Can You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking? The Bible Is Full With Worm Intel! Worms At Their Core Are Words!

As above so below, earth is cooking a worm/dragon too.

I finally took notice what's cooking!

Came across this dragonhorse video too.

Looks identical to the staphylococcus wormballs.
Oh my goodness just noticed staphylo is a greek word and means grapes!

In my newest threads i decoded all plants and trees are worm mimics and their fruits to be their eggs and they count on us eating them as also breathing their toxins they emit in our air.

Just remembered the bible talks about worms/dragons too.
Did some quick search and couldnt believe my eyes!

Revelation 20:7
"And when the thousand years are ended, Satan(dragon) will be released from his prison"(earth or/and moon egg)

Oh my goodness this is exactly what i decoded in the previous thread which is the year 3000/3 days baking in the oven/like a baby in the womb and it could be also the year 2033 in our calendar.

 Isaiah 27:1 
"In that day the Lord with his hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent(reminds me our twisting worm dna), and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea

A giant worm/dragon is hidden within earth intel!(see unicron intel in my previous thread)
(aquaman movie had identical intel about a worm like beast/dragon hidden within the earth)

Revelation 12:9 
"And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him."
(most likely impregnated earth subliminal, see my previous thread for more intel on that)

Revelation 20:1-15 
"Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit(hollow earth prison) and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the (3)thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while. Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast(worm) or its image and had not received its mark(eggs, genes etc) on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the (3)thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection."

The intel that the dragon must be released for a little while gives away he wasnt imprisoned but is being born within impregnated earth which takes 3 thousand years for our inner worm infected sun to mutate to a full blown worm/dragon.(like the worm infected sun does within the chicken egg).
Damn that worm within looks like a moon within domed earth and like a ringworm and an eye too!
Wow the not fertile egg is more bright than the rest! Suns get cooled down(lose their heat and brightness) when infected by worms intel!!!

Revelation 12:3 
"And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems."

The 7 heads are our 7 moons/7up/7 dragonballs.
(The diadems/halos remind me the ringworms from the chicken eggs picture above. In short we have 7 worm impregnated moons/suns above like earth below!)

Revelation 16:1-21 
"Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.”"

Hahaha those 7 bowls are the 7 moons obviously.
Angels with their wings are also dragons subliminal and since our 7 moons are also dragoneggs/balls those 7 angels symbolize also our 7 moons.

Wow i just noticed they try hard to scare the masses and keep them in fear through the bible which fear feeds the worms!

The bible is the book of the worm just like all letters and numbers are worm symbols.

All of a sudden the burning of books looks like the burning of worms and a great thing to do!
DNA is a script, game developers that write code/script say that it's a living breathing thing!
I suspect worms at their core are a bunch of words, numbers and symbols.

I just realized words do a lot more than brainwashing, they make us give birth to worms!
Worm viruses doctors say are a script/words like a cd looking for a cd player/cell/us to play them and that's how they materialize, multiply etc.(like a book looking for a human to read it and play out its teachings, get brainwashed by it and become it).

In short worms(like black goo/ink(book's black words subliminal) venom(words are poison subliminal)) cant exist without us suns/souls and we're dumb enough to animate them by reading them like a dumb cd player or cell/egg within.

Just noticed word and worm are synonyms!

In dollhouse tv series they were possessing people agent smith style by talking specific words through phonecalls and later they revealed they were getting possessed by worms in their brain which worms they had to kill in order to return them to their former healthy state.

They were infecting people's minds with words that were creating worms in their brain and witches just came to mind with their spells/words that give rise to demons/evil spirits/freaking worms.

Now music comes to mind where same words getting repeated over and over again like they try to imprint them in people's minds and infect them with worms dollhouse style.
As you notice when you listen to a song and you walk away it stills plays in your head, which means we're indeed like a cd player with no control over it, anyone can come and use it to give birth to worms without even asking us for permission.


  1. This makes me think of backward subliminal messages or the possibility to hide some sort of activation codes in reverse messages that the reader may not pickup on but the subconscious or the worms see. Could the cure be to write and read what has been programmed in reverse or a mirror image? Using the opposite frequency or flip the sine wave that is created upside down as to nullify the implanted one? Seems like that may be an option to cancel out the implant. One may need an oscilloscope to measure the waves.

