stone Cold Steve Austin Mashup Theme - "HellRaiser 3:16" (Added Effects)

      Wrestlemania 23 battle of the genomes, Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave, you freaking worms

    16. My best friend when i was 10 was a black girl, she switched knifes with me at a school camping trip where some mosquito stinged me in the eye, so i had it closed the whole trip with some Dimetindene ointment, i cant remember whether it was the right eye or the left eye, the freaking mosquito bited me right on the Eyelid.
      That very same night that the mosquito stinged me i had played possum and faked being asleep while the other guys on my tent got reprimanded for being wake up late and making a lot of noise, i was doing the exact same as them but when the supervivor arrived i faked been asleep and instead got praised while they got berated.
      Crime dont pay i guess thats why the mosquito stinged me in the eye and i looked like a cyclops afterwards with ointment smeared all over my closed eye.
      This is a weird simulation.

    17. Why am i mentioning this, well the black madonna is the worm queen and the all seeing eye is her royal seal.

      The "All-Seeing Eye" in Hollywood/Jesus is The Hand That Destroys the Establishment of the Eye!

    18. I remember i couldnt do either a forward roll or a tucked backward roll and so i would always get a negative grade in gym class, but the first time i achieved them was through my black female friend, she was right in front of me during the examination, she did it perfectly, then i was the one right after her and i did exactly like she did just by watching her, it was like she was performing them through me, everybody else that mocked me for being a loser in gym class were clapping with their mouths opened, that was a weird moment.
      I guess it was kinda like magic.

    19. I have received help through a different spirit and have helped myself with what it has provided me like porn and masturbation, this is why i cant hear Gods voice, i cant serve two masters.
      Maybe i cant step into the light?
      I am a vampire worm.

    20. It is spiritual adultery to commune with another spirit other than the Holy Spirit.
      And thats all ive doing through my life, everything i love comes from a different source, horror movies, porn movies, metal music, funk music, videogames, pro wrestling.

      The Alex Jones Prison Planet - Corrupt Them All [FULL EP]

      "I came knocking on your door a million times and you laughed at me.
      Youve been in love with something else your whole life, and this is a love affair.
      And so im not gonna get in bed with you.
      Because you dont love the spirit of justice.
      You love your father the devil.
      You love death more than life.
      So you go with your father forever."

    21. I should go to hell and feed the worms.

      Donald Trump, In The Flesh & Waiting For The Worms -- Pink Floyd's The Wall Mashup

    22. Fighting Fantasy, damn i love those books, welcome to the pit.

      The Call of that hideous worm thing that snapped my mind and drove me to an asylum

      Bruce Dickinson - Accident Of Birth

    23. My current bathroom is blue from the ground up to halfway through the wall, the rest of the wall and ceiling are white.
      My mother had the previous living room configurated with a dark sofa facing a light colored desk.
      Thats the yin yang light&darkness, Jesus rightside up Peter upside down.
      I know that this simulation is about being spirit cooked inside the belly of the worm and it wants me to be digested/to complete the chemical wedding with its bowels.

      Bruce Dickinson - Chemical Wedding [HQ]

      Anthrax - Intro to Reality... Belly of the Beast


      "An epigrapher told me told me that the lettering on Wilcox’s bas relief, was reminiscent of Esquimaux writing.
      So I impulsively jumped onto a boat to Halifax, then on to Greenland.
      With some sweet-talking and money, I found a guide to take me to visit these indigenous people.

      We arrived just in time to find the whole village in a circle, summoning… a… giant worm monster thing busting from the ice, and just being way too much for me as I snap and fall to the ground babbling and shrieking and turning to the dreaded page 77 which is the inside of a nice padded cell in the asylum, where I’ll be nice and safe, forever.

      Whew. Brutal."

      Freaking 77.

      Hulk ● Zenit FC ● All 77 Goals

      Donald Trump: “someday i’d like to lose everything... to see who’s loyal and who’s not loyal”

    25. Tupper Saussy loves flying worms too.

      Morning Girl ~ The Neon Philharmonic

    26. King Diamond - Give Me Your Soul (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

      Give me your soul for the worm.

    27. Wow Tupper Saussy made a song called The Prophet.

      The Wayward Bus - The Prophet (1968)

      Tupper Saussy dead March 16
      Jonathan Kleck born March 16

      John 3:16
      For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    28. Please Jehovah in the name of Jesus Christ make Kaboom healthy and free from his leukemia.
      Thank you Lord.
      I am sorry for my sins and i hope that everything is right with you up in Heaven and that all things are aligned with your Divine Will.

    29. "You sit there and you thump your Bible, and you say your prayers, and it didn’t get you anywhere. Talk about your psalms, talk about John 3:16…
      Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass!"

