Words Are The Language Of The Dead! UPDATE! Yuri Bezmenov "The Moment We Make Words/Numbers The Guiding Principle Of Our Lives We Die!"

 From the latest comments of this thread.

I realized also words are the language of the dead!
The dead speaks dead."

"Wow just noticed something mind blowing that confirms words are the language of the dead.
Scientists talk about new groundbreaking technology that connects human brains/minds and able to communicate at the center of their brain without using words, like telepathy only better as it doesnt matter what language the person you speak to knows you bypass that.

It reminded me when i was 2-3 years old and could understand everything my grandma was saying and thinking and was upset that she couldnt understand me(as i could barely speak broken words) and read my mind like i was reading hers.
In short babies come from the land of the living and very quickly lose those abilities that are of alive people who dont speak words as it's the language of the dead.

Just noticed also words/languages create boundaries and lack of communication between people which contributes to all kinds of conflict especially war, as it's a lot easier to have countries that speak different language kill each other as they see each other like different species.

I speak from experience as even though i was born in usa i grew up in greece and because my english werent good people were treating me like an alien from a different planet.

Words/languages serve the war makers/elite great who love having us kill each other and have their god worm feast on our pain, fear and suffering their wars create."

I see now words like crutches handicapped people are using until they heal and dont need them anymore.

We have been disconnected from the land of the living, from the universe/outside world, we have lost our ancient powers and like handicapped people are using crutches/words to get by.

Damn learning to use and live with these damn things/words was painful and even more painful was trying to learn to use the english crutches/words.

I can sense now how amazing life/existence without words can be like in between those who use and depend on crutches and those who do not need them.

Words like crutches limit also our potential as you can barely do anything when you walk on crutches and can barely do anything when trapped in the (script)word/worm/world.
(In short in matrix with Neo they flipped the truth around, it's outside the matrix/code/script/word where we are supermen and able to do anything and when in the word/computer code mere humans/puppets of the script like an actor in a scripted  movie, an npc in a videogame!)

Wow i hated school so much and always felt there was something a lot more insidious to it than just brainwashing and indoctrination.

Exposing words we have reached the bottom of our matrix guys, we have reached the code/foundation of the computerworld/dreamworld/wormworld!

Burn all words, throw away the crutches, regain your lost abilities!
(Felt like saying this lol)

I suspect if all humans were to stop using words/worms and stop teaching them to the new generations eventually their spell/hold they have on us would weaken and we would be able to break free, probably wake up from our coma and into our real limitless forms.(not the matrix clones that sleep in our moon, i dont trust those to be our true forms(but weaponized robocop forms they plan for us to enter and fight the "evil aliens") and movie oblivion with tet moon showed of them to be clones/creations like in matrix).
(worth pointing out it was when i started learning to speak/use words/crutches and use my worm/slug tongue when i lost that special ability i had when 2-3 years old! Wow i have memories being in a baby chair and communicating without using my mouth like an adult with other babies that were close to me!)

So they have cast a big spell on the whole humanity to keep it asleep matrix style and is literally a spell/freaking words man, freaking nasty words! That look like bones too, another give away words are of the dead and ugly and evil like skeletons.

Damn that looks scary, like the xenomorph facehugger.

Wow its worm tail i never thought to be of much importance before, now i know it's the most important and evil part of the facehugger.

Yuri Bezmenov "The Moment We Make Words/Numbers The Guiding Principle Of Our Lives We Die!"


He talks right before subliminally also how we actually turned into numbers/words and died and how we used to be non material=words=worms, implying god.

Reminds me also the digitization of analog where is the fractal of turning a soul/light into flesh/digits.

I just googled "digitization of analog" and was blown away!

"How do you digitize an analog signal?

Analog signals that are to be digitized by an ADC normally come from sensors or transducers that capture a signal "sound, pressure, light, radio waves, and so on" and transform it into a voltage(battery/food) that is proportional to the amplitude of that signal."