    1. They're definitely doing some worm voodoo shit to the masses through the music.
      The solution of killing the worms by not feeding them come to mind which in that case stop listening to worm music for a good amount of time might be enough to kill the worms that music gave birth in us.

      I used to always like music without words/worms and now i see why, i suspect music without words might be much safer to listen to.
      Also isnt it funny every song with words i listen to like a hollywood movie it has an agenda and it tries to imprint messages in our brain like hypnotism, shape our behavior, thinking etc.

      Somebody had told me long ago "music with words is of lucifer while music without words is of god", now i understand why. One has worms, the other is clean.

    2. Wow song with words/singing in greek is "tragoudi" from "tragos" which is baphomet/devil in greek!
      Movie under the silver lake showed to our face the devil himself writes the words/worms of the music we listen to!

    3. Damn words/symbols are worms indeed man. The matrix/computerworld at its core is also a script/words/worms! And without us/batteries/suns the matrix like the worms cant exist!

      All of our enemy is connected and at its core is worms/words/script which we give it life.

  2. Reminds me of this clip from an episode of the Simpsons.

    3 times repeated is all that's needed for an imprint it seems. I read somewhere that Nikola Tesla would do things in threes.

    1. And music is a perfect tool for this where same words get repeated over and over again and i see the insidious art behind it.

      If you listen to any song especially these days with all the fake artists without music in the background it sounds like crap as is like eating barebone worms.

      So they disguise the worms/mix them up in beautiful clean music which makes us drop our guard for the trojan words/worms to enter and take root in our brain.

      Same thing goes to brainwashing movies, try to watch any movie without music on the background and it feels like total crap.

      Which shows words are nasty and is like getting stabbed by swords(also words/worms subliminal) so they numb the area with beautiful music so we dont feel the pain/nastiness and defend ourselves.

      I remember in 2nd and 3rd grade in school where my teachers and parents were forcing me to memorize word for word entire pages from history books and it felt so wrong, it was making me sick and used to always wonder why i have to keep reading the same paragraph 10 times to memorize it and cant just memorize it by reading it once.
      Classic brainwashing and they are doing it to little kids at schools and parents are brainwashed idiots too as if they werent they wouldnt bring their kids in this horrible world.

      Funny how parents are the perfect product of the brainwashing factory that is earth.
      They bought and buy everything the system sells them.
      Religion, science, politics, schools, vaccines, circumcision you name it, parents are the perfect brainwashed pawns of this system, the backbone of the dreamworld/matrix/wormworld.

    2. Wow just noticed "world" is another worm subliminal just like word and sword.
      Wow and anyone who has doubts let me remind something
      "we live in the present=serpent=worm!"
      It's amazing the worms are actually words/script like our twin worm dna and in cold souls movie was said our human bodies need souls(at least 2% soul) to animate them as without soul/sun they're lifeless words/dna/worms.

      I realized also words are the language of the dead!
      The dead speaks dead.

    3. Wow just noticed something mind blowing that confirms words are the language of the dead.
      Scientists talk about new groundbreaking technology that connects human brains/minds and able to communicate at the center of their brain without using words, like telepathy only better as it doesnt matter what language the person you speak to knows you bypass that.

      It reminded me when i was 2-3 years old and could understand everything my grandma was saying and thinking and was upset that she couldnt understand me(as i could barely speak broken words) and read my mind like i was reading hers.
      In short babies come from the land of the living and very quickly lose those abilities that are of alive poeple who dont speak words as it's the language of the dead.

      Just noticed also words/languages create boundaries and lack of communication between people which contributes to all kinds of conflict especially war, as it's a lot easier to have countries that speak different language kill each other as they see each other like different species.

      I speak from experience as even though i was born in usa i grew up in greece and because my english werent good people were treating me like an alien from a different planet.

      Words/languages serve the war makers/elite great who love having us kill each other and have their god worm feast on our pain, fear and suffering their wars create.

    4. I was the only kid I know of that got home from their very first day of school and said to their mother that they quit and weren't going back. While it didn't work I knew what kind of a place it was. I always said to myself when I was younger that I wouldn't have kids or get married. I failed the first part but will never bind myself to another with words. If I had known what I know now I would not have taken more precautions to not have any kids. I have taught them while I could to question everything and never believe what they read or hear, even from me. I try to make them aware of the world we live in as much as I can with out creating fear within them but it's not easy.