      Jake 'The Snake' Roberts Titantron HD (Heel)

    30. "After his release from prison in 1999, Tupper Saussys activities were varied... he made a film linking sugar consumption with cancer."

      Sugar bad.
      I wonder why is it always the same themes.

    31. "But on March 16, 2007, a week before what was supposed to be his record "The Chocolate Orchid Piano Bar" release party, Tupper Saussy died of a heart attack in his apartment on Belle Meade Boulevard."

      Sugar phobia really payed out.
      Or maybe it was the CIA heart attack gun that got him.

      CIA Heart Attack Gun is revealed by Knight of Malta William Colby (Sept. 16, 1975)

    32. Paid off not payed out, my english is terrible.
      Im sorry that my comments are riddled with errors.

    33. Not terrible just flawed.

    34. Terrible and flawed are synonymous with one another you moron,

    35. "While Tupper had publicly sworn off anti-tax activism, in private he was still thinking about how to win over hearts and minds.
      When Wesley Snipes was charged with tax evasion, Tupper had a “Eureka!” moment: At last! The new face of the movement had arrived!
      His final work, completed days before he died, was “Mistaken Identity,” an anonymously posted eighteen-minute web video in which a Justice Department lawyer and his tax attorney father—both of them voiced by Tupper in a triumph of Altman-esque overlapping dialogue—argue the merits of the case against Snipes. (You can probably guess which side wins.)

      At the time of his death, Tupper Saussy had not filed a tax return since his release from prison eight years earlier."

      Tupper Saussy would have loved Donald Trump.

    36. By the way taxation is symbolic for the worm taxing our chi life force, the person who posted the Farless Vampire Killers video explained it quite nicely in the videos description:

      The Fearless Vampire Killers - Darkspace 3.15 (HORRIFIC) – What means a VAMPIRE in the NWO?

      No mentions of any Jesuits or the Vatican Bank running the worlds finances, its always some ambiguous zionists or those evil jews.

    37. Mr Willy and his stooges also love to brag and brag in public on how they always pay their bills on time while everybody else is a deadbeat and bankrupt living in debt and defaulting on their payments.
      What he never mentions is that him and his mobster handlers achieve through any illicit means necessary, no matter the consequences.
      The ends justifies the means, thats what they learn at jesuit school.

    38. I address Your Highness Jehovah, in the name of Jesus Christ, with this request, please make Kaboom healthy and rid him of leukemia.
      Thank you Lord and forgive me for my sins.
      I hope that this prayer finds Your Excellency enjoying perfect plenitude up there in Heaven, and that all things be aligned with Your Divine Will.
      For yours is The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory.
      Forever and ever.

  5. Type the sun:portal of the parasite on YouTube 2 see more of how the worm works

    1. Amazing video, thank you for bringing it to my attention! Insects are also worms and we humans behaving like them shows how we share the same worm and its genes/mark of the beast within!

    2. Some more intel you could add to that video:

      The British empire on which the sun never sets.
      The hole in the penis = Vesica Piscis = Eye of Horus = Obelisk
      Mastercard Logo = Vesica Piscis = Gene of Eve crossbreeding with Gene of Isis

      Fearless Vampire Killers, girl sacrifice in red dress Gene of Eve, girl sacrifice in yellow dress Gene of Isis

      Gene of Eve is the foreign genetics that are received as being parasitical by the original gene of this worm hole, thats why Jesus Christ the Holy Gene of Eve was crucified, Holy Spirit consciousness is also foreign and received as parasitical by this system.
      Covid 19 MRNA vaccination is about purging this foreign genetics from the gene pool.
      Then humans can complete the final stage of their evolutionary metamorphosis which is the locust scorpion form, the human for is the cocoon.

    3. *the human form is the cocoon

      Eva-nescence = dissipation of the gene of Eve

      Bring me to life = Locust scorpion race = Children of the worm
      This is literally the revelation at the end of the bible, then God burns the whole hive down

      Alien tribute - Bring me to life

      Humans were created to birth this race.

    4. Bryith as in Brit-ish people comes from Hebrew and it means covenant/promise
      This is the promised master race, the children of the worm, scorpion locusts xenomorphs

    5. Briyth means an alliance
      Like the alliance Eve made with the worm/miscegenation

      And heres what Odin means in greek:
      the pain of childbirth, acute pain, severe agony, a snare, travail

      Odin = All seeing eye = Orifice in the penis = Travail
      Birthing the insect race/final stage

    6. Ants collect slave aphids:

      PNAS : Aggressive mimicry coexists with mutualism in an aphid

      Insects engage in the art of war:

      Isis - Hive Destruction

      Insects are masters of deception:

      Why Do These Deadly Insects Look Like Flowers?

