Feed The Beast Theory.

 I went through some personal drama 3-4 weeks ago that made me give up on caring what i eat, so for the past month i've been eating a lot of ice cream, sodas, chocolates, snacks etc.
I thought leukemia would be back by now at full force so i suspect either fenbendazole is doing an amazing job or worm venom/majin buu is having a party and lets me live longer.

Then i remembered when i was a kid back in greece i used to cross an area where they were leaving wild dogs outside and in order for them not to eat me i was making sure to carry some food with me to give them to eat so they dont eat me.

So i suspected recently when people said cancer eats sugar to give cancer what it wants and also a cartoon came to mind where a fat kid killed a ravenous beast with overeating from personal experience.
(Just found it, it's called Megas XLR)
It always baffled me as i was a vegan for 10 years and eating a lot of sugar throughout that time and when my addiction to sugar ended with adding ACV to my diet after 8 months of not having consumed a single sweet thing i got cancer.
In my hospital my relatives were telling the nurses how they are baffled how i got cancer as i never smoke, never drink and eat healthy and they were replying that it happens to the good ones most of the time and how the ones who smoke drink etc have less chances getting cancer.

After thinking all of the above it hit me that the beast within is more likely to kill the ones that dont give it what it wants.
Then i remembered this scene from movie Venom and was like cypher from matrix saying "i dont believe this".

Venom 2018
-But can we get something to
eat now?
Otherwise, your liver, it's starting
to look really, really good and juicy

Then the human that was possessed by parasite venom gets out of a store holding a bag full of snacks.

The above is just a theory/suspicion to me and i rather starve the beast than feed it but after starving it for 8 months it turned on me and tried to kill me.
It probably was like "screw this body, there's no party here anymore but bitter ACV daily pain."

About the personal drama i went through even though i live alone i was getting a lot of visits from relatives that were giving me hell for fapping to porn 1-2 times a day thinking it's suicide(even though the doctors told them it doesnt matter) and to make them leave me alone i bought bags full of snacks and candy i filled my couch with and sent them a picture.
After consuming all that candy i thought i was screwed and done for so i was like i might as well enjoy the rest days of my life and the reason i'm back to daily sugar consumption.
I'm impressed i'm still alive and wanna experiment on myself the theory i posted in this thread.
If i make it to a year it will sure be breaking news worthy and i will be eating my ice cream and cake with pride, like i'm in the know lol.


  1. I forgot to mention, on earthclinic site there was an 83 year old guy with AML that fixed his low blood count with consumption of dark chocolate, 3 spoons daily.

    I still dont trust sugar as i was eating homemade ice cream for a month before my AML came back the 2nd time.
    Dark chocolate is usually bitter so i guess it should be good.

  2. I consume more sugar now that im close to 30 than ever before, and ive never been better.
    Before i was a sick person (even with doctors lying that i was average health and teachers accusing me of lying every time that ive been sick), now i actually am average health.
    I eat a big bowl full of corn flakes, soy milk and loads of sugar, its amazing how much healing that does to my body, it raises my body heat and makes me sweat a lot which is great to cleanse me from inside out.
    What i really avoid is the fat content, especially cookies, chocolate bars, chips and cakes as those have loads and loads of fat in them.
    I also avoid ice cream and sodas but for no particular reason as ive noticed that most of them are low in far, i just dont care about them.
    I get all my sugar fixes from white sugar and eat a bunch of starches.
    Heres my diet basically:
    White pasta
    Green peas
    White rice
    White potatoes
    Fruit juice
    Corn flakes
    Soy milk
    White sugar
    White bread
    Fruit jam
    I dont crave other sweets, fat or animals at all.
    I might eat them if im faced with a situation where i cant avoid it, otherwise i stick to my diet.
    I got it from watching Durianrider videos and i am happy with it.

    How Insulin Resistance Is Keeping You Fat

    1. I remember all these morons at school, especially gym teachers that were constantly accusing me of lying every time that i was sick, yet they were really fat blobs with really bad balding.

