Digital Is The Knowledge Without Power Lex Luthor Was Talking About! Firing Up Is The Way Out!!!! Anger=Fire Kills Fear=Cold!

-Books are knowledge,
and knowledge is power
and I am...
No. Uh, um...
No. What am I? I...
What was I saying? No.
The bittersweet pain
among men
is having knowledge with
no power, because...
Because that is paradoxical!

And, um...
Thank you for coming.

I said before intelligence/knowledge is the only power and then was like "wait books are knowledge" and yet we never become superman/limitless no matter how much or many we read.

By the way superman symbolizing analog/limitless was given away here.

"I mean, here's an individual
who has unlimited power
yet did nothing to stop the bomber
just a few feet away from him."
(and his weakness was kryptonite which was shown to be also airborne in zod's spaceship and batman's smoke grenade which symbolizes this worm infested kingdom we live in, in maze runner 3 was shown of our air to have a deadly virus that is killing us softly)

Dark emperor in star wars yelled unlimited power too when he was killing windu.


So what i realized recently, there's 2 kind of knowledges, digital and analog and the reason we are weak/limited/powerless cause we are being fed digital knowledge all our lives(apart from the digital genetic modifications they've done to our bodies to mold and transform the sun within(chicken egg style) like they do to the bigger sun within the digital/matter layers). Oh and our food, air and water infected with worms symbolizes digital food too. So both brains top and bottom/krang are being fed digital constantly.

Similar to how people say (digital)knowledge is power and are wrong, people that say money is power are also wrong, as this kind of power is an illusion, it's a bubble like the stock market that can pop anytime.
I find interesting how both books and money are the same thing.

Books are words and words are numbers,
money are numbers too so books=money!
No wonder how books and money are tied together and how people read them to get money, see going to school, college etc all for the sake of earning money, but not power!
You study numbers, more numbers is what you'll get and numbers are dead/skeletons and worthless if they dont have a living fool(soul) behind believing in them to have value. All value of money is based on lies, human ignorance and stupidity. Same exact thing goes to digital knowledge which is numbers/idols just like money.

Shazam movie told it to our face, that money/numbers/books/digital is not real power!

-I'll give you anything.
The company.
You want the company?
-There it is.
Do you honestly think
all this material(digital)
you've accumulated
amounts to actual power?
This is power.
More than you ever had.
More than anyone has.
(they demonize analog/unlimited here like they did with the dark emperor)
-There is one more powerful.
The wizard
found his champion.
Kill the champion before he
learns his true (analog)potential,
or he will defeat you.

By the way this shazam clip shows the lunar family drama i have exposed countless times to the T like thor movies and north korean ruling family showed too.

Like in aquaman movie our traitor brother sits at the throne next to our false father(i suspect mother lilith is disguised as him like in dead silence movie) which is the wheel chair lunar boss(lunar queen on resident evil final chapter was on a wheel chair too).
Mark strong is getting revenge here for all the things they did to him when a child but i dont advise this behavior as the lunar queen plans to trick us into hurting our real family which is her enemy. We cant be fooled if we dont play.

I was watching a clip yesterday showing the difference between the male and female brain and the guy said when you think of something and add emotion to it it becomes eternal as you remember it forever and the reason he said women never forget cause they are very emotional and every memory is attached to emotion so it lasts forever.

So emotions are part of our analog self and that's why hulk and goku become godlike powerful when very angry.
I find interesting anger=fire, fear=cold and how dangerous fear is as it's freezing and killing the sun within. Fire and Fear are also synonym and fire causes fear which fears freezes/causes cold so i dont trust fire either and the reason the analog sun is covered in fire could be to keep it in fear and cold/frozen from fear/fire!

No wonder why they keep us in fear in this kingdom from young age. Kids dont work so how we keep them in anxiety and fear? Hurry and get them to school and stress them with tests and exams! Parents yell at them and hit them over any little thing, especially if they dont do good with the digital crap at school.
Add wars, pandemics and disasters to repeat constantly from time to time and bam your slaves will always be cold from the fear which will be keeping the analog sun within in check.

