James Bond Die Another Day Decoded! The Material World Is Frozen Liquid/Water/Analog! UPDATE! Thales, Aristotle Said All Is Water And Earth Rests On A Lake! UPDATE 2! The Elite Dont Mine Earth, They Sculpt It!!! The mining is a cover up!

 I saw this movie last night and i was blown away! Where should i start, lets start from the beginning!

The lunar boss was called "Colonel Moon!" hahaha i couldnt believe my eyes, prepare for a wild ride man, get ready!

In the beginning we had ferryman lunar boss intel and his lunar bell located right at the exit of our world.
Lunar boss was also immobilized on his boat like Odysseus when james bond drove it out of his kingdom and rang the bell on his way out which reminded me what i said in earlier threads on how we have to tie ferryman lunar boss on his boat like odysseus to make sure he doesnt betray us on the way out.

After james bond rang the bell he said "saved by the bell" and immediately our father/god who is also lunar boss's/satan's father showed up!

Holy moly man, if we ring the moon bell i think the game is over like in the navy seals training/hell/school they have a bell standing in plain sight and to get out of training/hell at any time before your transformation/new programming is complete all you have to do is ring the bell!(they brainwash everyone in advance to feel very ashamed if they do for taking the easy way out! hahaha!)
To wake up from sleep/dream usually an alarm clock/bell wakes us up and if we sleep in the moon like lifeforce 1985 showed then ringing the moon like nasa tried to do will sure wake us up! and if earth is still hidden it will reveal its location and that's why the father showed up after james bond rang the bell!

That bell by the way looked identical to the lunar bell from darksiders 2 clip i posted in the ferryman thread.
it was also located high on top of a cliff next to waters that were flowing down to earth, waters of above and moon symbolism. 

They showed the father was ignorant of what his son is doing here on earth behind his back and became suspicious when he saw fire coming out of his kingdom/earth(probably after some nukes went off as many researchers said when earth detonated a nuclear bomb the aliens took notice of us and are coming here) and turned back to come here to see what's going on.
They showed his son/devil as soon he found out his father is coming back he started to clean this place and make it look like before the father left.(see researcher raymond drake who was astonished how the evil aliens of ancient times disappeared(went into hiding behind the moon) all of a sudden).

They showed also the plan of the son to kill his father and take his throne and the electro/robocop suits they plan to upgrade us with to face the father/neo/odin when he returns.

Lunar boss's full name in this movie was
"colonel tan-sun moon"
tan-sun=satan subliminal!
and he killed his father at the end like hela in the deleted scene of thor ragnarok.

His father like in movie wanted couldnt kill his own son and that's the opportunity the devil took to kill god like in movie wanted.
In that scene the son was in a new body and his father touched his statue that had his original face and form which symbolized how like in riddick dark fury and demolition man we are frozen like statues nearby and are wireless connected to these bodies here.

When james bond saved frozen halle berry it symbolized us and he told her "the cold/ice kept you alive/preserved you" like it did to stallone in demolition man movie. Halle berry told him "what took you so long" which is how i feel here. James was busy fighting the lunar boss that's why he took long to save halle berry and had to kill lunar boss first in order to get to her.

In that scene the whole earth was shown under a dome and all matter to be frozen water!

this so blew me away as the day before i took notice and mentioned this in the comments of this thread

"Water when frozen becomes dotted/digital like sand which gives away the digital sand is the death/freezing of analog as like buu said "all is buu=water=analog" and analog becomes digital when frozen just like water becomes sand when frozen.

I'm blown away fire/heat makes everything analog=smooth=water while cold makes everything dotted/dusty/digital!

Also i noticed matter is water upside down like it's the opposite of water like digital is to analog!"

Holy moly man! this movie showed to our face what also buu in dbz told to our face "all is buu=water=analog"!!!

And at the end the whole place started melting as the analog sun on the outside was burning it and returning it back to analog!(freeing also the prisoners trapped in ice like stallone)
I took notice and exposed it in this thread that the way out is firing up and melt our prison that is made of ice/frozen water!
Firing Up Is The Way Out!!!!
(buu was melting too when the sleeping prisoners within him were liberated!)