    7. Seal of Solomon = Hexagram = Cell Hive

      Souls are used to hatch this race
      This is the fate of all those that refuse Christs free gift of salvation, to become food for the hive
      This also the revelation of the bible, then God comes as a flood of fire and burns it all

    8. If you look at the Seal of Solomon around the hexagram you will see 888, thats Jesus number which is on what the hive feeds on, his energy

      Jesus = 888, REVEALED: The Bible Code. (Episode 1 of several thousand.)

      You know as in Triple H in pro wrestling the king of kings

      Triple H's WrestleMania 22 Entrance

      You can see the hive manifesting all over the world right now, thats what the great reset is about, theyre taking over this pit hole together with their king the angel of the bottomless pit.
      You know just like the Boogeyman, the man from the bottomless pit that loves to eat worms.

      Revelation 9:11
      They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).

      The abyss is the center of the Earth, the Earth is pregnant with worms that are ready to hatch.

    9. Dragon Ball shows this in the planet of King Kai
      King Kai = Snail King
      Gregory = Pope Gregory XIII = the dragon worm = insect race genetics
      Bubbles = Monkey = Gene of Eve genetics

      Miscegenation of the monkey genetics with the insect genetics by the snail king creates humans = Twin towers

      911 destruction of twin towers = were going to purge out the monkey genes and go fully into insect hive mode

    10. Crossbreeding monkeys with insects = Humans

    11. But now we dont want any more monkey business.

      Black Eyed Peas - Shake Your Monkey

      Thats was just to populate the pit/feed the worms.

    12. Our worms are well fed, enough is enough.

      PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING : Donald Trump and "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" from Illuminati Card Game 1980s - 1990s

    13. Bes videos that expose the bugs:

      DIE ANTWOORD ft. The Black Goat ‘ALIEN’ (Official Video)

      Never Seen Before PROOF!! TH3 Human Race Is an INSECT HIVE FERTILIZATION SYSTEM

      Lucifer's THRONE --- You Won't Believe your Eyes! The SERPENT Lifecycle -THEIR METHODOLOGY

  6. Very good intel! There's definitely symbology between blacks, blackholes, dark matter and the parasite. That's why the elite love and use blacks so much cuz they're perfect for their agendas

    1. In One Piece they made BlackBeard the guy with the black hole powers fight the Dragon/worm, too bad that it happened off screen, but they did show a limited version of him fighting Ace the guy with the powers of the sun.

      ACE vs BLACKBEARD Full Fight | MeraMera no Mi VS YamiYami no Mi

      In my estimation the black madonna is the elite, not the other way around, she uses them.
      She is the mother of darkness Isis/Ishtar/Ashtoreth/Semiramis/Mary/Fatima/Lilith/etc.
      The one that stands on top the capitol building where they performed the insurrection scripted psy op on January 6.
      Then theres the movie Queen of the damned:

      Queen of the Damned - Trailer F1

    2. When an outsider looks at the US they give all the impression that Oprah runs the country.

      Donald Trump on Oprah Show in 1988

      Mr Lance the greatest athlete of all time Armstrong confessed being a cheater and forfeited his accolades on Oprah:

      Lance Armstrong's Confession | Oprah's Next Chapter | Oprah Winfrey Network

      The jesuits run the US and the black madonna runs the jesuits so thats what makes sense.

    3. When i watched Rose Red i got the impression that Sukeena was the one running the house, reminds me of the Steve Jacksons book House of Hell in which the lord of the house was the butler and the butler was the actual lord of the house of Hell.

      Rose Red (2002) - Death of Ms. Waterman

    4. Skeleton key also comes to mind, the black servants were running the show.

      The Skeleton Key (2005) Official Trailer | Fear

      I know that the haunted house is this entire physical world and not just a building, so why did i entered into the house like the people in Rose Red, for what?

      Rose Red (2002) Trailer

    5. If it was to give me a role like in the movie The Sentinel i wouldnt mind, life is boring anyway and i like horror movies.

      The Sentinel (1977) - Official Trailer

      The sentinel from Judas Priest is pretty good too.

      Judas Priest - The Sentinel (Live)

      Or am i already bug food?
      Oh well...

    6. Let me not forget George Floyd, code O2T oxygen deprivation for 8:46 minutes to lift the soul, 8 represents a new beginning like the butterfly, 46 are the chromossomes of the body.
      8:46 is the time when the planes hitted the towers on 911.

      8:46 Official Trailer

    7. The problem with horror movies is usually the ending, like Dracula, talk about a shit ending.
      Mark of the Witch actually has a great finish, too bad that it gets crap ratings everywhere, well i loved it, great movie.

      Mark of the Witch (1970) Trailer

      But the exorcist, the shining, the omen and poltergeist were great movies right, sure so great that i wouldnt want to watch them again after the first view.

    8. Why am i talking about horror movies, what do they have to do with anything, well here you go:

      What did the Jesuits have to do with the invention of the horror film?