I suspect our soul gets trapped within the flesh similar to how they trap suns within layers of matter and that is by cooling us down, so if we were like goku and hulk find a way to make the sun within hotter the bubble prison that has been built all around it would fade in an instant like bubbles do!

All these layers are actually bubbles hahaha, how embarrassing for our analog sun within man, imprisoned and held down by bubbles???

Wow demolition man movie came to mind where our prison was shown to be literal ice/cold!

Imagine getting pissed a lot like goku or hulk, body raises its temperature, ice melts, bam you're free!
Wow i'm blown away man, firing up is the way out, hahaha!

(at 2:42 gohan should have yelled at freiza like the dark emperor "unlimited/analog power!" b*tch! lol)

Freiza the devil like lord chill before her symbolize cold the ancient and ongoing enemy of the analog sun and just like in this video to defeat him/her we have to fire up!
(i suspect they have ways to harvest our sun energy(like dr gero's robots did) as long the temperature is below a certain degree so firing up while i suspect might feed them more energy i also suspect would melt any device they use to milk us).

Anyways keeping us constantly in fear gives away they dont want a population too hot from love or anger but cold from the fear and neck deep in acid from the hate.

CNN is a glorious example how hard they try with every tool in their inventory especially with the media to keep the masses cold/cool from the fear!

Growing up in greece watching the news felt like we were going to war with turkey by dawn!
Teachers would come to school frightened from the media and trying to scare us too, next to all the stress and fear themselves were causing us if we didnt learn their digital crap good enough.

I wish i could go back to school and tell them

"Your knowledge is digital and it's crap! It's worthless like fiat money and you're a fool!"

I suspect for the bigger sun that is trapped within the 9-12 bubbles we call planets would take a collective effort to fire him up and make the bubbles around him melt into nothing, which means humans as a whole need to stop fear=cold and hate=acid(worms/digital thrive in acidic environments) and start loving each other and get angry at all the wrong things that going on here.

By the way anger kills fear!
In bootcamp the drill instructors could never get me scared and they tried so hard and failed every time cause every time they hazed me i would get very angry like hulk!

The whole platoon loved me for that and they were hazing me to extreme even when i had a broken fibula, i was doing jumping jacks on one leg, never in fear cause i was angry! Not angry at anyone just getting angry as i used to love the D.I.s and military back then.

Anger kills fear! Write that down guys! Add emotion(anger) to it too so you never forget it!(lol)
That advice kills medusa/freiza/lord chill and could be the most valuable i have given you so far!

I remember few months ago a giant spider sneaked in my room and to overcome my fear i became angry!

Get angry guys, get angry especially when the ruling scum of north korea/earth try to scare you!
It works wonders! It's like a miracle, fear goes away like turning up the heat in a cold room!

Wow how could i forget this bardock scene.

"Freeza=Cold=Digital=Worms I'm Going To Make You Pay!"

"Your Days Of Tyranny Are Over Forever!"

That's a legendary scene guys and he symbolizes our god father! The one the lunar queen will try to trick us into fighting him like in movie wanted with angelina jolie, star wars with father darth vader etc when he returns like odysseus, hela in thor ragnarok, apocalypse from x-men and finds his analog kingdom in a digital mess.
We're like the demi gods in mythology having 2 fathers, one from earth and one from outside/above.
(religions tell us the same thing calling god our father yet no one gets it!)

They put these things in cartoons to program us as impossible to accomplish in real life, yet analog/infinite/super sayan=sun energy is what we truly are, they call us batteries in matrix but when the batteries burn their whole cold world/digital hell we'll have the last laugh.