They showed also global warming is the analog sun burning this ice kingdom/prison to the ground and liberating us from the matter=water/ice, creating also a great flood in the process from the melting of everything into liquid!
The dome was shown like a dam to do a great job protecting this frozen prison from the real sunlight and controlling its flow like a dam allowing only a small portion of it to enter for the sun mirror.
(lunar boss's exit gate of his kingdom was identical to the gate of a dam!)

(and it has oculus sungate symbolism on it too and moon like a dam gate and cyclops round stone blocking the exit like eclipses do)

They showed this prison we live in at its border is surrounded with landmines so no one makes it out and whoever makes it past the antarctic ice and minefield, they use then the sun mirror to stop him.

Identical thing they showed in prisoner tv series where a guy there went to cross the desert/antarctic ice to escape and they sent the sun mirror after him like they did to james bond!

 0:06 the sun mirror is after his ass while crossing the antarctic desert!!!

identically they send the sun mirror after him!
I have seen the newer prisoner 2009 series where they made it more obvious that sphere was the sun as they had it emit blinding light too and it showed up at a desert where the protagonist tried to cross to escape which symbolized the antarctic desert.(similar desert furiosa tried to cross in mad max fury road to escape immortan joe's kingdom!)

The prison earth was shown to have 2 entrances/exits, one above us/oculus sun/big gate at the dome like in thor ragnarok and a hidden one below underwater like in cube zero movie.
Halle berry came to earth from above/sungate while james bond from below underwater!

They showed also while here they try to make us feel alone and abandoned while in reality our allies on the outside do the best they can to get us out!

-Your people have abandoned you,
your very existence denied.

They showed also in that scene breaking free from here makes the lunar boss break free too(riding shotgun agent smith style and odysseus hidden under the cyclops' sheep while getting out of the cave)
and when james bond was getting freed at the same time the lunar boss was getting freed too!
James bond later said when realized his freedom freed also the lunar boss/agent smith/devil

-I'd rather die in prison
than let him loose.

(which means it's more important for the lunar boss not to make it to the real world like agent smith and clu from tron legacy than our freedom and bond understood that, lunar boss played the good guys from the outside world like clu from tron legacy revealing the location of his hidden prison so they come liberate him)

They showed also what i decoded of the lunar boss/lucifer used to be a good guy that was corrupted by the lunar queen/lilith!

-My son had an ally in the West.
For the last time, who was it?
Who made him betray
his country and his name?
The same person who betrayed me.

And they showed after this scene the same person who betrayed us and trapped us here will be also the same one who will get us out of here westworld s3 style to help her in the new big mess she was caught in.
See lunar queen as M/Medusa unlocking james bond's doors where he was imprisoned in a mental asylum like william in westworld behind a glass wall/dome!

Then james told her

-You burn me
and now you want my help?

- What did you expect, an apology?

-I heard of this place.
Never thought I'd find myself here.
-Some things are best kept underground.(we are located underground intel)
Abandoned station for abandoned agents.(that's us, they try to make us feel abandoned while we're not)
(This place was identical to the matrix trainstation prison Neo was trapped in!)
Wow just remembered it wasnt truly an abandoned station and a train showed up soon after but it was invisible giving away only the ones in the know can get on the matrix 3 train that leads out or into other prisons/layers.

James bond's prison was shown to be also a ship identical to the prison ship from escape plan with stallone!

-How can he escape
from a British warship
right in the middle of Hong Kong
harbor, right under your nose?
You were supposed
to throw away the key,
not leave the door wide open.
-Are you implying I had
a hand in his escape, Mr. Falco?
-Well, Bond got away real fast, didn't he?
-It is what he's trained to do.
Your boy's been very busy in his training.
He showed up in Cuba and torches a clinic.
Listen, you put your house(earth) in order
or we're gonna do it for you.
(Cuba=Cube/Prison subliminal and its clinic/mental VR asylum was behind a fortress like Troy! Looked exactly like alcatraz too which symbolizes also our prison.
And lunar boss was sleeping in the dreamworld just like us and he escaped when they came for him)

Looking at recent pictures of alcatraz gives me the chills as it looks like a ship and all these massive solar panels they have put on it gives away there's something big going on there!
Welcome to Alcatraz: One of the largest microgrids in the United States

The father of the lunar boss just like odin in thor movies tried to use his son to unite 2 worlds and failed miserably at it.

-You took away my son.
-Your firing squad should have
done the job for me.
-I hoped a Western education
would help him
become a bridge between our worlds.
But all it did was to corrupt him.

