Computer Language Reveals All Is Worms And Eggs/Wormballs. There's Only One Number/Worm/Disease!

That's why in school and generally the number 10 symbolizes perfection.

You've got a worm and an egg the worm can use to fertilize and multiply like man and woman.

The egg that gets fertilized reminds me of suns and if their existence is like in chicken eggs to give birth to more worms then i dont trust suns either.

"The Moment We Make Numbers The Guiding Principle Of Our Lives We Die"

We already did long time ago and are already dead.

 Wheel chair lunar boss from surrogates movie said
"we're already dead, we died the moment we plugged into these damn machines/worms/words/numbers"


Lunar boss here tried to infect everyone that was using a surrogate/machine/human body with a virus/worm and then wake up humanity from its slumber and hijack their real bodies agent smith style.

Surrogates/machines die by getting fried reminds me how worms die and it freaks me out to look at machines/computers as literal worms in disguise.


I noticed also how there's actually only one number(dr sbi: there's only one disease) as all numbers are repetition of 1 like in roman numbers.


and zero is same worm 1 eating its tail

which maybe that's why zero symbolizes death(absence of numbers/worms) as it's the worm in self destruction mode.

Our war with that worm goes all the way back in the beginning of the bible with adam and eve.
And zero/uroboros just gave me an idea of how it can die apart from fire/heat.
A worm eating its tail cant eat/harm anyone else.

So we need to turn all 1s into 0s hahaha!

bottomless pit problem solved, i was thinking to seal its bottom with a rock like cyclops, twist it and feed its bottom its top sounds like the perfect solution.
(wow that's even better as then its head is in its ass instead of its tail in its mouth hahaha!)


  1. 10 = X
    Adam and Eve crossbred and were infected with the worm = X
    Confusion = Fusion with the con/worm dna = X
    Bottomless pit = Pit of confusion = Crossed mixed genetics = X
    Its all the same thing.

    These guys are initiated and know these things, thats why they are always throwing the "hex" miscegenation around.

    Meanwhile they just repeat the jayish boogerman conspiracy theory ad infinitum.

    A snake eating its tail is crossing itself meaning it has faulty genes/scrambled brain that makes it attack itself.

    I remember a good gif of a dog attacking itself, growling at its paws and biting them but i cant find it now, but it is something like that.

    1. I have thalassemia anaemia which my mother claims is inherited due to inbreeding, but i think it has to do with miscegenation between peoples as i am some type of moorish celtic mongrel, plus the whole worm dna mutation that humanity as a whole suffers from.

    2. Damn you blew me away with the 10=X/+
      So 10 symbolizes crossing/sex/mixing and sex is also the number 6 which is a worm entering/fertilizing an egg/0!!!

    3. My grandfather used to say "we have to eat a little from everything" which all that means is that we must embrace mixing/miscegenation and following this scrambled faulty logic fallacy pathway is the first step towards sickness and disease as the fist step towards healing is to do the opposite, undo the tangled mixture by using your brain and apply discernment and boundaries on all things.
      My grandfather before dying also told me of all of his affairs while married to my grandmother, and suprisingly or not most of his stories were with mutant women, blind, retarded, without a leg, burned faces, old widows, illegal maids etc

    4. I also remember having hamsters as a kid, and my father could never control his eating habits as he was a big drunk and glutton, so he would come home late at night and just feed them anything he would have at hand, cheese, ham, sausages, chorizos, chocolate, ice cream, which would later cause the hamsters to just shit all over themselves until they died.

    5. Yep they keep pushing 10 = X = Swiss/crossed as perfection and as the goal of apotheosis, while the blind and gullible follow this pathway all that they are achieving is unleasing the full potential of the worm all over the sea of humanity human centipede style.

      Tye Dillinger A Perfect 10 entrance

      The Human Centipede 3 Trailer #1

    6. Another one that they keep telling me is that the truth is unbasied and impartial, oh you mean just like neutral lukewarm crossed switzerland or the pope with its crossed keys, yeah no thank you.

      Also tutti frutti juice is the worst one that they sell at the store.

      Little Richard - Tutti Frutti

    7. I also dont agree with your fasting technique as i once did a 15 day water fast, ive had severe acne for 15 years and was in pain from inflammatory bowel disease, the fast did nothing for me but to each their own i guess.

    8. In Dragon Ball they also show how bad these miscegenations go:

      Goku imagines fusion with Hercule and dende

    9. That human centipede looks identical to dbz shenron, also unicron earth dragon/worm form has centipede horns!

      The fusion with dende/slug and hercules who is called also satan is subliminal of our symbiosis with the devil worm/parasite and goku by mixing himself becomes just like buu who at his core is also a mixed lifeform.

      Thank you for the intel of fasting, it's not my technique and never done it before, another person posted about it and agreed to be helpful as i can understand how it can work against the worms within, force them to go into zero/self eating mode and dr sebi said he had great results by it.
      It can also be dangerous as the worms having no new food to eat can attack their host like black goo venom/ink/black bookwords/worms was threatening to do in 2018 movie.

      Wow "bookworm students" name came to mind which also reveals of books to be worms just like computers who are also code/numbers at their core just like books.