    2. Just like the people that accuse Durianrider of being a liar, thats like Fat Buu saying that he knows what healthy looks like.
      Or like all the fat guys in youtube that claim to be body builders, sure.
      Or Dana White, Joe Rogan and Alex Jones, they certainly are in good shape to try and con people into buying their fake supplements.
      I take zero supplements.
      Durianrider tells people to take b12 injections.
      I dont take any b12.
      I am not healthy anyway, just average, as i have thalassemia malformed red blood cells, below 50% eye sight and peripheral nerve damage on both of my feet.
      But all those were created from before the life style that i am now on, and this diet makes them bearable, makes my life bearable.

    3. My thalassemia sometimes results in anemia but its under control.
      Yet these con artists that practice medicine always sold me that for this to be possible i had to consume always lots of organ meats and bloody meals.

    4. They also say that i have to consume loads of eggs for good eye sight, yet i used to consume loads of them and that didnt saved my eyes, just gave me high cholesterol and visceral fat all over.

    5. Just now i ate a big bowl of corn flakes and soy milk with 7 spoons of sugar, my body is all sweaty as if i was working out.
      I actually think that cow milk is not bad either as its mostly sugar «and it has natural b12 also, im just doing soy milk because im believing that b12 is just another hoax from the professional medical con artists.

    6. Even a cheese and ham pizza that ive had a few months ago i checked the package and it was mostly carbs and low fat.
      Of course the con artists would tell me that it was unhealthy while they would claim that eating rice drenched in chicken blood, together with chicken heart, chicken liver and chicken thighs to be the healthiest meal i could eat.

    7. I grew up around my grandparents, they no longer had cows and pigs but they always had chickens and rabbits.
      Home grown.
      Home prepared meals.
      Nobody was healthy.
      Its all a con.
      Theyre all dead including my father.
      My mother was infertile.
      Dont buy the nonsense, healthy mum jumbo bio lifestyle bullshit.

    8. My aunt had goats, i ate lots of goats at her house, guess what shes old and really sick and my uncle is dead.
      But those are healthy right, she had a brain aneurisma eating only home grown foods.

    9. The lady next door had sheep, she would take them to the field everyday, she also was old and sick looking even though she lied and told otherwise.
      All these people had one thing in common, except my grandfather that loved to consume loads of sugar with bread and wine, they were/are sugar phobic.
      because ma doctor told me sugar bad.

    10. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences, they're very insightful!
      I feel like Socrates sometimes who said "one thing i know, nothing"
      But i've done one better
      "I know nothing but i suspect everything!"

    11. Just now ive talked about this to my mom and she got immediately defensive and furious over what, over nothing, its just her cognitive dissonance acting out.

    12. "I know nothing but i suspect everything!"

      Yeah Durianrider really helped me ignoring the conditioning that this place has done to my mind.

      I'm having a meltdown

      I have no idea why are all the doctors parroting sugar bad, my mother has horrible flatulence and constipation, i can guarantee you thats not from sugar.
      But between me and the doctor guess which one she will choose to side with.

      Dr McDougall DESTROYS Dr Greger Sugar Paradox

    13. After being subjugated to years of sugar fearmongering i learned our body needs sugar and cant survive without it. I guess it's the excessive amounts that might harm us but those spreading the sugar fear they never make that distinction but recommend to cut all sugar completely, natural and man-made.

  3. Masturbation im not sure if its bad or not.
    Ive seen the angels melting into semen and all the bugs feeding on semen and cock.
    I know that the flesh is a wom pit trap.
    God says to repent from your sins and masturbation and lusting are just that.
    Physically i dont see how can it be bad, the porn actors are constantly performing and pushing their bodies way more than mastubation does.

    Let's talk masturbation with my civilian friends

    Spiritually bad idea.
    Physically i dont see the problem.