It was the lunar queen/lilith who corrupted him and was shown we all sleep with her before we wake up as humans in her prison.

-Remember, I know all about you, 007.
Sex for dinner, death for breakfast.
-Kill him.
-I enjoyed last night, James,
but it really is death for breakfast.
(sex with the lunar queen at night, death/birth as a human in the following morning!)
and james bond revealed sex with her is the coldest thing ever!
(giving away we become frozen medusa statues by sleeping with her)

-I won myself my very own MI6 agent,
using everything at my disposal,
her brains, her talent, even her sex.
-The coldest weapon of all.
(she won him, like i expose further down she corrupted him and made him her puppet like artemisia did to xerxes! artemis is the goddess of the moon in greek and is anagram of mitera which means mother in greek, that's our evil mother hera from mythology and bad boys for life right there, hating our father and using his son to kill him.)
Also mother/mather=therma which means flesh/skin in greek and therma=derma=dream!(shit goes deep!) So having sex with the lunar queen is identical to getting consumed black goo venom=buu style that symbolize the human flesh=star trek skin of evil.
(wow neo when was getting consumed by black goo smith said he felt very cold! wow so that cold bitch she literally consumes us like a snake during sex like mantis do and reptilian queen in V series!)
And i decoded recently married=derma/dream=flesh/skin and how we literally get married with the flesh at birth like peter parker was calling venom his first love in the cartoon.(That's the marriage between analog and digital lululemon founder was promoting)

In the following scene was shown our father is ignorant that we're still alive and in different bodies and mourns us as dead, which is kinda scary. 

-You saw my father after your exchange?
- Yes.
-General Moon(father of colonel suntan moon) still mourns your death.
- My death.(birth/marriage with new flesh/body)

They showed also the bone marrow transplant technology they use to change our identities down to the bone marrow level and how north korean leaders use and abuse the hell of that technology.
I was surprised at how old this method is as when i had leukemia in my hospital they were presenting the bone marrow transplant cure as something that was invented recently and hiding the fact that is a very painful process.

-So, you are to have
DNA-replacement therapy.
Let me explain the two phases.
First, we kill off your bone marrow,
wipe the DNA slate clean.
Phase two,
introduction of new DNA,
harvested from healthy donors.
Orphans, runaways,
people that won't be missed.
I like to think of myself as an artist.
And this is when I create.
Thank you.(receives big check from halle berry, showing how our doctors all they care about is money)
It is a painful process, I'm afraid,
but all great art is.
I'll certainly enjoy working on you.

Recently i came across pictures of kim jong un's grandfather and was like "this is cloning!", then came across kim jong un's grandmother pictures and was like "what the hell is this?" all 3 look identical!

Definitely something is going on here and if the north korean ruling family is the lunar boss family die another day movie showed to our face then there's definitely cloning, body snatching and switching alter carbon cartoon style going on with them.
The grandmother died at 31 which is the age 30-33 the lunar boss loves to change bodies/shed his skin for a new one!
(See jesus, alexander the great, bruce lee etc all dying at 30-33! and all symbolizing the lunar boss)

He was bragging in james bond movie how he hides right in front of us and we cant notice him!

-So you live to die another day,
Colonel.(Moon/Lunar Boss)
-At last. I was beginning to think
you'd never guess.
-Was it painful?
The gene therapy.(switching bodies)
-You couldn't possibly imagine.
-Good. I'm glad to hear that.
-But there have been compensations.
Like watching you flail around
in your ignorance.
Granting you life, day by day,
just to see if you'd get wise.
It's been fun.
(it really felt like he was talking to my face and it gave me the chills hahaha!)
-Well, the fun is about
to come to a dead end.
-We only met briefly, you and I,
but you left a lasting impression.
You see,
when your intervention forced me
to present the world with a new face,
I chose to model
the disgusting Gustav Graves on you.

Just in the details.
(This is intel that he is stealing our identity to fool our father or our allies when they/he arrives here!
Similar thing the lunar queen did in westworld s3 stealing william's blood to make a copy of him and then give to his kingdom their king back which would be her puppet like in 300 2nd movie where Xerxes was shown to be literally her puppet after she killed his father too on his deathbed in front of him!)

The scene where america sent a missile to break the sun mirror sure gave me the chills and was mind blown to see how simple and easy thing to do was!