Noticed also "money" who corrupt/degrade people are actually numbers=worms!
The love of money is actually the love of numbers(words are also numbers according to ancients and numerology)


On the money again that words/numbers are worms
Worms At Their Core Are Words!
and people cant have it both ways

"love books, words and numbers/digits on one hand and hate money as evil cause it corrupts humans on the other"
as both are the same  thing and equally dangerous and death itself!

Numbers are skeletons/dead things without us/souls/suns/gods/batteries/cd players that animate them.

Wow word number derives from word numb!
deprived of feeling through cold, shock, etc
unable to move; paralysed(dead!)
characteristic of or resembling numbness: a numb sensation.
to make numb; deaden, shock, or paralyse

In short number/word/worm=killer=murderer=death! 

Mathematicians love to say "It's all Math"=Numbers=Worms Indeed!
Remind me worm buu from dbz who said "All is Buu=Worms!"

I remember in greece at the 12th grade of high school=high skull="moon/medusa head above" math were total cancer!
They were literally killing/numbing my brain!
And i used to like math and be very good at previous school years but at the 12th grade in greece they teach college level math and they are straight cancer.

Now that i know the true nature of numbers I AM FURIOUS! YOU NASTY WORMS!!!


  1. K,

    What you describe as a child is our intrinsic awareness; a presence or knowing.
    This knowing doesn’t require words, thoughts or knowledge to express its wisdom.
    It is universal and it has no need for words to communicate. It is our natural condition. It is prior to everything that comes after...and as we know, all the hordes of parasites arrive and seemingly corrupt this natural state.

    I am of the opinion that all thoughts, imaginings and turmoil are actually the thoughts of the worms in our body. These parasites, over time, distract us from the natural state of knowing we had as children. Their thoughts do not belong to me. Wisdom doesn’t need to think. The parasites are the thinkers of war, ego, and delusion.

    The good news is that our awareness is still present. It didn’t go anywhere.
    We are ancient. We are simply fixated on their lies. The worms are really just frightened little turds. They are afraid of our immensity. As such I refuse to listen to them.
    I return to present awareness.
    If the worms complain, I offer to take them for a swim In the lake of fire. Haha.

    Cheers K.

    1. Thank you for this intel! Now i understand how the communications between the living and the dead have been cut off and are forbidden by the rulers/worms of this world which gods of egypt movie told it to our face.

      They trained us since birth to think like worms and speak worm/word language which distracted us and cut us off from the universal language we were speaking before birth, before we got indoctrinated by schools, parents and environment to think and speak in words/worms.

      So we need to remember/refind our process of thinking we had before "the word/worm programming" took place early in our lives.
      Most people cant remember anything from their childhood so trying to remember how we were thinking as babies can be impossible to most people.

      I remember when a baby i was very scared when seeing adults and one time i was alone in a room with another baby that was talking to me in my mind like an adult and was trying to make me feel better.

      So the ancients and space friends outside our dome might be speaking to us all the time and we cant hear them cause we dont speak their language anymore and the worms within do a great job filtering anything they dont want us to see or hear.

      In many afterlife movies like "What Dreams May Come" and in my nde dream i had in afghanistan when people outside their bodies they go see their loved ones and are getting very frustrated that their loved ones in the flesh/worm cant see or hear them like i was getting frustrated when 2-3 years old that my grandma couldnt hear me/read my mind like i was reading hers.

      Now that i realized school word/worm education and training plays a big role for the communications between the living and the dead to remain cutoff makes me hate schools=skulls, languages(which is tongue=slug=worm in greek) and words/worms even more!

      In greek "what language are you speaking" is literally "what slug/worm are you speaking".
      I find very interesting how language is tongue in greek and tongue in greek is anagram of slug and how we need a slug/worm in our mouth in order to speak worm language/words.
      Beings pure from worms most likely dont have a slug in their mouth and dont speak worms/words.

      I shouldnt hate cause hate feeds the worms but damn i'm upset.


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