    1. Feed The Beast Theory.

      This realitydream world is scripted.
      Check my comments on the previous thread.
      Mr Hulk scored a total of 77 goals in Portugal, 77 goals in Russia, and 77 goals in China.
      Not possible.
      Its all rigged.

    2. Like ive said this place is all moronic.
      People that smoke cigarettes like factory chimneys wearing a mask to protect them from a make believe lung condition.

    3. But but but ma doctor told me, what doctor, you mean like dr Fauci the guy that says that HIV/Aids has infected 77 million people worldwide?

      The HIV/AIDS pandemic is #Solvable​ | Dr. Anthony Fauci

    4. I cant win anyway, the doctor is always right, bright shiny white coat makes might, and the vaccines are coming, oh man...

    5. I hate masturbation, That shit is evil and makes me physically, mentally, and spiritually weaker, I hate myself every time I do it because it feels like I'm playing into the system, I prefer jerking off to tifa lockhart and chun-li rather than real women now because I'm tired of supporting the wicked porn industry because alot of these women hate their lives and are forced into it. Only fans has made alot of these demonic whores very egotistical and self-centered because they get constant attention from simps, and make 150k a year flashing their tits. Pure degeneracy.

      I'd rather just find a christian woman to marry and have sex with, Christian/muslim women are the only ones I've seen that at least try to suppress and control their slut urges, and have a conscience and will submit to a man. Athiest/New age/Buddhist/Spiritual women can't be trusted even if they learned all the shit we discuss here they'd still think it was okay to whore around.

    6. I cant masturbate to cartoons.
      I dont want a christian/muslim woman because i dont want to reproduce/have a family.
      A whore would be great for me but let me be real i dont have the health or wealth to keep her around.
      I also have seen all the bugs hatching from women like Madonna has on her dress and i dont want to be food for the pit.
      I masturbate every other day, sometimes its 3 days, others a week, 15 days, but it would be better if i cutted it out completely.
      It works great as a painkiller for me though, and it is free, it also relaxes my gut and lets me take a nice dump afterwards.

    7. Porn to me is like looking for videogames or music, theres good stuff and theres a lot of garbage, that just makes me consider every scene that i find thats good as special because of all the other garbage.
      And some of these naturals look otherworldly, they look so much better than the ones you see on movies and tv.
      But for my spirit it would be better if i would just forget about it.
      Heres a woman talking about it, she gives a bunch of explanations on why she quitted but what i got from it is that she made enough money out of porn to just walk away now that she has the dough on her bank account:

      This Is Why I Quit Porn

      But how else would i see a woman like Andy San Dimas, Katrina Jade or Alexis Rodriguez?
      It would never happen.
      I also dont have two full hands of dick like these guys have.
      I also have my mother and my sister around, i grew up with them, i barely see eye to eye with them on anything, why would i want to have another one around, for what?
      I just dont get this place.

    8. Also i believe that a lot of these women get abused and even ritualistic sacrificed.
      Like Jessica Jaymes, she died at the same time as some young rapper in some weird ritualistic fashion.
      Or Jenaveve Jolie, she disappeared and her stage name means Holy gene of Eve, thats exactly whats under attack with this covidiot spirit cooking witchery bullcrap, who knows what kind of ritual they put her through, what i could i do about it anyway, really nothing, i can only pray for it.
      I pray to God Jehovah in the name of Jesus Christ that these women be saved and protected.

    9. Princess Charlene of Monaco is another one that i feel is under ritualistic spiritual attack.
      Other Hollywood actresses and pop stars are victims of mind control and ritual abuse.
      What can a person really do about it though, nothing, i just pray for them.
      Its a sad world.

    10. I can masturbate with either 1 hand or the other.
      1 hand thats it.
      On porn you watch these women masturbate the guys before the sex and they use 2 full hands, thats right a 2 hand grip up and down.
      Instead of alternating hands, they alternate the grip position, first right hand on top left hand bottom, then left hand on top right hand bottom.
      See even by just keeping it only at a masturbation level i lose.
      Theres no way that i could have as much fun by myself with an alternating hand routine as i could have with an alternating grip routine.

