Bad boys for life just blew me away!

It just showed the  intel of the lunar queen/satan tricking us into killing our own father like in movie wanted!!!(who we have no memory of as we dont remember we always existed and have more family than we know).

And that she's related to us too, here they had her as our mother.

I had decoded also in mythology hera the evil mother to symbolize the devil/lilith, zeus the good father and hercules the victim of hera us.

HeRa just like lucifer rebelled against zeus betrayed him like judas, imprisoned him and stole his throne in mythology/old religion!
Zeus eventually got free(but he got help for that, couldnt free himself on his own) got his throne back and punished hera.
Is hera planning to have us kill him so he/she escapes punishment?
More likely have us buy her time to escape.

I'm going back to finish the movie, damn it felt like i got hit with a brick.

It's mind blowing to see billions of humans expecting god to save them and god imprisoned might be hoping for us to save/free him.

I have intel from cowboy bebop that our father is imprisoned in the moon and the only way to free him is to blow up the moon.
This exact thing and liberation of father zeus by blowing up the moon was shown in cowboy bebop, and the lunar queen was there too as a girl in red revealing at the end how much she hates him.

 I imagine the lunar queen to have told our father in the moon like in altered carbon s2
"your sons will be looking at your prison and they'll keep walking, no one will come to save you".


In bad boys for life was shown the lunar queen wants our father to suffer by killing/torturing all his family and him watching. I suspect she might have him a good view on the moon to witness all the shit show she performs on earth mining/destroy his kingdom till it blows up krypton style too.

Bad boys showed the lunar queen was imprisoned too and escaped with the help of us.
Her prison symbolizes earth and us her ticket out of here.

Bad boys movie just called our evil mother a witch, santa muerte/holy death, a stone cold killer and that she's in some very dark shit, yeap cant get more blatant lunar queen/lilith/satan give away than this.

Oh oh oh and that we will be together/connected in symbiosis black goo venom style until we burn(the day of purification).

I know how to burn her out of me right now by the way hahaha, dont need to wait for purification day/purgatory etc, bone marrow samples editing and burn the rest with chemo.

I used to hate purgatory and see it as a trap and a scam, now i see the intel in it how we're all contaminated with satan's genes and one way to remove him/her and purify ourselves is like hercules burn him out of existence.

At the end that big ancient and ready to fall apart building with the glass dome symbolized earth and then the whole place caught on fire giving away that is also hell.
The son found out about his father at the end and our mom shot us to kill us to cause more pain to our father.

If you cant kill the father kill the son looks like to be her strategy plan.


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