-Icarus.(sun mirror)
-We're taking care of that
with an ASAT launch in one hour.
-Hey, boss, they launched against Icarus.
Leave it on automatic.
-I hope nobody here is superstitious.
That's one big mirror we're about to break
-Oh, my God.
Mobilize the South Korean troops.
And get me the President, now!(hahahaha all hell breaking loose after the sun mirror breaks and the whole place goes dark hahahaha!
I suspect that's how earth will go pitch black like they did in snowpiercer train.
When Neo returned to the matrix to liberate us at the end the whole place was pitch black too!
And smith lost horsehair analog worm style! He consumed Neo and neo like the horsehair analog worm killed him from within!)
Horsehair Worm, The Unsung Analog Hero!
Digital loves eating and is all about consuming and its strength is also its weakness! 

Lunar boss's plane that flew under the sun symbolized the moon that eclipses the sun and its cockpit looked identical to the place lunar boss was located on the moon in the truman show.

Next they showed to our face how the lunar scum and chinese fight.

-In war, the victorious strategist
only seeks battle
after the victory has been won.

In short when usa will go to war with china the war has already been lost and i realized war only happens to reduce the population and for history books manipulation so the masses never figure out how empires rise and fall and how war has nothing to do with it and all about simply reducing the population and soul harvesting jupiter ascending style.

They showed also the chinese blackmailing politicians strategy in the scene where a chinese secret service agent sent to james bond a girl to sleep with and was hidden behind a mirror to record it and bond exposed them and it was so hilarious.
This verifies what i exposed of this blackmailing strategy the hebrews are using heavily too to originate from china.

1:51 i laughed so hard hahahaha, i remember laughing for a good 5 minutes on top of my lungs!
(Wow i just noticed odysseus returning to his kingdom symbolism(after he escapes his prison/cave which james had to do also) in the beginning of this clip and was blown away!
Imagine returning to your kingdom and they ask you for credit card and money to access your own home, you'll be extremely pissed like jesus when he returned to his solomon temple/home and found it taken over by money people/digital who then proceeded to whoop their asses and destroy their operations! This jesus story like apocalypse from x-men reveal god(analog) is against money and made everything to be abundant and free! The hotel eventually giving james the presidential suite gives away also old king of earth returns home symbolism and how his whole home has been overtaken with chinese who will conspire to get him in trouble like in this video!)

-Come, Father.
Watch the rising of your son.
-The second that thing
hits the 38th parallel,(38th layer? holy moly i thought they were 12!)
we're going to hit them
with everything we got.
-That may not be enough.
-Do you see, Father?
Icarus is clearing the minefield,(at the antarctic desert)
creating a highway for our troops.(to exit and conquer more land outside the circle of earth!)
(Judging from the secret alien antarctic war in the 40s and 60s and all the military of all nations that is stationed in antarctica i suspect of a long ongoing war to be happening there!)

The medusa mask was shown also in this movie.

Both of the guys shown in this clip symbolize the lunar boss and one is dressed under a black hood like the lunar boss in ghost in the shell 2017 movie. That medusa mask is connected to all of our brains like the cerebro from x-men and lunar boss is using our brain processing power(like in dollhouse tv series) to calculate ways to defeat his enemies or escape them at least.

I had googled it long time ago if everything is water and had forgot the ancients who told it to our face.

So i just googled "All Is Water" and was blown away again.


"Thales declared water to be the nature of all things."

This next one quote from Thales blew me even further away!

"Thales declared that the earth rests on water"

From james bond die another day movie!

-A palace of ice.
You must feel right at home.
-This whole place was built
for tonight's demonstration.
I'm told the human element necessitates
a precise balance of heat and cold.
-Built on a lake?
I hope Graves got things right. 

Holy moly man i'm blown away how everything this james bond movie showed was based on truth!
All is water and earth kingdom is built on a lake, holy moly!

And all is doomed to melt like ice, damn!
(superman's home on earth in the 80s movie was also built on ice and was ice/water like frost's palace in james bond movie)

And above all, the family drama, a wife full of hate, a brainwashed corrupted son and a righteous father as useful as a fool.

The thales link i posted has mind blowing intel on all kind of things.
It even has intel of the well/bottomless pit but they have that as a subliminal saying how thales spent too much time looking at the stars and fell into a well which means "we spend too much time and get distracted by things above us and forget to take notice at the things around us/where live in/on and being unaware that we might be living inside a well or a sewer.