    11. Christian Ronaldo has a set of twins with a little girl named Eve that he got from a rented womb, thats part of the spirit cooking covid witchery, this is how he gets to be the best in the world, Lionel Messiah had to make his debut at the dragon stadium, revelation 12 the woman and the dragon, Jenaveve Jolie Holy Gene of Eve, its all ritualistic stuff.

      Revelation 12:13
      When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.

      Whos the male child?
      Jesus Christ.
      Whos the dragon?
      Its a spirit that manifests through people via spirit cooking.
      Whos the woman?
      First Eve then those with the holy gene of Eve.

      Genesis 3:15
      And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

      Seed of the dragon/Seed of Eve

      The music from the dragon stadium is that we are the sons of the dragon/seed of Cain

      Filhos do Dragão

      And now mr Hulk scores 77 goals in Portugal, 77 in Russia and 77 in China?
      Not possible.

      Genesis 4:24
      If Cain is avenged sevenfold,
      truly Lamech seventy-sevenfold.”

      Hulk ● Zenit FC ● All 77 Goals

    12. I was born and grew up amidst these people, i never liked them, here are directives from their organized gang stalking supporters the super dragons:
      "Since the genesis of this so glorious nation, that an inferior race has been miscegenating with us, looking to steal our knowledge and fruits of our labor, such scum is to be purged at the hands of the super dragons."

      Its all biblical, its the hateful maggot putting forth these directives through people,
      Another one they love says "You will suffer like dogs".
      So whats my role here?
      To be purged?
      Seems like it.

      They appear to love dogs now, all i see is doggie motel, doggie spa, doggie vending machines, its been as if i had stepped into an alternate reality for the past recent years, it wont last though, the facade is already failing during this covidiocy, all they say is enough and that people have to be corrected, it reminds of the scene with the caretaker from the Shining:

      The Earlier Caretaker's Name was Delbert Grady

      They even came out with a political party named "Chega" Enough.
      They can purge me out, i dont care, i dont understand this pit hole.

    13. Something funny about this paradigm is that these people are constantly spewing hatred for moors, moors this and moors that they say, yet one of their biggest icons mister special one Mourinho's name means just that, Moorish or little Moor.
      i dont get most of the rituals that happen around me most of the time.
      This place used to be filled with black magic stores, with coffins and candles on the storefront window, then they vanished.
      People used to go to the beach for all kinds of witchery nonsense, i guess its still happening or it went out of fashion, i dont know.

    14. 2004 was when mister Mourinho became the special one.by beating Albert the willy casino lover in a not rigged and totally fair and square champions league final

      Eminem - Rap God (Explicit)

      Morphin' into an immortal, comin' through the portal
      You're stuck in a time warp from 2004 though

      2004 was when Feher died from nothing in the middle of a match:

      Miklos Feher Death, live game (with english subtitles) / Morte de Miklos Feher, jogo em directo

      This is a real covidiot death, not the crap they are selling now.
      They are selling that today the players are endangering themselves just to entertain the confined at home masses, yet im not seeing a single one of them dying like it happened to Feher in 2004.

      July 20 1979 Miklos Feher was born
      July 20 1969 is the false flag Apollo 11 moon landing hoax date
      July 20 1973 is the date of death of Bruce Lee from an aspirin
      6 days later July 26 1973 the movie Enter the Dragon was released

      Can you see a pattern here?
      Maybe im the only one that can see it.
      Maybe it doesnt even matter.
      Oh well.

      Enter the Dragon Official Trailer #1 - (1973) HD

    15. Inauguração do Estádio do Dragão - F.C. Porto 2-0 Barcelona

      The dragon stadium was inaugurated on November 16, 2003, with a match against FC Barcelona, which featured the debut of a 16-year-old Lionel Messi in the Spanish side.