    9. Interesting that they start of by crediting China in the creation of cinema:

      "The optical experiments made by ancient philosophers and scientists such as Mozi in China in the 5th century B.C. and Aristotle in the 4th Century B.C. (as well as scientists in the Middle East in the 9th century C.E.) revealed the phenomena of “natural projection” that would lead to a Renaissance device called the camera obscura. The camera obscura is a small chamber with a hole to let in light on one end, and it projects an image at the other end. But film as we know it did not begin until practitioners could craft lenses and reverse the formula to project an image."

      Always China.

      Xi: We call ourselves descendants of the dragon

      Descendant of the dragon/worm = Dracula = Seed of Cain

      Donald Trump ft. Akon - China (Na Na Na)


    11. "Fever dreams, Scripture and holy images were the background of Ignatius’s transformative experience."

      What is 8:46 about?
      Ignatius transformative experience.

      Born Again (2009 Remaster)

    12. "Instead of relying solely on memorizing and transcribing Bible verses, his exercises were about cultivating an intense meditative practice that would erupt into sensual experiences."

      Sensual experiences = natural man as opposed to the spiritual man

      Matrix (1999) - Eating Steak and Protein Breakfast scene

      This juxtaposition steak/snotty meal reminds me of One Piece too:

      One Piece Luffy and Black beard funny scene

      Luffy/Lucy and Blackbeard

    13. "These spiritual practices would eventually advance into more technological and narrative incarnations in Jesuit pedagogy in the form of elaborate theatrical performances aided by the most advanced technology of the day."

      See the internet itself, youtube, fakebook, instagram, twatter, GLP, blogs just like cinema are all a form of Ignatian spiritual exercises, this whole dream world is.

    14. And who controls the dream, the mother of darkness, they even showed it in the Matrix.

      The Matrix Oracle Scene

    15. "Athanasius Kircher, a German Jesuit, scholar and polymath, became a key figure in the development of these practical effects in Jesuit theater at his post at the Collegium Romanum. His inventions achieved relevance beyond staged theater. It was Kircher’s update to the magic lantern that is perhaps the most important advancement in the history of cinema."

      And the final evolutionary stage is virtual reality.

      Negative Gemini - You Never Knew & You Weren't There Anymore *LIVE* [BIG STREAM VR]

    16. Which this place already is a virtual reality, youre just trading one simulation for another.

    17. Negative Geminis virtual reality disco studio in above link has an worm hole in it for the audience, i just went through it.

    18. The oracle mother cook from matrix is the old hag witch from hansel and gretel and they showed there how important it is not to eat from anything she cooks, oh and she was cooking us for dinner.
      Similar scene we have in hannibal movies where he was cooking humans and was offering them to his unaware guests to eat.

    19. I re-watched the scene right when i posted it and my spider sense was tingling when she told Neo to take one of her cookies, while that fool was eating it i was thinking damn i would pocket it and then discard it somewhere later.

    20. Bon appetit:

      Katy Perry - Bon Appétit (Official) ft. Migos

    21. I just found out that the Steve Jackson that created the illuminati cards game is not the same Steve Jackson that created the fighting fantasy game books, wow i thought they were the same person until now.

    22. I just saw the 2nd visit to the oracle neo did and it was even more revealing that the oracle is the witch from hansel and gretel, she offered him candy again and neo fool took it but did not eat it at least on the clip. The oracle told him "i'm here for the candy" and it reminded me majin buu and venom that all they cared about was candy which candy was actual humans in dbz and in hansel and gretel.
      Matrix=candy world according to the oracle
      Hansel and gretel witch's world was all made from candy and the entrance was the the mouth of the dune worm.
      0:26 enter the dragon=worm!

    23. Great catch, candy = souls, all these movies even though theyre unrelated with each other end up linking together because they always have the same elements hidden under different attires.

    24. I counted the teeth or whatever those are around the spiral at the entrance of the witch house/worm, theres 8 on each side = 88 like all the times up/worm hole/back to the future/Trump stuff.


      Trump with his open mouth thats what he reminds me of also, the worms mouth/enter the dragon.

    25. Candy is colorful like the rainbow, the rainbow represents light.
      Consuming the light = the eucharist.

    26. There you go the mother of darkness black madonna dark matter running the show:

      Rammstein - Deutschland (Official Video)

      And shes pregnant then she births the beast, its all in that vídeo.


  8. Wow

    Into the Belly of the Beast Gameplay Preview (Xbox One)

    1. Wesley Snipes mr Tax Evasion was Blade the Vampire Hunter.
      Taxation is vampiric.

      Blade Official Trailer #1 - (1998) HD

      Angry Video Game Nerd debuted on 2004 with a video on Castlevania 2 Simons Quest, a game in which the objective is to join rogether Draculas scattered and divided body parts to resurrect him, just like the myth of mr obelisk green man Osiris.

      Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES) - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

    2. Covid chinese kung flu = Vampiric
      Anthony Hopkins on Bram Stokers Dracula scream Drago at the top of the mountain in which the castle stands when he throws the 3 heads of the wives into the abyss, oh just like Sylvester Stallone at the end of the training montage in Rocky 4.

    3. Covid chinese kung flu = bat flu = vampire

    4. Does Anthony Hopkins scream Drago or Dragon?
      Thats what it sounds like?
      Mr Hannibal Cannibal, Cain and Abel.

    5. What does Van Helsing scream at the end of this clip?

      Dracula (1992 ) ..... Van Helsing vs Draculas Brides

      Dragon? Dracula?

    6. The brides are thrown into the abyss just like the witch queen in Snow White.

      Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The Queen's Demise

    7. Maybe he screams Drakul?
      3 heads = Cerberus

      Fluffy Wakes Up - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    8. Harry Potter and his two buddies = 3 amigos go through the worm hole/devils snare
      Cerberus was at the entrance

      Devil's Snare - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    9. Interesting that the witch queen in Snow White is defeated by a lightning bolt.
      I thought she was supposed to be in league in Satan?
      Reminds me of that guy from the french revolution that was struck dead by lightning.

      "On 20 July 1785, the courier of the Illuminati Jakob Lanz (who worked as a priest) was hit by lightning in Regensburg and died."

      July 20 of course
      Again and again and again
      Let me recapitulate
      July 20 1785 Jakob Lanz carrying the plans for the french revolution is struck dead by lightning
      July 20 1969 false flag hoax Apollo 11 mission lands on the moon
      July 20 1973 Bruce Lee dies from an aspirin 6 days before the release of Enter the Dragon
      July 20 1979 Miki Feher is born, dies in 2004 from nothing in a middle of a live soccer game

    10. But but but the invisible virus is coming to get me, oh noes, or maybe its those evil jews since they run it all.

    11. Im the boogerman and im coming to getcha.

      Boogeyman Theme + 1st Custom Entrance Video Titantron

      Ive said this before, come on over bud, it stinks in here, this whole place stinks.

      ROCKY - "It Stinks!!"

    12. I wonder when can i watch a good Boogeyman staged pro wrestling match or a good Evanescence song, probably never.
      Oh but those evil jews, yeah right.

    13. Kaboom check out that Rocky scene "It stinks", right when Rocky shake hands with Mickey outside the train passes over them, thats making a deal with the ferryman symbolism.

    14. Then Rocky gives him the finger.
      Yeah dont pay the ferryman/trainman.

      Chris de Burgh - Don't Pay The Ferryman

      The Matrix Revolutions: Down Here, I'm God. (High Quality)

      And of course Burgess Meredith had played the devil before.

      Deal with the Devil

    15. Rocky even stole the Oscar from Taxi Driver back in 77.
      Another one of those lucky numbers, 77.

      Taxi Driver 1976 All The Animals Come Out At Night

      Genesis 4:24
      If Cain is avenged seven times,
      then Lamech seventy-seven times.”

    16. You think 77 year old Sleepy Joe election was the first screwjob around, yeah sure.

    17. Sleepy worms going to fly now.

      Bill Conti - Gonna fly now (Rocky) HD

      50 years = restoration
      Lighting and thunder = Satan
      Number 1 heavyweight in the world = Apollo = Satan

      "Women weaken legs"

      Rocky (5/10) Movie CLIP - Women Weaken Legs (1976) HD

      Tupper Saussy loved tflying worms.

      Morning Girl ~ The Neon Philharmonic

    18. Lol in the Taxi Driver clip De Niro says that he can make 3 fifty a week driving his taxi.

    19. Three fiddy

      Cause I'm zero to 60 in 3.5 three fiddy
      Baby, you got the keys

      Now shut up and drive
      (drive, drive, drive)

      Rihanna Shut Up And Drive Lyrics

  9. Im reading through those, thanks, in Fearless Vampire Killers at the castle when the professor looks through the telescope it is pointed straight to Saturn.

  10. Nope, the telescope is pointed to Orion, then the professor moves it to Saturn and asks his apprentice to take a look, interesting though that those are the two astronomical sights mentioned.

  11. Basel = Basilisk = Serpent King
    Geneva = Gene of Eve
    Sion = Zion = Zionists
    Thats the story of Eve making the briyth/brit/covenant/pact primae noctis/Droit du seigneur with the serpent, the serpent impregnated Eve first before Adam, Cain was the serpents son, Abel the son of Adam, CainAbel Cannibal.

  12. Genesis 3:1
    Now the serpent was more subtle than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

    Do you know what subtle means?
    It means unconspicuous or under the radar just like neutral Switzerland.
    You shall eat of every tree in the garden just like the swiss banks eat of every tree/industry/government in the garden/world.