I'm amazed at the level of detail in this james bond movie!
at 3:11 after he gets liberated from north korea/earth they put him under quarantine knowing they have infected him with some very nasty stuff while there.

I was always worried if i was to escape to the outside world and infect them with the nasty worms within which agent smith revealed when next to morpheus people next to us can get infected by them just by breathing our stink.

Lunar queen M in that scene freed james bond before they finished purifying him.

Thales intel that earth rests on a lake and is floating like an iceberg on it it's the intel from escape plan that our prison/earth is a ship. Warship here in james bond movie which reminds me warship starkiller base earth from star wars.

Star wars wiki now says it's planet ilum.


"Ilum was an ice planet in the Unknown Regions(hidden like earth hahaha!), one of the main sources of the valuable Adegan crystals used in the construction of Jedi lightsabers. The caverns containing the crystals were long ago turned into a Jedi temple(solomon temple=earth intel!). Unlike the crystals of other planets, the crystals of Ilum were limited to blue and green in color. The planet was over ninety percent ice."(hahaha like james bond movie showed and huntsman winter's war, all is ice/frozen water here!)

From the starwarsthoughts link

"Ilum was a very important planet for the Jedi Order for thousands of years, being discovered before the Galactic Republic was even formed. The Jedi realized that the planet was rich with kyber crystals – the crystals that power lightsabers – and thus they made sure that the planet remained hidden away in the Unknown Regions. Only the Jedi knew the location, and eventually it became the place of a sacred ritual for younglings."

We have intel how we're all kids here and i have decoded how they keep us young and that is by never allow us to grow old, live for thousands of years like yoda and like in the old testament but keep resetting/go back to 0 every 60-80 years.

The sacred rituals for younglings remind me the moloch rituals and the one abraham almost did to his son. Even in star wars with anakin=kain/cain they showed to our face they slaughter the kids like cattle. 

Reading further down in the starwarsthoughts link it verified what i decoded in the comments of this thread

"And by the time Kestis arrived at the planet, just five years after the fall of the Galactic Republic, the Empire’s mining had borne such an effect on the planet that there was a noticeable trench-like look running across the equator, seen clearly from space. It looked like this:"

"Looks familiar, doesn’t it? That looks a lot like the foundations of Starkiller Base! Though it’s seen here at a different angle, you can note the similarities."

From the comments of this thread

"Another interesting intel this movie gave out

"I'll let you in on a little secret.
This mine is fake, but the lasers are real."

i think they tried to say this place's purpose is mainly a weapon like the starkiller base from star wars and the mining to be a secondary thing or a front to hide the true operations that go behind the scenes.
Also that would mean, they dont just drill anywhere but in specific places to further terraform earth into a weapon or a trap to welcome the returning king!

Wow that's some real dark f*cked up shit right there."

Damn i nailed it! like in planet ilum they dont mine, they terraform to turn the place into a weapon/starkiller base, aka the mining is a front to hide the abomination they build in plain sight!

In short they dont mine they sculpt!


  1. tan-sun=satan subliminal!
    Sun Tan = orange man bad

    DON'T LIKE THE ORANGE LOOK: President Trump Says The "Old Light Bulb" Is Better


    1. "The grandmother died at 31 which is the age 30-33 the lunar boss loves to change bodies/shed his skin for a new one!"

      Lunar boss is real hot stuff.

      Eddie Gilbert (Hot Stuff)


      February 18, 1995 (aged 33)
      Isla Verde, Puerto Rico

      Isla Verde = Green island


      Osiris, lord of the dead and rebirth. His green skin symbolizes rebirth.


      Hail the king of brotherly love/philadelphia.


      Official logo of Philadelphia:
      Ferryman bell

      Ancient Greek: φίλος phílos (beloved, dear) and ἀδελφός adelphós (brother, brotherly)
      Nickname(s): "Philly", "The City of Brotherly Love",
      "The Athens of America",
      and other nicknames of Philadelphia
      Motto(s): "Philadelphia maneto" ("Let brotherly love endure" or "... continue")

      "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert: King of Philadelphia Part 1

      Love me love my dog shirt reminds me how this place was turned upside down from gog haters to a place filled with doggie spas, doggie motels and doggie vending machines


      Ides sofrer como cães = You will suffer like dogs
      Which no longer applies
      Its all scripted


    2. gog haters = dog haters
      Typo corrected.