    10. By the way when you did water fasting did you boil the water???
      My relative with pancreas cancer was told by his doctors to boil the water like the chinese do.
      I imagine when you stop eating your immune system weakens as according to tullio simoncini it needs protein and red meat preferable, so the worms of the water could have been attacking you when you were doing water fasting and had low immune system due to not eating.

    11. Nope i drank straight tap water.
      I was hoping at the time that it would reset my system but it just continued being the same old afterwards.
      Dont remember the last time i had red meat, as far as protein goes guess i had some pizza with ham and cheese a couple of months ago and cow milk a few days ago.

    12. Dont know if youre interested in these connections but i am watching this video that show Trumps connections to the isle of Lewis, William Lever the soap guru and the Unilever company with deals in detergents, disinfectants and toilet paper.
      You know as in the anti-germ phobia going on with covid.


      William Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme,_1st_Viscount_Leverhulme

      58° North...Trump's Mother & the Antichrist TIME GIANTS of the Standing Stones

    13. Try cooking your vegetables for some time and see if it works better for you, i found intel that cooking destroys all lectins of vegetables and fruits.

    14. I rarely eat raw plants, mostly salads when i eat out, maybe some bananas, fruit isnt even worth buying as its so expensive and its always too hard from being kept in fridges or from being picked out of time, its not worth the money, i just go for juice and jam now.

    15. I never liked trump but seeing all media attacking him furiously made me not dislike him as much as before, reverse psychology is very effective and the media are giving to the masses the hero they dreamed who at the end will tell them the legendary saying
      "nothing personal just business".

      Putting alzheimers biden against him shows the elite and chinese want him for another term and serves their plans great. He most likely will give china the war they want in the next 4 years and move his family to china during ww3 like 2012 movie showed to our face.

    16. Theres more to it as theres a whole ritual playing out like the fact that he rose from covid 42 years to the day that the 33 day pope was buried in October 4 1978, 33 days before election day on November 3 Saint Hubert day election date.
      Hubert means bright heart means Bret Hart.
      Bret Harts montreal screwjob will be 23 years this November 9 911.
      Trump did the wrestlemania 23 which is the battle of the 23 pairs of chromossomes, against Umaga as in maga as in mage, solomon sun moon the magician of the temple/body which has 46 chromossomes and gets completed at the 46th stein/president.
      Bret harte one of the most prominent members of the bohemian club is buried on pink grave.
      Bret Hart the wrestler wore pink.
      Anthoine Hubert the formula 1 driver #19 car drove pink car.
      Pink pussy hats protesting Trump.
      Im trying to figure out the play for this script but its leading to the great reset and the one world government.
      And heres the connection to germaphobia as in the edict of worms that led to the inquisition and the removal of the unwanted germs, as in brainwashing or soap desinfectants.

      Donald Trump, In The Flesh & Waiting For The Worms -- Pink Floyd's The Wall Mashup

      Theres a script behind this as i am not having to wear a mask everywhere for no reason, just trying to figure it out.

    17. Here in Portugal they love any type of criminal, sex depravity or hotshot rich guy that owns huge vineyards and runs casinos and brothels, but out of sudden they all hate Trump and Bolsonaro which makes zero sense.
      I know that it all plays to a script, and they love the chinese too by the way, the president has his sons and grandsons all working either in China or with China.
      Umaga the wrestler that Trump beat at Wrestlemania died of heart attack on December 4 2009.
      Umaga as in U maga as in U mage, U which is the symbol for soap company Unilever as in U germ free.
      December as in decem as in 10, like october 4 which was the day of the burial of the 33 day pope back in 1978 42 years ago.
      Hmm i think that he has to be sacrificed via heart attack offering to the mongol overlords like in Apocalypto movie, and saint hubert is the patron saint of hunters as in eat your heart out.

      Also whats with the 2 cool tag team Worm move, Rikishi has to be one of the mongol high level magicians, what do you think.
      Like Dwayne The Rock and his never ending crying montages for a savior from boogerman Trump.

      Scotty 2 Hotty the worm tribute moves

      Too cool dance

      Definitely some high level worm move going on, and i have to wear a mask everywhere and self isolate lockdown for this scripted covidiocy.

    18. Also the same people around me pushing covid are the same ones that always downplayed my health problems and told me that it is all mental, i just have to think differently, its all in my mind, im just faking it, so what gives, suddenly covid is very very real, i mean this place makes no sense.

    19. Look at this Unilever graph and how much they run the show:

      And its a blue U all germ free as in no more red/sun in you.

      Look at this shot from Devils advocate, blue halo/corona behind Al Pacino the devil:

      Blue bloods as in Unilever as in U germ free with no sun in U.

      And Al Pacino also played the beast with the world is yours in Scarface and the owner of the Vatican Bank that runs all the economies via their Rothschild agents in Godfather.

      Scarface - "The World Is Yours" Scene

    20. Damn just found out grape vines grow up to 115 feet long!
      I took notice of plants to be worms in disguise and fruits their eggs but damn how did i miss the super long like dbz shenron grape vine and its dragon balls/grapes=staphylococcus in greek, as there was a long ass grape vine right outside the house i grew up and damn i grew up in a violent environment, which now i suspect that grape vine worm outside was instigating all that violence liker loki's staff in avengers movie.


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