    The SwiSS Beast likes Action against Soft Targets . . . Endlessly Terrorising Defenceless Families

    And what happened to mr Hross's son?
    The jew took him right? Sure.

  13. If youre going down this narrative that Saturn is El, and that names carrying El in them belong to the Brotherhood of Saturn, then youre calling Jesus Saturn since Jesus's name is Emmanuel which means with us is El.
    El ia the creator of Elohim which are the fallen angels that created humanity and the physical world.

  14. *El is the creator of Elohim

  15. Jesus means Jehovah Saves, Jehovah is El.
    My name John means Jehovah favors.
    Jehovah is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

  16. Oceanic airlines looks like Saturn inside the Ouroboros and it has 18 dots surrounding it, 18 = 666

    Isis - Oceanic - 3 - False Light

  17. Oceanic flight 815

    Strong's Greek: 815. ateknos -- childless, without children

    ...a flight from Australia to LA crashing somewhere on a remote island in the vicinity of Hawaii (the series was filmed in the island of Oahu-Hawaii, the alleged birthplace of Barack Obama as per his Birth Certificate)

    There you go your child eater ritual.

  18. Obamas logo was the sun rising, Bidens logo is the sun risen.

  19. This crap cannot be tolerated, and that’s precisely the idea; you “are goin’ down” as a person, your world, your values, your notions of decency, of intelligence, you noble you, you “are goin’ down”.

    Yes down to the pit.

    Lost souls of the dead
    Form legions that burst through Hell's Gates
    Death of one sacrifice
    To avenge the raped corpse from the grave
    Blood of one mortal man
    The fire grows stronger within
    Fate of a frenzied lust
    Lucifer takes my dark soul

    Down to the fiery pits of Hell
    (Down to the fiery pits of HELL)

    Slayer - Necrophiliac

    See muslims that pray with their head and hands towards down into the ground while christians pray with their hands and heads lifted up towards heaven.

    But Obama and the pope are christian moslems right, sure you cant serve two masters.


    Yeah i dont think so, first El and Jehovah are synonymous with one another, second there as just as many Raphaels, Gabriels, Daniels out there living a moronic serf existence just as i am being named John.
    Lionel Messiah is tied with Christian Ronald for best in the world, i find it more interesting to figure out why is Ronald & Donald so important for the matrix.

  21. If you want a real saturn matrix code i would look into Al, all arabs have it on their name, Al-this and Al-that.

  22. Mr Willy Portugals #1 hero for the past 40 years has zero Ls in his name, yet every serf and their grandmother drool all over themselves at every mention of this man.

    They would kill and die for Mr Willy. tts amazing, they starve themselves, go into bankruptcy just to have mr Willy laughing and bragging about paying all of his bills on time while he calls everybody else a deadbeat.

  23. I guess his goons share drugs and prostitution with everybody so that it makes ok?
    I guess so, i love heroes, especially the heroes of Macau which is all just brothels and casinos, yet this people cry and cry again and again about the chicom boogerman, so where is the Portuguese province that has been colonized by the chinese where i can go enjoy my brothels and casinos, i mean you can enjoy chinese brothels and casinos in some places in this country but not an entire region dedicated to this like we the portuguese settled in Macau.

  24. But we were already raped and miscegenated by the mongol chinese worms long ago so were just as mongrel worms as the chinese are.
    But but but to the right wingers that love to scream enough all day everyday we are a white nation, yeah sure, a white nation in which Mourinhos name their biggest icon means moory or little moor, lol any european would call us moors at the least, but but but got to sell out to the european scam union and to the king of spain because they are the good guys, we are the morons, sure. man gotta love this pit hole.

  25. Wow he has an L in his name Lima yeah but no El.
    Hes the dragon elite that keeps the narrative going about blue bloods and the sons of Cain and royalty and the divine right and the rest of the nonsense, like the golden dragon from pope Gregory XIII mr gregorian calendar.

  26. Jorge Nuno de Lima Pinto da Costa
    Oh ok deLima El
    Yeah well guess you win the internet for today.

  27. Anyway when im looking at elite symbols i look for the dragon, thats my go to symbol, most people love the dragon though they claim its good because all they can think of is money and numbers and worms inside their head.
    I guess so if you live to buy and sell empty houses and apartments like 99% of the people live.
    The more empty houses and apartments you own, the more powerful of a dragon you are or something.
    I guess they must come in handy for all the illicit activities that we need concealed.
    And they call this work, i work in construction, im a working class man!!!
    Yeah right.

  28. Xi: We call ourselves descendants of the dragon

    This is basically what we have to do, you have to claim descendancy from the dragon because the dragon owns this world, then you can be a blue blood and belong to the seed of Cain, the mark of Cain was the first seal of royalty, then you are an elite and you can parade around grabbing pussies and call others deadbeats.