    3. Might as well add this one too.

      The Liberty Bell - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

      Bill Conti - The Final Bell (Rocky)

    4. Ice statue for Ronaldo in Russia in the same world cup for which they didnt summoned the player that scored the goal for Portugals only trophy victory in its history in the previous european cup even though the guy was playing and living in Russia, im gonna guess because he was black.


      Eder vs France ► This Is How Eder Won EURO For Portugal 2016 (English Commentary) UHD 4K

      Now its time for some ice baths with Ronaldo and Madonna, boy i really love those.

      Madonna - Frozen (Official Music Video)

      Cristiano Ronaldo - Recovery session Ice Bath | Football | Unscriptd


    5. Damn forgot all about madonna that sings it to our face that we're frozen.
      She also says "You only see what your eyes want to see" which reveals what scientists also say our eyes and brain show us only 1% of the world around us, aka they are hiding 99% of reality from us!

      By the way i dont trust our frozen forms as our real forms and suspect of this frozen intel to be clever programming so we never break truly free and be fooled of another layer of our prison to be freedom cause is trapped in ice and looks like a victim. They might have that layer of prison/form loaded with more bells and whistles so we get to like it like kids coming across candy and never suspect of it to be another layer.

  2. I updated this thread with new important intel especially at the video with the hotel of james bond where like jesus in the bible returns to his temple/home to find it overtaken by money people that refuse him access to his home without a credit card/rfid chip etc.

    It looks in that clip the chinese knew him like they used to be his servants and were expecting him and after they tried to screw him and failed they told him "this is chinese territory now"!

    Holy moly this is the intel i have decoded of the chinese planning to genocide all other races and steal all land making this entire place/earth chinese territory!

    Hela in thor ragnarok when returned to her kingdom was welcomed by a chinese leading military force that tried to kill her!
    All her people/old relatives were genocided and buried/hidden under asgard like the chinese have done and hidden under their desert the ancients they genocided there, and now they put fast growing trees on top of them to destroy evidence(after european archeologists went there and started digging and forbidden things were coming to light) that the chinese dont originate from china let alone earth!

  3. Holy moly just noticed the lunar queen's name that turns us into frozen statues after sex that i decoded in this thread is called Frost in this james bond movie, oh and her ice palace is built on a lake! That's the earth lake/map that is mostly water!
    She said
    "This whole place was built
    for tonight's demonstration."
    (which gives me the chills as this gives away she plans to destroy earth freeza style and doesnt give a damn about this place).

    Holy moly the lunar queen stayed well under the radar in this movie and all attention was on colonel moon/xerxes her puppet/pawn.

    When halle berry stabbed her heart she said "i think i broke her (frozen) heart.
    (Halle stabbed a book at the same time while stabbing her heart which is subliminal for killing the queen of digital/cold dead words!)

    Lunar queen Frost was shown to be an expert with swords which reminded me the similarly sword skilled wife of Odin from thor movies.

    That fool didnt know who he was messing with, if he didnt had help it would be like a mouse bumping on a python.

    I guess words and swords go hand in hand and why the queen of digital is an expert at both.

  4. Another interesting intel this movie gave out

    "I'll let you in on a little secret.
    This mine is fake, but the lasers are real."

    i think they tried to say this place's purpose is mainly a weapon like the starkiller base from star wars and the mining to be a secondary thing or a front to hide the true operations that go behind the scenes.
    Also that would mean, they dont just drill anywhere but in specific places to further terraform earth into a weapon or a trap to welcome the returning king!

    Wow that's some real dark f*cked up shit right there.

  5. I updated this thread with thales and aristotle intel and now i feel the need to see The Huntsman Winter's War movie again.
    0:48 the sun mirror! and thor breaks it at the end like glass!

    1:34 all is water/ice intel like the james bond movie revealed!
    The lunar queen says "i will bring fear into the humans" which gives away fear is what powers her cold and i exposed here anger=fire kills her fear=cold!

    The girl that escaped North Korea said her leaders were brainwashing the population on how lucky they are to live in North Korea and identical thing the lunar frost/freeza queen was telling to her people who she was kidnapping when were kids from the outside world, telling them
    "you are so lucky to be here"

    which is another sign that the north korean ruling family is the lunar boss family which james bond movie showed it to our face!