      Close enough for the 2004 time warp worm hole?

    16. What does any of this has to do with masturbation?
      The obelisk that is everywhere from freemasonry symbolizes Cain.
      Cain fathered Enoch and built a city named after him, Enoch means initiated.
      Thats pretty much what jesuit trained mr Willy the dragon stadium president does, he initiates people into the occult, he also facilitates prostitutes to rig sport results, court justice rulings and elections.
      Is he a jesuit puppet, jewish puppet, chicom puppet?
      i dont know.
      Mr Willy was the Corleone Godfather figure where i grew up but thanks to the internet i can see that the world is full of mr Willies everywhere.
      Whats really their role here, my role here and this place purpose?
      Im still confused.
      This is not our first state.
      We began in heaven and fell here.
      For what?

    17. "I hate masturbation, That shit is evil and makes me physically, mentally, and spiritually weaker, I hate myself every time I do it because it feels like I'm playing into the system"

      Gen 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

      Thats the freemasonic apron, the holy of holies is the penis/obelisk in freemasonry.


      See the apron in the photo covering the genitals,

      The Truth About Obelisks Around the World

      The Wicker Man (1973) - Maypole Song

      Masturbation is obelisk worship.
      Masturbation is the system.
      The dragon is the system.
      When i am masturbating that is the dragon using me.
      I am the happiest christmas tree, thats worshipping the dragon.

      I'm the happiest Christmas tree Faith Class 2015

      The moon is the pussy/womb/vacca/gata/gate.

      Here she is the pussy flooding this place = menstruation.

      House (1977, Japan) Japanese Trailer w/ English Subtitles

      Hausu is a great movie, so is the Wicker Man, seems like everything satanic is, just like porn.

    18. The shame you are describing is already present at the fall when Adam and Eve took the worm inside the apple.


      I feel this shame also.

    19. Sugar phobia is connected to this sexual fallen shame also.

      Christina Aguilera - Candyman (Official Music Video)

      (Sweet sugar, Candyman)
      He's a one-stop, gotcha hot, makin' all the panties drop

      Whats with all the sugar references.

    20. Heres Mr Willy saying Basta/Enough:

      Pinto da Costa: "Quero dizer aqui: basta! Ninguém nos vai vergar"

      Heres Hillary Clinton saying the same thing:

      'Basta! Enough!' Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump

      Why are these clowns copying from one another...

    21. Morphin' into an immortal, comin' through the portal
      You're stuck in a time warp from 2004 though

      Rocky Horror Time Warp

      2004 was the first time that i masturbated
      Heres to what:

      LaRedoute catalogues and Rubi were great also.


      Rubi...La Descarada

    22. On the cover of that magazine from Playboy May 2004 it reads Time Machine: We landed in the middle of a roman orgy.

      Rex Viper - Nintendo Power of Love (Music Video)

      2004 Mourinho became the special one, Greece won the eurocup and Benoit won the heavyweight championship, Wrestlemania XX female, thats the starting point when i started watching pro wrestling till Benoit died basically.

      UEFA EURO 2004 final: Greece 1-0 Portugal highlights

      WWE Wrestlemana XX - Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Micheals (ending)

      Changed schools, cutted myself with a x-acto knife and got nicknamed Gothika for it, started getting severe acne.
      Guys were disgusted by it in the locker room, which led me to think for years that the cause was my masturbation, but i stopped for months at a time, 4 months one time nothing, 9 months no changes still severe acne, so i decided that both were unrelated to one another.
      But for a long time i thought that every time that i was wanking i was giving myself that horrible acne.
      White sugar and a vegan diet is what has finally cleared my severe acne in my late 20s, and i still have not been able to quit masturbation, so it was foolishness for me to equate them together for years.
      They were both chastisements of shame for me though.

    23. The problem with severe acne is not just the looks, its also painful when you press your back against any surface and it ruins all the shirts with blood and pus.


