Our Reality Is All Worms And Their Eggs! UPDATE!

 After i read in articles that our worm floaters in our eyes are just protein collagen(the building block of all lifeforms), i googled "collagen microscope" and look what i saw.

They look just like our intestines and tapeworms, they are modeled after worms and this is evidence how our worms are like the biblical god or agent smith that creates or converts/mutates everything in their image!

So the building blocks of all lifeforms in this cave are worms.

Next i noticed long ago how you can grind everything to dust which looks like mushroom/fungus eggs/spores and how everything burns and melts(like worms) at different melting points.

I learned from scientists of chernobyl disaster videos that dust is like a sponge or a cell, ovary egg etc that can absorb things and they said some dust particles can hold the things they absorb prisoner for 100s to millions of years. They used some special dust they said to absorb the radiation in Chernobyl like a black hole does to a sun.(moon with all its holes that absorbs suns too like a black hole in star wars movies with the starkiller base reminds me of that chernobyl dust and how that fractal repeats in the macrocosm)

So i tried to find more evidence of the secret relationship between dust/clay/soil etc particles and worms as if there's room inside those particles they're perfect eggs and houses for the worms of the microcosm.

Well look what our super advanced science just found out

"We're Surrounded! House Dust Is A Rich Source Of Bacteria"(WORMS!)

"If you've always suspected there are unknown things living in the dark and dusty corners of your home and office, scientists are now one step closer to cataloguing exactly what might be lurking in your indoor environment. Buildings have their own pattern of bacteria in indoor dust, which includes species normally found in the human gut, according to new research."

Science is moving slower than a snail and on things that anyone can notice in an instant if he pays attention, or even worse they are gatekeepers of truth just like religion.

It's all worms and their eggs/particles/dragonballs/moons decoded and exposed!

Also word spore is from the greek word sporos and poros is also an opening/hole in greek or something that is covered all around with holes like our moon. Another give away of our moon to be an egg/worm-egg/dragonball.

I used to think earth is like a sandbox like those in videogames, turns out it's a wormbox, sand is full with worms and is also their eggs.
Some researchers call earth and all its lifeforms programmable matter, now we know how it works and what it truly is!

By the way the word "egg" is 666!

I suspect our true form/self is like that radiation imprisoned inside the dust or like the sun trapped inside the starkiller base/worm particle/dust of the macrocosm.
(and the worms like roots of plants feed off of us to grow or transform into dragons/butterflies like the hobbit 2 worm/dragon that evolves and grows inside our moon feeding on the gold that symbolizes a sun/our soul etc).

Wow i just noticed a worm fractal on the plants.

Plants start just like worms with no wings/leaves and eventually transform like the worms and grow wings/leaves.

Wow i had exposed plants before and their worm like roots but never noticed this butterfly fractal before.

I should have written "dragon" instead of "butterfly" in above pic, hahaha!


Majin buu in dbz told it to our face when we were in his belly that here all is buu=black goo=programmable matter=worms!

So i knew for a long time the black goo nature of our world but only recently i realized the true nature of black goo=programmable matter=fungus which is worms.

Matter is also subliminal for water and "end" in greek is "terma" which is an anagram of  matter/water.
Ice/water(blue) is also the opposite of fire/hell(red) so indeed water/blue is worm territory. Black goo is also water and worms and their eggs/matter when you burn and melt them they become water.

Also being aware how this place used to be a sun and how worms go to dead bodies i suspect one of the reasons this world is full with worms is cause it died/got murdered etc.

Life after death: the science of human decomposition. Earth Is Dead And Headless!




  1. That plant fractal is phenomenal, wormed world is crazy.


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