    I exposed in previous threads how all the giant human force kim jong un has behind computers all day for cyber espionage is actually for passing the script to other countries on what to do like the media that take all their orders on what to say from the same source, similarly all countries are taking their orders on how to operate and what to do next from the same source that is located in North Korea!

    I have decoded this huntsman movie long ago here
    by visiting this thread again, what caught my attention was this

    -This is the day for which...
    For which you were born.
    You will face an army of men
    who have never lost a war,
    men who have...
    Who have forgotten...
    ...what it means to be afraid.
    We will bring fear
    once again
    to Snow White's army.

    Again they twisted the truth, it's the snow white's army that is in fear, raised in fear, trained in fear like all parents and military around the globe do to the kids.

    The army of men without fear and that have never lost a war are xerxe's immortals/analog men who symbolize the massive force of the outside world where earth's army is like the 300 in the movie only even worse, it's 300 persians with piss on their pants about to face an infinite number of immortals/analog or just one guy/hela/neo but is god so it's the same as facing an endless invincible army!

    Same twist they did in newest star wars movie where they had god/neo/hela/dark emperor alone on earth fighting all by himself a massive force in the sky and now i see the hela intel when i flip the script around of one guy coming to earth and the entire earth up in arms to face one guy! hahaha!

    If the masses trained and expecting to face a massive alien force see only 1 guy and dont realize who he truly is, may neo/hela/dark emperor/odysseus have mercy on their soul.

    1. oh and in the newest star wars movie the dark emperor/god was killed by his grand daughter, where have i seen this script before?

      I had also decoded and exposed the 300 in 300 movie were the lunar scum and 300 persians as their queen was the whore lunar queen. And at the end all formed a metal sphere that symbolized our moon.

      So 300 persians=asians who symbolize earth's finite/digital force and are glorified in the 300 movie and in schools through history classes vs an endless immortal army of giants that symbolize the outside analog/infinite force.(they had leonidas next to xerxes in a scene showing the difference in size and how the outside immortals are giants, like that one giant guy leonidas cut his head off)

      It's not a question of who's going to win but if the lunar queen will manage to escape this time like in star trek first contact.

      In star wars 3 i think they said "the princess will not escape this time".

    2. Thank you mario but our princess is in another castle


    3. mario symbolizes the force that has been chasing the lunar queen all across the galaxy and like in mario, star trek and star wars she kept escaping capture the last minute!
      it's funny how the asians twisted that into a love story in mario lol.

      the princess escaped again here.

      it's shocking to realize in mario it was the princess herself that was running away from mario and bowser her puppet like xerxes to artemisia and colonel moon to Frost/freeza in james bond.

    4. In this music video she escapes with the rabbit which represents escaping though the rabbit hole/wormhole.

      ”Accidentally In Love” by COUNTING CROWS

      Watch as the guy is played like a fool/puppet while he is preparing breakfast for her.

      Down the Rabbit Hole


      Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd Escape from King Mondo and the Machine Empire

    5. MGS3 - Snake vs. The Boss (Extreme, CQC only)

      Lunar queen just like a snake keeps shedding old skins, old layers, old realities, old covers, old castles, old worlds, old hair colors, old husbands, old bodies, old dimensions for new ones.

      Negative Gemini - Different Color Hair (Official Music Video)

    6. From MGS3 ending above:
      "Theres only room for one boss and one snake."

    7. Matthew 8:20
      Jesus said, `Foxes have holes to live in. Birds have nests. But the Son of Man has no place to lie down to rest.'

      No place to lie down to rest/no cover/no layer/no hole/no castle/no castle/no dimension/no body.

      You can run but you cant hide.

      Van Helsing (2004) Find Magic Door of Dracula Palace Scene in Hindi (8/10) Spider Movieclips HD

  6. Just came across this video
    "And you thought your family had drama,
    no earthly family had to content with as much drama, conflict and backstabbing in one case literally as Odin, Hela, Thor and the rest of that royal/north korean ruling family of asgard/earth".

    I rofled so hard man and it's even more funny how that guy has no idea how all of humanity is caught right in the middle of that drama!

    From mad max fury road

    "All this for a family squabble."

    I had a lot of drama too in the family i grew up and let me tell you, your worst enemies and best friends come only from family members!