    24. Ive read acne.org for years, thats a very depressing forum, its from there that i found Durianriders videos together with Freelee the Banana Girl.

    25. Even a simple pat on the back is painful when you have severe acne.
      Everything hurts back there.

    26. Valley Girls 2 from 2004 was the first porno i watched.

    27. I dont think ive ever watched Gothika.

    28. Feher = 42

      The meaning of the number 42 is derived from its direct connection to the coming Antichrist. His evil efforts will last forty-two months in the end time, and thus it is firmly associated with him.

    29. Mr Willy hands out golden dragons to his buds, that comes from his handlers the Bomcompagni mobsters.

      "The mafia have evolved their crimes to electronic fraud, identity theft, and credit card fraud and make billions per year doing this.
      Prince Francesco is a blood drinking psychopath and a Nazi propagandist.
      The Ludovisi coat of arms uses a golden dragon as a symbol and their Pope Gregory XIII's coat of arms is displayed at the Vatican Museum.
      Gold and dragons are symbols for imperialism and the gold dragon is also on the Greek royal family's coat of arms.
      The Ludovisi family's ancestors were likely the Isaurian Dynasty of the Byzantine.
      Sauri is an Italian word for lizard.
      Gold finances empires.
      Pope Gregory XIII or Ugo Boncompagni purchased the Duchy of Sora for his family to govern over.
      The Boncompagni family frequently married in with the Sforza and Chigi families and through marriage with the Ludovisi family established the current Boncompagni-Ludovisi bloodline."

      Pope Gregory XIII is the pope that installed the current Gregorian calendar in which the year starts on winter instead of spring and where we have the Christmas tree celebration for obelisk green man Osiris Cain dragon worship.
      Cain = Son of the dragon = Dracula

      But but but but the jews run it all, sure buds.

      Pope Gregory XIII Boncompagni—and his Family Dragon

    30. Boncompagni = Good company

      Yeah no thank you, good company lol, more like a parasite, a tick latching itself to a sheep yet claiming to be the host, yeah i cant stomach these people, mr Willy says heaven is blue but hell is red, you can keep your heaven, no thank you.
      I need to get out of this script.
      But really why are all these clowns screaming basta, enough constantly, its like they are losing their marbles over this covidiot crap.
      I feel like Trump, what the hell is going on with these clowns.

      Donald Trump Demands To Know "What's Going On?"

    31. And mr Biden didnt stole the election, sure Lol, thats the same kind of fraud that they pull of here in Portugal all the time, yet they always claim "its not what you know its what you can prove", yeah clown world-
      Mr Mourinho became the special one by beating prince Albert Grimaldi fair and square, and mr Hulk scored 77 goals in Portugal, 77 in Russia and 77 in China because Vitor Pereira made a vow with the mother goddess at Fatima, yeah right.

    32. 77 year old sleepy Joe announced president on 7/11, Lord get me out of this loony bin.

      Beyoncé - 7/11

    33. With good companions like these who needs enemies, lol enemy within its their family name.

    34. Miki Feher
      Mickey 42
      Wicked 42

      42 = 3.50

    35. Pope Gregory XIII (Latin: Gregorius XIII; 7 January 1502 – 10 April 1585), born Ugo Boncompagni, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585.

      May 13 pope Gregory XIII Papacy birthday
      May 14 birthday of Isreal and of vaccination

      Gregory XIII's coat of arms golden dragon:

      Mr Willy hands out golden dragon to Jesus Coronavirus, more ritualistic bullcrap on plain sight

    36. The golden dragon.
      Is that the chicoms running the Vatican or the Vatican running the chicoms.

    37. I dont like masturbating and it feels like my soul/ocean fragment is getting milked on the soul plain when i do it or my sleeping form is getting milked maze runner 2 style.
      But it's hard to fight the beast when it gives me these 2 options, waste 1 hour resisting me or spend 5 minutes fapping and i go away giving you also some pleasure in return.
      Same goes with food, fight/resist for about 1 hour till the urge goes away or succumb/eat and it goes away in 5 minutes.