At 4:11 that's the cold moon vs the hot sun and lord chill has the sun in his head like in the egyptian statues.
The worm worshiping bastards that make these kind of cartoons love mixing things up and have their boss/queen win secretly under the radar. Bardock symbolizes also the pirate lunar boss that escaped to earth after he was defeated in space and lord chill who came after the savior that will get demonized as evil. The locals thought of lord chill as their savior when he arrived. Save them from what? From bardock who was already there. They had also false savior intel in that scene and religions warn us too of false saviors so i'm not planning to trust or count on anyone to save me but firing up and doing it myself.


  1. I remember women asking dr sebi "how can we overcome fear?", "get angry b*tch" dr. sebi should have replied.

  2. Haha you made me think back to my childhood as well, I used to be TERRIFIED of sleeping in the dark, until my abusive stepdad called me a weak coward and I was so angry pissed off at him that I didn't care how dark it was, if the boogey man appeared I'd get down there beat his ass then I'd become his boogie man

    That's essence of fighting spirit

    1. Yeap anger is the secret ingredient!
      If you google "how can we overcome fear?" entire essays and encyclopedias show up that play expert how to do it and go as far to say "embrace fear, accept it" and not once they mention the magic word, anger!

      By the way i updated this thread with the bardock vs lord chill scene which is super motivational, only thing they ruin it at the end by giving bardock secret cold force symbolism and lord chill fire/sun symbolism.

    2. True that. That's why they use guilt, fear and social isolation as their tools now. Look what it's done 2 whites with white guilt. These guys at pulling our strings like a great puppet master. But let's not forget that fear is real though. It's what stops us from being eaten by a lion and being in a world of pain lol

  3. You are absolutely right. At 44 years old I'm back in college training for marine engineering. I make the instructors angry by not allowing their fear to have any power over me. When one of them this year tried to tell the class that everyone that chooses this type of course wants to be a chief. To which I replied not me, I'm not in this for the money. It's messed up because when I started this path it was to work on a ferry so I could be closer to my real father. But seeing how the passengers are treated during this covid shit is making me second guess my decision. I don't wear a watch and hate time in general so I don't think I'm the lunar boss but it's almost as if I'm looking for him myself without even realizing. I can tell they are afraid of my ability to increase my temper rather quickly.

    When I was younger in high school someone came up from behind me and put me in a choke hold just long enough to piss me off. I wanted to hit them but they ran away so I hit the first rock I could find. Later that day I had a friend walk up to me and tell me I left my fist print in the rock. Prob a good thing he ran.

    1. Most negative people and bullies are acting upon the orders of the digital cold worms/demons within so firing up and getting extremely angry would sure make them crap their pants at the sight of anger/fire alone, just like in dbz! Where at that point you have already won.

      Majin buu's master came to mind by the way that was causing humans to fight each other so he can harvest their energy which now i have a good idea how he does it. When humans fight or even just argue they become very emotional, this is where and when they produce a lot of extra energy for harvesting.

      So getting emotional can indeed feed our enemies, so i would only use this method when necessary. They feast mainly on fear so by changing our emotion from fear to anger is a lot better than just producing fear. I bet fear to them tastes like cocaine while anger like garlic.

  4. I've noticed that the people that fear anger are the ones who are afraid to loose control. It's the very same people that will use one's kids against them in order to maintain the fake order.

    1. I just realized that even the word man implies digital analog. M being the digital wave before the an of analog.

  5. True fear also keeps us frozen in time/imprisoned. With that said never let the enemy freeze your brain and body just so they can wake you up in another time and place and do God knows what to you. I got Intel that the enemy loves 2 have their victims have "fake" premature deaths only 2 wake them up like Robocop to their new reality. Scary shit....

  6. Just read this thread now, you pulled a mixture of Alex Jones with the "You goota get mad" guy.

    NETWORK, Sidney Lumet, 1976 - I'm Mad As Hell and I'm Not Gonna Take This Anymore!

    Alex Jones Dubs Goku's Super Saiyan Transformation


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