  29. They show it all in the Legacy of Kain intro:

    "Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver" HD Intro

  30. And of course you get to deflect it endlessly with those evil jews, they run it all those evil jews, kings, queens, clergy, mobsters, masonry, secret societies, cartels, countries, industries, governments, tribes, banks, wherever there is people there is a jew behind them pulling the strings, those jews are everywhere, the holocaust never happened!

  31. Jesuits are jews, jesuits are jews, Inigo Loyola who was a basque aristocrat was also a crypto jew, the pope is a crypto, oh no my dear God may Donald Trump save us from all these jews!!!


    1. EMinEM = We in Me = Legion

      Macau still has my favorite heroes:

      Two nabbed for posing as royal family member, using fake 'Datuk' title
      Macau Scam uses senior Pahang cop's name to dupe victim
      Rompin paddy farmer, plantation worker duped by Macau scam syndicate
      Doctor falls victim to Macau scam syndicate

      Those evil chicom are so meanie am i right.

      Donald Trump ft. Akon - China (Na Na Na)

      Grand Theft Auto San Andreas- Best Wu Zi Mu Moments

    2. Wu Zi MU = Wu IN Mu = We in Me = Eminem = Legion

    3. Malaysia is great too:

      F*** you, shouts Bung Moktar in Parliament

      Translation from 0:11 to 0:25 :
      "What is this?"
      "Rude. This is disrespectful!"
      "Take back your words."
      "He's rude. He does not deserve to live here."
      "You wanna fight with me? Anytime!"
      "Just asking..."
      " Phak Yoo "

    4. We In Me = Many in One = E Pluribus Unum
      Covidiocy = The Borg
      You will be assimilated

      We are The Borg

    5. Briyth = Alliance

      Alliance with The Borg

      Resistance is futile.
      The briyth-ish empire from which the sun never sets

    6. Alex Jones looks great here standing up to the Borg, that whole security team plus the guy with the water bottles were really creepy, what the hell?

      Alex Jones and InfoWars are at a detention camp on the south Texas border 4/6/21

    7. Alex Jones Slaps Himself Repeatedly

      I think Alex Jones is on his way to be born again, i hope so, i pray that he gets saved.

    8. But no more children Alex, who would want to bring children to this pit hole.

      Alex Jones Dubs Goku's Super Saiyan Transformation

    9. Firs thing that he has to do is to speak and manifest 100% truth, this is the hardest thing there is for a person to do, i can attest to this myself, its nearly impossible.
      Thats the narrow gate.

      Matthew 7:13-14
      “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
      But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

    10. Alex Jones says "I Suck", yeah well maybe start by stopping conning people into buying your super male supplementation bullcrap.
      But he cant because hes also constantly pushing that people need to increase the fertility rates, for what?
      And yet hes the same guy that openly speaks about children being sacrificed to appease interdimensional entities, seems counterproductive.

    11. Maybe its impossible for Alex Jones to see that we are inside of the belly of the beast/worm.
      And if you dont realize the truth then you cant escape the pit hole since you have to recognize it first, that it is a worm hole.
      I think that the number of people who can accept this simple truth are very minimal, thats why theres no point in following down the narrative of "waking people up".
      Most people belong to the worm digestive proccess simulation.

    12. Yeah who cares, Alex Jones should con a million more morons into buying more supplementation crap and he should turn the Infowars armored vehicle into the new Bang Bus, that would be great.

      Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Arrives in Armored Tank Vehicle During Coronavirus Lockdown Protest

    13. Or maybe the flood thats coming will free anyone independently if they see that theyre inside the worm hole or not, who knows, i dont.

  33. This is a montage ive made showing side by side Obamas sun rising 08 logo and Bidens sun risen 2020 logo:

    See the 3 red stripes in both logos beneath the sun, the O in Joe becomes the sun.
    This revelation was made by the prophet of Jesus Christ Jonathan Kleck and so all credit goes to Jesus.
    Im now of the belief that my health is improving also thanks to Jesus, im praying to Him now which is something that i have not done since i was a child, ive also denied Him all through my teenage years but seeing all the revelations made by Jonathan Kleck made me a new believer, this kind of revelations could not be manifesting through any other source, and so i believe too that Jesus is responsible for my health improving.
    And i pray that your health also improves Kaboom, even though your situation is much more critical than any health problem that i have endured, through faith you can endure and pull through, i believe so, thank you Jesus and please help Kaboom.

    The situation at the border of the US is a mess and it has all to do with the sun risen age of Satan.

    Ghost - Here Comes The Sun

    Satan is the sun god Apollo and #1 heavyweight in the world on the Rocky movie.