  4. Spot on dude. Number 1 rule is in order 2 survive you must feed the beast and also feed on something too. Double edge sword comes 2 mind when I think of that. When I fasted 4 2 days I didn't feel hungry at all buy felt the worms swimming around my gut looking 4 substance trying 2 make me miserable 4 not feeding them. My guess is that the worms are nano by nature like all microbes and germs. Just like the belly of the beast. Maybe the universe is just one BIG stomach that we're in like the story of Jonah and the whale in the bible

    1. I suspect our true form has no needs and all the needs we have in this body is of the flesh or worms within. Hell our gut is one giant worm and so much killing/death is being done globally just to feed it.

  5. My thalassemia anemia is the probable cause for my peripheral neuropathy so it makes sense that leukemia could also give you peripheral nerve damage as a similar result.

    1. This place is so moronic that in the past people use to accuse me of lying for being sick, now in the present covidiocy they accuse me of lying for not being sick.
      They tried to quarantine me for a 1 day fever. the shortest fever of my life.

    2. Good people are often accused and persecuted in this world. I know this cuz I go through the same thing as you. In a fallen world good is evil and evil is good!

    3. Its not even that i am good, theyre just following the script, before the script was that young people are healthy therefore because i wasnt i was lying about it.
      Now the script is people are getting ill so because im not then im lying about it.

    4. They cant help anybody.
      My grandparents and father are dead.
      My grandmothers went to a healthcare facility, one of them was returned home because they couldnt handle her.
      The other used to beg me to take her home everytime that i visited her.
      Now they are going to save me from an invisible virus, sure.
      My mother and sister will eat up anything they are told.
      I dont know how am i going to escape this, only God knows.

    5. Yes people are stupid and scripted. That's why this place is definitely a demonic setup from the archons...and demiurge. We never stood in a chance in that regard being that this their realm. Maybe we'll find out why God has forsaken us here after we die...

    6. You're spot on on the peripheral neuropathy, this is what i have as after sleeping for long hours the past 2 days my foot is so much better and i know broken bones dont heal that fast. I read also chemo causes it when you're doing chemo so now i'm trying to figure out what caused it on mine as it happened more over a month after chemo, i read people overdosing on fenbendazole getting stomach cramps which i was getting too before my foot swell. So the suspects now are fenbendazole, red wine(i drink half a glass a day, they say it kills leukemia cells) or the ice cream and chocolate i eat daily.
      Fenbendazole gave me shingles in the past after taking it every day, i stopped it and leukemia came back so i see this foot problem as a trap to stop take what i take. It's getting better now so i'm not changing my diet.

  6. I've tried to quit eating sugar after being diagnosed with pre-diabetes despite doing intense weighted calisthenics daily. Also, fuck being diabetic in post apocalyptic world were there are no insulin shots.

    What you're saying reminds a bit of Ocs101, Except he said the beast system actually respects you for resisting it's brainwashing bullshit and temptations. Like it respects for resisting BLM and not going along with all these agendas, It considers us slightly more of a threat whereas it despises the naive masses that just fucking play into everything.

    1. I thought that i was becoming diabetic when my peripheral neuropathy appeared because peripheral nerve damage is a common result from diabetes.
      But nope blood sugar always returned normal, only my cholesterol and triglycerides were through the roof.
      Sugar is great to treat diabetes because it increases insulin sensitivity, its like working out, you are working out your insulin receptors.
      It certainly raises my body heat and makes me sweat a lot like a workout.