    If i was forced to relive this life events again altered carbon style and remembered the whole previous time i probably would have jumped off that balcony when i was 3 years old and my grandma was looking at me like i had jumped off of it before in a previous life.

    And i used to wonder when i was 3 why my grandma was so afraid i might jump off that balcony, i suspect it was the lunar boss/queen within her going "not again, i have erased your memories you little shit, you'll stay, suffer and feed me this time"

    1. when james bond was captured M told him you had your cyanide giving away through death we can get out of this digital prison anytime but i suspect we're wireless connected and death is a lie as if it was leading to freedom it wouldnt be allowed! We would be simply brains in a jar instead of brains with legs and hands that can self destroy/commit seppuku and i suspect we're already brains in a jar wireless connected to bodies for that exact reason so we are not able to do seppuku/destroy the first original prison that has us anchored to the digital world.

    2. damn evil within showed to our face that we're brains in a jar!
      lunar boss shows up saying
      "i created this digital world, you cannot keep me here"
      and by destroying that brain we pretty much do his bidding breaking him free.
      So much for the "better rule in hell/digital/sewer than serve in heaven/analog" he/she was promoting in darksiders and alien covenant.
      If he wants out like agent smith he doesnt believe his own lies.

    3. Original Metroid games had this as well. Mother brain was a brain in a Jar at the end of the first metroid.


      In later games they added legs after you defeated the first form in the Jar.


    4. Damn the wiki of mother brain has mind blowing intel!
      she's the lunar queen that betrayed earth when samus/odysseus/old king was away and had it conquered by space pirates=chinese who then she became the boss of them.
      She plans now to further use the space pirates/chinese to conquer more land/planets.
      Telling samus that she is her parent and then samus killing her is the intel using the loved ones of her enemies to kill them.

      In witcher 3 dlc the lunar queen showed up also as a leader of bandits/pirates and she killed her sister at the end by backstabbing who was a queen to take her kingdom.
      She had a powerful loved one/vampire who she was manipulating like a puppet to make horrible things until he found out and went after her to kill her. Ex husband zeus/odin symbolism.

      By the way note in thor movies odin's wife was as good with swords like hela and i found hilarious how the elf kind had hard time with her until his version of surtur showed up.
      It was a carbon copy scene from thor ragnarok.
      Odin's wife: you cant defeat me!
      Elf king: but he can!

      And like in mythology with good zeus and evil hera odin was the only one who could control hela like zeus to hera and when zeus/odin was taken out of the picture hera/hela was free to do whatever.

      Hera/hela used the son of odin loki to take him out of the picture like in movie wanted and bad boys for life.

    5. That's why in thor movies loki loved his mother and hated his father, it was odin's wife/hela behind like a mastermind planning to steal her husband's kingdom like hera and that evil wife queen from maleficent 2!

    6. "And i used to wonder when i was 3 why my grandma was so afraid i might jump off that balcony, i suspect it was the lunar boss/queen within her going "not again, i have erased your memories you little shit, you'll stay, suffer and feed me this time""

      Ive seen that script in a french movie::

      Mauvais esprit (2003) - Trailer

  7. https://abload.de/image.php?img=ckepyk4f.png



    1. "The Ju in Jujutsu refers to gentle and flexible. The gentle approach is underestimated and is subtle. This enables a person to maneuver and adapt with their enemies attacks and motions. This technique is most useful in written warfare. When you face written opposition the enemy often creates an opening for more attacks through their own words. This is mental Jujutsu"

      Must be why Johnny Cirucci has been wearing his Jiujitsu shirt on his recent livestreams, scripted reality is scripted.

      Cirucci Team Brief: How To Survive The Fiery Furnace

  8. "The speech by Pacino at the end of Devil's Advocate is dead on for what's going on too...

    ie "You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire. You build egos the size of cathedrals. Fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse. Grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold-plated fantasies until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own god. Where can you go from there? As we're scrambling from one deal to the next, who's got his eye on the planet? As the air thickens, the water sours, even the bees' honey takes on the metallic taste of radioactivity. And it just keeps coming, faster and faster. There's no chance to think, to prepare—it's "buy futures", "sell futures", when there is no future."

    The devil was telling people outright what he was doing. What's creepy when you look back too is the face morphing that the demons were doing in that movie, right before people started catching the shape-shifting stuff all over.
    And this was back in 97, before most anybody had any idea what the world would look like in 20 years. "


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