    Rocky 1 - Press Conference (1080p)

    1. Obamas logo = Sun at dawn
      Bidens logo = Midday sun

      Obams birth certificate Soebarka turns into Akrab Eos which means:
      Akrab = Scorpion
      Eos = Goddess of the dawn

      The child eater, they say that the Evergreen container ship has to do with the cild trafficking, evergreen thats green for resurrection like the green monster energy flashing all over the UFC octogon that is the same as the dome of the rock that takes over the well of souls on the temple mount, which is also linked with Epsteins temple, green is mr obelisk green man sun god Osiris.
      Evergreen, the lawnmower man was the child eater in True Detective:

      True Detective - The Lawnmower Man's first appearance

      Sunshine and green lawns thats what the US is known for.

    2. Sergeant Howie entered Green Man Inn looking for a missing child, too bad that was a trap and he was the sacrifice.

      The Wicker Man (1973) - The Landlord's daughter Scene [Spanish Subs]

      1973 the Wicker Man is the best movie i know, AVGN recently did an episode on Shrek/Green Man where he is burned at the WIcker Man.

      Shrek: Fairy Tale Freakdown (GBC) - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

    3. Of course burned to the sun.

      The Wicker Man (final peronista)

    4. The best movie, yeah i dont know thats too much, Female Prisoner Scorpion is amazing also, and there are others.

      Female Prisoner Scorpion - The Complete Collection Trailer

    5. Here in Portugal Sporting the green team is running on 1st place and looks like theyll be the champions, the greens, they have not been champions since 2002, 19 years ago, Covid 19, this place is all scripted.
      And yes it will be their 19th championship, cant make this shit up.

      Sporting CP - O Acordar do Leão ● Vídeo Motivacional 2020/2021 ● OndeVaiUmVãoTodos

      O acordar do leão = The awakening of the lion

      Where else have i seen this script, oh thats right, the Lion King, the rising sun.

      Carmen Twillie, Lebo M. - Circle Of Life (Official Video from "The Lion King")

      Circle of life = Wormhole
      How can i escape the script?
      I dont like being scripted.
      My mother had me at age 33 through a gift procedure after trying to conceive for 10 years due to infertility, doesnt get anymore scripted than i am.

    6. Rocky is Philadelphias favorite son, Jonathan Kleck is the angel of Philadelphia, Eddie Gilbert the king of Philadelphia died at age 33, is anyone following this nonsense or is it just me?

      "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert: King of Philadelphia Part 1

    7. *Jonathan Kleck is the angel of the church in Philadelphia.

    8. On February 18, 1995, Gilbert died of a heart attack in his apartment in Isla Verde, Puerto Rico.
      (aged 33)

      Isla verde = Green island
      Mr hot stuff sun god.
      Is anyone else spotting this nonsense??

      Eddie Gilbert (Hot Stuff)

    9. Mr Green is going to be set free thats all i can say.

      Hulk (2003) "Set Me Free"

      Mr Green as in the mask:

      SMOKIN'! | The Mask

      And of course mr Hulk scored 77 goals in Portugal, 77 in Russia and 77 in China because thats normal right, thats just how random and fair and not rigged results happen in professional sports.

      Hulk ● Zenit FC ● All 77 Goals

      Right 77 sleepy Joe, 77 september 11, 77 july 7 Lincolns assassination, 77 votes to elect the pope...

      What kind of Matrix scripted hell is this that i have been caught in??

    10. When is mr green coming for my head?
      I dont like seeing all the scripted garbage.

    11. Osiris, lord of the dead and rebirth. His green skin symbolizes rebirth.

      Come and get me mr green man, im ready to lose to you anywhere anytime just like in the Rocky movie.

      Rocky - The Chance of a Lifetime (1976)

      Green = Pale = Chloros
      The green pale horse of death

      Coming to get me mr death?
      Just like in the shining room 237?

      The Shining (1980) - Jack Enters into Room 237

      Thats where Jack Torrance lost it?

      Eminem - Just Lose It (Official Music Video)

    12. Am i in the green hell?
      Isnt that for greed?
      Am i that greedy?

      Greedy Trump - more money i want more money - i don't even know why - meaning of life accumulation

      The Misfits-Green Hell

    13. Wow i just noticed that in the green team Sporting video they zoom in on the player with the #77 shirt constantly.

    14. Hello McFly
      McFly = Son of the fly = Son of the worm = Dracula

      Theres also the green movement and affiliated political parties pushing the "clean and renewable", "self-sufficient" energies.
      But the Matrix showed what the ultimate clean and renewable energy source is, people.
      Humans as batteries.
      And soylent green is people.
      My father refused to eat burgers at McDonalds, he used to say that they were made from worms.

      Greta Thunberg stares down Donald Trump as he arrives for UN climate summit


      The Matrix - Battery

      Why Bill Gates Thinks Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat Can Help Fight Climate Change


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