      Dr. McDougall - Diabetes & Sugar

    2. Fastest endurance runners in the world run on sugar, sugar doesnt build size but its great to build endurance.

      How One Kenyan Village Fuels The World’s Fastest Distance Runners | Feed The Flame

      "Sugar – plain sugar – accounted for 20 percent of daily calories. The Kenyans love their tea (in fact, tea consumption was greater than water consumption – 1.243 liters per day on average) and they love putting lots of milk and sugar in their tea. Having trained with some Kenyans myself, I can attest to just how much tea they drink and how much milk and sugar they use. It’s incredible.However, a large amount of this sugar also comes from fruits. Immediately after most runs, Kenyans consume some type of fruit, typically watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew. The simple sugar and water from the fruit speeds glycogen to their muscles post workout."


    3. Heres the correct video:

      How One Kenyan Village Fuels The World’s Fastest Distance Runners | Feed The Flame

  7. Kaboom, I made a discord and i want you and the others here to come, maybe we can chat on voice talk sometime https://discord.gg/BNx387XE

  8. I sincerely hope that your attempts to disincarnate are fruitful and you finally get rid of that abomination called the human body and your true self finds its way out of this hell.

    1. 2004 i developed severe acne.
      2014 i developed peripheral neuropathy, it was so bad that i was having a lot of difficulty walking.
      I was seriously contemplating suicide.
      I thought also that healing acne was impossible by that point.
      Evil or not, masturbation kept me going through it all, my birthday in 2015 i thought im gonna end it, but i put on a Teal Conrad Naughty Weddings porno on and that eased the pain.
      Im still here and my acne is cleared.
      Really i thought this was impossible, clearing my acne no way, accutane did nothing, just messed my vision and burned my guts.
      So theres that.

    2. Inflammatory bowel disease is also really painful, at certain point the doctor was considering that i could have Chrons and he scheduled me for a colonoscopy that i backed out from at the last moment, i had no courage for that.
      That pain in the gut was also really restricting me, am i glad thats gone, feels like im living a new life.

    3. I hope you find some solace in my tales Kaboom, im not just writing them to be annoying.

    4. Lol everyday I feel like dying so I can end the suffering but I'm sure that they will just put me somewhere worst
      Or worst I will just fail at death. This is HELL!

    5. I can recline back on the chair and rub my back against the comfy filling cushion and just feel at ease.
      This is something so simple, yet i have not been able to experience it since i was 13 years old.
      Feels amazing, and yet its the most simple thing in the world.
      If i could only get through my peripheral neuropathy i would be pain free.
      Oh well.

    6. But but but gotta eat ma codfish soaked in olive oil and ma cow steaks smeared in butter, sugar bad, sure thing buds.

  9. https://youtu.be/jkjIsnjKhew

    1. I was thinking lately all the things i could gain by cutting digital parts off my body, then i realized removing the whole body would grant me access to the analog world/ocean/force/ether but a dome separates us from it and death is not an escape nor a solution anymore.
      I remembered also an oobe i had in a sleep paralysis back in 2009 where my soul body was wavy like an ocean and like it was 100% water, thinner than water actyally, it looked like a waving flag. Oh and some evil laughing entities were close by ready to collect me/kidnap me. My flesh pulled me back like a magnet.

    2. I had the same the theory that jumping into the middle of the sea would make at one with God too. I don't think you would seriously die though but would be resurrected like Jesus by whatever forces as I believe that water can truly kill the brain. Maybe that's what happened when God flooded the earth. He just ressurectrd those he wanted too LOL

    3. I dont trust the waters from below, i suspect they are heavily contaminated and are also cold while the waters of above are hot like fire.
      Cold is devil's territory, see mr freeze, freiza, medusa etc.
      Heat i suspect to be god's territory.

  10. I have a sugar tooth. It’s a helluva drug. It’s as good as a drug or sex really. So there is something to it.

    1. Yeah.

      Melanie C - I Want Candy (Music Video) (HQ)

      Candy Crush Saga Level 8815 NO BOOSTERS

      50 Cent - Candy Shop (Official Music Video) ft. Olivia

    2. Came across this melanie c pic
      Damn look at those wide ripped shoulders, definitely a dude!

    3. Looks like shes doing the inverted transitioning FTM that the Matrix Wachowski brothers did.



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