      I don't think any sound frequency can be trusted as you say, certain types of music are played to lure or calm/enrage/generate fear/anxiety/or any feeling for that matter. All matter appears to be worms on a molecular level. Vibrating strings/worms to someones/somethings tune. String theory comes to mine and should be called worm theory.

      I decided to go back to school last year. I was told I had to do something and since someone else is paying for I figured why not see if I can learn something about this place. The more I look at what I'm doing the more I can see the dark army. The training to be a marine engineer is the same around the world. I don't care about the outcome though. I'm just there to fill space and pass the time. I might actually stumble on a few secrets and start to understand the physics behind this cave while I'm there though.

      I can't listen to music like I use to. I grew up listing to punk rock while also repetitive I found it to be more liberating so to speak than pop/metal/rap culture music. I can also see how it molded me.

    5. I googled "string theory" and saw some really nasty worm images
      It's in the shape of 8 which is also the number of the chinese dragon/worm 888
      which is the hateful maggot and they made a hollywood movie named
      "the hateful 8"
      subliminal for the hateful maggot.

      Thank you for reminding me of sound frequencies which can be very harmful too, i got concentrated too much on words to think sound without words to be safer where it can be as harmful.

    6. Even when you see a picture of an atom. Looks like a sun surrounded by worms and wormballs.

      I feel like some of us remember how to communicate without words. I can sometimes read peoples minds so to speak and pull out exactly what they were thinking. It happens usually by accident and most around me consider it lucky guesses.

      I read your comment on your newest thread and it reminded me that about two years ago I was requesting that my deceased sister visit or I visit her. Well one night it happened and I can't tell if it was real or was the worms trying to trick me. I was removed from my body and taken to see her. We were walking beside each other when I looked at her, and had to look again because I couldn't believe it was her. I feel I wasn't suppose to speak while there because when I said her name a high pitched noise shot through my head and I feel to my knees grabbing my head. Within a few seconds I was back on my couch convulsing and in a state of sleep paralysis for a few moments. It was the most intense feeling I have ever experienced. The more I thought about it the more I felt it was something unnatural but maybe, just maybe it was real and really her.

    7. Damn amazing catch on the atom pictures and guess what, "atom" derives from the greek word "atomo" which means person/human being and they show to our face through the atom symbol that we are suns/light beings(like yoda told to our face in star wars) surrounded by worms/human flesh!

      Note also those worms crossing each other like a cross or x which shows how much they love mixing themselves.
      Worth pointing out the halo/ringworm shape of those worms and why to avoid anyone in the afterlife putting a halo/corona/crown on you like the plague.
      40 martyrs story inform us of angels/sirens/humanoid dragons in afterlife putting halos on our head and are promoting it like a great thing.
      I suspect afterlife to be part of the dreamworld too but still we should tread carefully as it doent matter if it's real or not since the pain and suffering feels the same regardless.

      Back in the atom picture i noticed the sun/us to be colored red and the worms colored blue which blue symbolizes cold and water what cools the sun down and maybe even kill it.

      So the red vs blue colors they are spamming everywhere is the battle between suns and worms, fire vs water/black goo/cold. Neo felt like freezing when black goo worm venom/smith was swallowing him/baptize him in his water.

      Our sink handles give away what red and blue symbolize too, red for hot blue for cold.
      sun goku who transforms like a sun vs frieza/cold devil with big ass worm tail comes to mind.
      Just googled frieza to take another look at her tail and holy moly that is a big ass worm hiding in plain sight sand freiza looks like a muppet of the worm behind her!
      That's scary as hell how they hide our enemy in plain sight and distract us with muppets.

      About still using our lost powers to a degree just today i was thinking of a relative who lives close by my house and comes visit once every while and within seconds he knocked on my door. This has happened many times and shows how we are connected or connect with people wirelessly like cellphones and able to sense them when they're in close range without even knowing they are there. This is part of our lost ability which is similar to telepathy but even better.

      The worms never walk alone so your sister i would suspect wasnt 100% worm nor 100% your sister but most likely a mix of both like us humans here. I expect this pattern to repeat on many levels, symbiosis of sun and worms like in the atom picture.


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